The child shuffled their feet across the street as they made a weak attempt to warm their hands by breathing on them. It was getting cold again. They had heard the a.d.u.l.ts call it 'Winter' and other children love it. Winter meant it was cold and cold meant that it could snow.

Snow was pretty. For about five minutes before it made it hard to move or find food and buried any possible shelter they could find. Food was getting harder to find as people were chasing them away more often when they got close but were otherwise content to just pretend they did not exist otherwise. But the moment they tried to sleep under a bench was the moment some person with a club hit them and kicked them out.

It wasn't nighttime yet but they were still starting to feel sleepy. Food and sleep was getting harder and harder to come by each day and it was also getting colder and colder each day and the old curtain they found to wrap themselves up with wasn't enough.

They had heard some of the older people saying that some place on West End was giving out free food but they didn't know where it was or how far away it was. They were too tired to care about it. Lack of care was anywhere in the city. Lack of care was everywhere in this city. From the momment they were born, lack of care made itself know.

That was why they didn't care what happened when they met the wrong Mother again. They didn't care what happened when they lashed back at the wrong Mother.

They tripped when they turned into an alley. A brick had fallen off a building or had been tossed here from somewhere else and they hadn't been paying enough attention to see through the smog. The ground was hard, of course, and the knife they were holding fell off to the side. But they didn't care.

It felt like they reached the point where they couldn't care anymore. They crawled to the end of the alley and sat up with their back on the wall. They were too tired to care about the dirt and grime on them. It was just another layer of dirt and grime. It was growing colder and Mother wasn't around to help.

The thought of free food did sound nice though. They'll have to find out how to get to West End from East End though. But they didn't care about it right now. They just wanted to sleep. Save their energy to walk however far it was needed to reach West End tomorrow. For now... sleep.

Above the silent child, the snow began to fall, bringing the temperature around them even lower. However, as the snow began to pile on top of them, the child did not stir. They were asleep after all.

So deep asleep in fact that they did not see Him screaming His heart out beside them. He Himself did not know what He was seeing, but He did seem to realize who it was in front of Him. His cries begging her to wake up were not reaching her. Because this was only a dream. One where the one in front of Him could no longer be saved no matter how much He cried or begged.

This scene played over and over in front of him. Each time a different child. A diferent age. A differente gender. Each one unmoving as the snow fell down upon them. Their lives lost to a world that simply did not care. But when they opened their eyes once more.

Even though they were lost before they slept. When they awoke, they would be in the arms of their beloved Mother. They would have already been saved.

(????): "Mater Bell! Master Bell!"

Bell wasn't sure what was going on. Only that he had his hands pressed up against his eyes as tears were pouring out uncontrollably. He was unable to form any words as a pained wail was all that could escape his throat. His c.h.e.s.t felt as though it was being squeezed, like he was nothing more than a wet cloth to be wrung out with the water seeping out through his eyes.

From what little he could see, it appeared as though the [Magic Stone] light in the tent was on so that meat it was still 'night' time.

(????): "What's wrong Mommy? Does something hurt?" - a voice calmer than the other two rang out

Bell found the strenght and will to remove his hands form his eyes, his vision still blurry as he sat up, finding two pairs of hands on his shoulders to help.

Sitting on her knees in front of him was Jack, lacking any of the worry she had for him the other day. Bell's hands found themselves on her face, gently clasping around her cheeks as if he wasn't sure she was right there in front of him. Sure enough, he could feel the warmth of her skin against his palm.

(Welf): "Looks like he had a nightmare." - he said as he sat back and scratched the back of his head - "Geez man, way to give a guy a heart problem."

Lili didn't say anything, as did Nero, Tamamo and Astolfo who ran into the tent with the screams of Welf and Lili, while watching Bell interact with Jack by carrefully patting her all over.

(Bell): "You're here..."

(Jack): "Unn." - a simple nod.

(Jack): "Unn."

Bell's throat felt dry as he figured out what he wanted to say. Something to show that if even the world itself doesn't care, he would.

(Bell): "Thank you... for being born."

Jack closed her eyes and gave him a big smile as tears were seeping out as well.

(Jack): "Unn!"

After a bit of fuss, everything had settled down and the incident was passed off to Welf as just Bell having a nightmare allowing the smith to make his own conclusions based on what he saw and didn't pry further. The rest of [Hestia Family] however, could not just leave it at that. Especially not Lili who wanted more answers as to what was going on with Bell.

