(Finn): "...If it wasn't one thing, it's another." - he said as he peeked inside a tent where several members of his [Family] were resting.

After using the last of their supplies to heal their wounds, Finn had the party retreat back to the |Fiftieth Floor| while carrying the unconscious Saber. When she wake up, everyone questioned her on what occurred on the |Fifty-Ninth Floor|, Saber just said it was magic.

That caught the attention of everyone, especially Riveria and Lefiya, as they felt they had teleported when the golden theater appeared, it was as if they were in two places at the same time, and that was as impressive as the magic of Tamamo. However Saber didn't explain anything about her magic, she just made a single comment.

(Saber): "I wish the Praetor was there to see... I wanted to make him fall in love with me even more." - she said in a tearful voice.

This left them a little surprised, especially Tiona, Riveria and Gareth, who knew that Bell was only fourteen years old, they did not imagine that Saber liked the younger ones.

And regarding her magic, everyone stopped asking, although Riveria and Lefiya's curiosity only increased, after all they couldn't blame her. She was from a different [Family], and from the state she was in, that was one of her as. And it's not like they're going to answer her spells for her if she asks.

Riveria and Lefiya, were racking their brains to understand Saber's magic, although some terios had arisen, they decided not to say anything.

Stil, to think that even fighting for their lives that on their way back to the surface they would encounter a Monster Party of , one of the most toxic monsters known in the |Dungeon|. Their poison was enogh to incapacitate anyone without special gear or the |Development Ability Abnormal Resistance| at rank G.

Naturally this meant over half of the Expedition, Hephaistos Smith included, had been knocked out, forcing them to rest on the |Eighteenth Floor| to treat them when Finn had wanted to get back to Loki to report as soon as possible.

(Gareth): "Well, we sent Bete out already so all we can do is wait for him to come back with the antidotes. Still... I'm amazed no one died."

(Riveria): "Let's not question that any more than we have to. We were lucky that Saber's attack bewildered him and Tiona's attack caused a |Ignis Fatuus|."

(Finn): "Anyway... what do you think about Saber?" - he asked as they entered the Comamand Tent.

He and Gareth turned to Riveria waiting for her opinion, which made her sigh.

(Riveria): "...At best, she is the same as Caster, although the way she and Ais reacted to [Spirit] intrigued me, not to mention her magic... anyway she must have received the blood of a [Sprit] or one of his ancestors ... or... "

(Gareth): "Or?"

(Riveria): "Or... she herself is a [Spirit]..."

(Finn): "Are you sure about this?"

Surprise was not enough to define the state of Finn and Gareth with that comment.

(Riveria): "This possibility came with her magic... but the way she talks about the family just breaks this theory."

In fact, Saber commented a few times on the training he had with his uncle and how she lived in her old home, although she never said which place, whenever she commented on her parents, her expression closed and she avoided asking . In fact, a [Spirit] did not have that kind of experience, which left only the conclusion that she received the blood or the blessing of a [Spirit] just like Caster.

(Finn): "So long as she reamins a friend, I don't care what she is." - he said with a smile.

(Gareth): "Have you come to trust her now?"

(Finn): "I'm not sure I can say a trust her 100% as she is still of a diferent [Family]. But I can trust she is a good person, a little childish sometimes... it must be because this is what she and Tiona do so well. "

The other two just smiled at that comment, because they also saw the truth in it.

(Riveria): "Well, we are paying for classes on Tiona's 'soul weapon', with that a cost has disappeared from the account." - She said with a relieved smile.

The other two just followed him with that same smile, although Finn was almost sure that [God] Goibniu would talk a lot about them not being back to Urga, despite him always complaining about Tiona always breaking her. He just hoped he wouldn't be blacklisted with this.

In addition to paying for classes, they gave some |Drop Items| for her, despite the majority that they managed was given to [Hephaistos Family], after all the relationship with [Goibniu Family] was uncertain with that.

(Finn): "Well... the next expedition will be to make money."

(Gareth): "No arguments here... do you think that if we call Saber or Caster, they will come with us?"

