A week has passed since Welf talked about his ideals for [Hestia Family]. The group had been going into the |Dungeon| each day and Welf was extremely satisfied with the amount of |Drop Items| they were getting. They even managed to reach the staircase of the |Thirteenth Floor|, which led into the areas known as the |Middle Floors|.

But, because of Lili's warnings and Tamamo's protests, Bll decided not to continue, despite Astolfo insisting, because from |Thirteenth Floor|, monster spawned by the dozens and often traveled in swarms and there were who attacked with fire magic as well as their fangs and claws. The lack of misty weather also meant that Jack's stealth while fighting monsters was also diminished but that wouldn't be as important as Jack was even faster than Bell when she wanted to be.

But... as Astolfo never is tired of saying, an [Adventurer] must go on an adventure if they wished to continue their legend.

In the early morning hours of Orario while the early morning dew had yet to settle, the sounds of steel clashing against steel could be heard in front yard of the [Family Home] of one of Orario's newest [Families].

Bell was training with Astolfo. Despite Astolfo saying he was not as good for a training partner as Saber, Bell insisted that he was still a |Servant| and a knight.

Bell had three swords while Astolfo fought changing the shape of his weapon. Astolfo's attacks were weaker than those of Saber, but the change in the weapon's form has already caught Bell off guard.

(Astolfo): "Always expect an opponent to have a card up his sleeve, Master." - he said after hitting Bell with the spear and pushing back.

(Bell): "Yes!" - he said, rubbing the shoulder that was hit.

Bell remembered what Saber always said when they trained, to pay attention to their opponent as a whole, but Astolfo just didn't think, he just acted. Like an animal followed by instinct, Astolfo did what came to mind during fights. So he didn't have any flaws that others had, like looking at where you want to hit.

(Astolfo): "Master, for some types of opponents you should just stop thinking and just act."

He moved forward while his spear turned the sword and attacked. Bell defended with the sword in his hand and used the other two to attack him. Astolfo took Bell's sword to stop the two that were coming over him, but as soon as he raised Bell's sword, he continued the movement and kicked Astolfo in the face. Astolfo turned the sword into a spear and spun it, repelling the two swords and jumped back.

(Astolfo): "Nice shot, Master."

(Bell): "I just acted." - he replied with a smile and Astolfo did the same.

(Astolfo): "At least you are not just using the other swords as a support for yours normal attacks."

Bell just used the other swords to follow the first, it looked more like he was wearing a fan the size of a sword.

(Bell): "Controlling them is getting more fluid, although I still have problems with the 'Legacy of Chaos'."

He was still having trouble controlling the 'Legacy of Chaos' the way he controls the others, although he managed to make them all float now, they just did it, he couldn't even move them.

At that time, by instinct Bell turned, and the moment he turned he felt something fall into his c.h.e.s.t and cling to him. When he lowered his head he saw Jack with a big smile on his face.

(Bell): "Good morning Jack!" - he can only be thankful that he didn't have his armor on, otherwise Jack could have hurt his head at that time.

(Jack): "Good morning Mommy, good morning Astolfo."

(Astolfo): "Good morning Jack."

(Jack): "What are you playing at? Can We play too?"

(Bell): "Actually, we're not playing. But we're going to let you 'play' with the monsters in |Dungeon|, okay?"

(Jack): "Okay!" - she nodded with a cheerful smile before disappearing back inside the house.

(Bell): "...Is it bad to understand how to deal with it?" he asked Astolfo.

(Astolfo): "No, that's very good. Many Masters ended up being killed by their |Servants| just because they don't have the same ability as you. Not to mention that you have to deal with more than one, that kind of makes you the ideal Master Not to mention that with Jack's past, which made her kill several women, having her acting like a normal child is great. "

(Astolfo): "No, they never caught her after all. And Master, why is this fascination for [Heroes]?"

(Bell): "Because of my grandfather... he was practically my first [Hero]. I was walking near a forest near the farm where we lived, and a attacked me, I think I had about six years, and he came and saved me from him. "

(Astolfo): "What about your parents?"

(Bell): "I have never met them... since I understand myself, it was always me and my grandfather."

(Astolfo): "So... do you want to kind of honor his memory?"

(Bell): "Yes. When he was alive, after he saved me, I said that I wanted to be like him, and he told me that I was thinking too small and should aim to be better than him. Is that weird?"

(Astolfo): "No, not at all. Many knights I met had a similar motivation. But I can say with all certainty that both your grandfather and your parents would be proud of you now."