Come morning, Bell joined Nero, Tamamo and Lili down by a creek to wash some clothes... or at least that what they told Welf and some of the [Loki Family] members who saw them.

(Lili): "Another dream?" - she asked once Nero and Tamamo had been sure no one was around.

(Bell): "...I think it wasn't just a dream... girls... can I see your memories?"

(Bell): "Yes..."

(Nero): "I'm sorry, Praetor."

(Bell): "It's okay."

After all, she had to use everything to survive, he wasn't going to blame her for that.

(Bell): "And this time I saw Jack's... but differently from Nero, where I saw myself in her place, I was just a spectator, unable to do anything."

(Lili): "...What Master Bell saw must have beem painful... Lili hans't ever seen Master Bell so emotional like that... Lili thinks [Heroes] are defined by their tragedy... if Jack was one then she must have suffered a lot... "

(Bell): "Yes... she suffered..."

He remembered the dream, and had understood why Jack always identified herself as 'We', it was because, technically, she was not just the child who killed women behind her 'Mommy', she was all those children who died because nobody cares about them.

(Nero): "Praetor... what did you see two weeks ago?"

Lili didn't comment, but from Nero's expression, it was clear that those were not her happiest memories.

(Tamamo): "Possibly Master will still see mine and Astolfo's."

(Bell): "And I feel like I'm invading your privacy with this... and if you have as much pain as Jack, I don't know if my heart will take it."

(Nero): "Umu... the nature of the |Master| and |Servant| relationship makes it unavoidable. If it happens it happens, but no one will be angry with you Pretor.

Bell nodded in agreement, although he was still a little worried, after all it was as if the dreams had insisted on being recorded in his memory, it was only him thinking about one of them that he saw everything, as well as the feelings he felt at the time .

(Tamamo): "Don't worry about that Master. As Nero said, if it happens, it happens."

(Bell): "Okay..."

With that out of the way, they started washing their laundry.

(Lili): "Do you think Lady Hestia found any new members yet?" - she asked, making conversation.

(Lili): "Lili wouldn't either. Lili would love to have at least one girl of Lili's age around. Jack is nice but it's hard to understand her sometimes."

Lili was the one hardest on Jack and the quickest with the scoldings while Hestia was one who enabled and babied her the most, leaving Bell somewhere in the middle and the one who Jack listened to without question and wanted to make the most happy.

(Nero): "Umu! It will be better to have more people, so you two will have less effort."

More regular people and less |Servants| means less chance for Bell to be overwhelmed by constant Mind drain for the |Servant| upkeep and there would be less of a need to go down into the |Dungeon| everyday and more time to rest. But even so, Bell didn't feel like resting all that often to begin with. He needed every waking moment to be put into trying to catch up to Nero and the others.

(Tamamo): "But how will things be divided, Master?"

(Bell): "What do you mean?"

(Tamamo): "Do you want to keep trying going deeper when we get new members? Or do you want to slow down and train them?"

Bell kept thinking about it, since he took over as 'Captain' he knew he would have to take a seniority role for the new members. After all, the only members that Hestia could find would be those in the same situation as Bell, the ones who tried to join some [Family] but were rejected.

(Bell): "A little bit of both, I think... but I wonder if they will take me seriously... many [Adventurers] are older than me."

(Lili): "After all, Master Bell is the |Record Holder| Level 2."

(Tamamo): "If they don't take Master seriously at first, they will when they see what you can do."

Bell laughed with that possibility as they finished with their chores. The laundry and talk about dreams lasted most of the 'morning' so it was around 'afternoon' when the three of them made it back to the camp. Bringing their now clean linens back to their tent, Bell spotted some people standing beside their tent. Lefiya, Tiona and Ais.

(Bell): "Good afternoon, people."

(Tiona): "Good afternoon, Little Argonaut!" - she said with a tired looking Jack in her arms, the girl looking as though she had given up on struggling and had given in to her captor.

Just by Tiona's Alias, |Amazon|, he already imagined that she was very strong, and it seems that it was something that Jack could not get rid of without resorting to dematerialization.

(Lefiya & Ais): "Good afternoon."

Bell was happy that the mood between them and them was not bad after yesterday, especially in the case of Ais.