They had no way to refute this comment. At that time their heard the flap to the tent opened up.

(Bete): "Oi, I'm back." - he said with his usual sour look.

(Riveria): "...Already?"

(Bete): "Met some people. Gave me a case of [Dian Cecht]'s antidotes."

(Finn): "Who?"

(Bete): "That brat, the fox and what's probably the rest of Saber's [Family]. She already shoved off to meet them. Just came back to drop them off before I go back to being your mailman."

He turned to leave, but before stepping out of the tent, he felt compelled to say.

(Bete): "They have a monster tamer and a monster that I never saw either."

(Finn): "So [Ganesha Family] has teamed up with [Hestia Family]..."

(Riveria): "Have they allowed a monster tamer outside the [Ganesha Family]?"

(Finn): "This is weird..."

(Gareth): The kid... is Bell Cranel already in the |Eighteenth Floor|? "

(Riveria): "He must have hit the Level 2... building off of Level 1 with his Status at all S rank."

(Gareth): "[Hestia Family] is full of weirdos."

(Finn): "My biggest question at the moment is how did they manage to have a monster tamer in [Family]..."

That question was on the head of the other two as well.

Saber was guiding the others to [Loki Family] Camp. Shortly before, Bell asked if he could call her by her real name or if she should continue to use the title, and as Tamamo was no longer using it, she did not worry too much about it, and decided to stop using the title as well. She saw the new members and had realized that, with the exception of the redhead, the others were |Servants|, so she did not question the monster, as it was clear that he was a 'Rider'.

(Nero): "Umu! It's just over here. I'll ask Finn if you guys can camp out here with us."

(Lili): "It's poison, isn't it?" - she already said knowing that was the answer.

When she and Tamamo went to the [Dian Cecht Family] store, Lili remembered several monsters that spewed poison after the |Eighteenth Floor|, so she and Tamamo bought several antidotes.

(Nero): "Umu! They can't move right now. Finn sent Bete up for antidotes, but you guys already helped with that."

(Bell): "At least we are in a kind of friendly term with them."

(Nero): "Umu! By the way, did you bring any food with you at least? Supplies are rather low and we've been scavenging from the |Dungeon|."

(Welf): "Food... from the |Dungeon|? What on earth grows down here that you can eat?"

(Nero): "|Honey Cloud| for one." - she explained as she picked on from a plant near them.

It was a yelllow cotton-like fruit that was giving off a rather sweet semelling scent that Bell could smell from where it was standing. Saber split it in half with her hands and a pink juice seeping out, causing the smell to also come out stringer. She tossed one half to Welf before handing the other to Bell.

(Nero): "This is what most of us have been eating for the last day. Well ... this and some other fruits but |Honey Cloud| is the most common ..."

(Bell): "So sweet!" - he said as he shook his head. He was never good with sweets to begin with, but the fruit was so sinckeningly sweet that it made him want to vomit.

(Welf): "Gah! It's like drinking pure liquid sugar!" he g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he stuck his tongue out.

The smith then looked down to see Jack tugging oh his sleeve with begging eyes. Looking like he didn't want to finish it either way, he handed the fruit to the girl to which she took a bite and let out a satisfied squeal.

Hippogriff made a sound as if he wanted to try it too. Nero got another one |Honey Cloud| divided it and played one for Astolof and the other for Hippogriff. When they both ate they almost choked.

(Astolfo): "Whoever has the sugar disease, will die on the spot just with the juice of this fruit." - he said, still coughing, while Hippogriff let out a sound confirming his partner's words.

(Bell): "Do you want mine, Lili?"

(Lili): "I-is it okay?"

(Bell): "Yeah... I don't really like it."

(Lili): "Then Lili will accept!" - she said happily.

Before she managed to take a bite of the fruit, Tamamo took the fruit and put it quickly in her mouth.

(Lili): "Lady Tamamo!"

(Tamamo): "It is actually quite sweet... but it serves for dessert."

(Lili): "Lady Tamamo, Master Bell gave it to Lili."

