Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 629: Why did it disappear suddenly?

Song Jingye understood what He Zikai meant and said seriously, "As long as we can find out the details of Huaying, we can start to act."

"If there is no one behind Jiang Yin, that would be best," Song Jingye said. "If there are people, then we will act according to the situation."

He Zikai nodded and expressed his approval of Song Jingye’s statement, and then clarified three points to Song Jingye, "Jing Ye, our next main thing, first, you stare at the apartment and always pay attention to Jiang Yin’s contacts. This method is currently The only way to find out if there is someone behind Jiang Yin."

"Well, I know." Song Jingye replied, his tone firm.

He Zikai continued, "Secondly, He Yi has already stayed at Huaying. An Lin will follow up at all times to check Huaying’s real transaction content and Huaying’s financial situation. I want to understand Huaying’s internal affairs as quickly as possible. Happening."

Song Jingye nodded and reminded, "Then you tell An Lin to let them pay more attention, so that the people from Huaying don't get caught."

"Well, it would not be discovered under normal circumstances. He Yi arranged the people in the past. I know their ability and way of doing things." He Zikai has confidence in his employees.

"Third, I have told Gong Yi that he will pay attention to the financial situation, follow up the development of Huaying, and check the situation of Huaying branches in other countries by the way. The more information he can get, the more appointments he can get. "He Zikai said.

"Well, these three points are very important. As long as we get the results of these three points, there will be no problem with eradicating Huaying." Song Jingye said.

After that, He Zikai talked with Song Jingye for a while, and after discussing everything, He Zikai was about to leave Crown Casino.

Song Jingye escorted He Zikai downstairs. The two of them walked out of the elevator and were about to walk from the elevator entrance on the first floor to the door. He Zikai suddenly looked at a middle-aged man.

In just two seconds, the man's sight immediately moved away, and then he quickly left among the crowd.

The first thought in He Zikai's heart was that this man was not an ordinary person. He didn't know whether he was staring at him all the time, or just like himself, occasionally looking at each other, but his sudden hiding made himself more guessing.

"Jing Ye, how's the situation in the casino going on recently?" He Zikai asked Song Jingye, and the pace continued.

"Everything is normal, nothing happened." Song Jingye answered naturally.

He Zikai nodded and didn't say anything, but there was always a vague feeling in his heart, and that feeling couldn't really be sure what it was like.

After Song Jingye sent He Zikai away, he just turned around and walked into the casino to go back to the office when the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

Song Jingye took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Gu Yao calling. He hurriedly connected to the phone and said to the phone with a smile, "Yaoyao, what's wrong?"

"Jing Ye, my parents are here, taking care of Yiyang and Xiaoxuan. I want to go out and stroll around." Gu Yao said coquettishly on the phone.

Listening to the gentle voice that seemed like a child's squeamishness, Song Jingye's heart was warm, "Well, wait for me at home, I'll be back later, and go shopping with you."

"Yeah." Gu Yao answered.

After Song Jingye hung up the phone, he went back to the office to explain something to Guan Wei, and then left in a hurry.

After returning home to pick up Gu Yao, Song Jingye took Gu Yao to the seashore on the border of Westport to enjoy the scenery.

There are private villas by the sea, as well as high-end clubs and several shops. After Song Jingye and Gu Yao enjoyed the scenery by the sea for a while, Gu Yao felt a little cold.


When Song Jingye noticed it, he immediately took off his coat and put it on Gu Yao's shoulder.

"You wear it, or you will catch a cold." Gu Yao wanted to take off the coat and let Song Jingye put it back on.

Although he was cold, it was okay, but Jing Ye was wearing a thin shirt, he must be colder than himself.

"Don't move," Song Jingye held Gu Yao's shoulders with both hands, staring at her eyes that turned to look at her, "As long as you are not cold, my heart will always be warm."

Looking at the man's eyes and listening to what he said, Gu Yao's heart suddenly became warmer, and suddenly she didn't feel so cold.

It's nice to have him!

"Jing Ye, let's go to the coffee shop over there for a meeting. There seems to be a coffee shop over there." Gu Yao said, pointing her finger to the place where she passed by. She just paid more attention to the several shops over there. There seems to be a coffee shop.

"Yeah." Song Jingye nodded, and took her where she wanted to go.

Taking Gu Yao's hand, Song Jingye and Gu Yao strolled towards the coffee shop.

The two came to the coffee shop. As soon as they sat down, Gu Yao noticed that someone in a seat not far away was watching Jing Ye. Gu Yao thought that she and Song Jingye had just sat down, and the people around just took a casual look. , So it didn’t matter.

After Gu Yao and Song Jingye ordered two cups of coffee, they chatted and drank coffee.

While chatting, Gu Yao suddenly looked not far away, and this time found that the man was still staring at Jing Ye and herself.

Gu Yao began to wonder, did that person know Jing Ye?

Only when Gu Yao was wondering and thinking, the person in the seat not far away had already left quickly.

"Huh, why did you disappear suddenly?" Gu Yao said inadvertently.

"" Song Jingye didn't know what Gu Yao was talking about, and asked, "What's wrong? What's missing?"

Gu Yao replied, "The man just now, he has been sitting there, I saw him when we first came in, he was looking at you, and I saw him just now, his eyes seemed to be staring at you."

In an instant, Song Jingye's brow furrowed, and his eyes followed Gu Yao's immediately, but he could no longer see anything.

Song Jingye's heart is not flustered. It is fake. Now Jiang Yin is in Xigang City. Although she has been targeting Zi Kai and He Yi, she has the possibility of targeting herself. After all, she also knows Jiang Yin, but she has not met yet.

"Yaoyao, do you remember what that person looks like?" Song Jingye suddenly retracted his gaze and immediately asked Gu Yao.

"I don't remember very much, but I think he should be about the same age as us." Gu Yao said that she really didn't pay attention just now. He just saw that person twice and felt that he was about the same age as him.

Song Jingye nodded, did not show too much in front of Gu Yao, and then said, "Yaoyao, let's go to the next club after we have coffee. There is a movie theater in it. Watch a movie with you, eh?"

The club next to it belongs to the real estate management company owned by He Yi. I have been here with Zi Kai before, so I know some of the business items in it.

"Well, okay." Gu Yao nodded and agreed. With him, no matter what you do, she is happy in her heart.

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