The Hippogriff took off and quickly rose above the group that was surrounded.

(Bell): "Your magic emits a wave of sound, doesn't it?"

(Astolfo): "Yes, and the fact that all monsters have s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e hearing will help a lot... but make sure everyone else has their ears plugged."

Bell waved and jumped. The fall was gradual, but he used the swords again as a platform and fell on top of a , piercing the middle of the body, which was going to attack one of the women, the only one with long hair, from the group surrounded by back. The woman was startled and quickly turned to face him.

(Bell): "It was close." - he said and quickly turned and cut a in half with the sword that was in his hand.

(Woman): "Are you... the |Record Holder|?"

(Bell): "Introductions are for later. When I give the signal, cover your ears well."

The archer looked at him with a kind of criticism and said.

(Bell): "If you want to get out alive, I suggest just doing it. ASTOLFO!" - he shouted upwards.

The others looked and were surprised to see a person with pink hair on top of a monster they had never seen. From above, Astolfo heard the shout and began to recite the enchantment and the group to defend itself.

(Astolfo): "Dragons roaring! Screaming birds! May your voices be mine! La Black Luna!"

When he finished a hunting horn, his size, appeared around him. It was brown in color like the Hippogriff's feathers, with some yellow accents. It had three mouths, one the size of the Hippogriff's head, and two the size of Astolfo's head. The horn turns around Astolfo's body.

He went down with Hippogriff close enough to Bell and the group.

(Astolfo): "Master!"

(Bell): "Right! Everyone, cover your ears!"

Everyone did this, for the girl who was hit and ended up unconscious, one of the women took some pieces of cloth, put them in each ear and squeezed with her legs. The Bell group, by order of Tamamo, did the same thing. When Astolfo saw that, he blew the horn.

Even covering my ears, it was still a huge blow. The sound that came out was the same as the roar of a dragon, the cry of a giant bird and the neighing of a divine horse, hitting targets in range with the force of an explosion of sound. All the evaporated in place, while the , only those close to Astolfo were evaporated, the most distant were hitting their heads on the ground, but Bell did not know if it was to relieve the pain or if they go crazy with that sound.

Seeing the hitting his head, Jack acted. She quickly went to the nearest one and cut his neck. The others in the group followed her to help. Bell made his swords impale two who had just appeared and stepped forward to help the others finish the job and Astolfo went down hitting some with 'Argalia' while Hippogriff hit others with his claws. The long-haired woman and a muscular man with an battle-axe behind his back joined the battle, while the others took care of the unconscious girl.

Within minutes, all that survived 'La Black Luna', and some monsters that appeared shortly thereafter were exterminated. Bell realized that some monsters must have come because of the 'La Black Luna' noise. He realized that even getting out of trouble, Astolfo's magic could bring a much worse problem.

(Astolfo): "All monsters exterminated, Master."

(Bell): "Sorry to drag you into this."

(Astolfo): "No problem, I might be able to jump on my own if you didn't do that."

Astolfo was serious. Even if Bell backed off, he wouldn't. And that would make Astolfo doubt the words that Bell had said that morning. He was happy to see proof of his Master's dedication to his passion for being a [Hero].

Watching them, Bell's group approached him.

(Welf): "Is this a bad habit for both of them?"

(Lili): "I can't see it with 'bad'." - she said with a guilty smile

(Tamamo): "Master did the same thing for Lili."

A light of understanding appeared in Welf's eyes, and he asked no more questions. Despite the risk, he didn't dislike that part of Bell's personality.

(Bell): "I'm sorry for the problems, guys." - he said as Jack went to him and hugged him.

(Welf): "It's okay, Bell."

(Lili): "Now I understand why you didn't use this spell when we went to check it out." - she said looking at Astolfo.

(Tamamo): "If you use this in the city, all citizens close enough to hear will die or go crazy."

(Astolfo): "Not exactly, 'La Black Luna' has a limit of one hundred targets, if it goes beyond that it will be sort of a draw for those who are affected or not towards the end. That's why some were not affected."

(Welf): "But why did you make that horn?" - he was curious about the invocation of the horn, as it had been different from Bell's swords.

(Astolfo): "The horn itself is the magic, but think of it as a kind of scepter."

(????): "Umm..."