(Tamamo): "I just say to be faster next time." - she said with a triumphant expression.

They followed while the two continued to fight over it.

(Welf): "Can we sell these things up on surface?"

(Nero): "They rot after a few days. You can't store much of them. We're here."

They entered a gap in the trees and came across a massive clearing filled with tentes. In the center of the campground flew a large flag depicting the [Loki Family Emblem].

(Bell): "I think we better talk to the leaders... even more to explain about Hippogriff." - He said while facing the monster that nobody knew.

(Nero): "Umu! This way." - she said as she directed them through the camp.

Bell saw some [Loki Adventurers] call out and wave to Nero as they passed, looked in confusion at Bell and the others, and stared in surprise when they saw Astolfo riding on the Hippogriff. They didn't say anything to them, possibly because of Nero and Hippogriff. They then came to the largest tent.

(Nero): "Finn, are you in?"

(Finn): "Come on in." - he called back out as Nero stepped aside to let Bell go in first with her and Tamamo entering shortly thereafter.

Inside were the executives of [Loki Family], sitting on small cushioned stools, loking as though they had been in a meting. On the side of the tent directly behind Finn was a banner bearing [Loki Family's Emblem].

Finn): "Welcome to the |Eighteenth Floor|, it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you Bell Cranel. Nero, Riveria and Tiona have come to comment on you. First off, allow me to express my thanks for the antidotes. We'll reimburse you as soon as possible. "

(Bell): "The antidotes were Tamamo's will, so if you want to discuss how to repay it is up to her... and we would like to know if we can stay at the camp."

(Finn): "Yes, of course but... who is Tamamo?"

(Tamamo): "Me." - she said while raising her hand.

The others stared at her for a while, they wondered why she and Nero used nicknames instead of names,but it looks like they decided not to do that anymore."

(Riveria): "So that's your real name..."

(Gareth): "What about you, Saber?"

(Nero): "Nero."

She held herself back from saying the full name.

(Finn): "Well, I'm not going to ask the reasons for the nicknames, but I'm happy to know your real names... Bete commented on your monster tamer when you came here."

(Bell): Astolfo and the rest of the group are outside... are you curious about Hippogrif? "

(Gareth): "Hippogriff? Is that the monster with him?"

(Bell): "Yes."

That left the three confused, they never heard of a monster of the Hippogriff breed.

(Finn): "Can we see it?"

(Bell): "Sure!" - he said as he, Nero and Tamamo made their way.

Everyone left the tent, first those of [Loki Family] and then those of [Hestia Family], the three executives of [Loki Family] were surprised to see the monster that was a mixture of eagle and horse.

(Finn): "This is new..."

(Astolfo): "Master, are we done yet? All these people facing Hippogriff are making him uncomfortable." - he said from above Hippogriff.

Hippogriff made a sound of agreement as he looked at the people looking at him. That left everyone even more surprised, as it seemed that the monster had understood what Astolfo had said, for Finn and Riveria who saw the answer Bell's words, they were sure he understood.

(Riveria): "Could you say your name?"

(Astolfo): "Astolfo."

Riveria raised an eyebrow, while a confused expression appeared on the faces of those who heard him say his name. Why would a woman receive a man's name?

(Tamamo): "Just to let you know, Astolfo is a man." - she said in a tired voice.

Their next reaction was a deja-vu for Bell, as everyone's reaction was the same as that of the pub staff, except for Welf and everyone in [Hestia Family], including Nero, because as someone who dressed like s.e.x opposite she also realized that Astolfo was a man, with Astolfo bursting out laughing again.

(Everyone): "WHAAAAAAT!?"

(Gareth): "Is that a joke?"

(Bell): "No, it isn't. Astolfo is a man... he just likes that type of clothing."

Everyone looked back at him with wide eyes, but the three [Loki Family] executives returned to normal faster.

(Riveria): "Could you talk about your monster? And how did you get permission to be a monster tamer despite not being in [Ganesha Family]." - she asked after Astolfo stopped laughing.