(Nero): "Umu! Good afternoon. What's up, Tiona? Did Finn need something?"

(Tiona): "Nah, nothing too important. I just wanted to invite Jack, your [Supporter] and you two out for a bath. You know... to say, 'Sorry for last night'."

Nero and Tamamo understood why, Bell said what Jack had said in their tent, and they knew that it must have left a mark on their conscience.

(Lili): "...Bath?" - she repeated, tilting her head to the side.

(Tiona): "Yep! There's this amazing spring just a little ways from the camp. The two from [Hermes Family] are going to come along too. So how about it?"

(Bell): "Do you want to go take a bath, Jack?"

(Jack): "Can Mommy come too?"

Her question made Lili blush and Lefiya laugh nervously.

(Tiona): "Sure why not?"

(Bell): "No. As a boy I definitely shouldn't."

(Lefyia): "T-that's right. It's a girl only for now. The boys can bathe after." - she said with a strained smile as she looked at Jack.

Jack didn't look happy about that but nodded anyway.

(Lefiya): "Hey... you don't bathe with her at home do you?" - she hissed at Bell

(Bell): "My [Goddess] is the one who does, and when she can't, it's Lili."

Lefiya looked at Lili and when she saw her agree she let out a sigh of relief.

(Lili): "So let's take care of Jack."

(Bell): "Thank you girls."

(Nero): "Umu! It's okay, Praetor."

(Lili): "Lili is curious about this spring."

Tamamo entered the tent and immediately returned with four towels.

(Tiona): "Then, we'll be back in a bit!" - she said as she dragged Jack away with the girls right behind her.

Bell brought all the clothes into the tent, where Astolfo and Welf were there, Astolfo was just lying down, while Welf, checked Bell's armor and Lili's equipment, and the equipment itself.

(Welf): "Feeling better, Bell?" - he asked as he was looking over their equipment.

(Bell): 'Yeah, sorry for making you worry."

(Welf): "Jeez, waking up to the sound of you crying your eyes out scared the crap outta me man. For a second I thought someone died."

(Bell): "In my dream it happened ..."

(Astolfo): "Was it with Jack?"

Bell looked at Astolfo, but he was not surprised that he knew, after all, the way Bell reacted to Jack must have made things very obvious, as well as what he must have seen.

(Bell): "Yes..."

(Welf): "Honestly, if one day she just up and disappears, I might get a case of leaking eyes too. Kid's really grown on me."

(Bell): "Thanks Welf. Did you have any siblings?"

(Welf): "Nope. Was an only kid? And you?"

(Bell): "Same thing... although I think I'm more of a parent than a brother to her ... and you Astolfo?"

(Astolfo): "Also only son."

Bell liked that 'just boys' group, he really wanted Welf to switch to [Hestia Family] although he thought it would be impossible, you could see the admiration he felt for Lady Hephaitos.

(Astolfo): "Hey Welf, you looked at all the |Drop Items| that Nero brought, didn't you?"

(Welf): "Yes."

(Astolof): "Do you already have an idea of ​​what you will do with them?"

(Welf): "Yes, I got some ideas, with your 'Argalia' and Bell's swords, but I can only think about it when I get |Development Ability|, after all it will just be wasteful."

(Bell): "You really want a Level Up, don't you?"

(Welf): "I think I made it very obvious, don't I?" - he asked with a laugh and his own grin.

(Astolfo): "Then we will help you now." - he said as he stood up.

Bell and Welf stared at Astolfo for a moment.

(Bell): "What do you mean, Astolfo?"

(Astolof): "Although this place is a |Safe Zone|, there are still monsters here, since we will still be around 2 days, we will train."

(Welf): "I liked the idea... but who's going to keep an eye on our stuff?"

(Astolfo): "The Hippogriff!"

Bell just smiled with that statement, after all the description said that the Hippogriff was a 'horse', since it was his mount, not a watchdog, but he wouldn't complain, he wanted to see if he could see the auras of the monsters and try a new way of getting around with swords.

(Bell): "It's fine with me."

(Welf): "I agree."

The three took their things, said goodbye to Hippogriff, who lowered his head, clearly sad, which made them feel a little bad, but they headed towards the forest, unaware that where they were going was close to where the girls had gone. Soon after, a [God] arrived at the tent they just left, but he was sad when he realized that the person he was behind had left, so this [God] decided to venture out alone.

