After everyone's update, they had lunch. Hestia was still keen to ask about the incident. When they talked about their theory involving Astolfo's magic, she was shocked.

(Hestia): "Astolfo, you can no longer use this magic, understand?" she shouted, totally exasperated.

(Astolfo): "After what happened, I didn't plan to use it, but maybe I will need it sometime."

(Hestia): "Only when it is really necessary then."

(Tamamo): "Are you still planning to go to the |Eighteenth Floor|, Master?"

(Bell): "Yes, preferably, get there tomorrow, if there is no chance for the to appear."

(Astolfo): "So we get together with Saber and wait for to be defeated?"

(Bell): "Yes."

(Hestia): "So I'm going to be alone for a few days?"

(Hestia): "...This is something I have to endure, isn't it?" - she had already finished eating, like everyone else and hugged Jack - "I think I was spoiled... I didn't have all that anxiety with Bell in the first two weeks."

(Lili): "Well... Master Bell promised us something, didn't he?" - She said looking at Bell.

He could only laugh nervously, as Tamamo and Hestia turned to face him too.

(Hestia): "Really... good while you are gone, I will try to finish the [Emblem]." - she said as the mood returned to her.

(Lili): "This is something you should have already done."

(Tamamo): "Lady Hestia can try to recruit people for [Family] as well."

(Astolfo): "But no Level 2 will want to join our [Family], will they? Who will help newbies while people accompany Master?"

Despite the attention Bell got as |Record Holder|, [Hestia Family] was still unknown, so even if they managed to recruit someone, they would just be newbies who don't know about things.

(Bell): "Jack can accompany them, Lili was teaching her things, right?"

(Jack): "Uh huh! We know that! It's like taking the heart out of monsters."

(Lili): "...Technically, it is not wrong...."

(Bell): "So when we have other people in [Family], can you help them, Jack?"

(Jack): "Yes, Mommy!"

(Bell): "Okay, I'm going to visit Welf, to prepare things for tomorrow."

(Tamamo): "I'm going to see what I can prepare as well. Possibly [Loki Family] will need something, so we can take them."

(Lili): "I'm going with you."

(Hestia): "Don't come back too late."

(Bell & Tamamo & Lili): "We are leaving."

(Hestia): "Well they should be fine... do you want to sleep with Mommy Hestia Jack?" - She said putting a smile on her face while looking at Jack.

(Jack): "Unn!" - she said while smiling and holding Hestia's hand to go to sleep.

Bell, Tamamo and Lili were together halfway. Bell made his way towards the northeastern district of the city, also known as the industrial district, while Tamamo and Lili went to the [Dian Cecht Family] store. They thought about going to the [Miach Family] store, since it was someone they trusted and they were friends with their [Goddess], but they thought that [Loki Family] might not like it, since they only went to Dian Cecht's store .

The moment they parted, Bell put on the hood of his coat, to avoid surprises, such as the attack by the masked men, since according to Hestia and Tamamo, no one could see his face. Bell made his way down the main street in the district, and found his goal very quickly.

At a point off the main street path, between stone buildings, a compact one-story building covered in soot and various burn marks with a smokestack spewing out ash and smoke to the sounds of a hammer beating against metal.

Bell went to the door, removed the hood, and knocked on the door, the sound of hammering stopped and the door creaked open just a crack so the owner could peer outside.

(Welf): "Hey Bell! What's up? Coming here so late." - He said opening the door fully.

(Bell): "Sorry to disturb your work. But I would like to know if you are willing to go with us to the eighteenth floor tomorrow."

(Welf): "Are you so desperate to see Saber?" - he said with a playful smile on his face while facing his friend.

(Welf): "Come in." - he said as he went to the furnace and took a piece of hot metal and put it in a bucket of water and finished the blade.

Bell came in, closed the door behind him, and saw a blacksmith's workshop that would be considered simple, but as he was never in one, he was impressed. There were several weapons on the walls, some seemed to have been collecting dust for some time., He saw no armor, only a few daggers, one-handed swords and two-handed swords. But one caught Bell's attention.

It was a black and red two-handed sword, but the blade was not very wide, but it was the size of the Welf. That sword gave the impression that it was a rough gemstone. She was leaning against the wall, away from the other weapons.

(Bell): "New project?" - he asked as he pointed at the sword.

Welf looked at where Bell was pointing.

