(Bell): "...Umm, Miss Lefiya?"

(Lefiya): "...Don't say a word."

Bell wasn't sure how long they had been walking but it was already 'night' time.

Being unsure where the camp was without relying on his connection to his |Servants|, Bell decided to follow Lefiya's lead, after all, it was the first time he was on the floor, if he simply knew how to get to the camp it could generate suspicion. However... she seemed to be at a complete loss as to where their camp was.

They did run rather far after all...

Bell thought about using swords as a means of transport, but he didn't because he wasn't sure he would be able to get out of the forest if he tried, after all he fell whenever he tried earlier.

He managed to stand on his sword, but as soon as he started to move, the problems started, when it was in a straight line, as long as it was slow, he managed to stay on top of the sword, but when he tried to turn or accelerate, for for some reason he lost his balance, he moved his foot and screwed it either in the chain or in the void of the blade and always fell. Bell realized that he had to greatly improve his control over his skill.

Monster growled in the distance but none came near them. The road back was unclear. And the deep, dark, spine-tingling forest all around them quickly brought reality down on them as they stood there in their cold sweats, silently wondering what it was they should do.

(Bell): "I think we better wait for the rescue..."

(Lefiya): "Uu... it might be for the best..." - she agreed with a sigh.

A moment later, both of their stomachs started growling at the same time. Neither of them had had lunch, and it was time for dinner. To save energy, they decide to rest at the base of oneof the largest trees and see if they had anything on them to eat. Bell rummaged around in his belt bag while Lefiya checked her own pockets.

Bell found two slightly soogy grilled rice balls that had found their way in his bag somehow. Bell wondered if Tamamo had put them there in case they split up, and he thanked Tamamo for being so helpful. After all, when he left to train with the boys, he only took two potions, as he thought he would be back at lunch.

Lefiya also fished out what looked like a bottle with two crystal things hanging from a small plant. Lefiya made a face as if she was reluctant to eat them. Bell realized that this was important, possibly something to use as a last resort.

(Bell): "You can have one of these, if you want. Tamamo seems to have snuck them in my pack. They're a little soggy though."

(Bell): "Yeah. I don't usually eat much so one is usually enough to me... beside... those things seem to be important to you..."

Lefiya looked at the bottle in her hand and put it away.

(Lefiya): "And they are... thank you."

The two of them proceeded to quietly eat as they kept a look out for any monsters that might have shown up. Since the rice ball was meant to have hot water or broth poured over it before eating, it wasn't particularly good. It was cold and some of the drier parts were still hard and crunchy but it was enough to satiate them for the time being.

Once they finished, Lefiya stood up and looked at the tree were resting beside.

(Lefiya): "I'm going to climb this tree to see if I can't figure out where we are ... Don't you dare look up, okay?"

(Bell): "I won't." - he nodded, realizing what she meant as he looked down at her skirt.

(Lefiya): "I won't fogive you with just a bonk on the head if you do."

(Bell): "I won't!"

Bell's night vision had improved since he became a Level 2, but this time it was much clearer than yesterday... Bel wondered if it was because he was learning and improving his control over his skill, |Light, Darkness & Chaos|, which made him wonder for the first time what her true potential was.

While he was lost in thought, Lefiya suddenly landed back down beside him, her expression rather grim.

(Bell): "Did you not find it?" - he asked but Lefiya quickly held up her hand.

(Lefiya): "Sorry, but please be quiet. I need to think."

After a minute, she turned back toward Bell.

(Lefiya): "You heard of the Plant Monster things that have been seen in Orario, right?"

(Bell): "Yes, Nero and Tamamo talked about them."

(Lefiya): "I saw some of the people who were responsible for bringing them up to the surface. I want to follow them to get some information."

Bell nodded in understanding. He felt it would be good to go with her, after all she was a magician, and wizards need time for singing, and he was sure he could do it, and if he didn't want to go, he might as well go alone, which he didn't he pleased.

(Bell): "Got it!" - he nodded.

They dashed through the trees, Bell keeping up with Lefiya as she went through her mental map of the area. The two of them ran thrugh the dark and thicks trees and brush while doing their best to be as silent as possible in their steps. Bell glaced down at his left hand as they ran, looking at the |Command Spells| hiden by his gloves. Worst comes to worst... he could use one to summon a |Servant| to his side even if it meant exposing them to Lefiya.