Lili looked around the path as she and members of her [Family] followed the [Loki Family Adventurers] feeling rather out of place amongst the [High Class Adventurers]. A Level 1 standing behind a bunch of Level 3s and high plus three |Servants| whose skill was around and above that Level as well.

Seeing how far they were out in the forest also made Lili a little bit worried.

(Lili): "What happens when the monsters come across us while we're all bathing?"

(Tione): "Don't worry, we'll bathe in turns."

That made sense. In athat case, Lili will simply leave it to the [High Class Adventurers] and hide when the monsters appeared.

(Tiona): "Here it is!" - she said as she spread her arms out in presentation.

The [Loki Family] girls simply gave her a wry smile but the six outside who had ever seen it before were impressed. Clear blue water cascaded down the ten or fifteen meter height of the waterfall. The faint spray dancing along the pool's surface was both cool and refreshing. It was surrounded on all sides by the dim glitter of crystal, the view overhead a vast, dome-like canvas of leaves and branches.

(Jack): "It's like a fairy fountain!" - she said, eyes glittering at the sight as she poked the surface of the water by the edge of the pond.

All the girls shared Jack's opinion, even [Hermes Family Captain], Asfi Al Andromeda.

(Asfi): "I knew pools like this existed this existed on this |Floor|... But I hadn't know about this one."

(Ais): "Tiona found it. While taking a walk."

(Tiona): "Yep!" - she said holding out two fingers in a 'V' sign like how the [Gods] tended to do when they were excited.

And so half of the large group of girls, including the [Hestia Family] girls, were going to bathe first while the rest kept watch.

(Lili): "Hey! Calm down and get undressed first!" - she said as she grabbed the squirming Jack and removed her |Salamander Wool| cloak - "Again with the bandages!? Lili said to stop wasting just to wrap up Jacks arm!"

(Jack): "But it looks cool! We buy it with our allowance!" - she protested as Lili unwrapped the bindings on Jack's arm.

Jack's arms had no wounds or scars.

(Lili): "Buy more userful things!"

(Nero): "Let her have her hobbies, Lili."

The moment Jack was fully undressed, she ran toward the pool with Tiona by her side and with a cheer, the two of them jumped right in.

(Tione): "What have I said about diving in like that, Tiona !?" - she shouted at her sister.

(Tiona): "Ehhh... but Jack did it too!" - she pointed out as Jack paddling around happily in the water.

(Tione): "Jack is fine because she's smaller and younger but you're old enough to know better!"

(Tiona): "That's discrimination!"

(Nero): "Umu! I never imagined that I would see a comedy between sisters at bath time." - she said as she entered the water.

(Tamamo): "Same here." - he said while entering Nero.

The other girls had to admit, they were both beautiful, to the point that all the girls who saw them were jealous of their bodies, including Lili. She was sure that of all the members of the Bell's harem, she had the least advantage. After all, their bodies looked like those of two [Goddesses], to the point where Lili remembered how Astolfo called Tamamo, he had called her Fox Priestess of Peerless Beauty, and saw that the nickname was quite accurate.

Lili entered the water. The clear water washed against Lili's skin and seemed to wash away not only the filth from the |Dungeon| but her stress from the last night. Lili had always been a light sleeper so the sound of someone crying had caused her to be as wide awake as though someone had poured freezing water over and seeing Bell crying from a past memory of Jack had hurt Lili as well. It made her feel that she was not supporting Bell as she should be raising it.

From the way he spoke earlier, it was obvious what the memory was. She glanced over to said girl who was entertaining herself by blowing bubbles in the water. Though the [Spirit] drove Lili bonkers on occasion, if she were to simply disappear, Lili's heart would probably break. But that didn't mean Lili would suddenly go soft on her! Everyone else tended to let Jack do what she wanted, with a small exception from Bell, since she heard what he said, so it was up to Lili to make sure that Jack grew up properly! That is... if [Spirits] 'grew up' at all...

(Lili): "Lady Tamamo..." - she whispered.

(Tamamo): "What is it, Lili?" - she replied in the same tone as Lili.

(Lili): "Jack is going to stay that size forever, isn't she? What do we do?"

Her eyes widened when she realized the problem that Lili brought, after all if a child [Human] doesn't grow up in three or four years, people would find it strange.

