Whenever Hestia returned home she would always throw open the door and call out "I'm home!" at the top of her lungs. She would always receive a warm welcome from the members of her [Family], it became her routine.

Which was why she was now stamdimg just in front of the front gate, dereading from stepping inside to her now empty home. She was spoiled, she knew that. Ever since Hephaistos gave her the boot, Hestia had spent her days alone and even when she created her [Family] with Bell, she would usually come home before him and spent time alone in the first place. Then two weeks after that Bell found the |Holy Grail| and everything changed.

She became a proper [Family Goddess] almost overnight and became used to the feeling of one of her 'children' being close by when she came home. And now... she could tell that not a single one of them was waiting for her inside. The thought was enough to break her heart to the point that she didn't want to go inside.

(Hestia): "Maybe I can invite Take or Miach out for dinner... no... they're probably still working right now..." - she mumbled before she opened the gate and heard the sound of running footsteps behind her.

(????): "Heeeeeeyyy!"

Hestia turned and saw a [Goddess] with red hair called out to her as they ran down the street while waving at her clutching a basket in her other hand.

(Loki): "Hey Chibi!"

(Hestia): "Loki..." - she said with a tired voice while Loki slide to a stop just in front of her - "What do you want?"

(Loki): "Just seeing how you're holding up. I heard from one of my children that your children went on an expedition."

(Hestia): "Do your children even know you're here?"

Hestia let out a sigh, feeling empathetic to the [Loki Family Adventurers] for having to deal with such a [Goddess] every hour of every day.

(Hestia): "Come in." - she said as she opened the gate wide for Loki.

That surprised Loki, even though the climate between them had improved after Hestia's statement, about her not hating her, she didn't think Hestia would accept her company so easily. This was a surprise even for Hestia herself, but she had realized that Loki's intentions were true, so she didn't think much, at least she would have a company for the night.

(Loki): "I brought some food with me."

(Hestia): "Okay, Tamamo left some things ready so if you want you can eat them too." - she said as they entered the mansion.

(Loki): "Tamamo is Caster's real name, isn't she? Why did she and Saber decide to use nicknames?" - she said as she went to the dinner table.

(Hestia): "It was a kind of hobby, but Tamamo stopped caring and, possibly, Saber too." - She said before going to the kitchen and taking Tamamo's food and a bottle of wine.

Hestia returned to the living room, and she and Loki sat on opposite sides of the table. Hestia put the wine in two glasses, divided the portion she took from Tamamo's food while Loki took the sandwiches out of the basket, and decided to eat. Loki had to recognize, in a world without magic, Tamamo would make a great housewife, or a great Far East chef.

(Loki): "This is really good! "

(Loki): "I heard you got a monster tamer."

(Hestia): "Yes, Astolfo. He was already a friend of his monster, so when he received the blessing, he just showed up."

(Loki): "Your children are a little weird... Were you the first to give them a blessing?"

(Hestia): "Yes, all of them, except Liliruca."

(Loki): "Did Tamamo and Nero talk about their lives?"

(Hestia): "Tamamo only said that she lived in a temple with her family, and Nero said that she was a queen from some country."

(Loki): "Really? I admit that she has a good charisma... but I can't see her as a queen."

Hestia just shrugged, she didn't know how to answer that question. Kings are expected to be arrogant and put themselves above everyone else, and despite Saber's artist complex, she was the opposite of that, it was as if she liked being a commoner, or being accepted by them.

(Hestia): "Something must have happened and she abandoned the throne... and your children? Your favorite, the... Wallenstein, that's her name isn't it? She keeps stopping at my stand and buying a lot, so can you thank her for me later?"

They enjoy the food just before Loki asks questions again.

(Loki): "Was the Bell Cranel the idea of ​​the expedition?"

(Hestia): "Yes... he thought that |Upper Floors| would not help much... and he was missing Nero, so he must have added the useful to the nice."

(Loki): "Very daring idea for someone who just moved up to Level 2."

(Hestia): "Tamamo and Astolfo are with him... and he doesn't plan any crazy things."

(Loki): "Is the story of the three true? There are already several rumors about it."

(Hestia): "Yes... two normals and a strengthened specie... they had the help of Take's children to hold one of them."