Lefiya suddenly came to a stop and held her hand out for Bell to do the same. About fifty meters in front of them were a pair of figures wearing long dark robes that concealed everything about them from their reca of their s.e.x. Thses extremely suspicious people were enemies of [Loki Family]? Of Orario?

The robed people were watching their surroundings as they made their way through the dense trees with Bell and Lefiya following them at a distance. Not too close to be spotted but not too far away to lose them either. Times like this Bell wished Jack was here. She would have been able to side with them and they wouldn't even notice her.

Eventually they had reached the end of the forest and had drawn close to one of the walls of the |Floor|. The forest had grown considerably sparser. Everything merged into one main path. The trees and shrubberies all but gone, and even the branches and leaves overhead had thinned, leaving no more room for them to hide themselves.

Bell's eyes widened at the sight in front of him. A large open field with blue crystal pillars over two meters tall were scattered here and there. It looked as though it was once some place important like a ritual place or something. Their targets made for the |Dungeon| wall Lefiya turned to Bell as if to say she was still going to follow them. Bell did not care because he would continue on her side, after all she would need time for the enchantment.

Leaping free of their cover, they dashed straight forward through the |Crystal Grove|. They jumped from one crystal to the next, silently darting in and out between the pillars. When they landed on a large patch of dirt without any crystals growing out of it, the ground suddenly collapsed, creating a giant hole right where they were standing.

Since Lefiya had touched the ground first, she fell first, so Bell summoned his swords and used them as a platform to be able to pick her up and land on the ground safely. Lefiya was a little embarrassed, both because she fell into such an obvious trap and because he was carrying her like a princess.

Bell noticed her discomfort and put her on the floor, and just then he realized that something was wrong. The floor was not very solid but in some kind of light-purplish liquid which rose to around their waist with their added mass. A strange hissing sound caught Bell's attention, but only discovered with Lefiya's scream, he looked at her and realized that her clothes were melting.

It wasn't potent enough to eat away at thei flesh and bone instantly thanks to the Falna, but it would definitely only be a matter of time before their skin fell of like their clothes were beginning to. Bell looked at his own clothes and saw that the acid did not work on his clothes, it seems that the black coat had a protection that prevented it from being destroyed, or he repaired himself, whatever the case, he would be able to survive, but the Lefiya would not be so lucky.

Bell quickly scanned his surroundings. The hole was around seven meters in diameter and about ten meters tall. The walls weren't dirt or stone but made flesh-like, like they were in the belly of a beast ... and the liquid was its stomach acid. Something bumped up against his leg and Bell turned around.

(Bell): "Bones... an [Adventurer]... then..."

All around them were counbtless other floating bones, pieces of armor, weapons and staves, all either floating bones, pieces of armor, weapons and staves, all either floating in the acid or extending up from the ground. Bell wondered how many people fell into that trap and how long it was there.

(Lefiya): "Some of the bones are cracked... they didn't simply die from the acid... something struck or crushed them." - she pointed out, hand over her mouth in disgust.

Bell looked back up toward the direction they fell from and saw something moving.

(Bell): "M-Miss Lefiya..." - he began as Lefiya turned toward him before following his gaze up.

(Lefiya): "...What... what is that?"

Something was slowly peeling itself away from the fleshy walls of the hole, lifting its upper body and enveloping them in its massive shadow. As Lefiya and Bell gazed at it in terror, the monster hanging upside down from the top of the hole peered at them from its humanoid torso.

It was disgusting to look at, its coloring far different from that of the countless other monsters they'd fought.

(Bell): "The... ...?" - he asked, he was afraid of that monster unknown to him.

Nero and Tamamo talked about them, but it was a totally different thing when they were right in front of you.

(Lefiya): "It's... one of those !? One with a parasite? They used one of them as a trap!" - she exclaimed near the Bell.

The massive eye spun around for a moment before centering on them. As one, two of them leaped back as two tentacles slammed as their feet from the creature's mbody, splashing acid everywhere around them.

(Lefiya): "Are you okay!?" - she shouted.

(Bell): "S-somehow!" - he called back as stream was rising from their clothes and hair - "Look out!"

The tentacles lashed out again, splashing the acid everywhere as well as sending the fallen equipment and bones flying. Bell used swords to prevent the flying equipment from hitting him or Lefiya, but otherwise he had no idea what to do. He forgot to ask Nero how these things fought, and these monsters were unknown even to the [Guild].

