Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 469: Cheng Xiaonuo, what day am I not good?

"Hello, I am Cheng Nuo." Cheng Nuo also smiled and greeted the two secretaries, but did not notice the expression in He Xinyan's eyes, and continued, "You can keep busy with your work. I will not disturb you. I will go to Zi Kai."

"Well, Mr. He is inside." An Lin replied respectfully, and didn't plan to notify Mr. He.

Based on my work experience and understanding of President He’s habits, only when his wife comes to see President He, there is no need to notify him. Others need to follow normal etiquette.

Cheng Nuo smiled and nodded, and walked to the door of the president's office.

He Zikai was reviewing documents in the office. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he instinctively looked up and saw Cheng Nuo come in.

"Nuoer" He Zikai called out, with surprise in his eyes.

"What? I came so unexpectedly?" Cheng Nuo asked with a smile.

"Yeah." He Zikai replied, got up, walked to Cheng Nuo, stretched out a hand to stroke her cheek, and asked, "Is the leisure bar finished?"

"Well, it's because I'm done busy, so I can come to find you." Cheng Nuojiao replied angrily, and stretched out his hands to embrace He Zikai's waist.

"Go over there for a meeting, eh?" He Zikai said, knowing that this little woman is working hard every day, and she will feel distressed if she stands a little longer.

"I want you to hug me." Cheng Nuo muttered and said coquettishly.

He Zikai smiled at the corner of his mouth, said nothing, and hugged Cheng Nuo and walked to the sofa.

The two of them sat on the sofa, He Zikai let Cheng Nuo sit on her lap, with one hand around her waist, and the other hand to help her knead her legs to relieve fatigue.

"He Zikai, when did you recruit two beauties at the door? Why didn't you tell me?" Cheng Nuo would question the men around him like a queen.

"Recruited by the Personnel Department some time ago." He Zikai replied slowly and earnestly, "An Lin is really busy at ordinary times. The two of them work here and can help An Lin share a lot of work."

After answering these, He Zikai looked at the woman in her arms and answered the next question, "This is a matter determined by He Yi’s internal rules and regulations. The Personnel Department is solely responsible for it. It’s not important to me, so I didn’t tell you. ."

"Usually you arrange work for those two beautiful secretaries?" Cheng Nuo continued to ask.

"No, it's basically arranged by An Lin. I'm still used to let An Lin handle all my affairs. As for how he distributes it, I just ask." He Zikai answered in detail. This will also know that the little woman in her arms is What mind, what does she care about.

"Oh" Cheng Nuo answered first, and after thinking about it, he said, "It's pretty much the same. Otherwise, I'm worried about the two beauties next to you."

I saw He Xinyan and Ai Qing just now. The two young girls are really beautiful. They didn't worry at first, but after sitting here thinking for a while, they started to worry again, so they asked.

He Zikai smiled helplessly and shook his head, and said to Cheng Nuo, "The old man and wife for so long, I love my family, my woman, and my daughter very much."

The plain words are emotional words in Cheng Nuo's heart. At this moment, what else does Cheng Nuo need to care about?


It is enough to have this man's heart, and other external things are too small for me at this moment.

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo said softly in the warm embrace of the man, "Actually, Nuoer loves her husband very much, the kind who loves her very much."

The little woman looks cute, and He Zikai feels that she is even more cute than her daughter, but this kind of cuteness seems to seduce the more she looks.

"Nuoer, if this would be our place," He Zikai showed a wicked look in his eyes, and the corner of his mouth evoked a smirk.

Cheng Nuo's mind was clever, he immediately knew what He Zikai meant, and his face flushed red.

"He Zikai, dare you to live here, and live with me in the next month." Cheng Nuo ordered.

""My wife's command, He Zikai naturally chose to endure it, going home at night and going crazy again.

Separated for a month? I firmly disagree.

The two stayed in the office for a long time, occasionally tired, occasionally joking, occasionally speaking some intimate language between the two, until after four o'clock, they left the office and went to the kindergarten to pick up their daughter from school.

He Xiaomei saw Papa and Mommy after school, she was so happy, she sat in the car and couldn't stop excitedly. She squatted forward and got in between Papa and Mommy, saying what she wanted to say in her little head. Until arriving at the mansion, He Xiaomei seemed to feel that she hadn't finished what she wanted to say.

"Well, Xiaomei, what else can I say to Mommy when I go home tonight." Cheng Nuo said to her daughter when the car slid into the courtyard of the mansion, "In a moment, you will see your grandparents and uncle. You have to be polite, you know? Also, today Brother Tianyu and Sister Yiyi will come to the mansion. You must be obedient and don't be angry, okay?"

"Oh, okay, okay, Cheng Xiaonuo, someday I am not a good boy?" He Xiaomei said proudly, and did not forget to confirm with her dad, "Daddy, do you think I have been very obedient? What about Xiaonuo? I'm very good?"

"Well, very well-behaved, sensible, and polite." He Zikai praised her daughter without hesitation.

A flower was in full bloom in He Xiaomei's heart, and she cast a wink at Mommy in an arrogant manner before getting out of the car.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo got off the car, He Zikai walked over and picked up his daughter, and the family of three walked into the mansion.

He Tianyu and Mu Yiyi had already arrived at the mansion long ago. They were chatting with their elders in the living room. They saw someone coming in at the gate, and both of them stared at the three people who came in.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo first greeted the two elders, and then greeted their eldest brother.

He Xiaomei’s mouth is sweet, because I have just told my mommy in my heart, this meeting didn’t rush to my grandparents and begging for hugs like usual, but stayed in Dad’s arms and greeted my grandpa and grandma. Uncle, as well as brother Tianyu and sister Yiyi.

After the polite greetings, He Xiaomei began to occupy the home court, showing her signature smile, and her cute look, occasionally weird and clever, talking and laughing with the whole family, very happy.

The family sat in the living room, almost all around the little people, especially He Peixu and Bai Wanjing. Seeing the happy and lively granddaughter, the expressions of the two old people improved a lot, and they would be kissed by the granddaughter from time to time. , Bai Wanjing's whole heart was about to melt, with a happy smile on her face.

At dinner time, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo planned to let their daughter sit between them. They both took care of their daughter while eating. But because of the contact they had just now, the relationship between the daughter and Mu Yiyi became better and better. This would require you to sit. Between Tianyu brother and Yiyi sister.

"Grandpa and grandma, you don't need to feed me dinner today." He Xiaomei sat at the dining table and instructed the people next to her. After speaking, she looked at Mommy and Dad, "Daddy, Cheng Xiaonuo, don't bother you. Me."

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