Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 389: Three hundred and eighty-ninth

Chapter 389 The World Belongs to You

He Xiaomei has He Jiayi on one side and Gong Dad on the other. Her sister and Gong Dad take care of the meal. He Xiaomei ate very happily. Latest and fastest update

After eating for a while, He Xiaomei was a little thirsty and wanted to drink water, but she looked at the Coke in the glass in front of her, and the juice in the glass of sister Jiayi next to her, suddenly she wanted to drink juice again.

"Sister Jiayi, I want to drink some juice." He Xiaomei said.

He Jiayi heard He Xiaomei’s words and saw that there was an empty cup next to her. She wanted to take the empty cup to pour her sister a new glass of juice so that she could drink it regardless of whether she wanted to drink juice or Coke. But then He Jiayi found it troublesome again. Move his cup to my sister.

"Well, sister's drink for you." He Jiayi said, anyway, it is a family, Xiao Mei drinks it by herself, she doesn't mind.

Seeing her sister let her own juice to drink, He Xiaomei happily moved her cup to her sister's side and said to her sister, "Well, sister, you also drink my Coke, I allow you to drink it. of."

"Well, sister will drink later." He Jiayi said with a smile.

"Hee hee" He Xiaomei happily picked up the juice cup, took two sips, and continued to eat.

Qin Yan sat across from He Xiaomei and saw He Xiaomei and Jiayi’s sister changing cups. He also exchanged cups with her dad. He drank his dad’s juice and then drank some of his own Coke, watching He Xiaomei while eating. .

The adults have not eaten enough, and the two children are already full. He Xiaomei and Qin Yan left the table and went to the balcony in the private room to play games with their dad's mobile phones.

"Shaoqin, don't you leave Xigang City for the time being?" Cheng Nuo asked Ji Shaoqin.

"Well, I recently applied for a job in a hospital and worked in the pharmacy department. I won't leave Xigang City in a short time." Ji Shaoqin answered Cheng Nuo's words with a smile.

Cheng Nuo nodded.

"If the sisters want to meet in the future, please come directly to my studio. The lounge of my studio is where we meet." He Jiayi said happily.

Upon hearing He Jiayi's suggestion, Cheng Nuo first looked at each other with Ji Shaoqin, and then at Gu Yao and An Xiaoqi, as if everyone had no opinion.

"Okay, anyway, Nuonuo and I are not busy at work, so we went to Jiayi studio to shop and make some clothes by the way." Gu Yao said with a smile.

After speaking, Gu Yao looked at Song Jingye next to him, and stared at him with his gaze.

"Well, you can be happy." Song Jingye said, seeing the smile on Yaoyao's face at the moment, she was also happy in her heart. What she wants to do, just do it. I support her, as long as she is happy. it is good.

Gu Yao smiled and turned her gaze away. She didn't dare to look at Song Jingye a few more times. She was afraid that she could not control her and the heart that had sealed her love collapsed again.

"I also agree." Cheng Nuo stated.

"Usually I have time on weekends and can make appointments." An Xiaoqi also stated.

"Since you all have no opinion, then I have no opinion either." Ji Shaoqin said with a smile.

He Jiayi was happiest in her heart, and now she was thinking about how she would entertain the sisters together afterwards.


"Zi Kai, among us, as the most capable and worthy people, do you think we should invest in Jiayi’s studio to make the studio bigger? In this way, a few of us want to engage in other activities, The space is also big enough." Gu Yao suddenly looked at He Zikai and said, actually in her heart he wanted to make a joke about He Zikai. Seeing that he sits there tonight and talks very little, it would be a lively atmosphere to raise such things.

Hearing Gu Yao’s suggestion, He Jiayi also nodded, "Yes, uncle, I originally only wanted to open a studio, but now it seems that the space is really small, I don’t know you."

He Jiayi didn't finish her words afterwards, but she knew that her uncle was clear.

"Yeah." He Zikai nodded, "You can think about it."

Cheng Nuo was about to turn around to look at the man next to him, but before turning around, he felt the man's big hands hugging him around his waist.

Turning around, Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai, and listened to He Zikai before he spoke.

"I will buy all the place next to Jiayi's studio, and I will keep it under Nuoer's name. I will open a private club for you. It will not be open to the public. It will only give you free space for fun. There is your world. "He Zikai said that he would naturally take care of things related to his women, and would make better and more satisfying results for them.

"Really?" Gu Yao was obviously surprised. He didn't expect to make a joke, He Zikai took it seriously and made such a decision.

"Yeah." He Zikai nodded.

Song Jingye finished answering in He Zikai, and then said, "Since the site will belong to my sister-in-law, I will invest in the decoration of the clubhouse. What style do you like, tell Yaoyao, I will let the decoration company listen to Yaoyao's advice. ."

Gu Yao was even more surprised now, looking at Song Jingye, she couldn't say a word for a long time.

It's not that he has never been touched by himself, but today in front of so many people, he made such a decision without warning. It is false that his heart is not moved.

"It seems that today is a scene of two couples showing their affection." Qin Han said with a smile on the side.

Others understand that the two men who are calling for the wind and the rain in Xigang City are doing things for their beloved women, so Cheng Nuo and Gu Yao have obviously become An Xiaoqi, Ji Shaoqin, and He Jiayi in their hearts. People.

At this time, the two little people on the balcony, tired of playing games, sat on the small stools on the balcony, looking at the scenery outside.

"Xiaomei, why does Long Yixi always follow you?" Qin Yan asked, thinking of Long Yixi in his heart at the moment, his face immediately became angry.

"Because he is my little follower." Cheng Nuo replied naturally.

Long Yixi was originally his little attendant, and he was still a good friend of his own, so he would often follow behind him and stay close to him.

Qin Yan pursed his mouth, thought for a moment, turned his head, looked at He Xiaomei seriously, and said, "Xiaomei, in the future, can you not let Long Yixi follow you? I can help you do whatever you need."

He Xiaomei didn't answer Qin Yan immediately, she thought about it for a while, then looked at Qin Yan with firm eyes, and said, "Brother Qin Yan, it might not work, Long Yixi is my friend, he should be by my side."

Qin Yan was disappointed when he heard He Xiaomei's words, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only keep silent.

Around the dinner table, everyone chatted happily, and He Jiayi always had a happy expression.

After chatting for a while, He Jiayi felt that she was thirsty and wanted to drink something. When she looked at the cup in front of her, Xiaomei had already drunk more than half of the juice, and Xiaomei had not drunk the coke, so she ran to play Now, He Jiayi simply picked up the Coke cup and took a few sips before putting it down.


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