Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 614: Should be... available

After Cheng Nuo and He Zikai woke up their daughters, the family had breakfast. The housekeeper sent Xiaomei to the dance school. He Zikai drove out on occasion, and Cheng Nuo accompanied the children and parents-in-law at home.

In the private room of He Yi's private club, He Zikai, Song Jingye, and Gong Yi sat in the private room to talk about Huaying.

"Zi Kai, are you going to South Africa tomorrow?" Song Jingye asked He Zikai.

"Well, I need to go over there to handle things personally." He Zikai said.

"Then you are not here, what should I do here in Westport?" Gong Yi asked worriedly, "If something goes wrong here in Westport, wouldn't it?"

"Yes, Huaying now has a lot of branches, so I have to consider these." Song Jingye also agreed.

He Zikai looked at Gong Yi and Song Jingye and said, "I know all this, so I came to you today just to discuss with you."

"What are your thoughts?" Song Jingye asked, already guessing what this brother must have planned.

"This time, I need your help." He Zikai said, now things are very difficult and I have to turn to them for help.

"Yeah." Gong Yi responded and motioned He Zikai to continue.

"Tomorrow I will go to South Africa, and try to come back as soon as possible, but here in Westport, as Gong Yi said, something may happen." He Zikai said.

"Then you don't need to go there, just send a few people over to deal with it." Song Jingye said to He Zikai.

He Zikai shook his head and explained to Song Jingye, "If I don't go there, there will be nothing wrong with Xigang."

"My guess is that the people at Huaying wanted to take action on Westport when I went to South Africa. If I don't go, then they will continue to threaten South Africa." He Zikai said.

Gong Yi and Song Jingye understood. They knew that this crisis was inevitable. Although the mysterious Huaying didn’t know their real purpose, they could also guess from their actions against He Yi several times. To.

"Zi Kai, how do we need to help you?" Song Jingye asked He Zikai.

"When I go to South Africa, An Lin will stare at everything here, but Gong Yi," He Zikai looked at Gong Yi, "You help me stare too. Once there is a problem with any project on He Yi, don't implement remedies. ,Continue to observe."

"No remediation? Isn't He Yi's loss?" Song Jingye asked in amazement. Once a problem occurs in an empire as large as He Yi, even if it is delayed for a minute, the loss will be a lot of money.

"Compared to these losses, I want to know who is behind Huaying." He Zikai said.

Gong Yi's heart suddenly brightened, looked at He Zikai, and asked, "So, do you plan to use this lost opportunity to find the woman behind Huaying?"

"Well," He Zikai nodded and continued to say to Gong Yi, "you only need to stare at with An Lin, and report to me in time if you have something."

"Yeah" Gong Yi nodded firmly.

He Zikai then looked at Song Jingye and said, “Jing Ye, once there is a situation, with Gong Yi and An Lin staring at him, you should send someone to check the person behind the scenes of Hua Ying. You should be able to find it.”

I believe in Jing Ye's strength and efficiency, as long as there is no one Jing Ye can't find in Xigang City.

"Well, I know." Song Jingye nodded, planning in his heart.

This time, even if I rummaged through the entire Westport City, I would find the people behind Huaying.

Afterwards, the three of them talked about some work matters. After the talk, before the three of them were about to leave, Song Jingye asked He Zikai, "Zi Kai, can you go to South Africa alone?"


"Well, yes," He Zikai said, "There are still a few colleagues to go, and there are friends in South Africa. Just ask them for help if necessary."

Song Jingye nodded and said nothing.

When He Zikai returned to the mansion, it was past four o'clock. He saw Cheng Nuo playing in the living room with his two children and walked straight over.

"Nuoer." He Zikai stood beside Cheng Nuo, and stretched out his hand to embrace the little woman into her arms.

"Well, I'm back." Cheng Nuo smiled and said to He Zikai.

He Zikai nodded, and then asked, "Xiaomei will go straight home in the afternoon, or come to the mansion?"

My daughter didn't leave dance school until five o'clock. I wonder how Nuoer arranged it?

"I told Bai Jing, let her pick up Xiao Mei first. If Xiao Mei wants to go home, take Xiao Mei home. If she wants to come to the mansion, Bai Jing will send Xiao Mei to the mansion." Cheng Nuo answered He Zikai's words .

Before, I told Bai Jing to take Xiaomei home, but I was worried that she, Zi Kai, and the children were not at home. Xiaomei was unwilling to go back, so I thought about it. Later I called Bai Jing and asked her to listen. Let's decide what Xiaomei means.

"Well," He Zikai replied, and then asked again, "Where are Dad and Mom?"

"Dad should be in the study room upstairs, and mom is in the kitchen, saying he wants to cook the soup for us personally," Cheng Nuo replied to He Zikai, looking at He Zikai's gaze, and continued, "Akai, you stay with the children here again Go to the kitchen and help mom."


After six o'clock, Bai Jing sent the little princess back to the mansion. After the family had dinner in the mansion, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo took the children back to Lishui Bay.

When they returned home, the two little people were sleepy. He Zikai hugged his little daughter, and Cheng Nuo hugged his son. He carried the two children into their respective rooms and helped them cover the quilt before walking out.

"You go back to the room and wash, I'll see Xiaomei." Cheng Nuo said to He Zikai.

"Yeah." He Zikai responded.

Cheng Nuo went to the eldest daughter's room and saw her daughter was going to take a bath.

"Cheng Xiaonuo, go and rest soon. I can do it alone. I will rest after the shower. I'm so sleepy." He Xiaomei said sensibly. She is now a little adult, so she doesn't need mommy to take care of it. By myself.

"Well, remember to cover your quilt when you sleep at night." Cheng Nuo told her daughter.

"Okay." He Xiaomei answered obediently and went to the bathroom to wash.

Cheng Nuo returned to the room and came out of the shower with He Zikai. The two were lying on the bed. He Zikai's hands had already wandered restlessly around the little woman.

"Akai," Cheng Nuo yelled affectionately, knowing that He Zikai was leaving tomorrow, and he was very reluctant, "Remember to come back early. My children and I miss you very much."

"Well, yes, I will come back right away after dealing with the matter over there." He Zikai replied, why didn't he want to come back sooner, if it wasn't for things that were too sudden and tricky, I would have told others to go, and I didn't need myself at all. Take a trip in person.

"Well, you should also eat regularly and rest on time. Don't be too tired." Cheng Nuo told him that he was not by his side and worried that he would not be able to take care of himself.

"Okay, listen to you." He Zikai agreed.

Cheng Nuo didn't speak any more, rubbing his head in He Zikai's arms.

"Nuoer," He Zikai whispered, lying next to Cheng Nuo's ear, and said ambiguously, "Tonight"

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