(Loki): "But was it really your Bell who finished all three at once?"

She stared at Loki for a while but decided to give a vote of confidence.

(Loki): "This is rare."

(Hestia): "What about that investigation?"

(Loki): "I thought you didn't want to get involved with anything dangerous..."

(Hestia): "And I don't want to... but I have a feeling that the problems will go after me or my children..."

(Loki): "So can I ask for your help?"

(Hestia): "You will have to ask them... but I am almost sure that they will agree..."

That already made Loki happy. Having the support of Nero and Tamamo was already a victory in itself, now there is the monster tamer who tamed a monster without having a blessing and Bell Cranell, that would really help, especially for the motivation part because she knew that Bell and Nero motivated Tiona a lot.

(Loki): "I gave everything I had, including Tamamo's assessment... now it's up to them."

They finished their food and Hestia decided to ask for advice.

(Loki): "Hmm? Do what?" - she asked halfway through pouring herself another glass of wine.

(Hestia): "Let your children go off for days on end without any word? And all the way down to the |Deep Floors| at that."

(Loki): "Ah, that...?" - she muttered, taking a long sip of her drink as she thought how to respond - "You might as well ask how I let a bird fly on the sky or let a fish swin. That's just what [Adventurers] do."

It was an answer Hestia already knew but did not want to hear.

(Hestia): "But... what if they don't come back?"

(Loki): "I told you back at the Banquet, right? Shit just happens. That's why when they're around you do whatever you want, when you want with them. That way, you have as few regrets as possible when one day they just... don't come home. Ya just have to trust that they will."

Honest words with no trace of mockery or foolishness in them. At this point, Hestia would have preferred that Loki make fun of her for being a mother hen as she had expected Loki would do. Then again, those words were probably also Loki's justification for her constant s.e.x.u.a.l harassment of the female members of her [Family].

But still, it wan't as though Hestia was unique in this regard. The majority of the [Deities] with a [Family] treated their children as if they were actual children. The ones who didn't care about them, like Soma before he turned things around, were few and fair in between. Then again, quite a few also only considered them as interesting possessions or pets. Like a project that they invested considerable time and money into and would be crushed or annoyed if they lost it.

(Loki): "Well don't worry about it. You got a Level 2 in your team and it doesn't look like Tamamo and Nero are going to die easily."

(Loki): "What I'm trying to say is: 'You gotta learn to accept it.' Children grow up and leave their parents. That's just how mortal life works after all. "

Loki knew what Hestia was going through, after all she went through the same thing with her first members, and sympathized, so she said what she had to learn the hard way. Hestia didn't say much after that. They threw a little talk away and then Loki left, leaving Hestia alone at home for the first time in two months.

The next morning, Hestia was lying curled up on her bed under the covers, not wanting to get out from underneath them. For the first time since she formed her [Family], she slept all alone in her own home. She had taken for granted just how nice it as to simply know that there was always someone just behind the door waiting for her.

But she could'nt just stay in bed all day even if she did have the day off.

(Hestia): "I couldn't sleep well... but at least I got a great idea for [Emblem]."

Hestia ran toward her dresser and pulled out some parvhment and ink. She then drew the idea she had down that was based on her Falna's mark and what she considered to be the most important detail of her [Family].

(Hestia): "I fell a bit bad for Miss [Supporter] but this will have to do... but then now what do I do?"

She lokked outside the window. Today was her day off from work and she had made no plans since she didn't want to think about being all alone. And if she didn't want to be alone that only meant one thing!

(Hestia): "...Right."

It was a nice dy outside. A perfect day to go hunting for new [Family] members! Hestia couldn't keep relying on |Servants| to fill the ranks forever. After all, they could end up being more women, and Hestia didn't want to have more women in her relationship with Bell.

(Hestia): "I would like at least one or two men to balance things out. Although they did not complain about the formation, I think it would be good for a magician or an archer, preferably a [Elf], since the chance of the [Elfs] already have magic when they receive Falna. All right! Today's goal: Find a [Elf] to join my [Family]. "

Hestia quickly changed into her best day clothes, a white one piece dress with a ocean blue wavy design ay its fringe. She also wrapped her favorite ribbon around her and tied her hair up as usual with her precious flower clips that Bell had bought her with his own money long ago.