Everyone turned to the source of the voice and saw the long-haired woman and the ax man who fought with them, stop in front of them. The rest of the group was seeing the condition of the girl who was hit, but it seemed that she regained consciousness.

(Man): "Thank you very much for helping us." - he said as he and the woman bowed their heads.

(Woman): "We are in your debt." - she added.

(Bell): "No need. It was just a selfish wish of mine ... and I ended up involving my friends in it."

Lili went to do her job with the help of Jack, who to her surprise, despite the |Drop Items| having evaporated with the monsters, all [Magic Stones] were in one piece. Despite seeing an advantage, she did not want Astolfo to use 'La Black Luna' again. The panic he felt at the sound of the horn left a mark on his mind.

(Woman): "Still, we can't thank you enough."

She was relieved that a kind soul had appeared, as she knew that most people would have left them to fend for themselves. She turned and saw that her companion who was hit in the head was being treated by the others, with potions while they removed the hatchet which, to Bell's surprise, was still trapped into her collar bone.

(Bell): "It's fine, it's fine. Umm, how about some introductions? I'm ..." - he raised his right arm to greet them, but stopped when he saw his hand.

(Man): "What is that?" he asked, while looking wide-eyed at Bell's hand.

(Bell): "Problems..."

(Astolfo): "The last time your ability activated, wasn't it when we were attacked by ?" he asked looking into Bell's eyes.

(Woman): "That means..."

Before she finished her sentence they heard a roar from above, and everyone looked in the direction from which Bell's group came. There they found a bluish monster with black stripes, which resembled a tiger, and a white mane, its eyes were completely black, and had a fierce aura around it and it was as tall as Astolfo on top of the Hippogriff.

(Lili): "!"

The monster jumped from where it was and reached the bottom of the well, silently and without any injuries, as expected of any feline.

(Bell): "It's time for us to leave ..." - he said while not taking his eyes off the monster that just appeared.

(????): "Another!"

(Man): "How unlucky can we be?"

It was already a rarity to find a , just like the , but two at the same time was ridiculous, it would be the same as saying that the were being born in the |Upper Floors|. Lili and the others stayed close to Bell, while the man and woman who went to thank Bell returned to their team.

(Bell): "Lili ... they are the equivalent of , aren't they?"

(Lili): "Yes, just like the they are a kind of |Mid-Boss|, but there shouldn't be two at the same time."

(Bell): "I think it was because of 'La Black Luna'." - he saw that the in front of him was stopped, but he knew he was just seeing the best time to attack.

(Tamamo): "What do you mean, Mester?" - she said looking out of the corner of the eye the other and seeing that he was acting in the same way as the monster in front of him.

(Bell): "One of the 'La Black Luna' sounds is a dragon roar, maybe they thought it was the 'rival', or just came here because of the noise, just like some monsters before."

(Welf): "'La Black Luna' has a limit, if anyone hears outside the limit, it is not affected, but it ended up making them curious."

(Astolfo): "Sorry, Master..." - he said sorry that his magic brought such a problem to Bell.

(Bell): "I told you to use it, if anyone has to apologize, it's me."

Bell looked at his hand and saw that it was brighter than before, so his skill worked like a bow, the harder he pulled the result.

(Bell): "If there were only one, we would try to escape, but two do not, even more with one blocking the exit."

At that time another roar came after in front of Bell's group, they looked up and were speechless. Another appeared, but this time he was as white as his mane.

(Welf): "A strengthened specie ?!"

(Lili): "What do we do?" - a panic stronger than he felt with the sound of 'La Balck Luna' started to form in his mind while for some reason the white was going down the trail instead of jumping like the first.

(Bell): "We will have to defeat them if we want to get out of here alive."

(Welf): "How are we going to do that?" - she thought they wouldn't be able to get out of this alive.

At that time, phrases sprang up in Bell's mind again, like the time he received the song of 'Dark Rain', he looked at his hand and saw that it was shining even more. Then he looked at Astolfo.

(Bell): "Astolfo, can you immobilize them?"

(Welf): "Immobilize the? Even with the help of Hippogriff, he will not be able to do that."

But Astolfo understood what Bell meant.

(Astolfo): "If I only hit the legs, yes."

(Bell): "Right! Tamamo, Lili can you cover our team and their team?" - he said while pointing to the team they just rescued and getting into trouble.

(Tamamo): "As you wish, Master!"

