Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 657: Wait another six months

With a few simple words, Song Jingye immediately became sober, but it would be clear in his mind that he knew that Gu Yao was still with him.

"Wait first." Song Jingye said three words into the phone, then carefully let go of Gu Yao, got out of bed and went to the bathroom to answer the phone.

Song Jingye's tone changed when he arrived in the bathroom, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The main board can't be controlled," Guan Wei hurriedly replied, and then guessed, "It seems that someone is operating it on purpose."

"Can't find anyone?" Song Jingye asked, his tone not very good.

"I have ordered someone to check it, but 20 minutes have passed and I haven't found it. The main game is still uncontrollable," Guan Wei said helplessly. "Those players are about to lose their money."

"" Suddenly, Song Jingye realized the seriousness of the matter and said immediately, "Keep a close eye on the market, I'll come over now."

"Yeah" Guan Wei answered.

After hanging up, Song Jingye took a brief wash in the bathroom and walked out.

After changing his clothes, Song Jingye walked to the bed and lay down in Gu Yao's ear and said, "Yaoyao, there is something wrong with the casino, I have to go there now."

"What time is it now?" Gu Yao opened her sleepy eyes and said, "It's not dawn yet, right?"

"Well, it's more than three o'clock," Song Jingye replied, then kissed the little woman on the forehead, and continued, "Hey, you will sleep again. I will go home after I deal with things and stay with you and the children."

"Well, then you will go back to the mansion when the time comes. I plan to take Yiyang and Xiaoxuan back to the mansion today. My parents missed the children, so I took them back." Gu Yao said softly, her voice always drowsy. Feel, but try to make yourself sober to speak.

"Okay, I see." Song Jingye replied.

Seeing the little woman continue to sleep, Song Jingye helped the little woman cover the quilt before leaving the bedroom.

At the Crown Casino, the atmosphere at four o'clock in the morning was completely different from the quiet atmosphere outside.

Guan Wei stood beside the big plate in the center of the lobby on the first floor, watching the fierce voices and shouts of the surrounding people. Everyone's expressions were different, and naturally their moods were different.

A little brother came up, leaned over Guan Wei's ear and said, "Brother Guan, Song Shao is here."

After Guan Wei heard this, he immediately turned and walked towards the door, but before he reached the door, he saw that Song Shao had entered.

"Song Shao" Guan Wei greeted first.

"What's the situation?" Song Jingye asked hurriedly, stopping, without intending to watch the market.

"Go up and talk first." Guan Wei looked at Song Shao's gaze, using his eyes to show him the meaning of his words.

Song Jingye naturally understood in his heart, and walked towards the elevator again, Guan Wei followed behind.

When he came to Song Jingye's office, Song Jingye was not in the mood to sit down and talk, and asked directly, "What is going on?"

"The market has been secretly manipulated, our people can't find out, and there is no way to stop it." Guan Wei frowned and reported.

"Can't stop it?" Song Jingye repeated.

"Well, the other party should be a master." Guan Wei said.

"Our people can't compare?" Song Jingye asked, he has a lot of masters in the casino, and he can't control even a big market.

"Well, it's difficult to find a breakthrough point with the other party's methods," Guan Wei said in detail. "Our people have been observing for a long time, but we can't find it."

Song Jingye suddenly didn't know what to say.

Guan Wei saw that Song Shao did not speak, and continued, "Song Shao, if this continues, not only players will pay, but our casino will also"

auzw.com Guan Wei did not finish, but he knew that Song Shao knew it well.

"There is no way to close now?" Song Jingye asked.

"No," Guan Wei shook his head, "All night dishes are collected at six in the morning, but"

Guan Wei paused and continued, "I don't know what will happen during the next period of time. I am worried that the entire casino will be affected."

Song Jingye naturally knew what Guan Wei was worried about, and this was what he worried about.

"Song Shao" saw that Song Shao had not spoken, Guan Wei called out, and wanted Song Shao to make up his mind as soon as possible. q1ec

"The order at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning will be cancelled now." Song Jingye said after the decision.

If the market opens at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, I don't know how much I will lose. If this continues, the result will be terrible.

"Well," Guan Wei answered, and then asked again, "then the funds circulating now"

"How much is currently circulating?" Song Jingye asked.

"Half an hour ago, I asked people to count, there are still 13 billion." Guan Wei answered.

"Stop the bargaining chip exchange," Song Jingye ordered, "It's six o'clock, and all orders are stopped."

Guan Wei didn't answer immediately. Instead, he thought about it and said, "Song Shao, it's okay to stop trading, but in the next time, I won't exchange chips. I'm worried about those players."

Players in gambling are very emotionally excited, and even every player is a "god". If the service is not thoughtful, there will inevitably be unnecessary troubles and disputes.

"It was my order, Song Jingye," Song Jingye said. At such a critical moment, even if he offends some old customers, he cannot let the entire crown fall into crisis.

Song Jingye continued, "All the people on duty are in the lobby. There is no one on duty. Please notify the Crown immediately and be on standby at any time."

"Yes, I see." Guan Wei finished speaking, nodded, and immediately turned to execute.

In the luxurious presidential suite of the hotel, Bo Shaoyan put his mobile phone to his ear and listened to the voice on the phone.

"Mr. Bo, you have executed it according to your instructions. The crown market is now in our hands."

"Well," Bo Shao replied, paused for a while, and then said, "After that, keep it going, no progress is needed."

"The person on the other end of the phone didn't seem to understand.

Bo Shaoyan didn't hear the other party's answer, and went on to say, "After ten minutes, start to control other casinos."

Suddenly, the man understood, and immediately said, "Okay, I'm going to order."


Bo Shaoyan hung up the phone, put his phone aside, and looked at the scenery outside the French windows.

Although the sky is dark in this meeting, my heart is bright.

Song Jingye, want to turn over this time? Wait another six months.

Crown Casino, it was just after 6 o'clock in the morning. After all the players had left, the Crown Casino closed. Guan Wei began to order the staff to count the income and chips for the night.

Song Jingye sat in the office and waited, feeling anxious and worried, and even an unspeakable feeling, which kept him uncomfortable.

When it was almost seven o'clock, Guan Wei knocked on the door and walked into Song Jingye's office.

"How is it? Have the statistics come out?" Song Jingye asked hurriedly.

"Well, the statistics have come out," Guan Wei said, handing over a statistical table to Song Shao, and then continued, "This is the result from 10 o'clock last night to 6 o'clock."

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