Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 684: He, Zi, Kai

"Bo Shaoyan will definitely do something next," He Zikai said firmly and continued, "I plan to attack Huaying from now on."

There was no time to wait. The confrontation between himself and Bo Shaoyan had already begun, or when Bo Shaoyan had targeted Jing Ye before, it had already begun, and what happened at the leisure bar today was the start of a real confrontation between himself and Bo Shaoyan.

When Song Jingye heard He Zikai's decision, he was still shocked in his heart. He looked at He Zikai in shock and said, "But Zikai, Huaying did not conduct a comprehensive investigation. If we start an attack, we are not fully sure."

"Even if you don't have full confidence, you can't wait any longer," He Zikai met Song Jingye's gaze, his tone still firm, "Jing Ye, I shot Bo Shaoyan's person today, although he didn't do anything in his leisure time. But at any time after that, he may come to retaliate against me and attack me."

"If I continue to wait, it will only give Bo Shaoyan more opportunities to start." He Zikai said.

I believe that Jing Ye can understand this. He knows Bo Shaoyan's methods and methods, as well as Jiang Yin.

Song Jingye pondered for a while, and suddenly said to He Zikai, "Then start attacking Huaying, I will try my best to help you."

He Zikai shook his head and said, "No, He Yi and Huaying's confrontation, you should not participate in it for the time being, I will ask Gong Yi for help."

"Zi Kai, I" Song Jingye hurriedly wanted to say something, but was interrupted by He Zikai.

"Jing Ye, there are still many things to deal with in the casino, and Gu Yao just came back, you can handle the casino affairs, take care of Gu Yao and the children, and I, you don't need to worry about it for the time being." He Zikai said.

Song Jingye shook his head and disagreed with He Zikai's thoughts and arrangements, "Zi Kai, you are my brother, I can't ignore such a crisis."

"Jing Ye," He Zikai suddenly called Sheng Jing Ye in a harsh tone, looking at Song Jingye's eyes and said, "You still don't understand what Bo Shaoyan did?"

Song Jingye saw He Zikai's anger, did not speak, and continued to wait for He Zikai to say.

"Bo Shaoyan kidnapped Gu Yao against the casino city before, just to make you have no thoughts and energy to help me when confronting me, so that he will have some chance of winning." He Zikai said.

After a pause, He Zikai continued, "But even so, I don't think that Bo Shaoyan's chances of winning will be a bit more."

"He thinks that Jiang Yin is her pawn. He will work hard for him and obey everything about him. After he comes into contact with Nuoer, he will grasp my weakness and will control me when that happens. It's a pity," He Zikai said seriously. "He thinks of himself too great, he thinks of me He Zikai too simple."

"Jiang Yin, I will destroy Bo Shaoyan's chess piece."

"Noah, does he want to get close? I will let his thoughts turn into fantasy."

If today's location is not at leisure, the two shots I fired must have hit Bo Shaoyan's body, not his subordinates.

The leisure bar is the site I gave Nuoer, I don't want to let the blood of Bo Shaoyan fall in such a clean place.

Song Jingye didn't think about it until now, because before Yaoyao, he really didn't think much about it, nor did he think deeply about the purpose of Bo Shaoyan.

He Zikai finished what he wanted to say, and his tone eased a little, and said to Song Jingye, "Jing Ye, I know the relationship between our brothers, and I also know that you want to help me, but now is not the time. Don't participate now. , Keep busy with your business, on the contrary, it is a kind of protection for you."

"I deal with Bo Shaoyan alone, and all of Bo Shaoyan's thoughts will only be directed at me alone, so that if there is a sudden situation in the later period, if you help, we will have a greater chance of winning." He Zikai said.

"Well, I understand." Song Jingye nodded and said with certainty.

Zi Kai understands what he thinks, and he agrees with what he did. Once the confrontation between Zi Kai and Bo Shaoyan begins, then their minds will be directed at each other, and then they will target Bo Shaoyan. Come against yourself, so that you and Zi Kai will have a greater chance of winning.

"Tomorrow, you come to congratulate one another, I will invite Gong Yi to congratulate one, and the three of us will discuss together," He Zikai said, and finally said, "I will contact Jiang Yin later."

auzw.com "Yeah" Song Jingye nodded.

In the presidential suite of the hotel, Bo Shaoyan was sitting on the sofa with an ugly expression. He stared at the front fiercely without saying a word.

Not far away, there stood Bo Shaoyan's assistant and three men in black.

Suddenly, Bo Shaoyan moved his body and looked in the direction of the assistant.

The assistant and the three men in black noticed the master's movements and immediately lowered their heads, waiting for the master's instructions.

"How are they both?" Bo Shaoyan asked slowly.

The assistant naturally knew who the owner was asking, and hurriedly answered, "Mr. Bo, after the doctor's diagnosis, the two injured brothers need to be amputated."

"In an instant, Bo Shaoyan's gaze became even more angry, as he watched the assistant say nothing.

The assistant hurriedly lowered his head in fright and continued, "He Zikai's marksmanship is too accurate. The doctor said that the bullets in the legs of the two brothers could not be taken out and they had to be amputated."

At this time, Bo Shaoyan gritted his teeth, his eyes gradually retracted, staring at the front, and said three words viciously, "He, Zi, Kai."

Those two brothers have been by my side for many years. Although they don’t have much brotherhood, they recognize their loyalty and always treat them as important people. But today, they are treated by He Zikai.

The four people not far away knew that the master was angry, but still remained silent, not even daring to lift their heads.

"Mobile phone." After Bo Shaoyan recovered his cold mood, he said two words coldly.

The assistant immediately stepped forward and passed the owner's mobile phone.

Bo Shaoyan took the phone and dialed Jiang Yin's number.

The call was quickly connected, "Mr. Bo."

"Come here," Bo Shaoyan said coldly, and said at the end, "within an hour."

After speaking, without waiting for Jiang Yin to say anything, Bo Shaoyan hung up the phone.

Looking sideways to look at the assistant, Bo Shaoyan asked, "Where is the medicine?"

"In the safe, Mr. Bo," the assistant answered.

"Take one out." Bo Shaoyan said.


Forty minutes later, Jiang Yin parked the car at the door of the hotel. When he was about to get off and walk into the hotel, the mobile phone in his bag rang.

Jiang Yin stopped to get out of the car and took out her mobile phone from her bag. It was He Zikai's call.

Suddenly, Jiang Yin became nervous, and He Zikai took the initiative to contact him. Does he miss himself?

With excitement, Jiang Yin answered the phone, "Zi Kai."

"Well, it won't be busy?" He Zikai's tone was very gentle.

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