(Lili): Of course Mestre Bell! "- seeing Bell's confidence, the panic she was feeling disappeared.

(Bell): "Okay! Me, Welf and Jack are going to try to keep the still, then Astolfo immobilizes him, then we do the same with the white guy there, and lastly what is behind us. Astolfo do the Hippogriff stay in the air and rescue whoever needs it." - he said while not taking his eyes off the in front of him that he was advancing very slowly, that it gave the impression that they were actually facing a snake.

(Welf & Jack & Astolfo): "Alright Bell / Mommy / Master!"

(Bell): "Now!" - he shouted that and Lili and Tamamo moved away as they advanced.

The in front of him also advanced, while the white went around the corners. The facing the rescued group advanced slowly. The who faced Bell and the others jumped attacking with one of his paws, but Bell used his swords to change the claws' course and not hit his friends.

He was doing everything he could to not use his right arm, because in the skill it said an action, it could be magic or a move, so they just made the swords fly while just carrying their ability, since there was no guarantee that it would activate again shortly after use.

Jack sneaked between the monster's legs and cut them off, thanks to his skill the monster didn't notice her, but when he felt the wounds, which were almost superficial, he turned with his paw raised to deliver the blow, but two spells from Tamamo hit him in the back and he turned again, ignoring Jack once again.

Welf was unable to hit an attack because whenever he tried to repel the monster with his claws, Bell made cuts around his body with his swords, although sometimes the monster managed to repel him.

The rescued group was fine, thanks to Tamamo and Lili, because whenever the monster was going to attack them, either Lili's arrow would strike close to his eye, bothering him, or one of Tamamo's spells would hit him. Tamamo was prepared to get serious about spells at any time, but she wanted Bell to get stronger so she was holding on, but the moment things got ugly she would abuse her magic.

The monster Bell and the others were facing had several superficial cuts, but it was enough to irritate him, Jack had just come out from under him after cutting off one of his legs and jumped to attack her. At that time, the Hippogriff appeared and caught it with one of its paws before the monster hit it, and the monster just watched Hippogriff in the air with Jack hanging.

The moment the monster landed Astolfo began his other song.

(Astolfo): "Touch everything with its golden tip! Take down my enemies for glory in the tournament! Trap of Argalia!" - he said with 'Argalia' pointing at yours and put it pointing in front of you.

When he lowered his spear, it began to glow with golden light and a gold circle appeared in front of the tip of the spear. At that time he advanced, and crossed the monster's two right legs, where the spear touched, disappeared, and the remaining parts let out particles similar to those around Bell's hand, only golden.

Welf's jaw dropped when he saw what Astolfo's spear did, he was sure it was magic, but he also knew that what Astolfo used was not a Magic Sword.

The moment Astolfo stopped, the white attacked. Astolfo managed to avoid the attack for very little, but as soon as one of the legs touched the ground after the attack, he attacked with the other paw quickly without giving Astolfo a chance to defend himself, but Bell made his swords come from the opposite direction of the paw and hit right in the middle making the monster scream in pain and prevent Astolfo from suffering an attack. the Hippogriff went down and released Jack as he went back into the air.

The idea was that the three monsters were incapacitated, but the real intention was for them to be aligned, and Bell realized that they were. The who had just lost two legs, was struggling on the floor trying to stand. And the other two were aligned with this one. At that time Bell screamed.

(Bell): "Keep them where they are!" - he shouted and immediately afterwards he began to sing his new chant while placing the 'Legacy of Chaos' in front of his eyes - "Light is shining shadow! Shadow is silent light!"

At that time a light began to envelop the sword, it had the same color as the particles around the arm, after waiting for a minute and a half it involved almost the entire Bell's arm.

Everyone understood the idea, despite not knowing what magic he was going to use, and again Welf was amazed by that, he saw that Bell was kind of putting his magic on the sword, just like Astolfo did with 'Argalia'.

Both groups tried their best to keep the monsters in the same position. Jack kept attacking his legs to keep the monster spinning in the same place while Welf, Astolfo and Lili harassed him to keep changing his focus all the time, and the man with an axe was getting the attention of while his group and Tamamo did not let him be attacked, it seemed that had decided to focus only on him.

