Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 658: She is Song Jingye's wife

Song Jingye looked at the amazing numbers above. At this moment, he was not distressed about his money, but was curious about the person who controlled the board, who was that person? What is his purpose to control the crown disk?

And, will he appear in the crown next time?

Seeing that Song hadn't spoken for a long time, Guan Wei thought about it and asked, "Song Shao, what's next."

"Closed for three consecutive days." Song Jingye said, he needs time to understand what's going on?

Such emergencies are obviously prepared by the other party a long time ago, but the management and every aspect of the casino cannot be intervened by ordinary people. How did they achieve this step?

"Three days?" Guan Wei repeated, thinking quickly, and said, "Song Shao, if three days are down, our casino, I'm afraid."

The consequences of shutting down for three days can be imagined by Guan Weineng and Song Jingye can even be imagined. Not only the impact on the crown, but also the impact on the outside world is very large.

The Crown Casino represents the entire Westport City gaming industry. If Crown is closed, then the entire Westport City gaming industry will suffer a huge impact.

"Rather than malicious manipulation by outsiders, I would rather stop the unsure disk." Song Jingye said firmly.

Guan Wei understood Song Shao's thoughts, and then when he wanted to say something, his mobile phone rang suddenly.

Guan Wei hurriedly took out his mobile phone and immediately connected.

"What's the matter?" Guan Wei asked the other side, the person in charge of another casino on the other end of the phone.

"Brother Guan, something happened on my side." A man's panicked voice came on the phone.

Guan Wei's expression changed, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

"On my side, some unidentified people have come here to make trouble." The man said.

""Guan Wei is even more surprised now. The Song family’s influence in Xigang City has not dared to make trouble in the Song family’s territory, but now

"Where are those people?" Guan Wei asked after reacting.

"Our brothers are confronting them, but they look very cruel." A voice came from the phone.

"I'll send someone over, you ensure the safety of my brothers." Guan Wei said.

"Yes, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Guan Wei first dialed a number and adjusted some of the brothers over there. Then he looked at Song Shao and said, "Song Shao, something happened to the casino over there."

Listening to Guan Wei's words, Song Jingye didn't speak immediately, but thought for a while, and said, "Tell all my brothers to be vigilant. Once you find suspicious people or things, tell me immediately."

"Yes" Guan Wei replied.

"You go to deal with the matter over there first, and I will deal with the crown here." Song Jingye said to Guan Wei. q1ec

"Yeah" Guan Wei answered before leaving.

After Guan Wei left, Song Jingye also left the office to deal with matters, but before he was busy for a while, he received a call from the person in charge of several other casinos.

Other casinos have had accidents one after another, Song Jingye couldn't guess where the source of these things was? Who is going to target yourself? Or the Song family? Or the Song family's gaming industry?

But Song Jingye tried hard to tell himself that he should not panic. In such a situation, he must remain calm and have a clear mind to face the next thing.

In Yujingyuan, after Gu Yao got up, she waited for her son and daughter to get up to wash. After breakfast, Gu Yao drove the children to the Song family mansion.

Coming to the Song family mansion, Gu Yao met her father-in-law and her mother-in-law, and after greetings, she accompanied her to chat in the living room.


"Yaoyao, let's stay at home with Jing Ye tonight. I cleaned up the room early in the morning." Hu Xueqin said enthusiastically.

"Well, OK, then I'll call Jing Ye and say it." Gu Yao said with a smile.

Hu Xueqin nodded and saw her daughter-in-law go to the balcony to make a phone call, playing with her grandson.

Gu Yao stood on the balcony and dialed Song Jingye's number. The phone rang for a long time before being connected.

"Yaoyao, are you in the mansion?" Song Jingye asked Gu Yao, his voice as soft as possible, not wanting the little woman to hear anything.

"Well, I just chatted with my mother. Mom asked us to live in the mansion tonight, so my children and I won't go back to the Yujingyuan tonight. Come back to the mansion after you are busy." Gu Yao said to Song Jingye.

"Okay, I see." Song Jingye answered hurriedly.

Gu Yao would have heard something wrong in Song Jingye's voice, as if it was different as usual, guessing and asked, "Jing Ye, what's wrong with you? Isn't it a casino"

"It's okay, don't worry," Song Jingye immediately calmed Gu Yao and said, "I have something to deal with. When you return to the mansion, you should accompany the children first."

"Well, okay," Song Jingye said, making Gu Yao's heart warm again. Gu Yao continued, "I will go to the children's clothing store to pick up Xiao Xuan's clothes. I sent them to change clothes before. Call me to pick it up today."

"Well, drive carefully." Song Jingye said.

"I know," Gu Yao replied with a smile, "Then I will hang up first."


After hanging up the phone, Gu Yao went back to the living room and said to her mother-in-law, "Mom, I bought the clothes for Xiaoxuan in the children's clothing store before. Two days ago, I went to change the code. Today I made an appointment with the shopping guide to pick up the clothes. I'll go out in a while."

"Well, okay, do you want my mother to go with you?" Hu Xueqin asked her daughter-in-law. It's fine to accompany her daughter-in-law to pick up clothes, or to accompany her grandchildren at home.

"No, Mom, I'll just go by myself," Gu Yao said with a smile, "I have been to that children's clothing store before, and I know where it is."

"Well, then you should be careful on the road." Hu Xueqin said to her daughter-in-law.

Gu Yao nodded, and after a while in the living room, she left the mansion.

At the entrance of a children's clothing store in the city, Gu Yao parked her car on the side of the road, walked into the children's clothing store, and after consulting with a shopping guide, Gu Yao got her daughter's clothes.

Out of the children's clothing store, Gu Yao got into the car and started the car towards the Song family mansion.

However, Gu Yao did not notice that there was a car behind her car.

"That woman, yes, she is Song Jingye's wife." said a man in the car.

"Find the right opportunity to start."


Song Jingye had been busy at the Crown Casino, but in the Song family mansion, it was almost time for lunch, and Gu Yao still did not come back.

"Why didn't Yaoyao come back? I went to pick up the clothes at ten o'clock in the morning, will I not come back?" Hu Xueqin waited a little anxiously, and kept wandering in the living room.

"It is estimated that something has been delayed, you sit down for a while, maybe you will be back in a while." Song Yihai said to Hu Xueqin, holding his granddaughter in his arms.

"Yeah" Hu Xueqin didn't think much, sat down on the sofa and continued to wait.

But the family waited until almost two in the afternoon, Gu Yao still did not come back.

"Grandma, I'm hungry, woo" Song Xiaoxuan was so hungry that she wanted to cry, she looked at her grandmother in a pitiful manner.

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