(Astolfo): "Okay, first this type of monster is called Hippogriff. They are incredibly smart and proud, if you insult one and he hears you is the same as asking to fight one." - Hippogriff made a sound of agreement again.

Everyone's eyes widened at the fact that a monster understood human language.

(Astolfo): "As for my permission... Lord Uranus gave me a special permission."

(Finn): "Lord Uranus?!"

(Riveria): "How do you know?"

(Astolfo): "It was Mister Mardell who spoke."

That shocked everyone's mind. If the head of the [Guild], who was second only to [God] Uranus, had spoken, then it was true.

(Gareth): "If they are smart... is there a way to reach an agreement?"

(Astolfo): "Yes! First you bow while looking into his eyes, Hippogriffs don't believe you if you keep looking away too much, if they respond to the gesture you approach, but don't touch him... let him come to you , if he doesn't answer you just turn around and leave. "

(Riveria): "Can I try?"

(Astolfo): "Of course!" - he said that and left the Hippogriff.

Riveria walked to the point where she was facing Hippogriff. They stared at each other for a while, and then Riveria bowed while looking into his eyes, as Astolfo had said, she stayed like that for a short time until Hippogriff answered the gesture, making everyone's eyes widen again.

(Astolfo): "Very well, you can stay straight again. Reach out and go slowly to him."

She held out her right hand and walked very slowly towards the monster in front of her. When Astolfo was at a distance, he gave a warning.

(Astolfo): "Stop. Let him come to you now."

She stood in the same place, not moving a muscle. The Hippogriff started walking slowly and touched his hand with the beak. Soon he touched her face with his beak and she started stroking Hippogriff's head.

(Finn): "Incredible..." - he murmured.

That thought was on everyone's mind at the time.

(Riveria): "Where did you find him?" - she was curious about an intelligent species of monster.

(Astolfo): "I found Hippogriff in my homeland, but if you want to know where you can find them, I don't know how to answer. They don't seem to have a fixed place..."

(Riveria): "I see." she said as she stroked the Hippogriff's head.

(Bell): "Well, let's see where Nero's tent is... could you tell others to leave Hippogriff alone?"

(Finn): "But of course. I'll get the message across."

Bell thanked and Nero showed the way, before following the group, Hippogriff gave one more nudge in the face of Riveria.

(Gareth): "I didn't know that had a method for dealing with monsters in the dialogue."

(Finn): "This monster is unknown to us... and he really looks smart."

(Riveria): "Possibly, it was because of this that he received special permission."

(Finn): "If he knows how to befriend other monsters like that, it is better to continue with the friendship with [Hestia Family]." -he said while the others agreed, and the three returned

Nero guided them to a tent that was close to the edge of the camp.

(Lili): "Lady Nero's been busy!" - she said as she eyed the massive [Magic Stones that Nero had been keeping in a bag.

(Tamamo): "They are as big as Master's arm... I am surprised that they can get that big."

(Welf): "Look at these things! Damn, |Deep Floor Drop Items| are amazing." - he said as he lifted up what looked a horn of a and several |Dragon Scales|.

(Nero): "...By the way. Who are you? A new member?" - she asked as she looked at Welf.

(Welf): "Oh sorry! The name's Welf Crozzo. I'm Bell's personal Blacksmith. And I'm not actually part of you [Family]. I'm part of [Hephaistos Family]."

(Nero): "So you're from Tsubaki's [Family]... nice to meet you, feel free to use the materials however you want."

(Welf): "Haha... nice of you to say but there's no way I can do anything even close to half decent with those things the way I am now."

(Tamamo): "We'll keep... so you can do some things for the Master when you get better."

Welf and Lili continued to see Nero's earnings, and Bell took the opportunity to present the new |Servants|. "

(Bell): "Nero. This is Astolfo." - he said gesturing to the man near the Hippogriff.

(Astolfo): "|Servant| of the 'Rider' class. Nice to meet you, Emperor of Rome." he said as he held out his hand.

(Nero): "The Knight of Evaporated Sanity. Nice to meet you." - She said answering the gesture.