(Bell): "Turn hope in despair! Turn despair in hope! Be the soul of my sword! Join the opposites and bring the true strength! Majesty Burst Buster!" - he raised the 'Legacy of Chaos' above his head and made a vertical strike.

When he made the strike, a vertical line the width of the Hippogriff and the size of the point where the sword was to the ground appeared in front of him and went on, cutting all three monsters in front of him. Although the white one tried to jump to deflect, he was still cut in half, Jack managed to get out of the way easily with his speed, leaving the tip of his [Magic Stone] showing, the other two monsters had their [Magic Stones] cut in half making both bodies disappear.

For a moment everyone was silent, especially the rescued group, as they saw a really powerful magic, as it had ended up with three being one of them a strengthened specie, with a single blow, although they were kind of hurt, even though they had sure that if they were in full shape they would have died from this blow.

(Bell): "Are you all well?"

(Astolfo): "Okay here..." - he said looking at himself, Welf, Tamamo, Lili and Jack who happened to get the [Magic Stones] from the .

(Woman): "Here too!" - she shouted as she checked the man who served as bait.

Bell was relieved to know that no one was caught in his energized magic. He wanted to end the day, he didn't want another surprise like that.

(Bell): "Astolfo, take the injured girl to Hippogriff, we are leaving the |Middle Floors|." - he said while going to Lili who was removing the [Magic Stone] from the white .

Nobody questioned Bell's command, they were very tired from this battle, especially the Bell group, which had to face two , three in the case of Tamamo.

Lili finished removing [Magic Stone] while Astolfo held the injured girl over Hippogriff and they, as a single group, left. They accelerated their pace, as they did not know if they would have another surprise, and luckily for them, they did not find many monsters, the ones they found, Bell and Tamamo exterminated with their magic.

When they returned to |Twelfth Floor|, they advanced to a room with several groups, so they could rest since those [Adventurers] had already taken care of the area and it would take time for the monsters to return. Astolfo dismounted and let the girl's companions take care of her again. As soon as Astolfo left, Welf immediately went to talk to him.

(Bell): "I apologize for the problem ..." - he said to the group they rescued.

(Man): "Don't worry, we heard your theory, and even if it's true, it wasn't intentional, and it doesn't change the fact that you saved us." - he said with a smile on his face, as well as his companions.

Bell was grateful that they did not blame him for the problem that the order to make Astolfo use his magic brought the three .

(Bell): "Shall we continue with the introductions?"

(Woman): "Yes, you are Bell Cranel, |White Dawn Rabbit|, are you not?"

She had heard of him, and some Alias ​​made sense, like |King| for the strongest [Adventurer] of all, but when she saw him fighting she understood Dawn's part, the two swords floating, one white and one black gave the impression that dawn was on her back.

Bell nodded.

(Bell): "Yes, the Captain of the [Hestia Family]... and you are Yamato Mikoto, the |Zetsu Hey|, aren't you?" - he asked while Tamamo joined them.

She nodded, and she was staring at Tamamo for some reason.

(Tamamo): "So you are Lord Takemikazuchi's children. Thankfully, everything went well. Our [Gods] are friends."

(Man): "So you're from [Hestia Family], aren't you? Oh righ ... Kashima Ouka, Captain of the [Takemikazuchi Family]."

(???): "Captain Ouka."

A young woman wearing a white tunic and a cloth headdress came up to them.

(????): "Sorry to interrupt but we should probaly get Chigusa back up to the surface as soon as possible, Naoki said we're running low on potions as well."

(Ouka): "Got it, Asuka."

(Bell): "Let's continue then ... guys, can you continue or do you want to rest more?" - he said turning to the others.

(Lili): "We can continue Mestre Bell!" - she said while Jack nodded.

(Astolfo): "Here too." - He said approaching the Bell with a thoughtful Welf.

(Bell): "How are you, Welf?"

(Welf): "Yes, I just had a kind of inspiration with what you and Astolfo did with the ."

(Bell): "Okay, do you mind if Astolfo takes Miss Chigusa the rest of the way?"

(Astolfo): "If you want, I can go ahead and take her to a clinic."

(Mikoto): "Really?"

(Ouka): "We would appreciate that very much."

(Astolfo): "Master?" - he asked looking at Bell.

Bell nodded, it was better to be safe than sorry. Astolfo mounted the Hippogriff and took the Chigusa and the Hippogriff flew out towards the exit.

