Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 344: Three hundred and forty four

Regulations 344 Xiaonuo, your face is so red

"Yeah. The latest and fastest update" Cheng Nuo nodded, and helped her daughter pull the quilt.

"Go to sleep, we are with you." He Zikai said to his daughter, with love in his eyes.

"Well, Dad, Cheng Xiaonuo, good night and good night." After Cheng Xiaomei said, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

"Good night." Cheng Nuo said.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo stayed with their daughter until after the daughter fell asleep, they left the daughter's room and returned to the master bedroom.

Cheng Nuo closed the door of the master bedroom, before turning around, he was taken into his arms by someone's long arms.

"Nuoer." He Zikai hugged Cheng Nuo tightly, the space that belonged to the two of them, this moment finally arrived.

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo raised his head and looked at He Zikai affectionately.

He Zikai leaned down and sealed Cheng Nuo's lips. Then, the passion that had already been restrained on the edge gradually burst out.

This night, the night belonging to the two, is full of affection.

At the beginning of the new day, Cheng Nuo got up to wash up after the alarm sounded, and then went to the next room to wake her daughter up.

Cheng Xiaomei squinted her eyes, half awake and half sleepy, letting Mommy dress herself.

"Hey, Cheng Xiaonuo, why are you wearing a silk scarf around your neck today? Are you going to go shopping?" Cheng Xiaomei will be a little more sober, only to notice that Mommy is wearing a light blue silk today. Towel, he asked out puzzledly.

When Cheng Nuo heard her daughter's question, his face instantly turned red.

Why wear a silk scarf? Not all of He Zikai’s masterpieces. I only noticed the traces He Zikai had left on her body last night when she took a bath in the morning. He was very upset, but there was no way, so he could only cover it with conservative clothes and silk scarves.

"Um, I" Cheng Nuo hesitated to explain to her daughter when he heard the voice at the door.

"I will take your mom out today, so she needs to dress up." He Zikai answered her daughter's question, and stepped towards her bedside.

"Oh." Cheng Xiaomei looked at Dadbi who came over, and answered dumbfoundedly, her eyes turned back to look at Mommy, still a little puzzled, "Cheng Xiaonuo, your face is so red."

Now Cheng Nuo is even more embarrassed, really want to find a hole to go in.

"Get out of bed, brush your teeth and wash your face." Cheng Nuo said, not planning to answer her daughter's questions, and took her out of bed and let her wear shoes to wash herself.

"Oh." Cheng Xiaomei answered again. Seeing that Mommy didn't mean to continue talking to herself, she walked to the small bathroom in her room.

Seeing her daughter go to wash, He Zikai stood next to Cheng Nuo, stretched out her hand, took Cheng Nuo's hand, and felt the temperature from the palm of her hand.

Cheng Nuo's other hand was not held, and raised up, with a trace of annoyance, and patted He Zikai's chest twice. Latest and fastest update

"I blame you." Cheng Nuo pouted, and although what he said meant to blame, his face was all coquettish.

The corner of He Zikai's mouth rose slightly, and he said softly, "Well, blame me, but it is legal for my woman to put my seal on it."

"You" Cheng Nuo wanted to defend himself, but he said a word in a hurry, and then he didn't know what to say.

I felt very clear last night, because I loved him, so I enjoyed every moment with him.

In the end, Cheng Nuo lowered his head and said, "I'm going to see Xiaomei," and then left He Zikai.


He Zikai looked at the little woman rushing away from her back, not angry, but thought she was cute, as cute as his daughter.

Two of their beloved women, by their side, are very satisfied and happy.

After breakfast, after He Zikai and Cheng Nuo sent their daughter to the kindergarten, they went to do other things.

Cheng Xiaomei carried a small schoolbag and walked to the classroom, but before reaching the door of the classroom, she saw Qin Yan walking towards her.

"Xiaomei." With a small bag in his hand, Qin Yan walked towards Cheng Xiaomei.

"Brother Qin Yan." Cheng Xiaomei smiled at Qin Yan happily, and gradually stopped.

Qin Yan walked to Cheng Xiaomei and stood still, then picked up the small bag in his hand and handed it to Cheng Xiaomei, "Here you are, strawberry flavored sandwich cake, your favorite."

"Well, thank you Brother Qin Yan." Cheng Xiaomei happily took the small bag in Qin Yan's hand.

I used to play with Qin Yan and other friends in Ottawa. Qin Yan knows that he loves strawberry-flavored layer cake.

"It's okay, Xiaomei." Qin Yan laughed happily when he saw the smile on Cheng Xiaomei's face.

When I was in Ottawa, I often saved my change, either buying cakes for this little girl or buying ice cream. Now in Westport City, I would do the same, because satisfying the little girl's snack desire has become a habit.

"Hehe." Cheng Xiaomei looked at Qin Yan with a smile, and inadvertently noticed Long Yixi who was fierce not far away.

Immediately, Cheng Xiaomei's smile gradually disappeared, and she also remembered that she had promised Long Yixi before and promised him not to be close to Qin Yan, but now this should not be considered close, right?

Qin Yan noticed the change in Cheng Xiaomei's expression and followed her gaze. When she saw Long Yixi, her whole face became angry.

Long Yixi just stared at Qin Yan angrily for a long time, then took a look at Cheng Xiaomei, then turned back to the classroom.

Cheng Xiaomei and Qin Yan said goodbye, returned to the classroom, sat in her seat, did not go to Long Yixi who was not far away, happily took out the cake box from the small bag, opened it, and started eating cake.

Long Yixi looked at Cheng Xiaomei as soon as she entered the classroom, never looking away.

Watching her eating cakes, so happy, so enjoying the delicious way, Long Yixi's heart was mad.

Qin Yan buys her cakes and can do it by herself. From now on, she will buy them for her every day. In this way, will she be better than Qin Yan?

On the other side, in the VIP room of a beauty center, there is a woman sitting on the soft sofa, and there is no beautician in the entire room.

At the entrance of the beauty center, as soon as Li Fangqiong got off the car, the owner of the beauty center greeted him.

"You are finally here." The owner of the beauty center is a woman, as old as Li Fangqiong. Seeing Li Fangqiong is here, as if his heart has finally been let go, he greets her.

"Where is Sister Yu?" Compared to the boss' mood, Li Fangqiong was a little nervous, and the hand carrying the bag was shaking constantly.

"Waiting for you in the private room." The boss replied.

Li Fangqiong did not speak any more, and went to the private room under the leadership of the waiter.

Standing at the door of the private room, Li Fangqiong didn't go in immediately. Instead, he sorted out his emotions for a while before knocking on the door, hearing the answer inside, and pushing the door open and walking in.

"Sister Yu." Li Fangqiong stood not far from Zuo Yu, bowed his head and greeted respectfully.

Sister Yu has been in Xigang City for so long, and today is the first time I have met with her, and I knew the content of the discussion in my heart, so I was very scared.


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