He didn't think he could trust his instincts forever. After all, even with training with Nero and Astolfo, he is still considered inexperienced, he just grew up too fast.

(Nero): 'Praetor, don't focus on just part of your enemy. A battle is like a dance between you and your oponent. You have to pay attention to your opponent as a whole, that includes your weapon, your feet, even your free hand. '

He started to analyze the creature in front of him while dodging each attack and keeping enough room between him and Lefiya so they don't dodge into each other by accident in the dark. However, he had absolutely no idea where to begin.

(Lefiya): "Watch its eye!" - she shouted.

(Bell): "What?"

(Lefiya): "It's eye! It looks before striking!"

Bell looked up at the eye and saw it was pointed directly at him. He quickly jumped back just as the tentacles slammed down below him.

(Lefiya): "It looks like that is its only method of attack! We need to find out what we can do to damage it!"

(Bell): "I attack the walls, try to see if you can cast a spell."

(Lefiya): "Okay."

EBell invoked the 'Legacy of Chaos' and launched himself towards the wall, dodging incoming wh.i.p.s as he unleashed slash afte slash with his three swords upon its fleshy pink surface. Now that he knew how to avoid the attacks, his confidence was growing.

If he was alone, he possibly would have panicked or used one of his | Command Spell |, but knowing that he was not alone, and with someone who had more experience than he calmed him down.

However, his attacks against the wall did not seem to be bearing any fruit while the tentacles were moving faster and faster.

(Bell): 'But compared to Nero and even Astolfo... this is nothing.'

As he thought that, the tentacles suddenly stopped as a golden light formed underneath Lefiya. A Magic Circle, telling Bell Lefiya was beginning her attack. However, the monster, which had been alternating its attacks between the two, was now focusing its eyes solely on Lefiya as the cronw-like organ on its head began to glow an ominous blue. From the glowing blue crown encircling its eye came a devastating wave of high-frequency sound.

(Violas): "Huuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"

A piercing cry meant to immobilize its prey who had no way of training their ears against such attacks. But thanks to the 'La Black Luna' incident, it was not very effective at Bell, despite that sound being a thousand times worse than the on the |Upper Floors|.

Bell realized that one of the tentacles was going to attack him, but at the moment he was still a little dizzy, so he couldn't deflect, so he decided to defend and just hope he didn't get too hurt. He placed the three swords in front of the tentacle, managing to protect himself, but he was sent straight against the wall.

His vision was blurry. His ears were ringing. His fingers snapped. Every single bone in his body was crying in pain. But he didn't care, because that pain meant he had managed to survive.

He had to get back up before something happened to Lefiya too. Though he couldn't hear or see properly, he could still tell that the [Elf] girl was still fighting on her own. A mage normally needed to reamins stationary when chanting but he could just barely make out Lefiya's body moving in the darkness, iluminated by her Magic Circle as she desperately dodged while chanting.

Bell knew that in his current condition he would not be able to help much, but then a crazy idea came to his head, he remembered that Nero was able to make magic run through his entire body to increase his strength, if it worked with magic, for that not with light and darkness?

He made two of his swords disappear and he just kept the 'Forgetfulness of Darkness' in his hand, he stood up and put the sword in front of his eyes and kept thinking about the darkness helping him. At that very moment, the darkness around the Bell began to spin and move towards the Bell, as if it were the center of a whirlpool.

As darkness entered the Bell, bright amethyst purple marks began to appear on the Bell's black coat, until it covered the entire coat, then his right eye changed color, from red to the same as the marks, and the right side of the the fringe of his hair went black and combed back as if trying to turn a horn.

He felt his body full of energy, but also a certain pain, as if he were being squeezed, but it was not the time to care about that, because at that moment Lefiya let out a scream, causing Bell to look up just as she was caught by a tentacle and tossed into a wall, the Magic Circle disappearing with the interrupted chant.

Bell didn't think he just acted, he launched himself towards Lefiya before she hit the wall, he practically turned a bundle of darkness when he did that, he managed to catch Lefiya before she hit the wall and again turned a bundle of darkness together with Lefiya, who surprised him by the fact that he could take someone, and they went straight to the floor.

He placed her on the floor and stood in front of her, after all he would have to guarantee her protection for the spell.

However, Lefiya's mind was racing, as Bell's condition left her very surprised, without even mentioning her black coat that had shiny marks, with his right eye and part of his hair had changed color.

