Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 615: Must be determined by He Zikai

With just two words, Cheng Nuo knows what He Zikai means, but in fact he also feels unwilling to give up and has a strong sense of love.

"Well, here you are, but" Cheng Nuo said, "you go down."

"Yes," He Zikai finished, leaning down and kissing the little woman's lips.

A lingering night, the atmosphere of love began to spread throughout the room.

The next morning, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo got up together. After the family had breakfast, He Zikai drove directly to the airport. Cheng Nuo sent his son and little daughter to school, and Bai Jing sent He Xiaomei to school.

After He Zikai arrived at the airport, several of the company's colleagues who were on a business trip had arrived. After checking in, they began to line up for security.

At this time, in a corner of the airport, there was a woman standing beside an assistant.

"Master, they went in." After seeing He Zikai's figure walking through the security checkpoint, the assistant said to the owner next to him.

"The fish is on the bait." The woman wore sunglasses and said four words coldly after hearing the words of her assistant.

Afterwards, the woman took out her mobile phone, dialed a number, and waited for the other party to connect.

"Hello, hello."

"It's me," the woman briefly introduced in two words, and continued, "tell Lao Mu over there, all actions in South Africa, stop, everyone, evacuate."

""The phone end was stunned for a few seconds, but after reacting, he still answered, "Okay, I get it."

The woman hung up the phone, then she turned her body slightly, seeming to look at the assistant next to her, and said, "Please go down and start here in Xigang."


After a day's time passed, when a new day arrived, Gong Yi had just arrived at the company and was sitting at his desk preparing to review the documents when the phone rang suddenly.

Gong Yi picked up the phone and saw that it was An Lin's call, and immediately connected.

"Hey, An Lin." Gong Yi said while placing the phone beside his ear.

"Mr. Gong, something happened to He Yi." An Lin's voice was very anxious.

"What's the situation?" Gong Yi asked hurriedly.

After listening to An Lin about the story, Gong Yi immediately said to An Lin, "You have all the materials ready, I will arrive at He Yi in half an hour, and at the same time, convene a meeting with the Finance Department."


After hanging up the phone, Gong Yi picked up his coat and car key, and hurriedly walked to the office door while calling Song Jingye.

At this time, Song Jingye was still at home with Gu Yao and the children for breakfast. He originally planned to not go to the casino today, but accompany Yaoyao and the children at home.

When he heard the phone ringing, Song Jingye frowned slightly, then picked up the phone and took a look at Gong Yi's number.

"Jing Ye, who is calling?" Gu Yao asked while feeding her daughter.

"Gong Yi, it is estimated that there will be work related to me, I will answer the phone first." Song Jingye said to Gu Yao.

"Yeah." Gu Yao didn't care either, she continued to feed her daughter and also took care of the son on one side.


Song Jingye walked quickly to the balcony to answer the phone. After the call was connected, he briefly chatted with Gong Yi. Knowing that something was wrong, Song Jingye told Gong Yi to go to He Yi immediately, and then hurriedly hung up the phone.

Back in the dining room, Song Jingye was too anxious to eat. He sat next to Gu Yao and said to Gu Yao, "Yaoyao, you eat with the children, I'm going to He Yi."

"Go to Heyi?" Gu Yao repeated and asked, "What happened to Zi Kai's company?"

"No, it was Gong Yi who was in He Yi. He was looking for me in a hurry, so I went over." Song Jingye did not tell Gu Yao the truth, worrying that after telling her about He Yi, she would tell her sister-in-law.

"Oh," Gu Yao answered, without thinking, nodded and said, "OK, then you drive carefully on the road."

"Yeah, it will." Song Jingye finished speaking, moved forward and kissed the little woman on the cheek before leaving.

Half an hour later, Song Jingye arrived shortly after Gong Yi arrived at He Yi Building.

In the office area of ​​the top president of He Yi Building, Gong Yi and Song Jingye, as well as An Lin and He Yi’s financial director and deputy director sat together to discuss.

"The crisis was discovered this morning?" Gong Yi asked the director of the finance department.

"Well, I just arrived at the company, and when I opened the accounting system to check, there was a problem." The director replied, knowing that Mr. Gong and Song Shao are friends of Mr. He, and Mr. He is not there in the past two days. The matter was handed over to them, so I told them that He Yi’s financial situation was nothing. Assistant An had confirmed it before, and these were all accounted by President He.

"How much have you lost so far?" Gong Yi continued to ask.

"It will be a billion soon." The deputy director of finance replied.

Gong Yi and Song Jingye glanced at the shocking figures, and the two seemed to be making eye contact.

"Gong Yi, you stare at He Yi's side, I will send someone to find it now," Song Jingye said.

Since the people of Huaying can implant the He Yi accounting system, they naturally have a computer interface, so it is not difficult to find someone through the network and system status.

"Well," Gong Yi nodded and agreed to Song Jingye, and then said to the two people in the Finance Department and An Lin, "We are all going to the Finance Department now and staring at the accounting system, without any remedial measures, leaving time for Jing Ye to find someone. "

These were all previously explained by Zi Kai. If a remedial measure is taken, the other party must know that He Yi is aware of it, and then their next actions and methods are completely impossible to guess here, and it is another risk.

Only stare first, do nothing, let the other party think that He Yi hasn't noticed yet, they will continue to attack this, then they will be more likely to be found by Jing Ye if they are not moving.

"Well, good." The service director replied.

After that, Song Jingye left to find someone, Gong Yi and An Lin went to the Finance Department together.

After Song Jingye walked out of the Heyi Building, he began to call Guan Wei, mobilizing all his staff, all the younger brothers of the Song family, and the network personnel began to find the location, and the others went to the destination to search for it.

Time passed every minute, and on the surface of Westport City, everyone was still doing what they had to do.

And in a certain building, in a small office on the first floor, two hackers were typing on the keyboard with both hands and controlling He Yi's accounting system. Two women stood behind them.

"Shit!" A hacker suddenly exploded with foul language.

"What's the matter?" The woman immediately became nervous, stepped forward and stared at the computer screen and asked.

"He Yi's accounting system has restrictions. It seems that once the expenditure exceeds 10 billion, it must be determined by He Zikai, otherwise all the funds cannot be accounted for, and cannot be raised." The hacker replied.

After the woman listened, the expression on her face became a bit sullen.

"Damn!" the woman cursed secretly, and then after thinking about it, she immediately said to the hacker, "Can He Zikai's computer be implanted? Use his identity to enter the accounting system, and then confirm."

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