(Bell): "And this is Jack, she's from the 'Assassin' class."

(Jack): "Jack the Ripper! Nice to meet you Nero."

She looked at Jack and then looked at Bell, Tamamo and Astolfo who just nodded.

(Nero): "Umu... I was waiting for someone older. Anyway, why did you come?"

(Astolfo): "Master missed you." - he said in a playful tone.

Nero looked at Bell, who just looked away, his face a little red. A radiant smile appeared on her face and she hugged him. Bell did not react for a moment, but then he responded. They would have spent more time embracing if the jealousy at Tamamo didn't stop them.

(Tamamo): "Okay, that's enough." - She said while standing between the two.

(Nero): "You sided with the Praetor while I was gone. I have a right to that."

(Tamamo): "You can do this on a date, not in front of me."

Sparks started to come out of their eyes. But they quickly stopped on Nero's side, she wanted to know the news.

(Nero): "What happened to you while I was gone? By the way, this outfit suits you, Praetor."

(Bell): "Well..."

(????): "Saber!"

A voice called out from outside the camp, causing Bell, Nero, Tamamo, Jack, Astolfo and Hippogriff to turn around. There, coming out of the forest, were several girls.

It was Tiona, whom Bell recognized at the time, another [Amazoness] who was very similar to Tiona, Bell was sure it was her sister, Tione, the |Jormungand|, an orange-haired [Elf], who Bell thought it was Lefiya Viridis, the |Thousand Elf| and a blonde [Human], who even recently arrived would recognize, Ais Wallenstein, the |Sword Princess|.

Bell stared at Ais for a while, she was feeling familiar, but he couldn't remember where. If Bell didn't know a little about Nero's story, he would have thought that she and Nero were sisters. He stopped looking at her and looked at Tiona.

(Bell): "Tiona!" he shouted as he waved his arm.

Just then, Tione focused on him and smiled.

(Tiona): "Little Argonaut!" - she shouted as she ran towards them.

Bell stopped his hand in the air with an expression of shock when called by the name of his skill. Tamamo and Astolfo started to laugh when they heard Tione.

(Tione): "You made it this far!" - She said stopping in front of him.

(Bell): "Yes, it's good to see you... but why did you call me 'Argonaut'?"

(Tione): "I saw your fight against the and I remembered the story, I think it suits you!"

It matched more than she imagined, Bell looked at Tamamo and Astolfo from the corner of his eye, who were trying very hard to hold their laughter.

(Bell): "I don't want to hear a word about it!" - He shouted at the two, but it only gets more complicated for them to keep from laughing.

Tiona looked at them, and recognized Tamamo, but she didn't know Astolfo or the monster next to him. The others arrived in the group at that time.

(Tiona): "You're from [Ganesha Family], aren't you? What is this monster?"

(Astolfo): "First, no, I am not from [the Ganesha family], I am Astolfo from the [Hestia family], and second, this is the Hippogriff. Say hi, partner." - he said the last part looking at Hippogriff.

Hippogriff made an excited sound as if he were trying to say, 'nice to meet you', it shocked their minds, especially Lefiya who had not seen how reacted to Bell's words. And the fact that [Hestia Family] has a monster tamer.

(Tamamo): "I'm happy that everyone is doing well."

(Lefiya): "It's good to see you again Lady Caster!"

(Nero): "How was the harvest?"

(Tione): "Very good, although most are |Honey Clouds|, and Lefiya found a |Crystal Drop|."

(Lefiya): "It was Miss Ais who found you."

(Astolfo): "What is this |Crystal Drop|?"

(Lefiya): "It is a source of water, but the water it produces is much better than ordinary water, nobles pay a lot for it whenever it appears."

Tione looked at Bell and approached him.

(Tione): "How did you get all your parameters in the S rank?"

This question made Bell wonder how many people saw that fight and how much they saw from their Status.

(Lefyia): "Is him?" - She asked looking at Ais and Nero.

(Ais): "Yes." - She said while looking at Bell.

(Tamamo): "Master defeated six other along the way." - she said in a proud tone.

