Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 468: Maybe you're bored a long time ago?

Suddenly, Song Jingye opened his eyes, completely awake in his mind.

Although it is not hands-free, Tong Zhaoqian's voice is particularly clear in a quiet room.

Song Jingye glanced at the woman in his arms, still asleep, and hurriedly said to the phone, "Wait."

Song Jingye carefully moved his other hand out, making sure that Gu Yao was not awakened, then got up and got out of bed and walked to the balcony.

When Song Jingye walked to the balcony, Gu Yao had already opened her eyes, but Song Jingye didn't see it.

After closing the sliding door of the balcony, Song Jingye said to the phone, "What's the matter?"

"Oh, I just want to ask if you started from home? I am going to go to the photo studio now." Tong Zhaoqian said, but after asking about this, even if he didn't hear the answer in his heart, he already knew that Song Jingye had not set off from home.

"No, I will leave in half an hour." Song Jingye answered indifferently.

After Tong Zhaoqian heard it, he waited for a while before saying, "Well, let me go now. My side is far away from the photo studio. You will leave in half an hour. By that time, we will arrive at the photo studio about the same time."

"Yeah" Song Jingye answered, and hung up.

Standing on the balcony, Song Jingye calmed down for a while before turning around and walking into the bedroom.

When he came to the bed, Song Jingye saw that Gu Yao was still asleep, and wanted to talk softly in her ear, but thinking about what to say, he could only move forward and kiss her lips for a while. Before leaving.

Washing, changing clothes and going downstairs, Song Jingye's every movement is very light, for fear of waking up the sleeping person in the bed.

After Gu Yao heard the sound of the bedroom opening and closing, finally, a tear overflowed from the corner of her eyes, and her eyes never opened.

The wedding photo studio was already closed by Hu Xueqin today. All the staff only serve two guests, Song Jingye and Tong Zhaoqian.

Changing clothes, makeup, and taking pictures, Tong Zhaoqian always had a faint smile on her face, while Song Jingye had a cold expression throughout the whole process, but in the process of taking pictures, he cooperated with the photographer's actions, other times, even a word Never said to Tong Zhaoqian.

After the whole day of taking pictures, Song Jingye and Tong Zhaoqian walked out of the wedding photo studio.

"Let's have dinner together." Tong Zhaoqian said to Song Jingye. The simple meal in the photo studio at noon would be a bit hungry.

"No, I have something else to leave." After Song Jingye finished speaking, he speeded up and walked to his car.

Tong Zhaoqian stood there, looking at Song Jingye's back, a smile couldn't help but a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. That smile was a smile that achieved the goal.

Jing Ye, we will get engaged soon. In the near future, I will marry into the Song family and become Mrs. Song. Then, I will become your real woman.

I don't care about how many women you had before you got married. I just want to be your woman and be qualified to stand by your side and experience our future life with you. That's enough.

It's just that Gu Yao, you are too devoted to her, I think I should find a time to chat with her alone.

A week later, in the morning, on the banks of Lishui Bay, a family of three was sitting in the dining room for breakfast.


"Nuoer, on the 15th of next month, Jing Ye and Tong Zhaoqian’s engagement ceremony. I received the invitation yesterday." He Zikai said to Cheng Nuo. He forgot to tell Noer about it when he returned home last night. I remembered this morning. , This will tell her.

After Cheng Nuo heard it, he was stunned for a few seconds. After a while, he said, "Are we there together that day?"

"Well, parents may also go, let's go too." He Zikai said, Song Jingye is his best brother, no matter who he is engaged to, he must go to such occasions.

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo answered, without saying anything, and started serving porridge to her daughter.

"Dad, what are you going to do on the 15th of next month? Take me there?" He Xiaomei would be sitting at the dining table, sleepy in her mind, she asked with a dull face, and her eyes wanted to close from time to time. Get up and sleep for a while.

"I went to an engagement ceremony with Nuo'er." He Zikai knew that her daughter hadn't heard too clearly, so he would be able to fool around. "I won't take you this time. It is a weekend. Let sister Bai Jing and An Lin Uncle takes you to the amusement park, can you?"

"Well, good, good, then I'll call Qin Yan too." Once He Xiaomei heard about it, she was not interested in the engagement ceremony anymore.

"Well, then Mommy will contact your Uncle Qin Han in advance, and you and Qin Yan will go to the amusement park that day." Cheng Nuo said to her daughter.

"Well, I love Cheng Xiaonuo the most." He Xiaomei confessed very proudly.

Listening to her daughter’s childish voice, Cheng Nuo was happy in her heart. He smiled and put the porridge in front of her daughter, “Okay, eat quickly. After eating, let your dad send you to the kindergarten. I will go with your dad in the afternoon. Pick you up, we will go back to the mansion for dinner tonight."

"Okay, okay, I can see my grandparents." He Xiaomei was happier than before, and she was more energetic after eating.

After dinner, the family of three left home, He Zikai sent her daughter to school, and Cheng Nuo drove for leisure.

After a busy day, Cheng Nuo was so busy that he didn’t even have time to drink. He didn’t drink some water until lunch. After another busy afternoon, Cheng Nuo confessed something to the newly recruited lobby manager. , Leaving leisure.

When I drove to the Heyi Building, Cheng Nuo took the elevator to the top floor. As soon as he got out of the elevator, Cheng Nuo saw that the office door was not the same as before, and there were two more beauties.

"Madam, you are here." An Lin greeted Cheng Nuo hurriedly and politely.

He Xinyan and Ai Qing heard Assistant An addressing Mrs. They immediately put down their work, stood up, and greeted politely, "Mrs. Hello."

"" Cheng Nuo was confused, looking at An Lin and asked, "These two are."

"Oh, they are the secretaries of the president's office, assisting my work." An Lin explained.

After hearing An Lin's words, Cheng Nuo nodded, indicating that he knew.

"Hi, madam, my name is Ai Qing." Ai Qing introduced herself to Cheng Nuo with a smile.

"Hi, madam, this is He Xinyan." He Xinyan also politely introduced herself, but her eyes were more focused on Cheng Nuo.

I have heard about Mrs. He before. I heard that she is a beauty who is all over the country, and she does not show up in the wealthy circle. She rarely shows her face at large parties. Now it seems that the feeling is really not public. On the contrary, she has a unique temperament. As for beauty, she is indeed beautiful.

However, in my opinion, even if a man is a beauty, he will be bored after a long life. Mr. He should be no exception. Maybe he is bored for this Mrs. He?

Thinking of this, He Xinyan felt a strange pride in her heart.

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