He transformed the spear into a sword and sheathed it.

(Astolfo): "So continue the way you are and keep going. After all, we will be on your side during the path you decide to take until the end of it." - he said with a playful smile on his face.

(Bell): "I think we should go further." - he dropped that sentence while everyone ate breakfast.

(Astolfo): "Talk about going to |Middle Floors|?" - he stopped eating to face Bell, just like everyone else.

(Bell): "Yes."

(Hestia): "Bell ... you better not even be thinking about facing ..."

(Bell): "Of course not, but staying on the |Upper Floor| will not help us much either."

(Astolfo): "At least it will look more like an adventure than until now."

(Tamamo): "Master has had enough with ." - she said that and Lili and Hestia nodded.

(Lili): "How far do you plan to go?"

(Bell): Until the entrance to |Sixteeth Floor|, or if Goliath is not reappeared, until |Eighteeth Floor|. "

(Bell): "No, I will not." - he said in a disappointed tone.

He really wanted to face |Floor Boos|, but he didn't want to be more uncomfortable for his [Family], after all if he dies, he takes almost the entire [Family] with him. And he recognized that he was too weak for that.

(Jack): "Is it a scary?" she asked Hestia.

(Hestia): "Yes, but with everyone on your side you don't have to worry." - she said that hugging Jack.

(Tamamo): "If we go to |Eighteeth Floor| we can run into [Loki Family] and meet with Saber."

(Astolfo): "I'm a little lost, can someone explain to me about ?"

(Lili): "I explain. The are monsters considered the |Floor Boss|, because they are the only monsters on your floor and unlike other monsters, their respawn can take weeks or months varying from the depth at which Goliath, the from |Seventeeth Floor| takes two weeks to reappear whenever he is defeated. He has no particular spells or abilities outside of his size and strength. Like a seven meter tall monster, his physical strength and his natural armor he is considered a Level 4 monster.Not to mention the fact that |Sixteenth Floor| monsters go down to join the fight. "

(Astolfo): "So if the Master manages to face him, and with our help to defeat him, the way his status increases, he could go to Level 3, right?"

(Hestia): "This will attract a lot of attention, more than he already has."

(Lili): "Any group that wants to try their luck can, but that defeats Goliath the most, are the [Adventurers] of Under Resort, to keep the road clear for Rivira who are Level 3 at best.

(Bell): "Under Resort... Rivira?"

(Lili): "It's a town that exists in the |Dungeon|. Made by [Adventurers, for [Adventurers]. It is completely separate from the [Guild] so they have no presence there. They sell items at rip off prices and buy them at less than [Guild] standard prices too. "

(Tamamo): "...Did you get cheated?"

(Lili): "Who on earth would sell a backpack at that cost !? It was ten times more expendive than one on the surface! They also don't accept money but trade in [Magic Stones] and |Drop Items|. They also take IOUs in the forms of receipts and [Family Emblems] which they collect from the [Family] home back on the surface. "

(Astolfo): "This is not normal in this type of place? If something is rare, the price is higher, isn't it?"

(Lili): "Lili understands that Master Astolfo! It is the principle of the matter! They are [Adventurers through and through!"

Bell felt that Lili's way of saying [Adventurer] sounded a lot more like 'Scammer' than anything else.

(Lili): "In any case, most [Adventurers who plan to dive deeper than the |Eighteenth Floor| will either rest in the town's inn or camp out on the floor as for some reason monsters do not spawn on the floor."

(Astolfo): "For me, I think it will be better than |Upper Floors|."

(Tamamo): "As long as the Master does not take any chances, everything is fine."

(Jack): "Welf is going with us?"

(Bell): "If he wants to, I will not force him."

(Astolfo): "So let's go!" - he said excitedly as he stood up.

They got ready and left the house. Welf was in the same place as always. After shaking hands, Bell said his goal.

(Welf): "Going to the |Eighteenth Floor| with you?"

(Bell): "Yes, I thought it would be good for [Family], besides we can see Saber that is with [Loki Family]."

(Welf): "I don't see a problem, besides, you talk about her so much that I also want to meet her."

(Tamamo): "I think you will get along well."

(Welf): "And Bell I did something for you to continue with the double hilt, but don't even think about comparing it with your swords." he said as he took a red knife and handed it to Bell.

(Lili): "Was that done with Master Bell's |Minotaur's Horn| ?"

That knife was a deep red color and deemed to boast a powerful cutting edge that were made with precision strikes in mid.

