Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 674: Mommy, you must always be by my side

After that, everyone got in the car and drove out of Qinshan Town to the county seat.

Entering the road leading to Xigang City from the highway intersection in the county seat, Song Jingye would sit in the back row with his eyes closed because he hadn’t rested all night along the way. Gu Yao just stayed quietly in Song Jingye’s arms, knowing he was there. Sleep without disturbing him, just stay like this.

The two younger brothers in the front row, one younger brother drove and maintained a high degree of concentration, and the other younger brother took a rest in the co-pilot, so that he would be refreshed by driving afterwards.

In the next few cars, the younger brothers also switched to driving, and the other younger brothers took a rest and regained their energy.

When the car arrived in Xigang City, Song Jingye contacted He Zikai and asked him to prepare for reception. These reception preparations were not for himself and Yaoyao, but for the younger brothers.

At 12:30 in the night, as soon as Song Jingye and his group drove into the downtown area of ​​Xigang, they saw He Zikai personally leading them to receive them.

The car stopped on the side of the road, Song Jingye and Gu Yao got out of the car together, and then the younger brothers behind also got out.

"Jing Ye, Gu Yao." He Zikai hurried forward.

"Zi Kai."

"Zi Kai"

After the three greeted him, Song Jingye said to He Zikai, "Zi Kai, you arrange for your brothers to have a meal first, and then find a hotel to stay and rest. I will take Yaoyao back to the mansion."

"I'll send someone to take you back." He Zikai said. They have been on the road for so long, and everyone looks very tired. If Jing Ye drove and Gu Yao back to the mansion, I felt a little worried.

"No need," Song Jingye shook his head, "I didn't drive much when I came back. They drove. I'm still in good condition and I can drive home."

Seeing Song Jingye's persistence, He Zikai could only nod and agree.

After that, Song Jingye and Gu Yao watched He Zikai take the Song brothers away, they got into the car and returned to the mansion.

On the way, Gu Yao was always nervous, looking forward to it, and excited, and her mind was full of children.

When Song Jingye was about to arrive at the mansion, he called the mansion, and the person who answered the call was actually his mother.

"Mom, haven't you rested yet?" Song Jingye asked his mother.

"Can't sleep, Jing Ye, your father told me, are you and Yaoyao back?" Hu Xueqin said to her son.

"Well, we will be at the mansion soon," Song Jingye didn't need to hide anything from his mother, and answered truthfully, and then asked, "Mom, are Yiyang and Xiaoxuan asleep?"

"Well, I fell asleep, I let the nanny stay with me in the room," Hu Xueqin said, "Your dad and I have been waiting for you in the living room, and finally we really waited until you came back."

Listening to the excitement in his mother’s words, Song Jingye felt a little sad, but still did not express these emotions. He tried to adjust his tone and said to his mother, "Mom, then you let the housekeeper open the door. You and my dad are in the living room. Wait for us."

"Good, good, good." Hu Xueqin said.

After hanging up the phone, Song Jingye said to Gu Yao, "The children have rested, and parents are waiting for us in the living room."

"Yeah." Gu Yao nodded, she felt a lot of guilt for her parents-in-law.

It's all because of myself, so the whole family can't rest at ease.

When Song Jingye drove into the courtyard of the mansion, both Song Jingye and Gu Yao saw the second elder standing at the door of the mansion.

The two of them were suddenly surprised. Song Jingye stopped the car, and after Gu Yao came over from the other side, the two quickly walked toward their parents.


"Dad, mom, didn't you let you wait inside?" Song Jingye asked hurriedly. The wind outside at night was very cold, and he worried that the elderly would be in poor health and would be exposed to the cold.

"It's okay," Hu Xueqin said with a smile, then looked at her daughter-in-law and cried out excitedly, "Yaoyao."

"Mom." Gu Yao's eyes turned red, and she walked over to hug her mother-in-law.

Not at home these days, although it is Xiang Jingye and two children, but also miss the family, this will see father-in-law and mother-in-law standing at the door, it is fake that he is not excited or moved.

"Is it all right? Nothing happened, right?" Hu Xueqin asked her daughter-in-law in her arms.

My daughter-in-law was already half a daughter in my heart. After knowing that she had an accident, I made a straight face with the old man and blamed the old man for not telling me before.

"It's okay, Mom, you don't have to worry." Gu Yao answered her mother-in-law's words.

After embracing her mother-in-law for a long time, Gu Yao separated from her mother-in-law, then looked at her father-in-law and called out, "Dad."

"Well, it's fine to come back," Song Yihai nodded and said, after hearing a few words from Jing Ye just now, he knew that there was nothing wrong with his daughter-in-law and everything was from Anping, "Go and see the children."

"Yes, Yaoyao, let's go and see the children together." Hu Xueqin also knew that her daughter-in-law should be most concerned about the two children, and she was about to walk into the house with her daughter-in-law's hand.

"Yeah" Gu Yao answered her mother-in-law and followed her into the mansion.

Coming to the room on the second floor, Gu Yao gently opened the door and saw the two little people sleeping on the bed, accompanied by two babysitters.

"Madam." The two nurses greeted in a low voice.

"Yeah," Gu Yao nodded and walked in lightly. The two babysitters said, "Thanks for your hard work. Go and rest. I will stay with the children."


Gu Yao walked to the bed and saw that her son and daughter were sleeping soundly. Gu Yao lay down beside her son and whispered, "One yang, one yang."

I miss the children so much, I can’t wait to talk to them.

Song Yiyang heard the sound in a daze, opened his hazy eyes, and saw the person in front of him, a little fuzzy, but he still saw Mommy's eyes.

"Mummy." Song Yiyang cried vaguely.

"Well, Yiyang." Gu Yao nodded excitedly and answered her son.

Song Yiyang's mind gradually became clear. When he suddenly realized something, he immediately opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, and looked at Mommy seriously, "Mommy, is it really you? Are you back?"

"Well, Mommy is back." Gu Yao's eyes were always red, and she sat down by the bed and held her son in her arms.

"Grandma said you will be back in a few days. I didn't expect you to be back tonight," Song Yiyang stayed in Mommy's arms and said obediently, "Mommy, I miss you so much."

"Mummy too, Mommy misses you too." Gu Yao answered her son.

After hugging her son for a long time, Gu Yao let go of her son and asked, "Are you obedient and obedient at home these days?"

"Yes, I didn't cry, and I also took good care of my sister." Song Yiyang answered Mommy very seriously.

"Yeah," Gu Yao nodded, feeling satisfied and gratified at this moment. Her child is her own heaven. Then she smiled and said, "Then hurry up and go to sleep, Mommy will stay with you."

"Well, Mommy, you must always be by my side." Song Yiyang said.

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