Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 345: Three hundred and forty five

Chapter 345 Are you ordering me?

When Zuo Yu heard Li Fangqiong's greetings, he did not turn around to look at Li Fangqiong. Instead, he got up, walked up to Li Fangqiong, and then looked at her. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

The room was very quiet. Suddenly, there was a "pop", and the crisp sound echoed throughout the room.

Due to Zuo Yu's great strength, Li Fangqiong slapped his face, his center of gravity was unstable, his whole body tilted and fell to the ground.

Li Fangqiong lay on the ground, enduring the fiery pain on his face, staring at the floor, not daring to say a word, not even breathing for a moment.

Zuo Yu put his hand in the pocket of black slacks, looked at Li Fangqiong's profile, and cursed, "Trash."

Li Fangqiong was silent for a long time before moving her lips and saying, "I'm sorry, Yu, I am incompetent, I didn't find anything."

Listening to Li Fangqiong's words, Zuo Yu became even more angry. He never raises useless people. There should be no waste around him.

Suddenly, Zuo Yu took out his gun skillfully and pointed it at Li Fangqiong. His eyes were full of murderous intent. Looking at Li Fangqiong on the ground, the reason in his mind was confronting with action.

In the end, sanity prevented the action and did not shoot.

Although she didn't get things done, she still has a relationship with Qi Yuheng. She is He Tianyu's mother.

"Is the thing definitely not in the mansion?" Zuo Yu asked while putting away the gun.

Li Fangqiong watched Zuo Yu put away the gun, and then his body gradually stopped shaking. At that moment, he was really ready to die.

"Well, no, I have searched for almost six years, but I haven't found it." Li Fangqiong said with certainty this time. Over the years, carrying the old fellow He Peixu and He Cheng on his back, he almost rummaged the entire mansion. Found it, so the thing should not be in the mansion.

Zuo Yu shifted his gaze to the window, not doubting Li Fangqiong's words, just where is that thing?

If you get it, the power you control will be beyond imagination, and you can even control all Mo Kuang's power.

Mo Kuang gave his most beloved woman the most precious thing back then, huh, he must take it away. That thing can only belong to him. Only oneself can be worthy of being Mo Kuang's favorite woman, the only woman, only one can .

"Get up." Zuo Yu was not as angry and impulsive as he was at first, and while sitting down on the sofa again, he also said to Li Fangqiong.

"Well, thank Sister Yu." Li Fangqiong slowly got up from the ground and sat on the sofa opposite Zuo Yu, but he didn't dare to touch his face with his hands, so he could only let his face hurt.

The two sat face to face, the atmosphere was not as cold as before, talking what they wanted to say.

"Since you are not in the mansion, where will you be?" Zuo Yu's words were speculation, but the essence was to ask Li Fangqiong.

Li Fangqiong thought about it, "I can't think of it. The only possibility is that the old fellow He Peixu knew the role of the token and took it by himself."

Zuo Yu didn't quite agree with Li Fangqiong's words, "He shouldn't know."

What Mo Kwong gave to Bai Wanjing, even if Bai Wanjing had a clear consciousness, she would not tell He Peixu, Mo Kwong's beloved woman, she knew about it carefully back then, she would not do it.

auzw.com was denied by Zuo Yu, and Li Fangqiong couldn't think of other possibilities.

"Will it be in He Zikai's hands?" Zuo Yu guessed.

"Probably not." Li Fangqiong is not very sure, but what he said is 80% certain, and continues to explain, "He Zikai has not lived in a mansion for many years. He has not had much contact with that vixen, and Every time He Zikai returns to the mansion to see that woman, I observe his emotions. He has never had any unusual emotional reactions, so he should not be in He Zikai's hands."

In the past few years, besides looking for it by myself, I also noticed He Zikai a long time ago, but every time He Zikai returned to the mansion and left, he would pay special attention to it and never found any suspicious points.

Zuo Yu believed Li Fangqiong's analysis, but apart from this possibility, he temporarily couldn't think of other possibilities.

Afterwards, Zuo Yu changed the subject and said, "Bai Wanjing was on the shore of Lishui Bay recently."

"It is estimated that because of my medication, He Zikai cares more about the fate of the fox, and wants to take care of her personally." Li Fangqiong continued Zuo Yu's words.

Zuo Yu had such thoughts in his heart, think about it, and continued to ask, "That Cheng Nuo, do you understand?"

He Zikai's legal wife, as well as his daughter, have always been "at heart".

"A slut, who seduce He Zikai by virtue of her beauty, and He Zikai still loves her to the death." Speaking of Cheng Nuo, Li Fangqiong's words were all verbal abuse and anger, because her son was also confused by that slut, so My hatred for that **** has reached its extreme, and maybe one day an impulse will kill that woman with his own hands.

"Humph" Zuo Yu snorted coldly, his eyes became cold, "Such a vase woman, although not interested, but when appropriate, she and her child will be the best way to threaten He Zikai."

Since He Zikai was born, I have been paying attention to his affairs. Because he is Bai Wanjing’s son and the person Mo Kuang cares about, I will also care about He Zikai’s excellence, indifference, and decisiveness, so I can’t find any of his shortcomings and Not enough, but people always have weaknesses. After five years of time consumption, I am sure that Cheng Nuo and her children are He Zikai's weaknesses.

Therefore, powerful people are not afraid of themselves, because there is a method called weak underbelly attack.

Li Fangqiong nodded and agreed with Zuo Yu's thoughts, "Yes, we can keep that pair of mother and daughter."

Li Fangqiong was very happy. It turned out that no one is completely powerful. No matter how high he is, He Zikai can stretch out his hands to cover the sky, but there will be weaknesses and loopholes. This is the best way to attack him.

Just as Li Fangqiong continued to be happy, he suddenly heard Zuo Yu's words, and his expression immediately changed.

"He Tianyu, life has been pretty good these days." Zuo Yu said indifferently. Every day he received reports from his subordinates about He Tianyu, so he naturally knew He Tianyu's life.

Li Fangqiong opened his eyes wide and looked at Zuo Yu incredulously, his teeth trembling, "Yu, sister Yu, what do you mean?"

His son has nothing to do with everything he did. Why did Zuo Yu stare at his son?

Zuo Yu raised his eyes, glanced at Li Fangqiong, and said quietly, "You and Qi Yuheng's son should not lead a normal life."

With a "bang", Li Fangqiong felt like he had been shot in his heart, and immediately stood up and looked at Zuo Yu.

"Sister Yu, no matter what the lives of Qi Yuheng and I are, it's not about Tianyu's affairs. Tianyu doesn't know about everything. He has not been involved in our circle, so don't do anything to him." Li Fangqiong was excited. To say.

If He Zikai's weakness is Cheng Nuo and his daughter, then his weakness is his son.

Zuo Yu looked at the excited person in front of him with a plain gaze, and said slowly, "Are you ordering me?"


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