(Jack): "...Aren't horns bones? Why does it look like metal?" - she asked as she popped her head up between Bell's arm to look at the knife, causing Bell to yelp.

(Welf): "Glad you asked, Jackie! You see, there's this metal called |Adamantite| and it can only be found in the |Dungeon|. Every so often, it's spawned from the wall just like a monster and people can get rich finding some of the pure stuff... though it's mostly only from the lower floors."

(Bell): "...And since monsters are also born from the walls... some of them have bits of |Adamantite| inside them?"

(Welf): "Got it in one. That's why |Drop Items| like hides, bones, claws and horns are so important as they can be made into weapons and armor. Course, it's not as good as the pure stuff."

(Jack): "Is that so? So... if we get monsters to drop their body parts as much as possible then it will help?"

(Bell): "That's the basic idea."

(Jack): "Okay! Then we'll help Mommy as best as we can!"

As Jack trotted over tpward Lili to get onto her backpack again, much to the other girl's annoyance, Welf leaned over to whisper to Bell.

(Welf): "I tried to ignore it as much as I could but... why does Jackie call you 'Mommy'?"

(Bell): "She was an orphan so I guess she wanted a mother. Tamamo thinks it's because I brought her into our [Family] so I'm her mother."

(Welf): "Ehhh... well... so long as she's happy right? Well, that's enough chatter! Let's get going!"

(Bell & Lili & Astolfo & Jack): "Ohhh!"

Tamamo and Astolfo took the lead until they reached the |Tenth Floor|, when they got there Bell and the others took the lead and made their way to the entrance to the |Thirteenth Floor| once again.

(Lili): "Now we must prepare to enter |Middle Floors|."

She set her bag down and started rummaging through it, pulling out some red robes and handed them to Bell and Welf.

(Lili): "Thses cloaks are made from |Salamander Wool| and have the blessings of the [Salamander Lesser Spirits]. They can help protect us against the cold as well as the magic of the below. Everyone should do their best to not get them torn up too badly that it can't be reused"

(Bell): "...How much?" - he asks taking the cloak from Lili.

(Lili): "Five zeroes."

(Bell): "Grk..."

(Welf): "I'll uh... pay you back somehow." - he said as he accepted the wool as well.

(Lili): "I have it for Lady Tamamo or Mestre Astolfo but..." - while Bell removed Jack's black cloak and replaced it with the Salamander Wool.

Tamamo took the wool and looked at it closely.

(Tamamo): "So that was it... how many did you manage to catch Lili?"

(Lili): "Unfortunately, only five... someone will have to be without one..."

(Tamamo): "Astolfo and I will take the other two." - She said putting the cloak around her neck.

That shocked everyone but Bell, as he knew she was very concerned about her safety, so she wouldn't say something like that without a reason.

(Lili): "Lady Tamamo, are you crazy? How can Master Bell go without such protection?"

(Tamamo): "Because the black coat that Master has already has a resistance against fire spells, I was just not sure, but looking at this one was enough to confirm."

Everyone looked at Bell when Tamamo finished saying that.

(Welf): "How did someone just drop such a beauty?"

(Bell): "I have no idea."

He just thanked him for the great luck he had in finding the black coat.

(Bell): "Anyway... Lili, where did you get all this?"

(Lili): "Remember my friend [Spirit], Mr. Bom? He helped Lili buy them!"

(Welf): "Heh... you got friends in high places, doncha?" he asked after putting the cloak on.

(Lili): "Connections are the backbone of any good [Adventurer]! Now then, Lili will begin the briefing for the monsters that can be found on the |Middle Floors|" - she said as she closed the bag and put the cloark on herself.

(Jack): ", right? Doggies that breathe fire?"

(Lili): "Exactly. are black wolf like creatures that can attack with their claws, fangs and fire magic. After that there are , monster that look like large white rabbits with red eyes and are as big as Lili that often carry |Landform Weapons| in the shapeof hatchets and swords. They also throw them often so please be careful. Like , they travel in packs while a Level 1 [Adventurer] can beat them one-one they are very fast so please don't underestimate them. Basically, consider them like a monster Bell. " - She said with a playful smile as she faced the Bell.

(Bell): "Hey!" - he shouted out loud.

The indignation only increased when he heard a noise coming from the Welf and he started coughing, clearly trying to hide his laughter.

(Bell): "You too Welf!"

Tamamo almost laughed at Lili's comment, but managed to hide it better than Welf.