(Tamamo): "We say that she is a [Pallum]." she whispered.

Lili thought about it, after all they never said what Jack is, and until a certain age you cannot tell the difference between a [Human] and a [Pallum], it's only obvious when the [Pallums] stop growing and the [Humans] don't .

(Asfi): "Is there a problem?"

(Lili): "No, none."

At that time they heard a howl from a monster, the sound of when a monster disappeared, and a cry from a very familiar voice.

(????): "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

They looked up and saw a boy with white hair falling, from what appeared to be from the top of the waterfall.

(Lili): "Master Bell!"

Bell fell hitting branches on the way, but when he hit one of the branches they heard another voice, and soon after Bell and someone else fell right in the middle of the pool with a big splash.

They realized that by the howl of the monster, Bell was just an accident, but the second person was not, although the [Loki Family] 's guard formation around the pool had been perfect, they hadn't taken into account someone coming in from above .

(Jack): "Yay! Mommy joined us!" - she screamed as she latched onto the sputtering boy's back as he tried to get water out of his nose and mouth.

Jack's scream served as a warning to Astolfo and Welf, who were almost at the edge of the waterfall, for them not to approach. After all, they realized that this was the place the girls were bathing in, and even if they went to see if Bell was okay and it was just a coincidence, it was going to be left for them.

(Bell): "J-Jack! Please let me go!" - he said quickly.

(Tiona): "Hey Little Argonaut! Are you even hunting monsters here?" - she said with a smile.

(Tione): "What a dedicated boy."

However different from the others who were looking at the Bell that had come out of the water, Asfi was looking at where Bell had fallen with the person who was spying.

(Asfi): "Lord Hermes!?" - she shouted indignantly when she saw that her [God] was trying to swim.

Bell turned as red as a tomato, but his fear took the place of shame when he saw a totally black aura of anger. He went to the edge of the pool, and let go of Jack.

(Bell): "I'M SOOOOOORY!" he shouted as he ran.


Lefiya seemed to have been at a loss for words as she screamed in rage and chased after him while Asfi went after his [God] who, after Lefiya's cry, he got up and started running.

(Tione): "What bad luck for the boy... "

(Nero): "Umu... I just hope that Lefiya decides to listen to him." - She said as the guards split between going after Hermes and going after Bell.

(Tamamo): "After all, if Master wanted to see us that way, it was only him asking" - she said with a smile and with Nero nodding.

This made the other girls look at them and wonder what relationship they had with him.

Meanwhile, Bell was running with all of his might as he tried to escape the furious yet beautiful forest fairy screaming bloody murder behind him. What made Bell a little confused was the fact that Lefiya, who was someone with a higher level than him and was in pure anger, could not reach him, although he was not complaining about it.

He was cursing his own luck, he was trying to see the monsters aura during the hunt and he really succeeded, but they were dark and only got darker, possibly it was the hate of |Dungeon| against mortals.

When he defeated the last monster he found himself groundless, he tried to float the sword in his hand, to use it as a platform, but he failed to do so and he fell right where the girls were taking a shower. He ended up falling on someone, who by the cry he heard was Lord Hermes.

He wondered if it was because he was seeing the auras that he was unable to make them float. It looked like he was going to have to train this when he had time... if Lefiya didn't kill him.





Bell could make her anger go away but she didn't do it for two reasons, one she could discover his power if her anger just went away, and two the fear he had at the time didn't help him much to think for him to make her stop.

Bell didn't know how long this chase had been going on but as [Adventurers], something like running out of breath from just running wasn't possible thanks to the Falna, especially not for those Level 2 and above... at least not without running for hours first.

Suddenly, , a bear-like monster that had strenght on par with a wandered its into Bell's path and turned its head toward Bell. It looked at him in surprise before Bell hopped over it without a a word.

(Lefiya): "OUT OF MY WAY!"

Lefiya's scream echoed behind Bell and he looked over his shoulder just in time to see the [Elf] bat the monster away with her staff, sending it flying into a tree and snapping it in half. As expected of a [Loki Family] Level 3... something of that Level was nothing more than a goblin to them.

What terrified Bell was that she could do the same to him if she caught him. As Bell jumped out of the next group of shrubbery, his eyes widened and he slid to a stop.

(Bell): "That's..."

(Lefiya): "I GOT YOU NOW!"

