Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 685: Answer or not?

With such a gentle voice, Jiang Yin felt false in his heart, and answered, "Well, not busy."

"I want to have dinner with you at night, don't you know if you have time?" He Zikai directly said his request and asked Jiang Yin.

Jiang Yin's heartbeat speeded up suddenly, and she couldn't believe He Zikai's invitation in her mind.

After so long, he is the most gentle at this moment, and he sincerely invites himself to dinner.

"Yes, I have time." Jiang Yin hurriedly replied after reacting in his mind.

"Well, then I will book a table. Will you be in the company or the apartment? I will pick you up later." He Zikai asked, his tone still gentle.

"I, I, I am in the apartment, you come to pick me up at seven, and I will wait for you downstairs." Jiang Yin lied.

"it is good"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yin couldn't calm down for a long time. He sat in the car for a while, waited for his mood to stabilize, and then got out of the car and walked into the hotel.

When Jiang Yin walked in the presidential suite, only Bo Shaoyan and his assistant were there. No one else was around.

Jiang Yin walked over, stood still in front of Bo Shaoyan, and greeted him, "Mr. Bo."

"I need you to do something." When Bo Shaoyan looked at Jiang Yin, he ordered directly.

"" Jiang Yin was puzzled, but still asked, "What's the matter?"

Bo Shaoyan did not speak immediately, but motioned to the assistant with his eyes. The assistant hurriedly walked over and handed a box in his hand to Jiang Yin.

Jiang Yin took the box, don't know what happened? Then I opened the box and found a small glass bottle with a transparent liquid in it.

"This is?" Jiang Yin didn't understand, and asked Bo Shaoyan's assistant.

The assistant did not speak, but looked at the master.

Bo Shaoyan answered Jiang Yin's words, "Inject it into He Zikai's body."

"Suddenly, Jiang Yin opened his eyes wide and looked at Bo Shaoyan in disbelief.

What is this this?

Injection into He Zikai's body? Will he die?

Then, Jiang Yin suddenly remembered that he received a call from He Zikai just now downstairs. He was so gentle and actively invited himself to eat. How could he?

"No, no, I won't do it." Jiang Yin shook his head and took a few steps back, and the whole body began to tremble with fright.

Seeing Jiang Yin's panic, Bo Shaoyan was not surprised at all. He curled up his mouth and revealed a smile, and slowly said, "What? Afraid of He Zikai's death?"

Jiang Yin did not speak, but shook his head.

This will have more worries in his heart than before. Bo Shaoyan's orders and decisions cannot be refused. If he refuses, then he will have to die.

However, if you want to inject this into He Zikai yourself, let He Zikai die because of yourself, then you would rather die first.

Seeing Jiang Yin shaking his head in fright, Bo Shaoyan continued, "Don't worry, he can't die."

"This medicine will only make him weaken his body's immunity and gradually go crazy, but it is not fatal." Bo Shaoyan said.

Jiang Yin's body has been moving backwards, wanting to stay away from Bo Shaoyan, she is very reluctant to accept this task.

Jiang Yin leaned against the wall and stared straight at Bo Shaoyan when Jiang Yin retreated to the corner and couldn't back anymore.

auzw.com "The day after tomorrow, someone will tell you the address. You will find a way to let He Zikai pass. There is a camera in the room. Someone will monitor you to make sure you have given He Zikai the injection."

"Jiang Yin, you will not end well if you disobey my orders. It's best not to play tricks on me, otherwise I will let you die without dignity."

Jiang Yin was so frightened that he could not help but tremble suddenly, and suddenly he couldn't stand firmly, squatted down along the wall, and sat sluggishly on the ground.

Seeing Jiang Yin's appearance, Bo Shaoyan was very angry. He suddenly got up and strode towards Jiang Yin.

When Jiang Yin saw Bo Shaoyan coming over, his mind immediately converged, and his eyes looked at Bo Shaoyan in horror.

Bo Shaoyan walked to Jiang Yin, then knelt down on one knee, stretched out his hand, and pinched Jiang Yin's chin.

"Why don't you?" Bo Shaoyan asked, his eyes filled with anger. qaa;

"No, no, I didn't." Jiang Yin replied in a panic, not daring to meet Bo Shaoyan's gaze, and looked around.

Bo Shaoyan didn't care about Jiang Yin's answer, and continued to ask, "Say, do you agree?"

If she dares not to agree, she can be shot at this meeting.

Her life is not worth a few dollars to herself.

"I, I" Jiang Yin hesitated, and after a long time, he said, "I promise, I will do it, I will do it."

He knew clearly that if he did not agree to Bo Shaoyan, he would find someone else to do this, and he would not be able to leave the suite today.

"It seems that he is quite good." After Bo Shaoyan finished speaking, he slowly moved away the hand holding Jiang Yin's chin, stroking Jiang Yin's cheek.

"As long as you are obedient, your life will be wonderful, eh?" Bo Shaoyan said meaningfully.

"Yeah" Jiang Yin trembling, nodded, still afraid to look at Bo Shaoyan.

This man is too cruel and too dangerous.

When Jiang Yin left the hotel, it was almost six o'clock. Thinking of the time to make an appointment with He Zikai at seven o'clock, Jiang Yin got in the car and immediately started the car to leave and drove in the direction of the apartment.

In the pocket, because of the box of medicine, Jiang Yin's whole body's emotions have been in a state of tension and panic.

What should we do? Do you really want to inject this bottle of medicine into He Zikai's body?

What if he dies? Bo Shaoyan said he would not die, but he didn't believe it, he really didn't believe it.

Bo Shaoyan's methods were too cruel, and in what he said, few words were true, and he did not completely believe him.

When Jiang Yin returned to the apartment, Jiang Yin was still in a trance.

Sitting on the sofa, Jiang Yin thought for a long time before getting up and walking into the bedroom, putting the medicine in his pocket in the drawer beside the bed.

As soon as the person walked out of the bedroom, the phone rang. Jiang Yin took the phone to see that it was He Zikai's number and immediately connected.

"Zi Kai, are you here yet?" Jiang Yin asked with excitement in her voice and impatiently.

"Well, downstairs, you can come down." He Zikai replied.

"Okay, wait for me, I will change my clothes." Jiang Yin said.


In the car downstairs, after He Zikai hung up the phone, he thought of something for a while, then picked up the phone again and dialed Cheng Nuo's number.

"Hey, Akai, when are you coming back for dinner?" Cheng Nuo's happy voice came over the phone.

"Nuoer," He Zikai heard the little woman's voice, and her heart became quiet a lot. After yelling affectionately, he continued, "I have a dinner tonight. I may not go home for dinner. You and the children Eat, you don’t have to wait for me after eating, take a break early."

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