(Bell): "Tamamo!" - he shouted as he looked at her.

The four were surprised by the name Bell called Tamamo, and were happy to know her real name.

(Astolfo): "And yesterday, he finished three at once."

(Bell): "Astolfo!"

(Tiona): "Incredible! Did you reach Level 2, Little Argonaut?" - she said excitedly as an expression of astonishment appeared on the faces of the others, the were one thing, but the were another.

(Nero): "Umu! I am proud of you, Praetor." - she said as she hugged him again.

(Bell): "Nero..." - he said a little embarrassed while turning a little red.

The four members of [Loki Family] were staring at Nero, for hearing her real name.

(Tiona): "Oh! That's right! Little Argonaut, look at this!" - she said while putting her arm to the elbow on the floor and taking her 'soul weapon' from the ground.

(Bell): "You woke up your soul weapon!"

(Tiona): "Yes! I wanted to thank you for the advice."

(Bell): "Tell me about the one I gave you when you went to tell Nero the day of the expedition?"

(Tiona): "Yes! If it weren't for that, I think I still wouldn't have managed to wake her up."

(Tione): "Sorry to ruin this moment of friendship, but could you tell us about the story of the three ?" - she said this with Ais and Lefiya nodding her head.

Tamamo, Astolfo and Bell told about the meeting with the three , how they faced them with the help of the members of [Takemikazuchi Family] and how Bell finished the three at the same time.

(Tiona): "Incredible!"

(Ais): "Do you have a power charge skill?"

(Astolfo): "Yes, Master has..." - he said in a playful voice.

(Bell): "Astolfo!"

He couldn't take it and shame if he spoke the name of his skill. At that time a boy with black hair, a [Caith Sith] with long black hair appeared.

(Boy): "Hey guys, good you are back."

(Caith Sith): "And it looks like they already met with [Hestia Family]." - she said while looking at Bell and the others.

(Ais): "What is it, Raul?"

(Raul): "Some warnings from the Captain, about the monster of [Hestia Family] and to help in the preparation of the banquet that he wants to do."

(Tione): "If it's [Captain's] orders, then there's nothing we can do."

(Lefiya): "But what about the sick ones?"

(Caith Sith): "They brought the antidotes." -she said while pointing to the members of [Hestia Family].

(Raul): "Well, we have to give the message to a few more people, see you at the banquet."

(Caith Sith): Bye! "

The two made their way through the camp.

(Ais): "Did you bring the medicines?"

(Tamamo): "I thought you might need something, so Lili and I bought antidotes for you."

(Lefiya): "Thank you so much Lady Tamamo."

(Tiona): "Lili is [Pallum], isn't she? Where is she?"

(Bell): "She and Welf are in the tent, seeing the |Drop Items| that Nero got."

(Lefiya): "Who is Welf?"

(Bell): "My hired blacksmith."

(Tione): "Even with your 'soul weapons'?"

(Bell): "I thought about getting another sword for the double hilt, or a two-handed sword for when I can make the three swords float."

(Lefiya): "Wait... if I'm not wrong, Denatus must have happened, right? What's your Alias?"

(Bell): "|White Dawn Rabbit|."

Tiona was examining Bell after he said his Alias. She realized that White was because of the hair, Dawn must be because of the black and white swords that were floating behind him, but the rabbit part confused her, but when she focused only on his face, she almost saw a and understood why.

(Tiona): "It suits you."

(Tione): "Well, let's help each other with this banquet. We accept an extra hand."

They agreed, after all they would wait for [Loki Family] to deal with Goliath, so they could help out, they went to the kitchen area, and got some chores, the cooks divided them into pairs. Tiona and Tione, Tamamo and Nero, Astolfo and Ais and Bell and Lefiya and Jack were the only trio formed. Thanks to Jack's skill, the members of [Loki Family] only noticed her when she said if she could go with Bell.

Almost immediately, Tiona and Tione hugged her screaming.

(Tiona & Tione): "Aww, how cute!"

Jack tried to get rid of that hug but failed.