(Hestia): "All right! Hey world! Here comes Hestia!"

Of course, Hestia did'nt expect it to go smoothly. Most of the people she met were already in a [Family]. She knew that even before asking them as they had their [Family Emblems] somewhere on their clothes.

(Hestia): "Muu... it really looks coll after all. I really should have gotten it done sooner so I could show off Bell and the others more." - she muttered as she watched a male [Elf] walk while arguing with a gruff male [Dwarf].

She shook her head as she walked through the entrace into the [Guild]. Once there, she scanned the line of receptionist until she found the Bell's Advisor.

(Hestia): "Hi, Miss Eina." - she said as she walked up to the [Half-Elf]'s station.

(Eina): "Hi [Goddess] Hestia! How may I help you?"

(Hestia): "I would like to know if there is a place where I can post the news that my [Family] is looking for new members."

She was scolding herself for not doing this right away.

(Eina): "Yes. Although there is a fee dependnig on how much advertis.e.m.e.nt you want for your [Family]. We offer such services ranging from notices on the bulletin board and direct referrals of any hoperfuls to you when they ask." - she explained as she fished out a small sheet with various numbers on it.

(Hestia): "Hmm... as expected some of it's pretty pricey..." - she mumbled as she mulled it over.

(Eina): "[Goddess] Hestia, is Bell and the others all right? I haven't seen them in a while."

(Hestia): "Yeah. They must be on the |Eighteenth Floor| now." - she replied as she turned her gauze back to their price sheet.

(Eina): "WHAAAT !?"

Eina's scream caused Hestia to reel her head back in pain and for most of the people in the [Guild] to stare.

(Eina): "I-I'm sorry for raising my voice! But you said he went to |Eighteenth Floor|? Bell only has two weeks as a Level 2!"

(Hestia): "Well... Bell and the others missed Nero... and that fight against the three helped a lot in their growth."

Eina didn't look satisfied at all with that answer. First, because Bell and the others are taking risks, second, because Hestia mentioned Nero. Eina was still outraged that [Loki Family] took one of her [Advisee Adventurers] all the way down to the |Fiftieth Floor|, even with her skills. Eina was surprised that Hestia called Saber by name and not by the nickname she was using, but if she wasn't using it anymore, it meant that she must have stopped using it.

And third, the case of the three . That created a huge commotion among the [Adventurers], almost as much as the that appeared on |Ninth Floor|.

(Hestia): "Thank you for worrying about my child, Miss Eina, but they manage to get by, and when Nero joins them, they have nothing to worry about." - she said with a smile.

(Eina): "I think you are much more worried than me."

(Hestia): "I am. But I just have to trust that they will be alright. So you should do the same, okay, Miss Eina? Bell defeated a on his own at Level 1, blew away an in one blow and submitted three at once, and if something goes wrong, they can escape on Hippogriff. "

(Eina): "...I suppose you're right, in any case... back to your request for an advertis.e.m.e.nt?"

(Hestia): "Ahh... let's just go with this one."

Hestia decided on the ad one spot above the 'word of mouth' advertis.e.m.e.nt. It allowed her a few flyers as well as a corner spot on one of the bulletin boards. It wasn't anything grand but it was cheap and she could spend her time actively seeking out members on her own.

(Eina): "Certainly." - she noded as she began processing the request - "Are there any specific requirements you would like on the flyers?"

(Hestia): "I'm looking for male [Adventurers] preferably, but women are welcomed too. Ot's be nice if they were an [Elf] or someone that can use magic though or I can handle a bow reasonably well."

(Eina): "Understood. Is there anything else? Such as age or experience?"

(Hestia): "Nope. I don't care about experience. If I did, I would'nt have found Bell after all. Besides, we're still new so I might as well welcome any new hopeful [Adventurer] that comes Though it might mean more work for you, Miss Eina. "

(Eina): "Since Nero and Tamamo joined [Family], it seems like he no longer needs my advice." - she answered with a lonely looking smile.

(Hestia): "He came to ask about |Development Ability|, right? That shows that he still values ​​his words."