(Welf): "No... I did this one when I joined [Hephaistos Family]. Everyone who wants to come in does a play and shows it to Lady Hephaistos, as a kind of initiation test."

(Bell): "Did you do this to prove you were a Crozzo?" - He looked at Welf a little surprised.

(Welf): "I did it to demonstrate my ability and not to sell, so I didn't worry about it at the time. And I'm thinking of using it as the basis for a new project..." - he said while examining the knife he had made, then looked at the sword on the wall.

(Bell): "What did Lili and Tamamo say when you vented on us that bothers you?"

(Bell): "You heard my theory didn't you?" - he asked with guilt rising in his mind.

(Welf): "Yes, but that doesn't change the fact. If we were facing a Monster Party I would try to convince Astolfo to use that magic, despite the risk."

Bell was silent. In fact it would be better for him to use that magic so they can get out of the place as quickly as possible and avoid further problems.

(Welf): "What I want to say, is that this kind of thing can happen, if you weren't there, or Tamamo, or Astolfo or even Jackie, we could have died even against one."

Bell just remained silent while his friend continued talking.

(Welf): "I hate Magic Swords because they leave us, because I can't exactly depend on them ... but you and Astolfo gave me a light in this situation." - he said as he turned to face Bell.

(Bell): "What do you mean?"

(Welf): "Both you and Astolfo treated your swords like a kind of scepter, but without losing their attack power. Before we left the |Thirteenth Floor|, I asked Astolfo if he could do that magic with another spear, after all although is rare spells involving weapons still happen, but he said no."

Bell remembered that in the description of 'Trap of Argalia', the Argalia spear was needed.

(Bell): "Was that what you were thinking at the time?"

(Welf): "Yes, remember when I asked about the magic of Tamamo?"

(Bell): "You asked the same day that you explained why you hate Magic Swords."

(Welf): "Yes, and she told me that she put her magic on the papers then they did the spell... apart from putting the magic part, this is not very different from the Magic Swords, but..."

(Bell): "Do you think this is why they break?"

(Welf): "Yes... they wear out to cast the spell... but if the owner does the same as you, maybe they can handle it."

(Bell): "But if someone takes a spell that needs a lot of energy, it can't end up killing him?"

(Welf): "This is one of the problems... but I can worry about it later... after all you showed me that there is a way... although making a sword similar to yours looks cool."

(Bell): "You can."

(Welf): "How is it?" - Welf's eyes widened at the friend's statement.

(Bell): "Saber said she asked to forge her sword, but then it ended up becoming a 'soul weapon'."

(Welf): "This makes me really want to meet her."

(Bell): "So, can I count on you tomorrow?"

(Welf): "You can bet." - he said while raising his arm with a closed fist and with a smile on his face.

Bell responded in the same way and they gave a little punch.

(Bell): "Well, see you tomorrow."

(Welf): "See you."

Bell left the Welf workshop, put on his hood and went home. Lili and Tamamo had already returned, and were already resting for tomorrow's descent.

The next day, Bell woke up earlier than usual, after all he was very excited for today, so much for the fact that they were going to the |Eighteenth Floor| about the fact that he can see Saber again.

He got up, cleaned himself, prepared his equipment and went down to the living room, where Astolfo was already awake, on the table was a package with the [Emblem] of [Dian Cecht Family].

(Astolfo): "Good morning, Master, did you sleep well?" - He followed Bell with his eyes until he sat at the table.

(Bell): "At least what the excitement allowed. Is that what Tamamo and Lili were looking for?" he asked as he looked at the package.

The answer he made to the person in front of him came from the direction that Bell came from.

(???): "Yes, although I almost regret having continued with this."

Bell and Astolfo turned to Lili, rubbing their eyes as she went down the stairs.

(Bell): "Good morning Lili!"

(Lili): "Good morning Master Bell and Master Astolfo."

(Astolfo): "Good morning and it seems that the price of this here was a bit steep ..." - he said while looking at the package.

(Lili): "Yes, we paid more for something that Lord Miach could do for a lower price, but as he was in the dark, we thought that [Loki Family] wouldn't like it, so we just waited."

(Bell): "From the impression that Naza gave, Lord Dian Cecht is very greedy."

(Astolfo): "It is unfortunate for [Adventurers], he runs the largest medical network in the city, and almost closed his competitor." - a grimace appeared on his face when he said that.

Astolfo knew there was nothing for free, especially in medicine after all doctors have to support themselves, but by Lili's tone of voice and Bell's comment, [God] Dian Cecht uses medicine only to earn money, without any intention to help.