Lefiya jumped out from behind him, eyes filled with rage but Bell quickly threw his hands out in front of him.

(Bell): "Wait! If you want to hit me, fine, but not here!"

(Lefiya): "Why not!?" - she demanded and Bell pointed at what he had seen.

In front of them was a small mound of dirt with countless weapons sticking out vertically from it alongside several wooden crosses composed of tree branches. It didn't take a genius to figure out where the two of them had wandered into. The final resting place of some [Adventurers] who had lost their lives in the |Dungeon|.

Aside each of them... aside each of the graves were several flesh flowers, teling Bell and Lefiya that someone had only just recently visited them. Lefiya, who had been full of hellfire not even ten seconds eralier, had the flames of anger snuffed out at the sight od the graves. The two of them stared at the graves in silence before Lefiya turned toward Bell.

(Lefiya): "I'll listen to you. But swear to me... swear on those graves that you'll only tell me the truth!"

(Bell): "Okay." - he nodded as he sit on his knees.

So he told how he, Astolfo and Welf left to train, they met some monsters on the way, but let Welf do most of the work since he said he was excited for Level Up, how he started using the his swords as a way of locomotion, in which he stood on top of them and moved them, despite the fact that he stopped on the spot, since he always fell, either because of the current in the 'Forgetfulness of Darkness' or because of the void in the blade the 'Promise of Light', and how he chased the monster and when he defeated he saw that he had no more ground and fell right in the middle of the place where they were taking a shower.

(Bell): "And... you know the rest..."

(Lefiya): "Why didn't you use your swords as a platform?"

(Bell): "I didn't make it. For some reason it just didn't float... I think it panicked at the time..."

That was not Bell's true theory, but he couldn't tell the true one.

(Lefiya): "So it was an accident..." - she said a little embarrassed by her reaction, after all she had heard the monster's howl, but when she saw Bell in the middle of the pool she just forgot about that detail.

(Bell): "Yes..."

(Lefiya): "But still... you saw... didn't you?" - She said with a little more serious voice, but not with the anger of before.

(Bell): "Yes... and I think the least I can do is accept the punishment..." - he said while lowering his head a little.

As soon as Bell said that, a heavy blow knocked him on the back of his head. Lefiya had struck him with her staff without any hesitation at his words.

Bell would not complain, after all he really saw everything at the time, and although he was almost sure that the girls in his [Family] would not care, he could not say the same about the others, even if it was an accident, he was prepared for a punishment for those who felt uncomfortable with him at the time.

(Lefiya): "There, now I'm satisfied." - she said as she held her hand out to him.

(Bell): "I'm sorry..." - he said as he took her hand and allowed he to help him up.

The two of them walked up to the graves and offered a prayer for their souls and an apology for disturbing them before leaving the clearing in peace.

At the camp, Welf and Astolfo were waiting in front of the tent, they could hear the screams of Bell and one of the girls and they were really concerned about his fate.

They were about to go to the edge of the waterfall, but when they heard Jack they stopped and turned around, and when they heard those screams they realized that the idea was not wrong.

Then they spotted all the girls from [Hestia Family], plus Tiona and Asfi heading towards them. They were worried when they didn't see Bell.

(Astolfo): "What happened to Master?"

(Tamamo): "Lefiya decided to chase him because he fell in the bathing area."

(Welf): "I hope he stays alive."

(Lili): "Shouldn't you be with him?"

(Astolfo): "And we were in our training, but Master chased one of the monsters to the waterfall and fell."

(Welf): "What made me confused was the fact that he didn't use the swords as a platform in the same way that he was doing."

(Nero): "Umu... he must have been distracted by the fact of falling from a waterfall."

(Asfi): "At least, Mr. Cranel not only showed a flaw in [Loki Family's] strategy but ended up handing us a snooper." - she said while fiddling with the glasses.

They managed to catch Lord Hermes before he could escape. Normally she would be angry with [God] Hermes, but with the punishment that Tamamo and Nero gave Hermes, she even felt a little sorry. When he asked why they only answered one thing.

(Nero & Tamamo): "The only one who is allowed to look at our bodies in that way is the Praetor / Master."

Asfi was sure that if he didn't stop eavesdropping, he would be around for a long time if he did that.

(Astolfo): "Should we go after them?"

(Tiona): "They should be back soon, what can go wrong here?"

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