(Eina): "...Thank you, [Goddess] Hestia."

After that, the two of them finalized the flyers which detailed that the [Hestia Family] was seeking new members and that everyone was welcome regardless of experience. With a more specific call for mages, archers and men under it.

(Hestia): "Well, I don't really expect much to come out of it but it shoyldn't hurt. Let's see ... it's about noon so let's get some lunch... ah, I know!" - she said as she left the [Guild] building.

With a destination in mind, Hestia went to the mansion, took a bag with money and made her way to the market.

(Hestia): "Take! I came to visit!"

(Takemikazuchi): "Oh, Hestia! Welcome!"

Hestia had made her way to the Potato Puff stand operated by her firned and fellow [God], Takemikazuchi.

(Takemikazuchi): "How are your children doing? I can't stop thanking them for helping my children the other day."

(Hestia): It's fine, it's fine. Bell wanted to deliver this to you. "- she said while handing over the purse with money she took from the mansion.

(Takemikazuchi): "What is that?" - he said while taking the bag.

(Hestia): "Bell thought it would be fair for you to have the money from 's [Magic Stone] that your children were facing."

This made Takemikazuchi's eyes widen.

(Takemikazuchi): "But they said it was Bell who defeated them."

(Hestia): "And it was... but he said he couldn't do it without their help, so he wanted to give money from one of them."

Takemikazuchi accepted the scholarship with very hesitant money. He was almost sure that his children would not agree with that. Hestia held up five fingers and Takemikazuchi packed away five puffs into a bag for her, after saving the money.

(Hestia): "What are your children doing?" - she asked as she took the bag from him.

(Takemikazuchi): "Chigusa's still resting today while the others are going to remain on the |Upper Levels|. My captain, Ouka, seems to be taking it pretty hard though."

(Hestia): "Sounds like a pretty serious chikd you got there."

(Takemikazuchi): "Indeed... he takes things a bit too seriously and it worries me a bit... I know it may seem strange, but can I ask a question about Tamamo?"

(Hestia): "You can." - she replied while she took a pouf from the bag.

(Takemikazuchi): "What [Family] was she before yours?"

(Hestia): "None, I was the first."

(Takemikazuchi): "Really?"

(Hestia): "Yes, why?"

(Takemikazuchi): "I'm sure I felt Ametarasu's energy in her, so I thought she could have changed [Family]."

This reminded Hestia of the spells of Tamamo, some had the name 'Ametarasu', and the skill |Divinity|, it must have been there.

(Hestia): "She said she lived in a temple with her family but never said which one, it could be Ametarasu's."

(Takemikazuchi): "I see... it makes sense."

Hestia was glad that that was enough for Takemikazuchi, as she didn't know how to explain it if he didn't accept that explanation.

(Hestia): "Oh if your children need any help in the |Dungeon|, feel free to ask me. With the rest of my children coming home in a few days they might have some free time if I don't get any new members. "

(Takemikazuchi): "No, no, I can't ask that much of you. We'll keep doing things our own way."

(Hestia): "All righ then, but the offer is always open." - she said as she bid goodbye to Takemikazuchi and headed on her way.

As she expected though, the first day of her [Family] hunting came up with nothing. That wasn't so bad as it was just more of the usual. Coming home to an empty, quiet, and completely dark house for the second day in a row though? The pain was excruciating. She didn't undrestand just how she became so needy for companionship.

She wandered around the house, she went to the dinner table and sat down.

(Hestia): "...Maybe I should ask for more hours until they come home? Though I bet that the moment I do, they'll come home that day, haha​​..." - she muttered as with a under as she munched on her potato puff.

At that time the doorbell rang. Hestia got up and went to the door. She didn't imagine anyone going there. When she opened it she came across five people. Hestia was sure that the oldest among them would be no more than 15 years old. There were three men and two women, and aside from one, they were all smiling.

The first boy had red eyes and spiky red hair, wore a long-sleeved red shirt with black details and a shoulder pad, and held a large white and red straight-edged sword, resting on his shoulder, and Hestia was almost certain that this sword it was almost his size.