(Astolfo): "Are Lord Dian Cecht's 'children' like him?" - he asked Lili

(Tamamo): "The receptionist didn't give me that impression." - she replied while bringing breakfast and Bell took the package off the table and put it in Lili's bag.

(Lili): "Yes, Miss Airmid Teasanare is known for her kindness and for treating everyone the same way, they say that on her days off she helps those in need and does not charge anything because, according to her, she is not on duty. "

(Bell): "That's why she got the 'Alias' |Dean Saint|, isn't it?"

When he arrived he looked for information from the main [Family] and the people with 'Alias' who stood out the most, and |Dean Saint| it was one of them for the reason that Lili just said, despite the fact that she stopped at Level 2 and gave no indication of wanting to continue climbing.

(Lili): "Yes, but at work she has to obey Lord Dian Cecht's orders."

(Astolfo): "And I bet the price doesn't help much in her image."

(Tamamo): "In fact there were people complaining and claiming that she was greedy."

(Bell): "This is the same as blaming a son for the crimes of his father." - he said indignantly.

(Lili): "At the time they don't seem to care."

(Astolfo): "The [Adventurers] need potions to have a chance to continue living due to their work, if someone refuses the resource they need or makes it more difficult to obtain, it is obvious that they will take it out on the closest person."

(Tamamo): "At least it is a good thing to know that not everyone is like Lord Dian Cecht and that she has the patience to put up with customers."

(Bell): "One more reason for her 'Alias' then."

(???): "Uuu... sleepy..."

(??????): "Be careful not to fall."

The four in the room turned to the stairs to see a Hestia carrying a sleepy Jack by the hand.

(Bell): "Good morning [Goddess], good morning Jack."

(Jack): "Good morning Mommy..." - she said while she and Hestia sat and Tamamo put coffee for them.

(Hestia): "Good morning guys, are you ready to go?" - she said with a sad look for everyone.

(Lili): "We were just waiting for Jack."

They finished breakfast and said goodbye to Hestia.

(Hestia): "Be careful... and keep yourself and Bell safe, Jackie!" - she said the second part hugging Jack.

(Jack): "Uh huh!"

She hugged everyone until she reached the Bell.

(Hestia): "Promise me... that you will be safe and come home..." - she said while tightening her hug.

Bell returned the hug. He knew she was going to be lonely and was thinking of something to motivate her. Then an idea came to mind and a little feeling of guilt for just thinking about it now.

(Bell): "I promise... so just wait for us... and when I get back, we're going out on a date, okay?" - he said with a smile on his face.

Hestia broke away from him with eyes wide and watering while Bell felt the looks of Lili and Tamamo.

(Hestia): "If you don't keep that promise, I will never forgive you." - she tried to play bossy, but the tears in her eyes were not helping this image.

That promise lifted Hestia's spirits a little and for Bell it was a small victory. The five went out the door while Hestia watched them until they disappeared into the street.

(Hestia): "At least I have my job to occupy my mind... and I have to plan this date..." - she said while a small smile appeared on her face.

She took her coat and left, leaving the mansion completely empty.

They followed the usual path, since he had to warn Syr that he was going to be gone for a few days, after the mansion disappeared, Bell decided to respond to the looks that pierced him.

(Bell): "You can stop boring me with your eyes, I plan to have a date with each one when we get back."

(Lili): "With all of them?"

(Bell): "Of course!"

(Tamamo): "Did it take too long, Master?" - she said in a playful way but it hit the nerve.

(Bell): "Sorry about that."

They arrived at the 'Hostess of Fertility' where Syr was waiting in the usual spot with a lunch in hand.

(Syr): "Good morning, Bell! Here you go." - She said while delivering the usual lunch.

(Bell): Thank you Syr. And I came to say that maybe you won't need to do it for a while. "

(Syr): "Why not?"

(Bell): "We are planning to meet with Saber who is with [Loki Family] over at |Eighteenth Floor|."

(Syr): "Are you sure? You don't even have a month like Level 2." - she asked as she looked worried.

(Bell): "You don't have to worry about that, Syr."

(Syr): "Okay... but be careful, okay?" - She said as her expression changed to a serious one.

(Bell): "We are always careful in |Dungeon|."

(Syr): "That's not it. Yesterday, a [God] was asking for information about you. He was definitely no good, so Mama Mia kicked him out."

