Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 695: The lawyer is here

He Xiaomei thought about it and said seriously, "It seems that there is no impact. Anyway, you are the president of He Yi Empire, and you don't have to check in at work, and no one will deduct your salary. It doesn't matter if you are late."

Hearing her daughter's answer, He Zikai glanced at the daughter next to her, then continued to look at the road ahead, and said with a smile, "So, do you know the answer to your question now?"

"Oh, I see." He Xiaomei felt that she had made a fool of herself in front of her dad early in the morning. She actually asked such an idiotic question just now, and it seems that she has to work hard to improve her IQ.

After this topic, He Zikai's emotions became heavier, and she said to her daughter, "Xiaomei, when she grows up, she must take good care of Nuoer and make her happy and happy every day."

"Well, I know, Dadbi," He Xiaomei would not notice the changes in Dadbie’s emotions, and just said according to her true thoughts, "Cheng Xiaonuo is my mommy, my most important person, I I will take good care of her."

"It's just that you are the person who can make Cheng Xiaonuo happy and happy more than Dad. As long as you stay with Cheng Xiaonuo, even if Cheng Xiaonuo does nothing, she will be happy and happy." He Xiaomei said.

"Well, I'll be good to Nuoer, but Dad wants you, Lichen, and Xiaoxi more to love Nuoer together, so that my Nuoer will be happier." He Zikai tried to restrain her emotions. Showed an indifferent look, said to the eldest daughter.

He Xiaomei would look at Dadbi seriously, and when he saw Dadbi as usual, she was shocked, and deliberately expressed her anger and said to Dadby, "I knew that Dad would say to me like this, definitely because Cheng Xiaonuo is good."

"Dad, you are so kind to Cheng Xiaonuo, can you give me a little bit of your love for Cheng Xiaonuo? You love Cheng Xiaonuo too much." He Xiaomei muttered.

He Zikai raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said to her eldest daughter, "Nuo'er's love is inseparable, but Dad loves you too. You, Lichen and Xiaoxi, are Dad’s favorites."

He Xiaomei pouted her lips and said nothing.

Seeing that her daughter did not speak, He Zikai's emotions became more serious, and she said to her daughter again, "Xiaomei, when you become an adult, you will receive a sum of money from your dad, which is enough for you to go abroad. There are still living expenses for the next ten years, but you must remember that no matter what happens in the future, you must take good care of Nuoer and take care of your younger siblings."

The parents in the mansion will explain Tianyu and Jiayi themselves and don't want to put too much pressure on their daughter, so she only needs to take good care of Nuoer and Lichen Xiaoxi.

Hearing Pabby’s tone changed, and the topic also changed, He Xiaomei suddenly became nervous, more serious than before, looked at Pabby’s profile, and cried out with some confusion, "Daddy"

I didn't expect that Dad would say this. I was surprised and puzzled.

He Zikai knew that the eldest daughter had doubts in her heart. He glanced at his watch and felt that there was plenty of time, so he parked the car on the side of the road, and then turned to look at the eldest daughter with a serious look.

"Xiaomei, you are not a child now, so I can tell you some of Dad's plans," He Zikai said to the eldest daughter seriously, also very patient, "What Dad said just now is true, you She is the sister of her younger siblings and Nuo'er's favorite little beauty. Dad knows that Nuo'er loves you the most."

"In the future, if there is any change in our family, promise Dad Bi, we must take good care of Nuoer and younger brothers and sisters, your grandparents, I will tell you Tianyu brother and Jiayi sister, you don't have to worry about grandparents." He Zikai Said to the eldest daughter.

He Xiaomei guessed this in her heart, and asked Dadbie, "Daddy, is something going to happen?"

He Zikai knows that her eldest daughter is very smart. It may be that she has lived with Nuoer since she was a child. Whether it is independent thinking or being clever and sensible, she is much better than Li Chen and Xiaoxi, so it is not surprising that she would ask this question.

auzw.com "Well, there are some things," He Zikai looked into the eyes of her eldest daughter and said, "Dad will have to fight against one person afterwards. He Yi will be affected, and our family may also be affected. , But Dabby will do his best to protect our family and will not let you suffer any harm. Just in case, Dabby has to arrange things later, so do you understand what Dabby said just now?"

He Xiaomei nodded, of course she understands, but

"Daddy, is that person very powerful? Why did he target you?" He Xiaomei asked Daddy.

"It's not very powerful, but it can't be underestimated," He Zikai replied to her eldest daughter, without intending to say too much, and then said, "He and Dad have some disputes before, so this time I will come against Dad."

He Xiaomei listened to Babie's answer and didn't know what to say for a while, but she fully understood the meaning of every word that Dad said.

Seeing that the eldest daughter was silent, He Zikai said to the eldest daughter, "Xiaomei, today dad compares what he said to you, don’t tell other people, and don’t tell Nuoer, because Nuoer will be worried when she knows it, and think about it for her dad. Better than keeping it secret?"

"Well, I know, Dadbi." He Xiaomei nodded firmly. She knew what Mommy’s personality was like, she knew better than her dad. In order to protect Mommy, she wouldn’t let her worry about being sad. Mommy's.

Seeing the elder daughter nodded and agreed, He Zikai was relieved.

After sending her eldest daughter to school, He Zikai drove to He Yi Building and called his personal lawyer.

"Mr. He, hello." The lawyer greeted respectfully after answering the phone.

"Well, you come to He Yi now, I have something to explain to you." He Zikai said directly into the subject.


In He Yi Building, He Zikai came to the office, sat at his desk and reviewed documents while waiting for a lawyer.

Suddenly He Zikai thought of something, stopped reading the document, took the phone next to him, and dialed Song Jingye's number.

"Hey, Zi Kai." The call was quickly connected, and Song Jingye's voice came.

"Jing Ye, are you busy today? If you are not busy, come to congratulate you and talk to you about something." He Zikai asked directly into the subject.

Song Jingye thought about it on the phone and said, "It's not busy, I'll explain a few things to You Luan, and I will wait to congratulate you."

"Well, I'll wait for you." He Zikai said.

After hanging up the phone, He Zikai looked at the file for a while and suddenly heard a knock on the door.

He Zikai guessed that it was the lawyer who came. After answering, he saw An Lin walking into the office with the lawyer.

"President He, the lawyer is here." An Lin reported to Mr. He.

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