(Astolfo): "Anything else?" - he managed to ask without having a tone that he was about to laugh too.

(Lili): "Yes, please be prepared for any of the monsters from the |Upper Floors| as well. They often wander down there looking for food, which tends to be the occasional stray that get separated from the pack. Also..."

Lili trailed off as she glanced toward Bell's belt.

(Bell): "..." - he muttered, realizing thatLili was looking at his new red dagger.

(Lili): "Yes. wander the |Middle Floors| beginning from the |Fifteenth Floor|... but they can go up on occasion so..."

(Bell): "Got it."

(Lili): "And the 'boss monster' of the |Middle Floors| on the level of an would be a . It is a large tiger with fur that is as hard as armor so it would be best to run or let Lady Caster or Master Astolfo handle it if we see one. Lili would suggest waiting until everyone else is Level 2 before taking it on."

Bell and Welf nodded their heads as Jack turned to look at the staircase again.

(Jack): "We don't see any mist down there."

(Lili): "Yes. The |Middle Floors| are different compared to the |Tenth Floor| to |Twelfth Floor|. The layout is similar to the Floors before than in that it's a bunch of stone maza-like rooms. There are also a bunch of holes everywhere that can drop you down several floors, so please... do not fall down. We may never see you again."

Jack nodded her head to show that she understood.

(Lili): "That's everything Lili knows about the |Middle Floors|. We can head down when you are ready, Mestre Bell."

(Bell): "Then, let's go!"

Everyone nodded and went into formation. Welf in front as 'Vanguarda', Bell and Jack right behind him and Lili, Tamamo and Astolfo, as always on top of Hippogriff, in the background.

The first few minutes they found nothing. Not a single monster appeared, which made everyone look apprehensive as they walked down the main corridor, the only sound they heard was their own breathing and the echoes of their steps.

(Welf): "It is more frightening to expect an attack from nothing than to fight, isn't it?" - he murmured and Lili and Bell nodded.

(Astolfo): "Of course it is. After all, in the fight you have a sense of how your enemy will act." - he said in a serious tone, which was the first time he did it since he joined them.

(Tamamo): "According to Miss Ryuu, |Dungeon| must be doing this on purpose. It seems that playing with the 'victims' mind is in the method of getting rid of them."

(Jack): "We can scout ahead if Mommy wants."

(Bell): "No, that's okay. We only just got to this floor so you don't have to do that yet."

He said that, and they walked for ten minutes without finding anything or anyone. Until Hippogriff made a low sound.

(Astolfo): "Monster ahead!" - he said from the bottom.

(Welf): "Oh my-finally!" - he said with a strained voice.

A pair of appeared on a slight slope in the path. The two wolf-like creatures were pitch black in color and were the size of a small cow.

(Welf): "Plan?"

(Lili): "The 's range is pretty far so be careful!"

(Bell): "Then we charge!"

Welf put his sword on his shoulder and advanced towards the monsters with Bell right behind him. The two monsters roared and advanced towards the two as well.

When they were about to meet in the center, Bell used his swords as a platform and jumped from one to the other, until he was on the side of the first , the moment he stood in his sight he jumped towards him, pierced him with the 'Legacy of Chaos', with the impulse he advanced two meters to the side before stopping and shortly thereafter, when tried to turn his head to bite Bell, he sent his new knife right between the eyes of the monster.

The second , seeing his mate's fate, stopped and jumped back, flames started to come out of his mouth symbolizing a magical attack, only to be interrupted by an arrow in his eye, allowing the Welf to approach and cut the monster in half.

(Welf): "Nice assist, Lil'li!"

(Lili): "Please be carreful!"

(Astolfo): "I am impressed with the way you used your swords, Master." - he said looking at Bell.

(Bell): "The idea came right away."

What Bell did was really an improvisation, but while he was doing he realized how useful that strategy could be, as his teammates could use the same tactic as well.

(Tamamo): "It remains to be imagined what else you will think ... Anyway, you two seem to be enough for ."

At that time Hippogriff made a sudden move in the direction they came.

(Astolfo): "What happened friend?" he asked looking at Hippogriff, but the answer came from Jack.

(Jack): "Another Mommy!" - She said pointing to a big rabbit with white fur, red eyes and a horn protruding from the head.

(Lili): "Oh! It is!"

(Bell): "It's an " - he yelled out.

(Welf): "Looks like monster Bell's up next!" - He said that with a serious expression, but his mouth was trembling to contain the smile.