(Bell): "I'm not very surprised by this..." - he replied with a dry laugh.

(Syr): "You have become quite famous. Just be careful not to fall into any bad [God] or [Goddess] 's trick and leave your [Family], okay?"

(Bell): "I will try."

(Syr): "Good luck... and stay safe."

(Bell): "I will, and when I get back, try to get a break."

(Syr): "Are you asking me out?" - she said with a playful tone.

(Bell): "I am."

Syr was silent for a second and then immediately went all red. Bell found her reaction very cute.

(Syr): "I'll let you know when I get the break..." - she murmured but they managed to hear.

(Bell): "Okay then. See you later."

And with that they went on their way to |Dungeon|. Bell's expression went a little hard after they left the pub.

(Jack): "Mommy... are you angry?" she asked worriedly, as she had never seen Bell make that expression before.

(Bell): "A little..." - he said while putting a smile so that Jack would not be worried anymore.

(Astolfo): "Well... all leaders always want the best soldiers... it was only a matter of time before some [God] went after Master, especially with his rapid growth."

(Lili): "But they can try something against us."

(Bell): "If their intention is to make me leave [Hestia Family], they can wait for my next incarnation, because in this I will die as a member of [Hestia Family]." - An angry tone passed through Bell's voice and everyone was a little surprised by that.

Seeing how his friends were, he explained why he was angry.

Unless Hestia returned to Tenkai he would not be leaving [Hestia Family]. Bell remembered when he arrived in Orario a couple of months ago. Every [Family] he tried kicked him out without even thinking twice, and he didn't just try the big [Families] like Freya, Loki and Ganesha, but even the small ones rejected him. Hestia had been the only one who gave him a chance and that was why he was there.

He didn't even want to imagine what would have happened to him if it weren't for Hestia. Everyone understood and sympathized with Bell and were angry with the [Gods] who were showing themselves.

(Astolfo): "So we have to guarantee that they will not steal our Master, right?"

(Jack): "Unn! We'll protect Mommy!" - she said while trying to hug him in a protective way, but as she was very small she couldn't do it.

(Bell): "Thank you." - he said with a laugh.

They made their way and found Welf in its usual place, but he had another sword fully wrapped up next to him.

(Welf): "Mornin."

(Bell): "Good morning, and thanks for coming."

(Welf): "Well, I think this will be good for me too."

(Tamamo): "What's with the new sword?"

(Welf): "This... is just a good luck charm. Don't worry about it." - He said a little uncomfortable.

Everyone looked at Bell, since he had visited him the day before, but he just shook his head so they wouldn't ask, after all he had a good idea what this 'amulet' was. Lili took the sword and tied it to her bag.

(Bell): "Well, let's go." - he said while guiding everyone to the |Dungeon|.

As they went down, Jack was hovering around him as if waiting for something to come out of nowhere and attack Bell.

(Welf): "At that time Jackie was going to try to climb Lil'li's backpack, what happened?"

Bell explained about the notice he received from Syr.

(Welf): "How bad luck, man. I also have a boring people behind me, but they never tried anything because they don't want to irritate Lady Hephaistos."

The protection of a large [Family] was not exaggerated, especially one like [Hephaistos Family], which, together with the [Goibniu Family], controlled most of the arms and armor production in Orario.

Trying to piss off one of these [Families] was tantamount to throwing your future away as [Adventurer], because you could either end up dying because your weapons broke in the middle of the fight, or you wouldn't be able to advance any further.

(Astolfo): "Unfortunately, [Hestia Family] is not that famous or that big."

(Tamamo): "The only fame that came was because of the Master, but it is still not enough."

(Bell): "Relax people, everything will be fine." - He said with a smile on his face while trying to calm his companions.

They continued down without any difficulty, and quickly, by their standards, they arrived on the |Fourteenth Floor|.

(Welf): "When... without Monster Parties and too."

(Bell): "I didn't see anyone from [Takemikazuchi Family]... they must have taken a break."

(Lili): "Well, one of their members almost died while surrounded, I would be surprised if they decided to return to |Dungeon| after just one day."

Since arriving on the |Fourteenth Floor|, Bell, Welf and Lili have been in the lead. Astolfo, at Hippogriff, and Jack was right behind with Tamamo at the rear.

(Bell): "Wait." - he said when he felt a shiver down his spine.

He stopped so suddenly that Hippogriff almost ran into him. Everyone else stopped and looked at him.