The second had black hair and amber eyes and had two scars on his face, one that passed through his left eyebrow and the other on his right cheek and he did not wear a shirt, only a few shoulder pads and gloves, revealing some scars on his face. his c.h.e.s.t and a half-curved sword attached to his waist and a kind of glove in his left hand that resembled a claw, he was the tallest of the group and was the only one with a serious expression.

The third had blond hair with two dark regions, which looked like animal ears, his eyes were blue and, for some reason, his pupils looked like the footprint of an animal's paw and a somewhat delicate appearance, different from the other two that he did not. had. without equipment and wearing simple clothes, the only thing that stood out was a stone the same color as his eyes dangling from his neck.

The first girl had purple hair and eyes, wore a purple shirt skirt and a belt much larger than her waist, but that didn't fall, to Hestia's surprise, she carried a pink scepter with blue parts.

The second girl was a [Elf] with long green hair and green eyes, a part of her outfit reminiscent of what Nero wore, but instead of white it was green and blue, she wore a white skirt and high heels that passed by knees also white, and she was carrying a green, black and white bow.

Hestia was a little impressed by that scene.

(Hestia): "Can I help you?"

(Elf): "You are the [Goddess] Hestia, aren't you?"

(Hestia): "Yes, and who are you?"

The red-haired boy reached into one of his pants pockets and pulled out a scroll and showed it to Hestia. When Hestia saw it she was shocked, it was the recruitment pamphlet.

(Red): "I saw it when they put it on, are you still accepting members?"

(Hestia): "Sure, sure. You can come in." - She said making room for them to pass.

They lined up and went straight to the living room and put it. Hestia had already given up today, but when she least expected it five people showed up with a recruitment pamphlet.

(Hestia): "Can I know your names?" she asked as she sat on a sofa and the others sat on the other, except for the black-haired man who stood up.

(Red): "My name is Elsword Sieghart."

(Girl): "My name is Aisha Landar."

(Elf): "My name is Rena Erindel."

(Boy): "My name is Raven Cronwell."

(Blond): "My name is Chung."

(Elsword): "And we would like to join your [Family]."

Hestia almost jumped for joy at that phrase.

(Hestia): "I'm really happy that you want to join my [Family], but are you sure? You could join some other [Family]."

The moment she said that, a heavy mood fell over them all. It reminded Hestia of how Bell was when she found him.

(Raven): "We were looking for a couple of days, but all the [Family] we visited kicked us."

(Aisha): "Some commented that we were many young people."

Hestia knew that some [Families] would even have babies join in their parents were already part of the [Family], like Liliruca, but accepting from outside of the [Family] is a big gamble for small time [Families] and the big times ones wouldn't even bother.

(Elsword): "So I decided to go to the [Guild] to see if someone from there helped us before the day was over and I saw the pamphlets, so I asked Miss Misha Floot, and she said where you lived there I went to talk for people. "

(Raven): "And we didn't see a problem, first, because you didn't discriminate age and second because of the rumors about |White Dawn Rabbit|."

(Hestia): "Did you all come from the same place?" - She asked more about the fact that Rena was in the group.

(Chung): "No, we all came from different places... it just happened that we got together on the way... and we ended up becoming friends." - he said with everyone else agreeing, Raven even gave a small smile while agreeing.

(Hestia): "Chung, everyone has at least one piece of equipment... why don't you have anything?"

(Chung): "I have this." - he said while showing the stone on the necklace - "This will become a piece of equipment when I receive a blessing."

That seemed impossible for Hestia, but she wouldn't say much, since since Bell found |Holy Grail|, the impossible has taken on another meaning for her.

(Hestia): "And where did you get this equipment from?"

Even though Hestia was not an expert, she knew it was a high level.

(Elsword): "My sister left the sword for me before leaving on a trip."

(Aisha): "My scepter was a gift from my grandfather."

(Rena): "My father gave me the bow before I left."

(Raven): "The cutlet belonged to a friend, but he left it to me when he died."

Hestia decided to finish the questions, after all, she didn't want to make them uncomfortable.

(Hestia): "Very well... you want to go first."

(Elsword): "I think Chung is better, so he can see his equipment."

The others agreed with Elsword's decision. Hestia got up and Chung took off his shirt and lay down on the sofa that Hestia was sitting on.