Four more pop up behind the first and stare at the Party with their large red eyes.

(Jack): "A whole bunch of Mommies appeared!" - she shouted as they hopped over to a large rock and stomped on it, scattering rubble in the shape of hatchets which they all picked up.

(Astolfo): "Ha-ha-ha! Master has picked up |Landform Weapons|." - he couldn't help laughing.

(Bell): "You guys are mean!" - he shouted, and the frustration only increased when he saw that Tamamo was also laughing at the game.

They went into formation to fight the monsters that were coming.

(Jack): "But they're so cute..." - she muttered.

She pulled out her cleaver and smashed it against the |Landform Weapon| the was holding, crushing it and splitting the monster in two.

(Jack): "Sorry monster Mommy!"

(Bell): "Jack! Please Stop!" - He begged while making the two swords fly towards the monsters and take two of them.

(Jack): "Sorry real Mommy!"

(Welf): "You know... this is the first time I've ever felt bad killing a monster... aren't you two going to do anything?" - he said the first part while hitting the blade part of his sword on an and sending him flying to the wall, the second he said looking at Astolfo and Tamamo.

(Astolfo): "As a knight, I cannot harm my Master." - he said with his hand on his c.h.e.s.t, as if he were going to take an oath.

(Tamamo): "And I can't just fight Master." - she said while she was cleaning a tear.

(Lili): "I do this with pain in my heart." - she said while shooting an arrow that hit right between the monster's eyes.

Those phrases lost their meaning with the amused smiles on the faces of the three.

(Welf): "Well, we're talking about Bell, right?" - he said joining the joke of the others smiling.

(Bell): "Guuuuuys!"

Jack had just killed the last monster when Bell screamed.

(Jack): "Mommy! All monsters Mommy are dead!"

At that time, several squeaks echoed around them about two dozens rabbit heads popped out from the holes.

(Welf): "... This... might be bad." - he muttered

(Bell): "Let's go to a corridor! We have to leave this large room! Astolfo!"

(Astolfo): "Leave it to me, Master! Come on, Hippogriff!"

Hippogriff advanced through the monsters as if there was no one and made his way to a nearby corridor, Welf and Tamamo right after, Lili and Jack right behind and Bell last. The monsters followed him, but then Bell stopped and turned to face them.

(Lili): "Master Bell!"

Bell didn't know what made him turn around, but the moment he did, phrases started to pop into his mind. He realized that it was a chant, but he knew that, apart from the magic of summoning |Servants|, his spells had no chant. But he trusted Astolfo's advice. Sometimes, stop thinking and just act. He raised both arms and recited the sentences.

(Bell): "Born in the night without light. Darkness takes shape." - a magic circle appeared in front of your hands, with an amethyst purple color with a diameter the size of the corridor.

That shocked everyone, especially the [Hestia Family], as they knew all of Bell's spells.

(Bell): "May the darkness judge you for your sins. Fall on those who take advantage of them."

The monsters were less than two meters from him.

(Bell): "Stab the corrupt with an endless rain. DARK RAIN!"

What appeared to be completely black needles came out of the circle in front of the Bell at a great speed, as if it were a shower of blades, and pierced the monsters that chased them. In a short time, only the [Magic Stones] remained, most of them broken, and |Drop Items| of the monsters.

Everyone looked shocked at the Bell, even Bell himself was shocked. He had triggered a spell out of nowhere, since in the last update that spell was not there. And it was quite a powerful one.

(Jack): "Incredible Mommy!" - she said as she ran to the Bell and hugged him.

That took Bell out of shock and he looked at her smiling.

(Bell): "You did pretty well there too, Jack." - he said patting her on the head.

(Jack): "Ehee, We got praised~"

(Welf): "Damn Bell, you could have warned me that you had such a spell!" - he was happy that his friend had such a powerful spell.

(Bell): "Sorry about that. And I'm sorry Lili, I think I must have broken their [Magic Stones]." - he said staring at Lili.

That made everyone else out of the trance, it was obvious that Bell didn't know where that spell came from, but they wouldn't complain, after all it was just another weapon in the arsenal.

(Lili): "It's okay!" - she said while going to get the [Magic Stones].

(Tamamo): "This will definitely help the Master." - she said as she and Astolfo approached the Bell.

(Lili): "Oh! Master Bell left behind a lot of |Drop Items|!" - she said in a playful tone.

(Bell): "LILI!"