(Tamamo): "What was Master?"

Just after she finished that speech, a familiar roar echoed down the hall, making Lili shiver.

(Lili): "..." - his voice was not louder than a whispered as Welf turned to face her with open eyes.

(Bell): "I'll be right back." - he said as he put on his hood and stepped into the shadow of the hall.

The others were going to say something but when they realized, Bell was gone in the shadows. They didn't know that Bell had that ability.

Although Bell himself was not aware of what he did, when he thought of going into hiding to see what was going on, he ended up covering himself with darkness, where in the shadows no one could see him. It was similar to Jack's skill in the fog. Even though the darkness didn't let others see him, he still managed to see others.

When he reached the room that the roar came from, he almost fell ill. In front of him were the scattered and broken bodies of another. An [Elfs] corpse was lying on the top of his comrade's, their bodies crushed by a heavy weight. Either he was trying to cover her or he had fallen over her and were killed at the same time. On the other end of the room was another corpse with their head caved in... and at the exit three devouring another body.

For a moment, he almost threw himself against the monsters, but he controlled himself and went back to where the others were. He took off his hood and leaned against the wall with one hand over his mouth.

(Jack): "Are you okay, Mommy?" - he said as she and the others went to him.

(Bell): "...No." - He said and immediately afterwards told what he saw in front of him while covering Jack's ears.

The others sympathized with him, although everyone knows that this always happens, seeing for the first time is not a good thing.

(Welf): "What do we do?"

(Bell): "They are blocking the only way out, if we want to continue, we have to defeat them."

(Astolfo): "Do you want to do this, or do you want to leave it to me or Tamamo?"

He knew that after seeing such a scene, Bell would want to relieve himself emotionally, that happened to knights who witnessed a massacre or came close to dying, some just screamed, but others would want to do something about the situation.

Bell tried to cool his head but was failing.

(Bell): "I do."

The others just nodded.

(Tamamo): "I'll cover you if something happens."

He just nodded his thanks to them for not trying to convince him otherwise. He guided them to the place and Welf quickly went to Jack's side and covered her eyes, which left her confused and the others grateful. Even though Jack was a Serial Killer, that was on another level, after all the monsters were still devouring the body.

(Bell): "I'm going." - he said as he advanced slowly.

(Lili): "Watch out."

They didn't speak very loudly but the voices ended up echoing in the room, causing the three monsters to turn around to face him. Bell summoned all his swords as the monsters took their |Landform Weapons|, which were shaped like a cordless ax, and moved forward.

The first one that got close enough launched a vertical attack, but Bell turned to the right when the |Landform Weapon| cracked the floor where Bell was, Bell cut 's arm off with just one swing of the' Legacy of Chaos', making the monster roar in pain and going backwards bumping into another , causing the two to fall.

The second that got close enough made a horizontal blow, which Bell easily deflected by crouching, when the monster almost lost his balance due to the blow, Bell jumped back, used one of his swords as a springboard and gave the monster a flying flight. making him go against the other monsters, taking everyone to the ground.

Bell stuck the 'Legacy of Chaos' on the floor and picked up |Landform Weapons| of the first monster and raised it, the moment he took the gun, his right hand began to shine and the sound of bells began again. When the three monsters rose, the three advanced towards the Bell. He made a single horizontal movement and a white cut came out of the weapon, hitting the three monsters, evaporating them instantly.

The others were surprised by Bell's performance, especially Welf as they saw confirmation of Bell's rumors. He knew he was not the type to lie, but seeing with his own eyes was something else.

(Welf): "Dude ... you could have used the sword I made you, if you do that I will think you like |Landform Weapons| more than my stuff." - he said in an animated tone,

That sentence cleared the mood a little and improved Bell's mood a little.

(Bell): "It was bad ... I didn't think about it too much."

(Lili): "Do you feel better?"

(Bell): "Yes ... I think I just needed to vent a little."

(Astolfo): "What do we do with them?" - he said while indicating the bodies with his head.

Bell looked towards Jack but Tamamo was making sure she didn't see the scene, much to the girl's confusion.

(Bell): "There is not much we can do..." - he said while going to the bodies of [Elfs].

He saw the expression of horror and despair in the heads, which portrayed what they felt in their last moments. He closed their eyes and said a silent prayer, something that the others imitated, with the exception of Tamamo who was still wrapping up Jack.

