Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 394: Three hundred and ninety four

Chapter 394 When will Jiayi wake up?

"Uncertain. The latest and fastest update" Ji Shaoqin said, shaking his head, and then glanced at Vina before saying to He Zikai, "Vina and I can only check Jiayi's physical condition from time to time every day, and I will develop drugs as soon as possible to temporarily relieve it. With the spread of toxins, Vina also needs to check Jiayi's body's nerves every day. Once there is any unexpected malignant change, we must do the fastest emergency response."

Therefore, the situation after Jiayi is dangerous, complicated, and pessimistic.

"If I give you that glass of Coke, can you extract the toxins in it?" He Zikai asked, and then added, "Develop an antidote based on the toxins in it."

He Zikai's words made Ji Shaoqin's heart bright, as if he had seen hope, but then he knew that he was facing severe tests and risks.

"The toxin should be extractable." Ji Shaoqin said, because of the extremely strong toxicity, every thought and guess he has is not 100% certain. "But whether an antidote can be developed, I need to try it. A challenge, I cannot guarantee."

He Zikai nodded, expressing his understanding of Ji Shaoqin.

"You can definitely do it. You are also a top person in pharmacy." Gong Yi believed in Ji Shaoqin's ability and encouraged her.

"I know something about pharmacy, and I can help you if I need it. The latest and fastest update," Wei Na said.

"Well, with your help, it would be better." Ji Shaoqin replied to Vina. People in the same medical field, even if they are not in a field, but Vina's cleverness and rapid learning ability, I have already felt it after an operation. With her help during the development process, it would be the best.

After being basically determined, He Zikai said to Ji Shaoqin and Weina that his tone had become a somewhat commanding tone, "Coke Anlin will be sent over in a while, Jiayi will continue to live in this hospital and will not be transferred, but from now on, This hospital will stop reception. I will arrange the best environment for you, and no one will be allowed to disturb your work."

"Well, the hotel opposite the hospital, I need a room to live in." Ji Shaoqin said.

"Me too." Vina said afterwards.

"Yes, two presidential suites." He Zikai replied.

Ji Shaoqin and Weina nodded.

He Zikai then looked at Song Jingye and said, "This hospital, I will send some people to guard, and you also arrange some people to guard around the hospital, Jiayi ward, and the research room. If suspicious people are found, they will be dealt with. "

In the last five words, He Zikai said that he couldn't be kind anymore. Maybe once kind of kindness would cause unexpected harm to the people around him. This is the last thing he wants to see. Latest and fastest update

"Understood." Song Jingye replied, "I will set aside some more people and be ready to act at any time. After all, we are in the bright spot and don't know what plans they have next."

He Zikai nodded, Song Jingye thought the same as himself, but

"The western island country, they should be back." He Zikai said suddenly.

Gong Yi and Ji Shaoqin, Weina, don't know what He Zikai's words mean, only Song Jingye, whose expression changed, but then recovered calm again.

At this time, Song Jingye felt that those people should also come back. The people that Zi Kai spent so much energy training were just to be useful at critical moments.

He Zikai looked at Gong Yi, the tone of his words was not as cold as before, and he slowly said, "After a while, you take Qin Yan and let him go for a full-body examination."

"Yeah." Gong Yi nodded. If Xiaomei's Coke is poisonous, then Qin Yan's Coke is also a problem? But Qin Yan has been so long without any physical discomfort.


However, to be on the safe side, it is better to have a check.

Leaving the lounge, the five people walked towards the direction of the ward together.

At this time, everyone in the ward was accompanied by the bed, watching He Jiayi who was dripping on the bed.

"Mommy, sister Jiayi's lips are so white, is she thirsty?" He Xiaomei's voice contained some crying.

Cheng Nuo knew that every time her daughter called her mummy, it was the time her daughter was the most serious and least arrogant.

Reaching out and putting his hands on her daughter's shoulders, Cheng Nuo replied softly, "Sister nurse just told me, have you forgotten? You can't eat or drink."

"Oh." He Xiaomei answered, but she still couldn't bear to say, "But, my sister looks so uncomfortable like this."

An Xiaoqi was about to cry on the sidelines. The person who was good at noon would lie weakly on the hospital bed with a pale and terrible face. How could she not feel sad?

"Xiaomei, look at this needle, it is used to deliver water to Jiayi, so Jiayi has a lot of water in her body, and she is not thirsty." An Xiaoqi doesn't know if her explanation is logical or persuasive. Li, and I just said it without thinking too much in my brain.

He Xiaomei was worried about Sister Jiayi, and her head was not as bright as usual. She just nodded instinctively and believed Godmother's words.

The door of the room opened, and five people walked into the room. The huge room suddenly became crowded.

"Qin Han, take Qin Yan with Gong Yi for a full-body checkup later, and, starting tomorrow, don't let Qin Yan go to kindergarten for the time being." Song Jingye walked into the ward and said softly. This is a ward and needs to be quiet.

"Why? Why can't I go to school?" Qin Yan looked at Uncle Song in wonder.

"There are some special circumstances, you and Xiaomei don't need to go to kindergarten for the time being." Song Jingye replied and looked at He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei has no doubts about this meeting, and feels that she doesn't have to go to school so that she can accompany her sister Jiayi every day.

Cheng Nuo didn’t understand. He looked at He Zikai and saw that He Zikai had no objection. He also knew that Song Jingye’s words were probably decided after discussing with He Zikai. Then he naturally didn’t have any opinions. Although he did not understand, he believed Every decision of He Zikai.

Qin Yan would not speak, but looked at Dad beside him.

Qin Han understands a little bit in his heart. It is estimated that the two children are not allowed to go to school. It may be related to Jiayi’s accident. If this is the case, then he does not want his son to go to kindergarten to go to school. It could not be better.

"Qin Han, let's go." Gong Yi said to Qin Han.

"Yeah." Qin Han nodded and took his son's hand to leave.

"I'll go with you." Ji Shaoqin said.

After the four people left the ward, the others all looked at the weak people on the bed.

"When will Jiayi wake up?" Gu Yao said sadly. Even though she had already said the answer to this question, she still wanted to ask, and her hand had already clasped Song Jingye's fingers unconsciously.


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