Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 315: Three hundred and fifteenth

Chapter 315 Thank you, you at this moment

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo looked at each other first, and then reacted. Seeing their daughter's happy look, they became happy in their hearts.

And He Zikai, while having happiness in her heart, she also feels guilty for her daughter. She should have been by her side when she was born and gave her a warm home, but now the happiness is five years late, no wonder her daughter This moment is so happy, in her heart, she should have been looking forward to it for a long time, right?

Xiaomei, I'm sorry, it was Dad's fault.

Cheng Nuo looked at her daughter happy. At first she didn’t notice the affection in He Zikai’s eyes. When she noticed it, Cheng Nuo knew what He Zikai was thinking and said coquettishly, “Akai, today I’ll send it by myself on the last day. Xiaomei goes to school, tomorrow, we will send Xiaomei together."

"Well, every day from now on, I will send Xiaomei to school together." He Zikai replied Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Xiaomei was happier now, sat up from the bed, then stood on the bed and jumped up happily.

After the family washed up and went downstairs to eat breakfast, Cheng Nuo sent her daughter to school, and He Zikai went to He Yi.

After sending off his daughter, Cheng Nuo did not return to Lishui Bay and drove directly to Lishe Villa.

On the way, Cheng Nuo called Gong Yi, but still no one answered.

Cheng Nuo thought that Gong Yi should go to work, but he first went back to Lishe to take a look. If Gong Yi is sure he is not at home, he can come back first, and then go to Lishe in the afternoon. When he comes back in the evening, he will talk to him again. . Latest and fastest update

Upon arriving at Lishe, Cheng Nuo got off the car and saw that the garage door was not closed and Gong Yi's car was there.

Cheng Nuo was sure that Gong Yi was at home.

Cheng Nuo quickened his pace and walked to the villa.

The door was locked with a code. Cheng Nuo knew the code, opened the door and walked straight to the living room.

When Cheng Nuo saw Gong Yi sitting on the sofa in the living room, Cheng Nuo's heart instantly felt indescribable.

It's not a painful feeling, but a feeling I've never had before.

"Sit down." Gong Yi said when he saw Cheng Nuo coming over.

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo responded, sat down on the sofa on one side, looked at Gong Yi again, and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

"Well, I have eaten it." Gong Yi replied, his tone has been very calm.

Cheng Nuo nodded, suddenly didn't know what to say next, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became awkward.

"Nuo Nuo." Gong Yi yelled affectionately, his tone still very flat, "I want to ask you a few questions."

I waited for her to come back early in the morning, but there was no expectation, joy, joy in my heart, and I knew clearly what to say and make decisions for this meeting.

Because for more than an hour at noon that day, He Zikai said that he now has his own ideas and practices in his heart.

"Well, you said." Cheng Nuo nodded, motioned to Gong Yi and said.

"Do you love He Zikai, very much?" Gong Yi asked. He knew the answer in his heart, but he still wanted to ask.

"Well, I love it very much." Cheng Nuo replied firmly, facing her heart, she felt at ease in every word she said.

"Want to live with him?" Gong Yi continued to ask, his tone was calm, not indifferent, nor gentle.

Cheng Nuo looked at Gong Yi and answered, "Yes."

auzw.com"Go upstairs and pack your and Xiaomei's luggage." Gong Yi said, his expression was very indifferent, and at the end he added, "Before I change my mind, leave quickly."

"Now, Cheng Nuo was surprised. Looking at Gong Yi, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Gong Yi, I" Cheng Nuo wanted to say that he hadn't told him clearly what was in his heart, and the most important thing was that he hadn't apologized to him. Everything was his fault.

But before the words came out, Gong Yi interrupted.

"Hurry up." Gong Yi's tone became harder, with a commanding feeling.

Cheng Nuo's eyes were red, but think about it, since this is Gong Yi's decision and what he hopes in his heart, then he should do what he said.

Cheng Nuo went upstairs and simply packed away his and her daughter’s belongings. The only important thing is that Cheng Nuo took out her cosmetic bag from the drawer, opened it, and confirmed that the small box was inside. Then she put away her makeup again. Bag, put it in the suitcase.

I have not forgotten the gifts my mother-in-law gave me back then, and kept the gifts very well.

Cheng Nuo went downstairs with a suitcase, instead of leaving the villa directly, he walked to Gong Yi and stood still.

"Gong Yi, thank you." Cheng Nuo couldn't say anything to apologize at this moment, but wanted to show less sadness at the end of leaving, and hope that Gong Yi would not be sad either.

Thank him for letting go, thank him for his tolerance, and thank him for forgiving himself for not following the agreement.

"Let's go." Gong Yi simply said two words, looking at the coffee table in front of him, not to see Cheng Nuo.

I'm really afraid, I'm afraid I can't help it suddenly and will stop her.

What He Zikai said that day kept echoing in her mind.

Cheng Nuo moved his lips. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak. At this moment, the atmosphere was completely unexpected before he came.

"Gong Yi, you must live better than me." Cheng Nuo held back the tears in his eyes, did not flow out, finished speaking, turned around, and walked towards the door with his suitcase.

Listen to the footsteps, the rolling sound of the suitcase wheels.

Just as Cheng Nuo opened the door and was about to go out, Gong Yi suddenly looked at Cheng Nuo's back and said, "Nuo Nuo, remember, go see my parents with Xiao Mei when you have time."

This was his only last request, let her go, and Nuno would never be by his side again.

I can bear my own pain, but my parents hope that they will not bear the pain of parting.

"Well, it will." Cheng Nuo stopped, did not turn around, and answered Gong Yi's words.

The palace family is kind to themselves and their daughter. Even if they don’t stay with Gong Yi in the future, Gong Yi is still the person who cares about most besides Zi Kai in his heart. He is still Xiaomei’s palace father. My most respected elders, Xiaomei's grandparents.

After waiting for a long time, Cheng Nuo didn't hear Gong Yi say anything else, stepped up and left the villa.

Gong Yi stood up, until Cheng Nuo's back disappeared, Gong Yi did not take back his sight.

Hearing the sound of the car leaving in the yard, until the sound of the car completely disappeared, Gong Yi went black and fell straight down.

Cheng Nuo was sitting in the car, holding the steering wheel in both hands, tears still flowed out in despair, crying very sadly.

"Gong Yi, thank you, thank you for protecting me and loving me when you let go, and letting my apology and non-compliance with the agreement not be spoken out."

"If you never meet Zi Kai again in your next life, you are the only one who treats me well, I will give you an answer in return."

"Gong Yi, thank you for your childhood, thank you for the past five years, and thank you even more for you at this moment."


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