"Well," He Zikai responded, and then reached out to signal the lawyer, "Please sit down."

"Okay, thank you Mr. He." The lawyer replied.

The lawyer sat down opposite to President He. After seeing An Lin leaving, the lawyer asked President He, "Mr. He, I don't know if you are anxious to call me over, what's the matter?"

"There are several things that you need to do." He Zikai said.

"President He, please speak." The lawyer replied.

He Zikai told the lawyers all his thoughts and decisions, and explained in detail some points that need attention and special things.

"Do you understand all of these?" He Zikai asked the lawyer.

The lawyer nodded and replied, "Well, I understand, but Mr. He, do I need to handle these things in public?"

"No," He Zikai refused almost without hesitation, "Keep it confidential, you can't tell others."

"The equity transfer matter" asked the lawyer, "This is related to He Yi's senior leadership, don't you need to let them know?"

"Yes," He Zikai said firmly, "Anything I confessed to you should be done in secret. I can't tell anyone. If necessary, I will personally tell the relevant person, but these things don't need to be told from your mouth, understand. Do I mean?"

The things I asked the lawyer to do were not originally intended to be disclosed to the public, because these are follow-up preparations just in case, so once they are made public, whether it is He Yi or the people involved, they will be affected to varying degrees.

"Understood, I know." The lawyer nodded and said.

"Well," He Zikai answered, suddenly thinking of something, and hurriedly asked, "When can the transfer authorization letter be drawn up?"

The lawyer thought for a while before repliing, "Probably the day after tomorrow."

"Is it okay tomorrow afternoon?" He Zikai asked, feeling very anxious, because since Jiang Yin injected himself with medicine yesterday, I was completely uncertain in my heart. I was praying if I could live to the next minute, so some The matter must be dealt with as soon as possible without delay.

The lawyer was a little embarrassed, but didn't answer immediately. He thought for a while and said, "Well, it's okay."

"Okay, I will wait for you tomorrow afternoon." He Zikai said.


After sending away the lawyer, He Zikai just returned to the office when he heard An Lin and Song Jingye greetings outside the office.

Knowing that Song Jingye was coming, He Zikai turned and looked at the open office door, waiting for Song Jingye to come in.

Song Jingye walked into He Zikai's office, and after a brief greeting, they sat on the reception sofa and started chatting.

"Zi Kai, what can I do when you find me?" Song Jingye asked.

He Zikai looked at Song Jingye opposite, and then told him all of what happened yesterday.

"What? Jiang Yin gave it to you." Song Jingye was astonished, but did not say anything afterwards.

"Well, I don't know what was injected. I went to the hospital for an examination. I didn't find out. Shaoqin didn't find out what the residue in the bottle was." He Zikai said.


Song Jingye was immediately angry and said angrily, "I'll go to Jiang Yin in a while and shoot her."

I will not let go of hurting my brother.

"Is it useful to kill her?" He Zikai asked Song Jingye, "These are all arranged by Bo Shaoyan. She is just a **** of Bo Shaoyan. If something happens to her, Bo Shaoyan will stop dealing with me?"

Song Jingye heard He Zikai's words and didn't say anything.

"Jing Ye," He Zikai continued, "Since I haven't escaped this catastrophe, then face it. If I live long enough, I'm lucky. If something happens to me, it may be arranged by heaven."

"Zi Kai" Song Jingye hurriedly wanted to say something, but He Zikai raised his hand to stop him.

"Let's go with the flow," He Zikai said calmly, and then changed the subject, "I just talked to the lawyer."

Song Jingye knew that He Zikai had changed the subject and asked, "What did you talk about?"

"I distributed the property under my name, and I plan to give He Yi's equity and execution rights to Nuoer." He Zikai said.

"What?" Song Jingye looked at He Zikai in surprise, and said, "Transfer it to my sister-in-law?"

"Well, Bo Shaoyan is fighting with me. He just wants to destroy He Yi, and even fight for He Yi over. If I transfer He Yi to Nuoer, then no matter what happens to me, it has nothing to do with He Yi. He Yi will not Any impact.” He Zikai said.

"But what if Bo Shaoyan targets his sister-in-law? Have you ever thought about this?" Song Jingye asked He Zikai.

"I thought about it, but I'm not worried," He Zikai said, and then explained to Song Jingye. "I will give He Yi to Nuoer, and I will put my own life and death out of control. If Bo Shaoyan dares to target Nuoer, I will fight. I'm going to fight him. I'm sure that Bo Shaoyan won't hurt Nuo'er."

Song Jingye understood He Zikai's words, he was going to fight Bo Shaoyan wholeheartedly after handing He Yi to his sister-in-law.

"If I die, I will definitely pull Bo Shaoyan and Jiang Yin as back cushions." He Zikai gritted his teeth and said, the expression in his eyes was firm.

Song Jingye looked at He Zikai and couldn't say anything. The current situation was completely unforeseen by him and Zi Kai before, and it was even tricky, especially when Bo Shaoyan asked Jiang Yin to inject medicine into Zi Kai. No one had done it before. think.

"Jing Ye, there are some things that I need to explain to you. If something happens to me, you do it well, Nuo'er and the children, and He Yi, there will be nothing unexpected." He Zikai said.

When thinking about anything that will happen in the future, I must also consider some accidents that may happen. If I can handle these, then no matter how big the accident may happen in the future, I don't have to worry about Nuoer and the children suffering.

"Well, you said." Song Jingye nodded and said.

He Zikai and Song Jingye had been chatting in the office for more than two hours. After Song Jingye left, He Zikai called An Lin into the office.

"President He." An Lin stood in front of Mr. He, waiting for Mr. He's instructions.

"After the notice, our cooperation with Huaying will be cancelled. All those who are busy working at Huaying will stop working and take over other new jobs." He Zikai said.

"" An Lin was startled, not knowing why President He did this suddenly, but he hurriedly responded, "Yes."

"Also, at the hotel, start arranging people and be prepared to be on standby at any time." He Zikai continued.

At this time, An Lin understood completely, and immediately replied, "Well, I will arrange it now."

It seems that Mr. He has started a real confrontation with Bo Shaoyan, and then Bo Shaoyan's life should not be better.

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