Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 628: Unpredictable result

"She wanted to go to the movies, so she went with her," He Zikai replied truthfully, not intending to hide anything from Cheng Nuo except for his real purpose against Jiang Yin. "Later I went to Gong Yi's house."

I asked Gong Yi to ask Gong Yi to help him stare at Huaying's company in the financial circle, but when I went to Gong Yi's house, my mobile phone was in the car and did not receive a call from Bai Jing.

"Oh." Cheng Nuo replied dullly.

He Zikai knew that the little woman was in a bad mood today, and did not intend to explain any more, let go of her, and stared affectionately into her eyes and said, "Hey, hurry up and take a bath and rest early. I have to go to the study to deal with work."

Listening to He Zikai’s words, Cheng Nuo didn’t feel any weirdness or something wrong. He suddenly thought of something and said to He Zikai coquettishly, “Then you promise me, don’t go too close to that guy named Jiang Yin in the future. You haven’t been with him for a long time. I've eaten western food, and I actually care about eating western food with her."

Cheng Nuo's aegyo voice revealed anger, and He Zikai felt very painful, but could not tell her the real reason, otherwise Jiang Yin would be harmed if he noticed something later.

"Okay, I see, I will pay attention later," He Zikai agreed, and then kissed the little woman on the forehead and said, "Then I will go to the study first."

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo nodded and watched He Zikai leave the bedroom before he went to take a bath.

The next day, after the morning alarm rang, Cheng Nuo and He Zikai got up, and they went to wake up their son after washing up.

The whole family sat in the dining room to eat together. He Xiaomei still had some opinions about the meeting when Dad came back late last night. After thinking about it in her head, she still asked her.

"Dad, did you work overtime at the company yesterday? Why did you come home so late? Don't tell us." He Xiaomei asked Dad.

After hearing this, He Zikai looked at her daughter and replied in a gentle tone, "There was something last night. I went to your palace father's house, so I didn't receive the call. It was Dad's fault."

"Oh." He Xiaomei answered, lowered her head and stopped talking, but she was still unhappy.

"Xiaomei, your dad is really busy. He finished his work in the study last night at more than twelve o'clock, so you can't blame your dad." Cheng Nuo will speak for He Zikai. I thought about it for a long time last night. , I really feel that I think too much, and Zi Kai has done nothing wrong, so I don't want the child to misunderstand him.

"Well," He Xiaomei would hear Mommy's explanation, and she felt better. Then she looked at Dadbie and said with a proud face, "But Dadbie, you have to remember, you can't let Cheng Xiao Nuo is worried about you. Cheng Xiaonuo has worked so hard to take care of me and my younger siblings."

Cheng Nuo felt warm as her daughter spoke for herself.

"Well, Dad knows it, next time if something happens, you must call Nuoer in advance." He Zikai said, but he felt very uncomfortable at the moment.

After that, I can’t guarantee at all, I just hope that the contact with Jiang Yin can get the information I want as soon as possible and then drive her out of Westport.

Seeing that Dadbi agreed, He Xiaomei was happy now, and smiled and said to Dadbie, "Also, don't be too busy, pay attention to your body, otherwise Cheng Xiaonuo will be worried."

"Is it just me worrying, aren't you worried?" Cheng Nuo asked his daughter while eating.

"I'm not worried, Dad is yours." He Xiaomei said proudly and continued to eat.

"" Cheng Nuo was speechless for a while, looked at He Zikai and then at the eldest daughter, not knowing how to answer the conversation.

auzw.com However, He Lichen and He Xiaoxi, who have been eating quietly, have been listening to Papa and Mommy, and they seem to understand and don't care much.

Only when he heard the last words from her sister, He Lichen raised his head, glanced at her with disdain, and said, "Sister, I know why you don't worry about your dad's comparison, because the people you worry about are Long Yixi and Qin Yan."

"" He Xiaomei suddenly exploded her hair and stared at He Lichen fiercely, "He Lichen, shut up."

"No," He Lichen seemed to be carrying his sister and continued, "I heard you talk with Long Yixi and Qin Yan on the phone. You care about them very much, so they must be the people you worry about. "

He Xiaomei gritted her teeth with anger, "He Lichen, did I have enemies with you in my previous life?"

I really want to drag this kid out and have trouble with myself every day. Saying this in front of the whole family makes me almost ashamed.

"Yeah, I had a grudge against you. By the way, I remembered, sister, you still owe me fifty yuan." He Lichen said.

"No," He Xiaomei said anxiously, "I wrote a love letter for you last time. It cost me a lot of brain cells. Fifty yuan is a hard work."

At this time, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo were finally surprised. They opened their eyes to look at their eldest daughter and then at their son.

So, what is the situation? The son wrote a love letter again? They both started trading underground again?

When the restaurant was quiet, He Xiaoxi, who had not spoken, blinked at Mommy and asked, "Mommy, what is a love letter? Is it a book?"

He Yi Building, after He Zikai came to the company, An Lin immediately came in to report, "Mr. He, our people have already moved to Huaying to work, and everything is normal."

"Well, keep in touch with them at any time. Once there is a situation, minimize all losses and make every effort to ensure their safety." He Zikai said.

"Yes." An Lin replied.

After An Lin left the office, He Zikai called Song Jingye. After learning that Song Jingye was in the casino, He Zikai planned to go to the casino to find Song Jingye.

Crown Casino, after He Zikai arrived, he just sat down with Song Jingye when he heard Song Jingye ask himself.

"You were with Jiang Yin yesterday, did your sister-in-law see it?" Song Jingye asked.

"Yeah." He Zikai answered, but did not give much explanation.

Song Jingye could probably guess what He Zikai did yesterday, and he must have not explained to his sister-in-law in detail.

"Yaoyao went home yesterday and asked me if I knew Jiang Yin. I only knew that she and her sister-in-law had met Jiang Yin," Song Jingye said, "but I didn't tell Yaoyao anything, just said they knew each other, but you have nothing to do."

"Well, continue to hide it for me!" He Zikai nodded, and then continued, "Jing Ye, I feel that everything that follows may be even more unpredictable than I imagined."

"You mean" Song Jingye didn't finish, waiting for He Zikai to continue.

But He Zikai did not explain, but said, "The implementation has already begun, and I have no plans to go back. I will face it no matter what."

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