Chapter 393 How long can I wait?

"Nuoer, first go to the ward with Xiaomei to accompany Jiayi, I will go there later. The latest and fastest update, free reading," He Zikai said to Cheng Nuo.

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo nodded.

Song Jingye also gave Gu Yao a few words. When they saw that they had all gone to the ward, the five people walked to the hospital lounge.

Because of He Zikai's existence, the original medical staff's lounge has become a special lounge. The hospital director personally ordered the medical staff on this floor of the building that no one can go in and disturb the rest of the five important guests.

In the lounge, the expressions of the five people were heavier than the other.

Ji Shaoqin told He Zikai, Song Jingye and Gong Yi the true situation of He Jiayi.

Weina also told them about her and Ji Shaoqin’s guesses, because she felt that some of her and Ji Shaoqin’s ideas were obviously flawed and insufficient. The three men around them were not generally high in IQ and EQ. When they think about the problem, they may get unexpected results and enlightenment, then some things will not be so difficult, and even the doubts in their hearts may be solved.

"Li Fangqiong must know who that person is." Song Jingye said with certainty.

Gong Yi had met Li Fangqiong. From Li Fangqiong's style, he knew what kind of person she was. Latest and fastest update

"Actually, I guessed a few people." Ji Shaoqin said.

At this time, everyone looked at Ji Shaoqin, waiting for her to explain.

"In the medical world, there are only a few top people in our pharmacy. According to the research results in recent years and the reputation and achievements, there are not many people with abilities equal to and above me. As far as I can think of, there are six people, but there are only two people who are more than 50% certain.” Ji Shaoqin said, every sentence and every word is firm.

"Who?" He Zikai asked. Once the scope was reduced, I felt I had the ability to dig out these two people, and I believed in Lan Yu's ability to cast a net to find people.

"Wu Yinglan, Qi Yuheng." Ji Shaoqin said, and then explained, "Of the six people I can think of, three of them are in three countries. They serve as leaders of the government's special medical team. They only serve their countries. The government of the United States, so if they develop drugs to deal with whom, it is obviously impossible. The government medical team’s rules and surveillance are clear to me."

"There is another person, an old man. She announced her retirement after obtaining the results of drug research the year before last. I have learned about her information before. She has done things with integrity throughout her life, and it should not be her." Ji Shaoqin said.

"And Wu Yinglan and Qi Yuheng, because of an international medical gathering, I met Wu Yinglan, her age is not much worse than mine, and she usually serves a wide range of people, rich, she will take orders, so I doubt her The possibility is very high." Ji Shaoqin said what he knew in his heart, "There is also Qi Yuheng. I heard people say at that party that his actions are very mysterious. Most people don’t know what he is doing or what he is doing. Who is the client, only knows that he has never stopped researching, and he has one characteristic."

Ji Shaoqin paused and said the most important sentence, "Among the medicines, what he likes most to develop is not the medicine that cures diseases and saves people, but the medicine that can make people crazy."

After listening to Ji Shaoqin's words, the first question Gong Yi asked was, "Are you sure that Qi Yuheng is not abnormal?"

The medicine at the pinnacle of madness, the five people know nothing more about what this medicine means. It is not a medicine to save people, but a medicine to harm people. Such a medical person has already violated the principles of the medical profession. How could he be mentally normal? ?

"I'm not sure." Ji Shaoqin replied, but also made an explanation, "I am not sure of the truth because I don't know him at all. I can't make any definite words for someone who doesn't understand or know him. "

Ji Shaoqin's words were affirmed by the other four people. If he were himself, he would not be able to affirm something to someone who didn't know or knew. He Zikai’s thinking has been running at a high speed. Every sentence of Ji Shaoqin, he repeats thinking, coherent, guessing, and finally more affirmation in his brain.

"Wu Yinglan, Qi Yuheng, and Li Fangqiong." He Zikai said suddenly, "I will check them."

Wu Yinglan and Qi Yuheng must be investigated, and Li Fangqiong and He Zikai felt that they had underestimated Li Fangqiong before, and they have been maximizing their tolerance for her.

She had better not know one of these two people, otherwise, she would have no place to bury her.

But think about it, what she did to her mother before, and the protection Xiaowei, is it one of these two people behind her, or is there someone else?

"Well, Lan Yu should be able to deal with this. Once found, whether it is the person who hurt Jiayi or the person who hurt the old lady before, it will not be let go." Song Jingye said angrily, hurting the people around him, or Zi The most important thing for Kai, how can I stand by?

At this time, He Zikai's cell phone rang suddenly, and everyone did not speak any more, waiting for He Zikai to answer the phone first.

He Zikai took out his mobile phone, put the call to his ear, and listened to the sound inside.

"Mr. He, all have been found out. Among all the food, there is a problem with that glass of Coke." An Lin's voice on the phone, after seven hours of inspection, finally found out the cause of the poisoning.

"Is that glass of Coke still there?" He Zikai asked hurriedly.

And the four people around, except Vina didn't know the situation, the other three looked at each other, and immediately understood what it meant. The cause of Jiayi's poisoning was the glass of Coke.

But even after the three of them knew, they still maintained their apparent composure, looked at He Zikai, and waited for He Zikai's next actions.

"Well, I extracted some during the inspection, and the rest is with me." An Lin said.

"Take it, don't let anyone touch it, now send it to my hospital." He Zikai ordered.


When he hung up the phone, He Zikai instantly understood that it was a Coke problem, so the original purpose of that person was not to harm Jiayi, but to Xiaomei.

He Zikai's heart suddenly hurt a few times, hurting his daughter? Who gave him the courage?

"Zi Kai" Song Jingye noticed that He Zikai's emotions were not right, and called out softly.

He Zikai recovered from her thoughts and tried to restrain her messy heart.

After taking a few deep breaths, He Zikai looked at Ji Shaoqin and Weina with a very indifferent expression, and asked, "Now, Jiayi can only wait for the antidote to detoxify?"

"Yeah." Ji Shaoqin replied firmly.

"How long can you wait?" He Zikai asked, she suddenly felt that time is very precious, that person's goal is her daughter, but it was an accident that Jiayi was not sure for her daughter. Tomorrow, or an hour later, or even the next In seconds, something unexpected will happen to my daughter, and Jiayi's side is not out of danger. How can I feel that time is not precious?


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