Another tentacle tried to hit them, but Bell turned a beam of purple light and went to the tentacle and attacked him, but this time he managed to cut the tentacle, showering blood everywhere like a decapited snake, but when he did the attack it was like if the sword had three blades, because three black tears appeared where he carried out the attack and just as he had gone to the tentacle he returned to the ground.

let out a cry and that same tentacle grew again. At that time, Lefiya was staring at Bell's back, because Bell's white hair was practically shining as he looked at who was staring at him with eyes full of blood of anger and pain.

And then...

(Bell): "Ray of Darkness!"

A spell without a chant. A dark lighting shot forward toward the creature, blasting it head on in its eye.

(Bell): "Ray of Darkness! Ray of Darkness! RAY OF DARKNESS!"

Again and again, the dark lightning struck the creature until...

(Violas): "GYAAAHH!"

|Ignis Fatuus|.

The creature's magic had veen interrupted and its cown exploded in a fury sparks, disintegrating it and removing its method of controlling them.

(Lefiya): "I can't believe you're trying to act cool..." - she thought as a smile forming on her face before forcing it down with resolution.

She the stood up, staff at the ready as Bell quickly forced down a red potion and prepared himself.

(Lefiya): "I'll believe in you!" - she muttered as her Magic Circle formed underneath her.

(Bell): "Yes!" - he nodded as he looked over his shoulder toward her with a smile, making the right eye stand out even more.

The pain in Bell's body was only increasing, but he was going to protect her. Their last stand has begun. The boy united with darkness and the girl with her song.

(Lefiya): "Unleashed beam of light, limbs of the holy tree!"

Lefiya took off running the moment she began her spell and the tentacles immediately followed her. However Bell wasn't going to let them come close to her. Eyes following the enemy's movements, he smashed and batted each tentacle away before they could even come close to Lefiya.

(Lefiya): "You are the master archer!"

Lefiya realized a flaw within these . The reacted to magic 'no matter' what. Exploiting this weakness was how they were going to survive. With Lefiya chanting her magic behind Bell, the boy became all but invisible to the monster. It would strike at Lefiya without taking account the younger boy who was fast enough to react to its attacks and protect her.

If it was something that could think for itself rather than rely on pure instinct, it would have focused down Bell first and the Level 2 would eventually fall without a way to defend himself. With Bell gone, Lefiya would have been quick to follow.

But with Lefiya's magic acting as bait to draw its attacks, this gave Bell a large window to execute his skills and protect them both. In the creature's eyes that were completely focused on the girl, the boy might as well have been invisible. A combination of Bell's agility, that was enchanced with this new form, and Lefiya's |Concurrent Casting|. Without either of them, both would already be dead. In the stomach of this monstrous creature, the efforts of a boy and a girl sharing similar hopes and dreams bore fruit.

(Lefiya): "Loose yout arrows, fairy archers...!"

As she neared the end of her chant, her magic power rising sharply, the trap monster increased its efforts, throwing everything it had at the mage to stop her song.

(Bell): "I won't let you!"

He thought about cutting the tentacles, but since everyone was heading towards her, there was a chance that she would still be hit, so this time, he changed the direction of the tentacles, to pass straight, and then cut them, making Lefiya not get a scratch.

(Lefiya): "Pierce, arrow of accuracy!"

The chant was complete as a brilliant golden light shined in the darkness.

(Lefiya): "ARCS RAY!"

Light exploded upward toward the monster. The monster attempted to escape but it was no use. The magic tore through the monster's tentacles sending it flying up into the lid of the trap. But that's where the magic stopped. The trap was specifically made to trap [Adventurers] after all. It must have enough resistance against magic to defend even against Lefiya's Level 3 magic boosted by her Skill. Even if the creature was being burned to ash, the lid of the trap would not open.

Then... a strange sound echoed around her. The flesh-like walls around them were closing in, attempting to crush them before they could escape, even if it meant crushing its main body with them. Lefiya couldn't believe it. She refused to believe it. All their efforts were not going to end here! And then...

A soft ringing bell echoed in her ears. A foreign sound completely out of place in their environment. She turned around and saw Bell with glowing wisps of light wrapping around his left hand. With a grunt of pain, because the pain was starting to get very severe, he made his way to Lefiya whoa was still forcing all her magic out toward the lid of the trap.

(Bell): "I'll help..."

