Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 390: Three hundred and ninety

Chapter 390: My niece is poisoned

When Le Ke flowed down her throat to her stomach, He Jiayi instantly felt her heart hot and frowned.

But He Jiayi didn't think much about it. It's normal to feel a little uncomfortable after drinking carbonated drinks, and didn't think too much about today's discomfort. In fact, the discomfort of drinking carbonated drinks is not the same as usual, so I continued to chat with them.

"It's almost time, should we go too?" Gong Yi said. In fact, everyone has already finished eating. They have been talking for a long time, and this meeting should also be gone.

"Well, then let's go, I have something to do this afternoon." An Xiaoqi said, she has other things to be busy this afternoon.

"I'll pay the bill." He Jiayi said, taking out the bank card from the bag, planning to get up and pay the bill.

But as soon as she stood up, He Jiayi felt that her whole body was weak and weak, and before she realized anything in her mind, her eyes went dark and she fell straight down.



The people around didn't know what was going on, and everyone panicked.

Gong Yi and An Xiaoqi were the closest to He Jiayi. Gong Yi stepped forward and helped He Jiayi who fell on the ground, trying to help her up, but he held her back and arms with her hands, which could be clearly seen through the clothes. Feeling her whole body hot, Gong Yi then saw He Jiayi's mouth with foam spilling out.

At this time, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo had already walked over from the other side of the dining table, and everyone was surrounded by He Jiayi in a panic. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

"What's the matter?" He Zikai frowned. Wasn't it good just now? Why all of a sudden

"Let me see." Ji Shaoqin recovered his emotions from the tension and quickly squatted down. This would quickly check He Jiayi's expression as a doctor.

After a quick and simple inspection, Ji Shaoqin's expression was very worried. Although she was not flustered, her brows kept frowning.

"She was poisoned." Ji Shaoqin said.

The words of Ji Shaoqin made everyone around him incredible.

poisoned? Is this meal poisonous today? But I didn't feel any discomfort at all, and the people around me didn't seem to be uncomfortable.

Ji Shaoqin couldn’t figure it out either. She was too sensitive to medicines. If the medicine entered her body, she would feel it. At this moment, she was sure she was not poisoned, but Jiayi was her

Ji Shaoqin began to recall the scene just now, as if Jiayi had just drunk some Coke.

Ji Shaoqin immediately turned his head, looked at the dinner table, and said solemnly, "Jiayi has drunk Coke just now, but I don't reject it. Any dish may have problems."

After that, as a doctor, Ji Shaoqin's main concern is Jiayi. He immediately looked at Gong Yi and said, "Gong Yi, hold her, let's go to the hospital."

"Yeah." Gong Yi responded and immediately picked up He Jiayi who was in a coma and walked out of the private room.

Ji Shaoqin followed. An Xiaoqi saw that only Gong Yi and Ji Shaoqin were gone, worried that they would not be able to take care of them, and said hurriedly, "I also go to the hospital."

After speaking, An Xiaoqi chased it out.

Cheng Nuo was already nervous and didn't know what to do. He looked at He Zikai eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'm here." He Zikai felt uncomfortable when he saw Cheng Nuo like this, so he could only comfort her with words first, and stretched out his arm to embrace her.

Song Jingye had already taken Gu Yao's hand, but still felt Gu Yao's whole body trembling.


"Zi Kai, what should I do?" Song Jingye had thoughts in his mind, but wanted to ask He Zikai's thoughts to see if his opinions were in agreement with his own.

He Zikai did not immediately answer Song Jingye’s words. After thinking for a while, he first called An Lin and asked him to come to this restaurant immediately. Then he said to Qin Han, “Qin Han, you take Qin Yan to the hospital and the palace. Yi they are together."

After speaking, He Zikai looked at Song Jingye and said, "You accompany Gu Yao, Nuo'er and Xiaomei, and also go to the hospital. Here I will handle it."

Song Jingye was worried that He Zikai would not be able to handle it alone, but there was no way at the moment, and he was even more worried about getting Qin Han, Yaoyao and his sister-in-law Xiaomei to go to the hospital together.

"Well, then I will send them there first, and then I will come back to find you." Song Jingye nodded, and An Lin will come later, he should help Zi Kai some, and he will send Yaoyao and sister-in-law Xiaomei to the hospital first, and then send someone to accompany him. After catching them, come back to help Zi Kai.

Before He Zikai answered Song Jingye's words, he heard Cheng Nuo say.

"No, I'm not going to the hospital, I want to be with you." Cheng Nuo suddenly stubbornly didn't want to leave, and wanted to stay with He Zikai.

He Zikai frowned and looked at the woman in her arms and said, "Observe, go with Jing Ye and the others first. If Jiayi has anything to do, please call me anytime."

When Cheng Nuo heard He Zikai say this, his firm thoughts were shaken.

Yes, Jiayi wants to know what's going on, and I want to know it right away, so

While Cheng Nuo was still thinking, He Zikai said to Song Jingye, "Take them there first, take good care of Nuoer and Xiaomei, and keep in touch by phone."

"Yeah." Song Jingye nodded.

Afterwards, Qin Han went to the balcony to bring the two children over. The two children couldn’t see what their status was. Song Jingye held He Xiaomei. Gu Yao and Cheng Nuo held hands. The four left the private room and Qin Han picked up his son. Then left the private room.

After seeing them go, He Zikai, sitting on a stool, dialed Wei Na's number.

"Kai, what's the matter?" Wei Na received a call from He Zikai, somewhat surprised, but the first thought was to guess what was wrong with He Zikai.

"My niece was poisoned and she has been sent to the hospital now. Go and take a look." He Zikai said.

"" Vina was stunned on the other end of the phone, and reacted after a few seconds, and asked, "Which hospital?"

Although I am not a doctor in pharmacy, I am a doctor after all, and I have some understanding of this aspect.

"You contact Jing Ye and he will tell you the specific address." He Zikai said.


After hanging up the phone, He Zikai dialed out a series of numbers. After the call was connected, He Zikai coldly ordered, "Locate my mobile phone, and within 20 minutes, lock down the entire restaurant."


He Zikai had not left the private room before An Lin arrived. Nothing in the private room, especially every food on the dinner table, had been passive.

"Mr. He." An Lin walked in, stood in front of He Zikai, and greeted him.

At this time, there were more than a dozen people standing outside the door, all of whom An Lin temporarily ordered to bring over.

"Seal all the food here and send it to the hospital for inspection." He Zikai ordered.

"Yes." An Lin replied, and then raised his hand to tell a few people outside the door to come in and start packing the food on the table, including plates, chopsticks, and drinks.


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