(Bell): "So let's get going."

(Mikoto): "I could ask you a question, miss ...." - she said looking at Tamamo.

(Tamamo): "My name is Tamamo, Miss Mikoto."

(Mikoto): "Miss Tamamo, did you happen to come with any other [Renard]?"

(Tamamo): "No, I came alone ... did an acquaintance of yours disappear?"

(Mikoto): "Yes ..."

(Bell): "I'm sure he will appear." - he said with a smile.

Mikoto said nothing, just smiled and nodded. They made their way to the surface. Once there, Astolfo was waiting for them at the entrance to the |Dungeon|.

(Ouka): "Where's Chigusa?"

(Astolfo): "I left her with Lord Miach." - he said and Hippogriff made a sound as if trying to verify his words.

The members of the [Takemikazuchi Family] were more relieved. Miach was an acquaintance of their [God] and they knew that Chigusa was in good hands.

(Ouka): "Well ... thanks again for the help. I promise to return the favor one day."

Bell just nodded. He knew that for the person in front of him, it was a matter of honor, even if Bell went willingly.

The members of the [Takemikazuchi Family] said goodbye to them and went on their way, possibly going to talk to their [God] about what happened and then go to Lord Miach.

(Bell): "Let's go to the [Guild] and then home."

(Welf): "I'm going to my workshop, thanks to you I got an inspiration. See you tomorrow."

(Hestia Family): "See you!"

They went to the [Guild] to sell the [Magic Stones]. Once there, they went straight to the exchange desk, when they spoke of the three the employee almost had a thing. He even called Eina to speak with them.

(Eian): "THREE ?!" she shouted in shock, and everyone who heard it was sure they had heard it wrong.

(Astolfo): "Yes, two blue and one white."

(Misha): "The strengthened specie was in the middle ?!"

(Tamamo): "Yes ... right after the two exits were blocked he appeared."

(Employee): "Impossible!"

(Lili): "You can ask the members of [Takemikazuchi Family] if you don't believe it, they were with us at the time." - she was starting to get irritated by that.

(Employee): "And why aren't they here?"

(Bell): "One of the members was knocked unconscious during a Monster Party, so they went to make sure she was okay."

(Eina): "Did you get involved during a Monster Party?"

(Tamamo): "I believe it was for the best, if we came back we would have to deal with two at the same time."

The employees were silent, after all that was true.

(Misha): "Well, make the switch soon."

(Employee): "Right!"

He traded all the [Magic Stones] for valis, they decided to give [Takemikazuchi Family] the money from the [Magic Stones] of that they fought. They would ask Hestia to deliver it directly to Takemikazuchi.

(Employee): "Everything done."

(Bell): "Thank you!"

(Eina): "But still, how did this happen?" - she kind of said to herself, but Bell and Astolfo felt a little guilty - "Anyway be careful with |Middle Floors|."

(Hestia Family): "Right. See you later."

They left the [Guild] the moment they left Tamamo spoke to Bell.

(Tamamo): "Why didn't you talk about your theory? Or your plan on |Eighteenth Floor|?"

(Bell): "For the first question, I didn't want to bring problems to Astolfo, a magic that destroys monsters and attracts them, how do you think they would react?"

In fact, they would have the flea after Astolfo, after all his magic attracted three .

(Bell): "And for the second question, Miss Eina would be very concerned, and she already has too much work in the [Guild]."

The group was silent, but did not condemn Bell's choices.

(Bell): "Well, let's go home."

He led the way and the others followed. They got there and got off. Hestia came back a little later. She's already kicked in the door.

(Hestia): "Are you okay?" - she already ran to Jack and Lili who were closest.

(Jack): "Yes, Mommy Hestia." - she said while Hestia examined each visible part of Jack.

(Astolfo): "Luckily for us, no one was hurt very much, except for the falls we took when repelling their attacks."

(Hestia): "Good." - she said while hugging Jack and, to their surprise, Lili too.

(Bell): "It's okay [Goddess]."

(Hestia): "What happened?"

They told everything from the moment they entered | Thirteenth Floor |.

(Hestia): "I see ... ah, Take sent your thanks for saving your children."

(Bell): "And with that I almost screwed up our [Family]."

He didn't regret it, but when he thought about what could go wrong, only guilt remained in his mind.

