Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 694: My promise, I can't bear you

"Gong Yi, I will have my own plans in the future. If I want to tell anyone, I will say it myself, but before I decide anything, I hope you can promise me to keep this matter secret." He Zikai said.

At this moment in my heart, I have accepted the facts, all emergencies, I can't escape, I can only face it, no matter how big the risk, how big the crisis, I will take it alone and solve it.

"Well, I will keep it secret." Ji Shaoqin nodded and agreed.

Gong Yi nodded helplessly and said, "Well, I won't tell Nono."

Hearing the agreement of the two, He Zikai eased a little and said, "Nuoer is very important to me, and my children, I will give them the safest way to protect them before my accident. Let them suffer any harm."

Gong Yi and Ji Shaoqin looked at each other, neither of them said anything, but they both understood.

"Zi Kai, if you feel unwell afterwards, remember, contact me as soon as possible." Ji Shaoqin said to He Zikai.

"Yeah." He Zikai replied.

"If you need any help, just say, we must go all out." Gong Yi said.

"Well, thanks." He Zikai said.

By the Lishui Bay, it was almost 12 o'clock when He Zikai returned home. After changing shoes at the entrance, he just walked into the living room and saw the little woman sitting on the sofa.

He Zikai's heart was stunned, and an inexplicable emotion rushed into his heart in an instant, distressed, affectionate love, and full of touch.

Cheng Nuo would sit on the sofa, dozing off while watching TV, completely unaware of anyone coming to him.

Seeing the little woman looking sleepy, still insisting on watching TV, trying to refresh herself, He Zikai twisted her heart with the little woman who felt so distressed.

"Nuoer." He Zikai called out affectionately, not very loud.

Cheng Nuo heard the familiar voice and the peculiar name, and immediately became sober in his mind, turning around to look.

"Akai." Seeing He Zikai, Cheng Nuoton got excited for a while, put the remote control aside, hurriedly got up and walked two steps forward, standing in front of He Zikai.

"Why don't you go upstairs to rest when you are tired?" He Zikai asked with a bit of reproach in his tone, but there was no real anger in his heart. He didn't mean to blame her at all, but rather cherished her more.

"I want to wait for you to come back," Cheng Nuo said as he got into He Zikai's arms, hugged him tightly with his hands, and put his face on his chest, and said, "I can't sleep if you are not here."

Listening to the voice of the little woman, He Zikai felt very warm in her heart. This kind of warmth is unique, and only this unique little woman in her arms can give herself warmth.

He Zikai nodded and said, "Then let's go upstairs to rest now, eh?"

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo nodded, and was about to let go of He Zikai. When he went upstairs with him, he was suddenly hugged and hugged upstairs.

The two returned to the bedroom. After taking a shower, He Zikai lay on the bed and took the little woman into her arms, but her emotions were not as gentle as usual. His brows were kept frowning, and his faces were cold.

Cheng Nuo noticed that He Zikai was different from normal, so he thought about it, and suddenly poked his head out, looked at He Zikai and asked, "Akai, is something wrong?"

Hearing the voice of the little woman, He Zikai immediately retracted her thoughts, looked down at the little woman in her arms and said, "It's okay, don't think too much."

Cheng Nuo didn't listen to He Zikai's words, and continued to ask, "Did something happen to He Yi?"


Zi Kai is busy working with Gong Yi tonight, and the only thing she can guess is that something happened to He Yi, so Zi Kai looks worried and anxious.

"No, it's not He Yi's business, it's something else." He Zikai answered the little woman.

Worrying that she would guess wildly, He Zikai continued, "It's some cooperative company. I can't make up my mind alone, so I discussed it with Gong Yi."

"Don't worry too much, Gong Yi and I have already thought of a solution." He Zikai said.

After hearing what He Zikai said, Cheng Nuo nodded and said, "Well, just solve it."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Nuo suddenly said to He Zikai a little coquettishly, "Then you can't worry anymore. Anyway, the matter has been resolved, so don't worry anymore."

"Okay, listen to you." He Zikai followed the little woman's meaning, calmed down, lowered her head and kissed the little woman's forehead.

Cheng Nuo enjoyed the kiss very much, and was very happy. The sleepiness gradually rose again. Cheng Nuo yawned and said to He Zikai, "Sleepy, let's sleep."

"Well, go to sleep," He Zikai whispered, seeing the little woman's eyes closed, and then said, "Good night."

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo snorted softly.

After a while, Cheng Nuo was already asleep, but He Zikai still looked at the little woman in his arms with his eyes open.

"Nuoer," He Zikai whispered, but there was a lot of mist in his eyes, and continued to whisper, "I really want to be with you forever. We watch the children grow up together, watch them get married and have children, but I look like Can't do it anymore."

"What kind of medicine did Jiang Yin give me? I don't know what will happen to my body? Will I die suddenly one day? I don't know these."

"But Nuoer, no matter what, I will not affect you and your children. I will arrange everything for you and will not cause you any harm."

"I just don't know how long I can stay with you? My promise, I can't bear you."

A tear flowed from He Zikai's eyes, and his heart was dripping with blood.

"Nuoer, the best thing in this life is every minute and every second of being with you."

"The greatest happiness is to have you and our three children."

"Noah, I love you."

The next day, after the family had dinner in the morning, Bai Jing originally sent He Xiaomei to school, but He Zikai temporarily changed it.

"Bai Jing, you and Nuoer send Lichen and Xiaoxi to school together, and I send Xiaomei to school." He Zikai said to Bai Jing.

"Okay, sir." Bai Jing replied.

He Xiaomei was very happy to hear that Dadby was going to send herself to school in person. Cheng Nuo didn't think much about seeing her elder daughter happy.

Two cars drove away from the shore of Lishui Bay one after the other. He Xiaomei sat in the co-pilot, happily looking at the scenery outside the window and Pabby from time to time.

"Daddy, don't you need to go to He Yi earlier today? Will you be late for work when you send me to school?" He Xiaomei was in a good mood, and she asked her with joy in her voice.

"Do you think Dad is late than that, is there any impact?" He Zikai asked her instead without answering her daughter.

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