Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 659: Didn't see Sister Gu

"Xiao Xuan, your mommy hasn't come back yet, will you wait again?" Hu Xueqin comforted her granddaughter.

Song Yiyang was playing with a mobile phone in the living room, holding a tablet in both hands, he didn't care if he was hungry or when he would come back?

"Call Yaoyao. If she won't come back, let's eat first and don't starve the children." Song Yihai said to Hu Xueqin.

"Yeah" Hu Xueqin nodded, then took out his mobile phone and dialed her daughter-in-law's number.

But the phone rang for a long time and no one answered it.

Hu Xueqin played it several times, but still no one answered.

"No one answered." Hu Xueqin said, wondering. When Yaoyao left, she remembered that Yaoyao was carrying a bag. Then her mobile phone should be in her bag and would not leave her. How could no one answer the phone? What?

"Then let's eat first, and order the kitchen to leave some food for Yaoyao." Song Yihai said.


Song Yihai and Hu Xueqin took the children to dinner, and Gu Yao did not come back until they finished the meal.

Hu Xueqin was worried, and called Gu Yao again, but there was still no one to answer. Hu Xueqin called her son directly.

"Hey, mom" Song Jingye answered the phone.

"Jing Ye, Yaoyao went to fetch clothes for Xiaoxuan, but she hasn't come back yet, and the phone cannot be reached. Do you know where Yaoyao went to get her clothes?" Hu Xueqin asked, hoping her son would know the children's clothing store I ordered someone to look for the address.

"I don't know," Song Jingye answered his mother first, and then asked, "What time did Yaoyao leave in the morning?"

"It's more than ten o'clock, it will be considered as time for several hours, and the phone has been unable to get through, Mom is worried." Hu Xueqin said worriedly.

Song Jingye was silent on the other end of the phone.

"Jing Ye" Hu Xueqin didn't hear his son talking any more, and called his son softly.

"Mom, don't worry," Song Jingye said firmly, "You and my dad will take care of the children at home. I will go to Yaoyao."

"Well, good, remember to tell mom when you have news." Hu Xueqin said.


When she hung up, Hu Xueqin felt a little less worried.

At this time, at Crown Casino, Song Jingye's face was already covered with haze, standing in the office, dialing Gu Yao's number, but no one answered.

Song Jingye didn't give up and continued to dial out. This time it turned into a shutdown.

""Song Jingye's heart suddenly surged with fear, will Yaoyao have something wrong?

She didn't want to think so in her heart, but Yaoyao couldn't get in touch at this moment, and the phone couldn't get through at all, so she had to think about it.

Besides, things are very tricky in the casino right now

Suddenly, Song Jingye thought, his eyes tightened, and the whole person seemed to understand something.

"Yaoyao." Song Jingye's mouth slightly overflowed with two words, and his heart began to panic.

Could it be said that Yaoyao would not be able to contact the crisis in the casino, because the same person did it?

No, this is impossible!

Song Jingye tried to force himself not to associate the two things together, but the more he struggled to avoid it, the more he thought about it.

After a long time, Song Jingye's eyes became firm, and he made a decision in his heart.

Yaoyao had better be safe, otherwise those people would not let go of them.

Song Jingye picked up the phone again and dialed Guan Wei's number.

auzw.com "Song Shao." Guan Wei answered the call quickly.

"You come back to the crown now," Song Jingye said, "handling the crown, other casinos, let the respective person in charge handle it."

"Yeah." Guan Wei was a little unsure of Song Shao's arrangement, but Song Shao's order could not be violated.

"Yaoyao may have something wrong, I'm going to find her." Song Jingye's sentence is an explanation for Guan Wei.

Immediately, Guan Wei was stunned on the other end of the phone, and the whole person was dumbfounded. After returning to his thoughts, he said to the phone, "Sister Gu, she"

Guan Wei immediately guessed what he thought of, and immediately asked Song Shao, "Song Shao, is it related to the casino matter?"

"I guess it may be the same person." Song Jingye said, not planning to conceal Guan Wei.

"These people really don't know good or bad." Guan Wei said angrily.

Song Jingye knew that it would be useless to get angry, so he had to find Yaoyao first, "You come to the crown as soon as possible, I'll go first."

"Well, good." Guan Wei replied.

Song Jingye left Crown Casino, drove out to find it by himself, and at the same time ordered the younger brothers of the Song family to look around the city.

Song Jingye knew in his heart that Yaoyao would be in danger if he delayed for a minute and a second.

But I searched aimlessly, and after two hours, there was no gain at all.

Song Jingye was sitting in the car, his eyes were red because he was worried, as if he couldn't help it, tears would overflow in his eyes.

"Yaoyao, where are you?" Song Jingye murmured. q1q0

Just when Song Jingye didn't know what to do, Song Jingye suddenly thought of Cheng Nuo.

Immediately picking up the phone, Song Jingye dialed Cheng Nuo's number.

"Hey, Jing Ye." Cheng Nuo was at home when he received a call from Song Jingye.

"Sister-in-law, do you know where the children's clothing store where Yaoyao bought Xiaoxuan's clothes before?" Song Jingye hurriedly asked Cheng Nuo, and he didn't care about any greetings.

"Children's clothing store?" Cheng Nuo repeated, thinking about it, and said, "It's on the street next to the Central Shopping Mall."

"Yeah, thank you." Song Jingye finished speaking, ready to hang up and search.

Before Song Jingye hung up, Cheng Nuo asked, "Jing Ye, what's wrong? Didn't Yaoyao tell you when she went shopping?"

Song Jingye didn't know whether to tell Cheng Nuo the truth. He thought about it and said, "No, sister-in-law, I'm going to pick up Yaoyao, but her mobile phone should be dead and can't get through, so I want to ask your specific address."

"Well," Cheng Nuo understood in his heart, and then relieved the worry in his heart and said, "It's on that street. Just go and find it."


Hanging up the phone, Song Jingye drove the car to the street on the other side of the Central Shopping Mall, and at the same time notified several younger brothers to go ahead.

After arriving at the children's clothing house, Song Jingye found out after inquiring that Yaoyao had left here a long time ago.

Out of the children's clothing house, Song Jingye was even more certain that Yaoyao must be missing.

Just when Song Jingye was about to find him on the way home, he received a call from his younger brother.

"Song Shao, we were on the side of the road and found Sister Gu's car." The younger brother reported.

"Tell me the exact location." Song Jingye said.

When Song Jingye rushed to the place and saw Gu Yao's car there, Song Jingye was panicked and got out of the car to see, but there was only an empty car, without Gu Yao's figure.

"Song Shao, when we found out, we only had this car and we didn't see Sister Gu," said the younger brother of the Song family.

Song Jingye didn't speak, but straightened out all his thoughts in his heart.

This road is the road back to the house. Yaoyao must have been kidnapped by others when she went home.

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