(Tamamo): "How did you and Lord Takemikazuchi find out?"

(Hestia): "One of the people who stays in a tent near mine can't go, so my boss put Take there, I saw when his children passed by and talked about you saving them."

(Astolfo): "Let's change the subject ... update the Master, I want to know if he has another magic that didn't come to his mind."

Bell nodded at the time, after all two songs had simply sprouted in his head, he wanted to know if there was more or if they just showed up. They performed the update in the same room and Hestia handed the papyrus to Bell with wide eyes.

/ ******************* /

Bell Cranel

Level 2

Strength: E 432 -> D 512

Endurance: E 403 -> E 475

Dexterity: D 574 -> C 687

Agility: D 587 -> C 796

Magic: C 715 -> B 867


Summoning |Servants|: Summons a [Heroic Spirit] from any of the |Servant Classes| It requires paying the price for physically maintaining them after invoking them. You cannot currently summon two servants of the same class.

(May silver and steel be the essence.

Let the stone and the archduke of the contracts be the basis.

Let red be the color I pay homage to.

Build a wall against the wind that will fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-fork road in the crown reach the Kingdom.

Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Allow it to be filled five times for each shift, simply breaking with each filling.

My dreams form the body

Your Spirit will show me the way while I bring it by my own power

And then I swear,

That I will be all good in the world

That I will defeat all the evil in the world.

You souls who reside in the destiny that I wish to reach

Get out of the liaison circle

Oh guardian of the scale!)

Forgetfulness of Darkness: Transform darkness into the 'Forgetfulness of Darkness' sword, as well as turn the sword back into darkness. The sword's power increases as the strength increases.

Promise of Light: Transform light into the 'Promise of Light' sword, as well as make the sword light again. The sword's power increases as the strength increases.

Legacy of Chaos: Transform chaos into the 'Legacy of Chaos' sword, as well as turn the sword back into chaos. The sword's power increases as the strength increases.

Ray of Light: Fast spell.

Ray of Darkness: Fast spell.

Ray of Chaos: Fast spell.

Dark Rain: Throws a countless number of needles of darkness, can change the size of the area of ​​effect, the smaller the area you plan to hit, the faster it will be, but the power remains the same.

(Born in the night without light.

Darkness takes shape.

May the darkness judge you for your sins.

Fall on those who take advantage of them.

Stab the corrupt with an endless rain.

Dark Rain!)

Majesty Burst Buster: Envelop your sword in light and darkness and launch a powerful cut.

(Light is shining shadow!

Shadow is silent light!

Turn hope in despair!

Turn despair in hope!

Be the soul of my sword!

Join the opposites and bring the true strength!

Majesty Burst Buster!)


Light, Darkness & Chaos: Control over Light, Darkness and Chaos.

Heroic D.e.s.i.r.e - Argonaut: Charges up a active action.


Saber - Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Caster - Tamamo no Mae

Assassin - Jack

Rider - Astolfo

/ ******************* /

(Tamamo): "Master's absurd growth is already normal for me at this point."

(Astolfo): "Yes, and Mestre has no new magic ..."

(Lili): "That means they woke up on the spot."

(Bell): "Is that possible?"

Bell was the first case of awakening magic without the update, the other way would be to use a | Grimorio |, but it would still need updating a [God] blessing to be effective, but Bell managed to circ.u.mvent this.

(Hestia): "I will adjust all of you."

She performed at each and handed out the scrolls.

/ ******************* /

Liliruca Arde

Level 1

Strength: I 98 -> H 121

Endurance: H 139 -> H 145

Dexterity: G 249 -> G 278

Agility: F 368 -> E 402

Magic: D 529 -> D 569

/ ******************* /

Tamamo no Mae

Level 1

Strength: I 2 -> I 4

Endurance: I 2 -> I 8

Dexterity: I 26 -> I 37

Agility: I 16 -> I 22

Magic: I 34 -> I 45

/ ******************* /


Level 1

Strength: I 2 -> I 11

Endurance: I 3 -> I 5

Dexterity: I 8 -> I 17

Agility: I 13 -> 25

Magic: I 2

/ ******************* /


Level 1

Strength: I 3 -> I 12

Endurance: I 2 -> I 5

Dexterity: I 4 -> I 10

Agility: I 3 -> I 9

Magic: I 2 -> I 10

/ ******************* /

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