Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 346: Three hundred and forty six

Chapter 346 Tianyu, someone is following us

Looking at Zuo Yu's gaze, Li Fangqiong immediately reduced his emotions and showed respect, "No, no, I just hope that Sister Yu, let Tianyu go, he is innocent. The latest and fastest update"

"Innocent?" Zuo Yu repeated, "Every project of Zhongsheng Group has touched the law. Do you think your son is innocent?"

He knows all the information he has obtained and everything He Tianyu currently has.

Li Fangqiong stopped talking. In fact, although his son did not know the details very well, he knew the general situation in his heart.

Seeing that Li Fangqiong didn't mean to answer, Zuo Yu continued, "If He Tianyu can cooperate with me, I will guarantee that nothing will happen to him in his lifetime."

Hearing these words, Li Fangqiong's whole body trembled suddenly, and then immediately shook his head, "No, Tianyu can't cooperate with you, no."

Zuo Yu's methods and handling of things, he couldn't be more clear, he couldn't let himself be with such a dangerous person, no.

Zuo Yu didn't expect Li Fangqiong to answer so quickly and simply, squinting at Li Fangqiong, waiting for her to continue.

"Sister Yu, Tianyu is still just a child, don't let him get into our circle." Li Fangqiong restrained a little, and said to Zuo Yu beggingly.

"However, his relationship with He Zikai is so good that it would be a waste not to come to our side." Zuo Yu replied.

He Zikai’s two best brothers, Song Jingye and He Tianyu, knew that Song Jingye’s side would not work. The relationship between the Song family and the He family, and the friendship between Song Jingye and He Zikai surpassed brotherhood, so only He Tianyu would let him Stand by your side and deal with He Zikai together.

Although He Zikai is a weak person, it is not easy to deal with him. He needs to combine greater strength, and he needs to plan carefully before he can act, otherwise, he will be defeated in a mess.

Listening to Zuo Yu's affirmative tone, Li Fangqiong kept shaking his head, expressing that he disagrees, but he dared not say anything, for fear that Zuo Yu would draw his gun and kill him if he spoke.

Zuo Yu ignored Li Fangqiong's movements and continued, "Tell you something happy."

Li Fangqiong stopped shaking his head when he heard Zuo Yu's words, looked at Zuo Yu, and waited for her words.

"Qi Yuheng will come to Xigang City the day after tomorrow." Zuo Yu said calmly and added, "He will come back with his own unique medicine."

This time, Li Fangqiong's eyes opened wider than before, and he couldn't accept the news from Zuo Yu in his head.

Qi Yuheng came to Xigang City? He said before that he would not come to Westport again, he would not **** his son with himself, but now, why does he come back? Even if you want to help Zuo Yu, you can do it abroad. What Zuo Yu wants is his medicine, not anything else.

Seeing Li Fangqiong's shocked look, Zuo Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth and continued, "There is another news. The latest and fastest update"

Li Fangqiong's expression did not change at all, looking at Zuo Yu.

"Mo Kuang, I'm coming back."

In the afternoon, Zhongsheng Group, He Tianyu sat in the office, signed the last document, and was about to get up and go to the lounge next to him for a short break when the mobile phone on the desk rang.

He Tianyu stopped when he got up and took a look at the phone. The word "yiyi" was displayed on it.

He Tianyu answered the phone, put it in his ear, "Yiyi"

"Tianyu, are you in Zhongsheng?" Mu Yiyi's voice came over the phone.

"Well, in the office." He Tianyu replied in a gentle tone.

auzw.com Five years ago, I met Mu Yiyi on a blind date. At that time, I only had Nono in my heart and had no interest in Mu Yiyi at all, but Mu Yiyi’s personality made me not reject this girl. At first I met ordinary friends, and later became good friends. Until now, I am very fortunate to have such a friend.

"I'm downstairs in Zhongsheng, do you want to come down?" Mu Yiyi said, with a slight smile in his voice.

He Tianyu frowned slightly, but it only took a few seconds to return to his normal expression, and said to the phone, "Well, I will come down immediately."

Hanging up, He Tianyu picked up his coat and car key, left the office and went downstairs.

Today's Mu Yiyi is wearing a khaki dress, with big curls and waves scattered, and the whole person looks exceptionally beautiful.

He Tianyu approached Mu Yiyi, his eyes kept on her.

"It didn't interrupt your work, did you?" Mu Yiyi asked with a smile. He also finished his work nearby, just passing by Zhongsheng Group, and stopped the car and called him.

"No, just finished." He Tianyu answered Mu Yiyi, with a smile on his face.

"Then, can you accompany me for a walk on the beach?" Mu Yiyi asked, looking at He Tianyu expectantly in his eyes, and there was no such thing as a spoiled expression on his expression.

Looking at Mu Yiyi, her beautiful appearance is almost the same as that of Nono, very pure and unpretentious, and now that she understands her, the feeling she gives to herself is more and more real and warm.

"Yeah." He Tianyu nodded and agreed, "take my car, and I will find someone to take your car back."

"Good" Mu Yiyi answered happily.

The two got into the car. After Mu Yiyi fastened his seat belts, He Tianyu started the car and drove towards the seaside of Xigang City.

Along the way, He Tianyu drove the car while chatting with Mu Yiyi.

"She, has returned to your uncle?" Mu Yiyi asked, having been with He Tianyu for so many years, he knew everything about him and Cheng Nuo, and he also told himself all the things that happened recently, because He is his best friend.

"Well, she took their daughter and returned to the shore of Lishui Bay." He Tianyu replied, looking forward instead of looking at Mu Yiyi.

What I learned from Jiayi, I originally thought I would collapse and would impulsively do something. How could Nuonuo have an uncle’s child? But when he knew everything, he was surprisingly calm. He didn't hate his uncle. He didn't have much thoughts about Nono and their children. Instead, he felt that they are a family and should be together.

With such thoughts, even I was shocked by my own thoughts.

So, is your heart really let go?

Mu Yiyi turned his face, looked at He Tianyu, and said, "Tianyu, the person she loves should always be your uncle. That's why he gave birth to their children despite the hard work. Now, he has returned to her home. ."

"Yeah." He Tianyu answered, did not say too much, but thought too much in his heart.

From the time when Nono came back to the present, all things are enough to prove Nono's love for his uncle, and their love, although it hurts my eyes, it also makes myself understand some things.

If it is the life and happiness that Nono wants, shouldn't you respect her choice?

Mu Yiyi knew that He Tianyu hadn't completely let go of his heart yet. He loved someone deeply. Even if he didn't belong to him, he wouldn't forget it all at once. Letting go of the love in his heart, these expressions of relief require the accumulation of time.

Just as Mu Yiyi turned and sat up straight, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the rearview mirror outside the co-pilot and noticed a car behind him.

This car, I seem to have seen it when I left Zhongsheng Group, and it is also behind Tianyu’s car, but this will

"Tianyu, someone is following us." When Mu Yiyi realized it, he immediately said to He Tianyu.


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