(Chung): "Will it hurt?"

(Hestia): "No, at the most you will be tickled."

She did the same procedure as before, took a parchment and put the statuses on it, but when she saw a question it came up.

(Hestia): "Chung... why don't you use your real name?" - She said handing the parchment to him.

That surprised him and the others who thought his name was Chung. Everyone went to see his status.

/ ******************************* /

Prince Seiker

Level 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Dexterity: I 0

Agility: I 0

Magic: I 0


Reload - reload the 'Destroyer' with magic.

Lunatic Blow - uses all charges from the 'Destroyer' to cause a series of consecutive explosions. The number of explosions varies with the 'Destroyer' charge.


Guardian Stone: As long as you have the 'Guardian Stone', you will be able to summon the 'Destroyer' and 'Freiturnier'.

Rage: Unleash all the offensive potential of the 'Destroyer' and all the defensive potential of the 'Freiturnier' for three minutes.

(You have to wait three hours to activate again.)

Shout: Screams are able to ward off threats.

/ ******************************* /

The others said nothing, just looked at Chung until he decided to speak.

(Chung): "There were some problems involving my father... when I left my home I discarded that name... I'm just Chung now."

Nobody brought it up, as it was obvious that it was a delicate subject for him.

(Elsword): "Okay, it's me now." - he said in an excited tone to undo the atmosphere that had become.

Chung thanked Elsword for changing the subject. Hestia did the same with all of them, when it was time for the girls, Hestia made the boys go to the kitchen and wait until she called them back.

When she was finished, she handed over the status scrolls.

/ ******************************* /

Elsword Sieghart

Level 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Dexterity: I 0

Agility: I 0

Magic: I 0


Flame Geyser - creates a pillar of fire on the ground.

(Fire is the source of everything!

Get up and burn!

Free yourself from the earth prison!

Flame Geyser!)


Iron Body: Reduces damage you take and increases speed.

/ ******************************* /

Raven Cronwell

Level 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Dexterity: I 0

Agility: I 0

Magic: I 0




Shadow Step: It becomes intangible and invulnerable by crossing enemies and objects, it loses efficiency when it attacks.

(It only works when it's at high speed.)

/ ******************************* /

Aisha Landar

Level 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Dexterity: I 0

Agility: I 0

Magic: I 0


Chain Fireball - Conjures three fireballs in a row.

(Continuous fire!

Free yourself and advance!

And burn everyone who stops you!

Chain Fireball!)

Lightning Bolt - Throws multiple lightning bolts in one direction.

(Hear my call!

May the storm be my ally!

May the thunder be mine to command them!

Lightning Bolt!)


Mage Mind: Allows magic recovery naturally.

(You need to be still.)

/ ******************************* /

Rena Erindel

Level 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Dexterity: I 0

Agility: I 0

Magic: I 0


Magic Archer - Allows you to use magic instead of arrows in any bow.

Wind Boots - Use the wind on your feet. Increases the speed and strength of your kicks.

(May the wind be my feet!

May my kicks be storms!

Wind Boots!)

Perfect Storm - Summons a tornado with a special arrow.

(From the arrow to the wind!

From the wind to the storm!

Perfect Storm!)

Aero Tornado - Fires a special arrow that creates a spherical tornado.

(From the arrow to the wind!

May the wind trap everything!

And that became the ball of the storm!

Aero Tornado!)


Nature's Aura: Allows magic recovery naturally.

(You need to be still.)

/ ******************************* /

(Hestia): "I must admit ... I didn't expect that much skill from you."

Surprise was not enough to define the state of Hestia at that moment. She got five treasures at once. Other than Raven, everyone had magic, and everyone had skills, but Chung's got her attention.

(Hestia): "Chung... can you show us your equipment now?"

Everyone looked at Chung, as he had commented a lot on that on the trip.

(Chung): "Sure."

He got up and stood in the middle of the room. The stone on his neck started to shine and soon after, Chung was in full white armor, except for his head, with some details in blue and black. He had a gun in his hand that matched the wire.

(Elsword): "What kind of weapon is this?" - he said approaching Chung.

(Chung): "It looks like some drawings I saw in a book at home, I think it's called a cannon."