(Jack): "Mommy!" - she cried out, hand reaching toward Bell.

(Bell): "Stop it! You're scaring her."

Bell managed to get the two of them to release her. As soon as she left the [Amazoness] hug, she hugged Bell.

(Ais): "Is she okay down here?"

(Bell): "You didn't notice her until now, did you? Imagine if she wanted to attack you." - she said c.a.r.e.s.sing her head.

They imagined and sweated cold. If they didn't notice an enemy approaching, then they had no way to fight back, and if she was very close, she could eliminate them if she wanted to, and that was for the monsters too. They realized that that cute child had a lot of power in his hands.

They went on their way, with Nero and Tamamo protesting over Bell, and Tiona and Tione protesting over Jack. The three made their way to a small stream. On the way Bell stood looking at the landscape with a doubt in his mind.

(Bell): "...Why would the |Dungeon| make an entire |Floor| a |Safe Zone|?"

(Lefiya): "No one is really sure. Some people think that there is some benefit to the |Dungeon| in keeping people withinit but that goes against how it seems to hate [Mortals] and [Gods] alike and tries to kill them with its monsters

Bell thought that was strange, too, but an idea crossed his mind. The |Dungeon| it should be giving a false sense of security to immediately attack.

(Bell): "Maybe it is to deceive us... yesterday my party met with another party that was being ambushed by a group of and the moment their [Supporter] went unconscious, immediately Monster Party spawned, and right after we defeated the Monster Party, the three showed up. "

(Lefiya): "Yes. You got stories like that all the time where things go from bad to worse in a blink of an eyes... although your turn was a lot worse for the floor you were on." - she said when they arrived at the stream.

Bell realized that she was speaking from experience, it seemed that |Deep Floors| they did that a lot. The reason they stopped here was precisely because of a situation like this.

(Lefiya): "Did you really defeat a at Level 1?" she asked as she placed the bucket in the stream to fill it.

(Bell): "Ah... yes... Although it completely destroyed my first set of armor and left me a shard. Tamamo, Lili and my [Goddess] spoke a lot in my head because of that."

(Lefiya): "Why did you decide to fight him? Nero didn't get there?" - She said getting up with a full bucket of water.

(Bell): "To be honest, I didn't even realize that Nero had arrived... I just wanted to continue that fight... and... it was what the wanted too..." - he said while started to fill his bucket.

(Lefiya): "What do you mean?"

Bell told her how answered Bell's questions with his head. That made her as impressed as Hippogriff's actions. She almost dropped the bucket on the floor, but Bell managed to keep the bucket from falling, he quickly put his own bucket on the floor and held hers.

(Lefiya): "Thank you."

She managed to keep the bucket from falling and looked at the side of the bucket, Bell looked at where she was looking and realized that his hands were on hers.

(Bell): "I'm sorry about that!" - he said quickly dropping her hands.

(Lefiya): "Okay! I don't mind being touched, like some [Elves]." - she said with a laugh.

Bell refilled his own bucket, when he finished Jack went to fill hers. When she was finished, they followed the path back.

(Lefiya): "Hey... if you had noticed Nero... would you still have continued to fight?"

(Bell): "Yes, I would have... when I met her she had just saved me from a ... if I let her save me again I would not be able to move forward... I would not be able to get to where she is ... I don't want to protect myself forever..."

(Lefiya): "I understand that feeling .. it is frustrating to just be protected isn't it?" - She said with a smile for him.

Bell realized that she was being true to those words, after all the two were in almost the same situation. Lefiya had living legends in his [Family]. The |Braver|, the |Nine Hell|, the |Elgram| and the |Sword Princess|.

While Bell was surrounded by the [Heroes] of the legends, Lefiya was surrounded by modern [Heroes]. She should understand exactly what he felt.

(Bell): "So we will have to make an effort, right? It will not be easy, but we cannot surrender... we will reach them someday, right?"

Lefiya looked at him and realized that he had a partner in this situation.

(Lefiya): "I suppose so."

The two smiled at each other and followed the path to the camp.

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