Bell knew he couldn't take the bodies for various reasons, but he didn't want to leave them there to be eaten again, but there was nothing he could do, but he thought he should at least warn their [Family] so they don't have to more waiting for children who would never return and paying homage.

He searched their bodies, making the others look wide open. Shortly afterwards he got up with a piece of cloth in his hands. The others saw what appeared to be an [Emblem] and understood Bell's intention.

(Lili): "Their [God] will be grateful that someone broke the news." - she said as she approached and took the [Emblem] to keep.

Bell said nothing and just turned.

(Bell): "We will continue." - he said moving on.

The others followed him but when they were near the door Tamamo stopped Bell while the others continued to move forward, with Welf and Lili distracting Jack.

(Bell): "What is it?" - he said while looking at her.

She pulled out three papers and launched them toward the bodies. When the papers touched them, they caught on fire. Tamamo was giving an impromptu funeral. That feeling of 'we should do something for them' disappeared instantly, and he looked at her with a look of gratitude.

(Bell): "Thank you." - he said and right after he kissed her on the cheek.

(Tamamo): "We are here to help, although I would prefer the kiss elsewhere..." - she said with her hand where Bell kissed her and in a provocative voice.

Bell just remained silent and continued on his way, but she saw his ears red with their words, but she decided not to continue, after all that was an advance.

When the two reached the others, Bell's face was no longer red. And they realized that Bell was like before he found the bodies. What made everyone happy.

(Wefl): "Dude, you're living up to the rumors. One solo at Level 1, three , practice with just one hit at Level 2, what are you going to do at Level 3?" - he said as he wrapped an arm around Bell's shoulder.

(Astolfo): "Defeat three alone?"

(Tamamo): "Don't even say it as a joke!" - Tamamo's protective mode activated with Astolfo's phrase.

Bell let out a dry laugh at Welf and Astolfo's teasing. At that time a group of appeared.

(Bell): "Not a word!" - he said before any joke, making Lili, Welf and Astolfo clicked their tongues while Jack and Tamamo giggled.

(Jack): It's butchering time! "- she said, pulling out her cleavers and leaping head first into the mob of monsters.

(Welf): "Hey, get in line Jackie! I'm the vanguard, remeber?" - he called out as he ran after her.

(Bell): "Welf is too slow!" - he said while passing the Welf to deal with the monsters next to Jack.

Bell's Party ran through the |Dungeon|, sometimes they decided to face monsters to train, but sometimes they just ignored it, or let Tamamo or Astolfo deal with them. They stopped to pick up [Magic Stones] and |Drop Items|, as they wanted to get there quickly, everyone helped with that.

They ended up bumping into other twice, the first time, it was just two, Tamamo took care of them by throwing three papers each, and the second time Bell did. He used swords as a platform to stay like that of the monsters and went down with the sword piercing the monster's head, he did the same thing with the other two. The third tried to use the horn to pierce the Bell in the air, but he used the 'Promise of Light' and cut off that horn.

The Party went on their way and they were quickly on the stairs that led up to the |Seventeenth Floor|.

(Astolfo): "We are here!" he said excitedly.

He heard so much about that he really wanted to find one.

(Welf): "The |Floor Boss| area ..." - he muttered with a gulp.

(Bell): "It's okay, by the way it hasn't been generated yet. Let's go to - hmm?"

He felt that someone was coming and took a step back to free the stairs, the others did the same. A moment later, someone came flying up from it.

(????): "Wha!?"

A family rether [Adventurer] appeared and landed beside him.

(Tamamo): "You are Bete, aren't you?"

The [Werewolf] looked at everyone starting with Tamamo, but his gaze stopped at Hippogriff.

(Bete): "What's with the monster?!" he shouted as he prepared to attack.

(Astolfo): "It's mine!" - he shouted quickly while making the Hippogriff turn to show him mounted.

Bete was a little stunned by that, first he never saw that monster before, second he had already worked with monster tamers and never saw any of them riding one.

(Bell): "This is Astolfo, he joined our [Family] shortly after you went on the expedition."

Bete turned and faced Bell.

(Bell): "What is it?"

(Beth): "How the hell did you get down here?"

(Bell): "Like usual?" - he answered as Bete's eyes narrowed.

(Tamamo): "We have something for you." -she said while going to Lili's backpack and took the package and handed it to Bete.

Bete raised an eyebrow, as inside the package were several high class antidotes and elixirs.