(Hestia): "According to your spells, you need to reload it there."

She didn't understand what that meant, and neither did Chung himself, but he saw a small lever on his cannon and pulled it. He felt that he lost some energy and a light appeared on the side of the cannon, in a black band.

(Elsword): "It started to shine..."

(Raven): "If they are all the same size... this weapon of yours has seven charges."

(Rena): "Calm boys, I know you are excited about a new toy, especially Chung, but in spells it said explosions, so let's avoid using it there, okay?"

The three calmed down and Chung put his equipment away and the stone returned in place.

(Hestia): "Chung... where did this stone come from?"

(Chung): "I don't know... my father said that every member of the family has one, but he never explained the origin."

Hestia could only see it as a [Spirit] thing.

(Aisha): "Grandpa was right when he said that I would be a magician like him." she said proudly as she looked at the scroll with her status.

(Hestia): "Why didn't you join his [Family]?"

(Aisha): "His [God] had returned to Tenkai."

Hestia didn't ask anymore.

(Hestia): "Anyway... apart from Chung and Raven, you better decorate your spells well." - she said while looking at Elsword, Aisha and Rena.

(Raven): "Does anyone else in [Family] know magic?" - with all his friends having magic, he was feeling kind of left out.

Hestia thought for a while trying to remember the status of each one.

(Hestia): "Everyone."

That depressed Raven a little.

(Hestia): "It's okay, Bell didn't know right away, so you can end up learning." - She said trying to cheer up Raven.

That cheered him up a little.

(Hestia): "Anyway, it's really late, if you haven't eaten yet, I'll get you something if you want."

(Rena): "We ate before coming here."

(Chung): "And where's the rest of [Family]?"

(Hestia): "They went on an expedition to the |Eighteenth Floor|."

That left everyone wide-eyed.

(Hestia): "Anyway... we have some empty rooms, so you can choose where you go to sleep."

(Elsword): "Are we going to |Dungeon| tomorrow?"

(Hestia): "If you want to go or get some rest all right, the others shouldn't be long in coming back, at most in four days. But I recommend you at least register tomorrow."

(Raven): "I think it is better to go, at least we can test what we have achieved with your Falna, Lady Hestia."

(Hestia): "Very well, when you go to the [Guild], try to find a brown haired [Half-Elf] wearing glasses named Eina Tulle. She's more or less our [Family Advisor] even though she really only advises Bell. Find her, get registered, get information on buying at least something protective, especially you Raven, and when she says it's okay, you can go. "

(Elsword): "This is going to cost us the day, isn't it?" - he said a little unkindly.

(Aisha): "It is better to lose a day than life." - She said while hitting his head, very irritated.

(Raven): "At least only four of us have to worry about this, and only with our defense, so there's still the chance that we can go to |Dungeon|." - he said looking at Chung and then at the weapons in the corner.

(Rena): "Does the [Guild] provide support for newbies?"

(Hestia): "Yes, but you have to return the money later. If I remeber correctly... Bell's [Guild]-issue starting equipment was about nine thousand valis for his b.r.e.a.s.tplate and dagger."

(Raven): "So, we will not spend even five thousand valis."

(Hestia): "This is why I am going to give this." - she said while passing a bag of money to Rena - "Here is forty thousand valis for you, as just the precision of the protective equipment this should be enough for you, if not, just talk to me."

(Aisha): "Are you sure?"

(Hestia): "Now you are my children, it is only natural that I help you."

It honestly felt good that she was now able to properly provide for her children like this. Gone were the days of feeding Bell nothing but stale bread, eggs and leftover Jagamaru-kuns. She was now a proper [Goddess of a Family].

The next day, everyone woke up early, not as much as Bell usually does, but it was still early. They prepared themselves, with Chung putting on his armor at Hestia's request, and Hestia guided them to the [Guild].

(Hestia): "All right, here's the [Guild]!" - she said as she stood in front of the [Guild] with back to it and faced her new members - "Now then, the rest is up to you. Show me what you can do!"

(Newbies): "Yes!"

They nodded before they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Hestia had her part time job after all. All that was left to fo was pray that the girls will be all right. Thus Hestia started another new day.

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