Lefiya realized her mouth was open and quickly closed it as she gave him a nod and turned back the lid, her magic burning even brighter as she did. The bell's chime grew louder with each passing secound until...


A massive black beam on par with Lefiya's Arcs Ray erupted from his hand. The lightning joined together and burst forward blasting through the monster and the lid, creating a large pillar of light that illuminated the entire |Eighteenth Floor|.

As the light died down, smoke was all that reamined, Bell quickly went to Lefiya, grabbed her around the waist, and became a beam of light to come out of the hole before the walls could close in on them. The moment they left and 'solidified', Bell started to fall, but Lefiya managed to hold him. The darkness that entered the Bell began to leave and he returned to normal, which made Lefiya's eyes even wider.

(Lefiya): "Are you ok?" - She asked a little gasping because of tiredness.

Bell took another potion before answering.

(Bell): "Somehow... but my whole body is hurting..."

(Lefiya): "Possibly it was because of your ability..."

Bell was very powerful thanks to it, but the price seems to be quite high as well. But the two were not in a position to fight anymore, they had to go to the camp, before that-

(??????): "What's going on here!?"

A voice called out from behind them. Turning around, Bell and Lefiya saw a pair of men in robes running toward her.

(Lefiya): "Evilus...!" - she gasped.

(Evilus 1): That's... |Thousand Elf|? [Loki Family]!?"

(Evilus 2): "Venethes was defeated!?"

(Evilus 1): "Hurry, release the !"

They had recognized Lefiya in an instant and were already moving to attack. Out of the frying pan and into the fire it would seem. As if on cue, the brightly colored green sprouted around them in a circle, trapping the two exhausted [Adventurers] between them.

But Bell had other plans, especially with the new song that popped into his mind. He saw that those things would react more fiercely, but he had to risk it.

(Bell): "From the beginning of creation the hours have come! With light and darkness as your guides! May the miracle arise from the eternal hours that pass!"

When he started singing, all the attacked him, while the men in robes laughed and Lefiya looked shocked.

(Bell): "May this cycle hang for eternity! MIRACLE HOUR!"

When he finished the spell, twelve pillars appeared around him and Lefiya, spun around them and moved away, cutting off all the that attacked them.

Both men in robes and Lefiya were shocked by that, but Bell was worried about something else, after all he would not be able to do even a Ray of Darkness without suffering a Mind Down. At that time, they heard the sound of an eagle accompanied by the cry of two familiar voices.

(???????): "Master!"

(????): "Praetor!"

They looked up and saw Astolfo and Nero riding on the Hippogriff heading towards them. The two robed figures let out a scream as they bolted into the darkness.

(Bell): "Nero, go after them!" - he screamed.

Nero asked no questions, she just jumped off the Hippogriff when they got close to the ground, and ran in the same direction as the men who sent a group of over him.

Nero caught up with them quickly, she managed to immobilize the two and remove their belts, which contained various types of explosives.

(Nero): "Umu... either you really value the person you serve... or you are very afraid of him..."

She even took off the men's robes, one being an [Elf] and the other a [Human].

(Nero): "Well... Praetor possibly wants you alive."

Before they could say anything, they were both hit with a knife to the neck. Nero used her own hand to stop the knife that went towards her, after all, a wound of that level was nothing for a woman who survived three days with a cut neck.

She looked up and saw a figure above the trees looking at her.

(Nero): "Umu... it looks like your organization is purely based on interest..."

The only difference between the figure on top of the tree with which she was chasing was the color of the robe, which was a dark brown and the mask. He took something from the clothes and squeezed it, at that moment a flash of light blinded Nero.

When she managed to see again, the masked figure was gone.

(Nero): "Damn..."

At that time, Astolfo arrived where she was.

(Astolfo): "Nero, what happened?"

(Nero): "I found one of the leaders... or one of the captains... he managed to escape..."

(Astolfo): "Master will understand... did you get anything useful from those you were chasing?"

(Nero): "I haven't checked yet..."

The two checked the bodies, with Astolfo finding a strange symbol that looked like a D in their clothes.

(Astolfo): "That should do it... at least someone can identify it."

(Nero): "Let's go back to Praetor and Lefiya, let's take them to camp."

Both went back to where the two were with the Hippogriff, Bell had blacked out, both by physical and mental fatigue, Astolfo had Lefiya and Bell ride on the Hippogriff and the five went straight to the camp.

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