(Bete): "...What's that for?" - he said while looking from the potions to Tamamo.

(Tamamo): "Just helping acquaintances."

(Bete): "...Whatever... they will be grateful for that." he said as he picked up the package and turned to go down the stairs.

Before he disappeared, he looked over his shoulder at Bell.

(Welf): "... What was that about?" - he asked

(Lili): "He was there when Bell beat the on the |Ninth Floor|. Maybe he was curious?"

(Bell): "If he's here, then Saber is here too, let's go." - he said as he led the way down the stairs.

When they arrived they saw a strange scene. Unlike the drab stone walls that had accompanied them all they way from the |Thirteenth Floor|, the |Seventeenth Floor| contained a single room about two hundred meters long from the entrance to the exit. It was also another one hundred meters wide and twenty meters tall. A perfect arena to fight a massive creature like a .

The walls and ceiling were covered in many layers of jagged rocks aside for the left of the entrace, which was completely smooth to the point that it looked unnatural.

(Bell): "The |Great Wall of Sorrows|..." - he muttered.

The ones who gave it such a name were [Adventurers] who came down here when the was active. For behind the wall was where the slept as it waited to be reborn into the |Dungeon|. When it did, the wall would shatter like an egg shell, and the massive monster would smash its way out, bringing despair to those who ventured here unprepared. The restingplace for one of the |King of the Monsters|, the Goliath. The massive wall that separated the |High Class Adventurers| from the rabble.

(Jack): "It's so big!" - she shouted as she stared at the wall.

(Astolfo): "It is bigger than I was expecting." - he said impressed.

(Lili): "Lili feels... exceptionally small right now..." - she whimpered as she shrunk down slightly in the ace of the |Great Wall|.

(Bell): "It's okay Lili." - he said while placing his hand on her shoulder.

That little contact alone was enough to calm her down.

(Lili): "Y-yes."

(Bell): "We will continue."

They moved on, trying to get out of the arena as quickly as possible. Bell knew that Goliath was a big monster, he just hadn't realized how big he was until he entered that place. And for some reason, he had the impression that something bad was going to happen.

He just shook his head, he wasn't going to face Goliath now, so he didn't have to worry about that. Once they reached the stairs to the |Eighteenth Floor|, Lili, Welf and Bell were relieved. The |Great Wall| it was giving off a kind of oppressive aura. Astolfo and Tamamo didn't seem affected, possibly because they had dealt with something like that, and Jack didn't seem to care about that.

As they left the stairway, a splendid sight appeared in Bell's eyes. The first thing Bell noticed was... that it was bright. The |Dungeon| was never pitch black thanks to tiny glowing crystals embedded in the walls to illuminate the path no matter what time of day it was but right now it was as through they had returned to the surface while the sun was high in the sky.

The next was that there were crystals everywhere. Some barely the size of Bell's foot, others were even larger than the they had fought earlier. In the very center of the |Floor| was a massive tree that stretched all the way to the ceiling that stood even higher than the one on the |Seventeenth Floor| and was covered with even more crystals and were the source of light for the entire |Floor|. The largest ones in the center were a bright white color, mimicking the sun, while the smaller ones around it were light blue like the sky.

(Astolfo): "...We are in the |Dungeon|, are we? We didn't end up activating a kind of teleportation trap and we fell into an |Elf Florest|, right?"

(Welf): "The |Dungeon| is already difficult enough without us having to worry about jumping several |Floors|, okay?" - He looked a little terrified and angry at Astolfo.

(Lili): "This is the |Under Resort|... Lili heard that some nobles outside of Orario would hire |High Class Adventurers| to take them here just for the view."

(Bell): "What a beautiful use of money... let's see if [Loki Family] will receive us."

(Jack): Are they nearby? "- she asked as her head moved back and forth like it as on a swivel as she took in as much of the forest around them as she could.

The moment she asked that, they saw a blonde woman in a red dress coming towards her while waving.

(Saber): "Praetor!"

(Bell): "Saber!"

(Lili): "Lady Saber!"

Bell and Lili ran up toward the woman, the latter dropping her pack so she could move faster before jumping her arms; "

(Saber): "Umu! You are both doing well... especially you, Praetor!"

(Bell): "Yes. I'm Level 2 now!"

Saber's eyes had shone and she tightened her embrace with Bell even more.

(Saber): "Umu! I knew you could do it!"

Bell was very happy that his [Family] was complete again.

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