As the dive went on, they ran across a few more close calls including one trying to hit Lili by throwing its hatchet, which was blocked by one of Bell's swords, which he flew up to close to Lili and defend it , and a dropping down from the ceiling of all places on to Tamamo's back, which was ineffective because her hearing warned her well before.

Currently, they fond a relatively safe spot at a dead end with only one entrance so no monster could wander in without them noticing and decided to rest a bit and take inventory.

(Lili): "Thank you for your help, Master Bell. Lili was never so happy to be short..." - she took off her hood and was messing with her hair to calm down.

(Bell): "It's okay, how about you Tamamo?"

(Tamamo): "I'm fine."

(Astolfo): "Have we made good progress?" - he asked Welf he had several |Al-Miraj's furs| and |Hellhound Fangs|.

(Welf): "We got quite the haul today. Quite a few furs... I can get to work on a new coat with this..."

(Lili): "Should we head back then?" - she asked Bell who was feeding Jack a bit of his lunch from Syr.

(Bell): "Do you have enough to keep yourself busy, Welf?" - he asked as Jack bit into the sandwich in Bell's hand and pulled it out if his grip.

(Welf): "Hmm ... if we get a bit more, I can try making something for Jackie or Lili too. A few more fangs wouldn't hurt either ..."

(Bell): "If so, let's try another room. Then we can end the day."

With a plan of action decided, everyone checked their belongings and headed back toward the main path. As they walked foward with Astolfo and Hippogriff in front, Tamamo suddenly spoke.

(Tamamo): "Master... I think there are people fighting further ahead... I can hear the sound of metal hitting stone." - while she spoke her ears were moving, as if trying to hear better.

(Astolfo): "There must be another group facing Master."

(Bell): "ASTOLFO!"

(Welf): "What do you want to do, Bell? There is only one way."

The question made Bell calm down with Astolfo's joke

(Bell): "Let's take a look and see if we can't go around the corner."

With a nod, the group continued on their way. Entering the next room, they found themselves at the top of a cliff with a trail that leads down into the great well with the exit of the room located in front of them inside the well itself. Also within the pit was another party of three men and three women that had been surrounded by a swarm of .

(Jack): "More monsters Mommy!" - she said while pointing to the rabbits.

Bell felt that he was stabbed in the heart, and it only got worse when he realized that all his companions were laughing, it might be paranoia in his head, but he could have sworn that even Hippogriff was making a sound as if he were laughing. Tamamo was the first to stop laughing.

(Tamamo): "We have enough space to pass without attracting attention. But some monsters can appear out of nowhere ... do you want to explore further or go back to the surface?"

Before Bell could answer, a scream came out from the other party and they saw one of the girls fall over, having been hit by a |Landfrom Weapon| thrown by one of the . O grupo se mexeu para protege-la.

(Welf): "Ah... bad luck there. Just barely missed that archer and hit her instead. We should probably get back then. Come back another time."

(Bell): "Eh?"

(Welf): "Huh?"

Bell and Welf looked at each other in surprise.

(Welf): "Wait, you're not thinking of helping them are you? It's none of our business." - he asked, poiting down into the pit.

(Lili): "Lili agrees with Master Welf. There is a lot of risk for no real gain if we try and help... there is also a chance that they will run the moment we step in, leaving us with the monsters."

(Bell): "But wouldn't Astolfo's magic serve this purpose?"

Everyone faces him with that comment.

(Welf): "What magic?"

(Astolfo): "Are you talking about 'La Black Luna'? If so, I can't guarantee their well-being."

When he finished speaking, the walls around the other party began to crack as several and began crawling their way out of the walls. A mass birth event. The Monster Party.

Bell knew that Welf and Lili were right. As the leader of the group, he should not put his party's life at risk because of his selfishness. But he remembered his grandfather's words, that he wanted to be someone better than him. How was he going to do that if he was going to ignore those in front of him?

(Bell): "I am not going to risk your life because of this, so you are going to turn around, try to prepare a way out if things get bad. Astolfo takes me with Hippogriff to them, when I give the signal, you attack . " - he said as he advanced to Astolfo's side.

The others said nothing, as they realized that this training was just so as not to drag them away, but they did not plan to simply let it go.

(Welf): "It was kind of obvious that you would help..." - he said with a smile.

(Lili): "Do you really want this plan?" - she was worried that he would get hurt a lot.

(Bell): "Yes!"

(Astolfo): "So let's do it!" - He said extending his hand to Bell.

He took it and mounted it on the Hippogriff and they both flew while the others descended the trail.

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