Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 675: Yaoyao, where are you now?

"Okay, Mommy won't leave, lie down and sleep quickly." Gu Yao said, helping her son to lie on the bed, helping him cover the quilt, and just sitting on the bed with his son.

"Mummy, good night." Song Yiyang said looking at Mummy.

"Good night, Yiyang." Gu Yao smiled to her son the most sincerely in her heart, watching her son close his eyes and go to sleep.

Hu Xueqin stood aside, saw her daughter-in-law with her grandson, and whispered, "Yaoyao, you accompany the children for a while, and then go to the next room to rest. Here I will see that the children will be fine."

"Mom, I'll accompany the children to sleep tonight," Gu Yao turned around and said to her mother-in-law, "Anyway, the bed is also big, so I can sleep with the children."

When Hu Xueqin heard her daughter-in-law's words and did not answer anything, she heard the door of the room being pushed open.

Song Jingye walked in with two clothes in his hand, first glanced at his mother and the little woman, and then at the children on the bed.

"Jing Ye." Hu Xueqin called.

"Well, Mom, you go to rest early, Yaoyao and I accompany the children." Song Jingye said to his mother.

I just went to my room next door and took two sets of pajamas. I guessed that Yaoyao would accompany her to sleep with the child tonight, so I would sleep with her here. The three-meter bed is enough for herself, Yaoyao and the children. sleep.

"Then you all live here tonight?" Hu Xueqin asked.

"Yeah." Song Jingye answered his mother.

Hu Xueqin thought about it, did not say anything, and then left the room after nodding.

Song Jingye took the clothes and walked to Gu Yao's side and whispered, "Go take a bath first, and the nanny will bring supper up there after a while, and then go to bed after eating."

"Well, then you accompany the children first." Gu Yao said.

"it is good"

When Song Jingye and Gu Yao were resting on the bed, it was already past three in the morning. Gu Yao carefully took her daughter into her arms, not daring to hug her too hard, so she could only gently hold her daughter in her arms, and Song Jingye stared at each other before closing his eyes and going to sleep.

In the morning, Gu Yao was still asleep, and the daughter in her arms gradually moved.

Song Xiaoxuan opened her eyes and grunted. She stretched her arms as she was about to move, but she felt someone holding her.

"Huh" Song Xiaoxuan turned her head in doubt. When she saw Mommy's face, Song Xiaoxuan suddenly widened her eyes in surprise and shouted, "Mommy, Mommy!"

Gu Yao was awakened by her daughter's voice. Song Jingye and her son were also woken up next to her. All three of them opened their eyes.

Seeing her daughter wake up, Gu Yao smiled and said to her daughter happily, "Xiao Xuan, wake up!"

"Well, Mommy, when did you sleep next to me? When I slept last night, I didn't see you." Song Xiaoxuan asked Mommy with a grin on her face and she felt happy in her heart.

After thinking about it, Gu Yao said to her daughter, "Your dad misses me more than our little princess, so I took advantage of the darkness, and then quietly came to the little princess and accompanied the little princess. Let's sleep together!"

"Hehe, Mommy, I love it so much." Song Xiaoxuan said, leaning forward to kiss Mommy's face.

Seeing how close Mommy and his sister were, Song Yiyang also wanted to kiss Mommy in the past, but think about how he hugged Mommy last night, so let's give Mommy to her sister first.


With the children, Gu Yao was very satisfied. After her daughter was done acting like a baby, Gu Yao kindly said to her daughter, "Xiao Xuan, will you sleep again? Mommy hugs you to sleep."

"Well, I want to sleep with Mommy." Song Xiaoxuan said, she stretched out her hands to embrace her, closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

When I was asleep before, I always thought that there was no mommy by my side, so I just went to bed. This would make me fall asleep in my arms and enjoy the feeling of mommy by my side!

Gu Yao saw her daughter close her eyes, and then looked at Song Jingye and her son on the other side of the bed.

"Yiyang, would you like to sleep for a while? Let your dad be with you, okay?" Gu Yao asked her son softly.

"Well, Mommy, you accompany Xiao Xuan." Song Yiyang is very sensible.

Gu Yao nodded, and then looked at each other with Song Jingye. The two did not speak, but they understood what was in each other's hearts.

The family of four continued to sleep until almost noon, when the four got up to wash and went downstairs to have lunch.

Song Yihai and Hu Xueqin had been waiting downstairs a long time ago. Seeing their son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren come downstairs, Hu Xueqin couldn't wait to walk to the stairs to greet them.

"Yaoyao, did you sleep well last night?" Hu Xueqin asked her daughter-in-law.

"Well, it's good, mom." Gu Yao answered her mother-in-law with a smile. Jing Ye and the children were there, and they were in her own home. There was no reason to sleep well.

"That's good. You should still live in a big house these days. Your dad and I can take care of the children. By the way, let the kitchen cook some nutritious meals to replenish your body. You see, I haven't seen you in a few days. That's so much." Hu Xueqin has already taken her daughter-in-law's hand and said kindly.

Gu Yao didn't think much, nodded and agreed to her mother-in-law.

In the past few days, I deeply realized the importance of my family to myself. I used to think that it would be better to take good care of Jing Ye and the children. The four elders often visit them and respect them. But now, I don't think so anymore, I want to live with my parents-in-law, a large family, and spend every day happily.

Seeing that the little woman had agreed to her mother's words, Song Jingye didn't say anything. In fact, he was willing to live in the big house with the little women and children.

Afterwards, I may be busy with the casino affairs. If the little woman and the children go back to Yujingyuan, I am worried that I will be inadequate to take care of them.

After the family had lunch, Song Jingye was going to the casino, Gu Yao sent Song Jingye to the door.

Before Song Jingye left, he suddenly pulled Gu Yao into his arms, then leaned down and kissed her lips.

Gu Yao stayed in Song Jingye's arms, did not move, just let him deepen the kiss.

After a long time, Song Jingye let go of the little woman in his arms, looked down at her and said, "Be good at home, I will come back as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back for dinner." Gu Yao said.

Watching Song Jingye get in the car and leave, Gu Yao felt a touch of warmth in her heart. Although it was only a short time to leave, she had more expectations and more waiting in her heart. This expectation and waiting was happy.

After Gu Yao returned to the mansion, she saw her father-in-law and mother-in-law taking care of the children. Gu Yao went to a table not far away to get her mobile phone, and then went to the balcony to call Cheng Nuo.

When I came back last night and saw my car in the yard, I knew in my heart that Jing Ye would have found his car, so his bag and mobile phone were all there.

Gu Yao stood on the balcony, dialed Tong Cheng Nuo's number, and the call was immediately connected.

"Yaoyao, where are you now?" Cheng Nuo's eager voice came over the phone.

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