Saber, Caster and Eina went back to the main lobby where Bell was waiting for their return.

(Bell): "Are you done registering?"

(Eina): "Yes, everything is fine with their registration."

(Saber): "Miss Eina, could you tell us an equipment store that we can go to? We want to get better equipment for the Praetor."

(Eina): "Yes, but due to Monsterphila, most weapon stores are closed for blacksmiths to create weapons to sell at the festival."

(Caster): "What is this Monsterphila?"

(Eina): "It's a festival organized by the [Ganesha Family] every year. The [Ganesha Family] has a lot of monster tamers, so they bring some and let the [Adventurers] challenge them in the arena. It's a long-awaited event, as many outsiders come to watch, so all traders expect to make a lot of profit. "

(Bell): "So they close the stores to have more variety at the event?"

(Eina): "Correct."

(Saber): "If that's the case, there's nothing we can do. We'll wait until after the event."

(Caster): "So why don't we visit Lady Hestia at work?"

(Bell): "Good idea, we can talk about the celebration party tonight."

(Bell & Saber & Caster): "See you later Miss Eina" - they said as they headed for the exit. Bell waved a hand.

(Eina): "Good luck and good morning to you."

Bell guided them through the market until they stopped at a stall where their little [Goddess] was. By the time they arrived she was putting cream on a jagamaru-kun and handing it to a customer.

(Saber): "Due to the state of the church, I was expecting a small shop, but is it a stall? Now I understand why there were only jagamaru-kuns in the pantry."

(Caster): "At least the [Gods] don't mind working, although the sight of a [Goddess] selling food on the street is not the best ..."

Bell only managed to respond to that comment with a nervous laugh as they approached. Hestia greeted them before realizing that they were.

(Hestia): "Welcome! Oh, hi guys! Is the orientation over yet? How did it go?"

(Saber): "Umu! It was good, and I could better understand the situation in the city. Although I wanted to go to a equipment store for Pretor's equipment."

(Hestia): "The festival is coming but the day after the festival everything is back to normal."

(Bell): "[Goddess], we got a reservation at a pub tonight to have lunch there. Or we can go tomorrow night, if you prefer."

(Hestia): "A reservation? Ah, of course we have to host Saber and Caster's welcome party. We can go today."

(Saber): "Lady Hestia, is Monsterphila the only event that the [Ganesha Family] organizes?"

(Hestia): "Yes, what surprises me. Ganesha is very weird but for some reason everyone likes him, because of that, despite not being one of the most powerful [Families], his is certainly the biggest of all. Did you go to |Dungeon|? "

(Bell): "Yes, I would like to show you |Dungeon| for both and see how Caster fights."

(Caster): "I will give my best Master." - he said it with determined eyes.

(Bell): "Well then, let's get going. See you later [Goddess]."

(Saber & Caster): "See you later, Lady Hestia."

(Hestia): "Come back safely."

A |Dungeon| remained the same as always. Dark, slightly cold, with strange sources of light coming from the walls, making it look like a well-lit tunnel instead of something underground where it had to go with a torch. The trio had barely walked ten minutes on the first floor when cracks in the walls began to form.

(Caster): "So this is how it happens. Miss Eina had explained, but seeing with your own eyes is a totally different thing." - she said this while invoking the Mirror of Amaterasu and the head of a <Goblin> coming out of the cracks.

(Saber): "This place really is like [Tartarus] ..." - she murmured this while invoking Aestus Estus.

Although Saber murmured, he managed to hear it and was curious to know what [Tartarus] was, but he wielded his knife when all the <Goblins> finished leaving. There were a total of seven <Goblins>. Bell stepped forward and pierced the first one in the c.h.e.s.t with his knife, the <Goblin> body turned into a black fog and returned to the wall and dropped a [Magic Stone], as with any monster in |Dungeon|, the second tried to hit him with the club, but he managed to deflect and decapitate the second <Goblin>, the third and fourth attacked when Bell was turned away from them, but Saber appeared and in one move cut the two <Goblins > in the middle, the other three <Goblins> kept their distance from this duo. When Bell went forward he saw three pieces of paper flying towards the <Goblins>, when the papers came close something that surprised the boy happened. The <Goblin> on the left caught fire, the middle one was frozen and the body broke and the one on the right was cut into several parts. All the bodies of the other <Goblins> had the same end as the first.

Bell turned his attention to Caster, who had the mirror floating near his left arm with his right hand extended.

(Bell): "Caster, was that your magic?" - he said in a very animated tone, after all he had never seen magic outside the summoning, despite the invocation of Saber's sword also being a form of magic, but as it involved a sword he forgot that detail.

(Caster): "Yes Master. They are my mantras. I launched the fire, the ice and the wind." - She said as she put her hands on her waist and puffed out her c.h.e.s.t proudly.

Saber approached the [Magic Stone] that one of the <Goblins> dropped.

(Saber): "They are much smaller than <Minotaur> ..." - she said a little disappointed.

(Bell): "The <Minotaurs> are found on the |Intermediate Floors| so the [Magic Stones] are bigger than the monsters on the |Upper Floors|" - he explained as he started to collect the [Magic Stones].

(Saber): "So what was that <Minotaur> that attacked you doing here?" she asked as she turned to face Bell.

(Bell): "Some group must have attacked the <Minotaurs> and that one fled to the |Upper Floors|" - he said as he got up after finishing collecting the [Magic Stones] of the <Goblins>.

(Saber): "This is very irresponsible, the Praetor could have died." - She said very angry, while Caster also made an expression of anger.

(Bell): "But I didn't die, and on top of that we met, so I consider it a good fortune." - he said with an innocent smile on his face.

This made Saber a little embarrassed that she even looked away, she realized that Bell was quite innocent so he shouldn't lie very well, which made her happy that he thought that way, but she still took a silent oath to find those responsible and make them learn not to let their haste run away.

(Caster): "Still, I didn't imagine that monsters are born grown up." - she said loudly for both to pay attention to her, after all she did not want this climate between the two to develop more, as happened with Syr.

(Bell): "Yes, all monsters are born here grown up. All monsters on the surface came from |Dungeon| or are descendants of those who managed to get to the surface in the past."

(Saber): "How do other places deal with this?"

(Bell): "The [Gods] are spread all over the world, not everyone lives in Orario. The city only has a lot of [Gods] because of |Dungeon|, and the monsters on the surface are not that strong."

(Caster): "What do you mean, Master?"

(Bell): "If you take a <Goblin> from inside the |Dungeon| and a <Goblin> from the surface to fight each other, the one inside the |Dungeon| will win."

(Saber): "So does |Dungeon| give a kind of help to the monsters inside it?"

(Bell): "That's what many say. And, Saber, what is [Tartarus] you commented on when the <Goblins> appeared?"

(Saber): "Umu! Where I came from, there is a legend of the [Primordials], entities above the [Gods], the three who commented most were Uranus the Sky, Gaia the Earth and Tartarus the Abyss. [Tartarus] is an abyss that there are stories that say that you would have to keep falling for nine whole days to get to the bottom which is where the monsters are born. "

(Bell): "Wow, entities above the [Gods] ... Wait, did you say one of them was called Uranus?"

(Saber): "Yes why?"

(Bell): "The [God] Uranus was one of the first [Gods] to come to Gekai, he who created the |Dungeon| seal and is the one who runs the [Guild]."

(Saber): "Really?!" she shouted in surprise. Uranus has always been portrayed as a cold and cruel being who ended up being cut into pieces. It was at that time that she realized she was no longer based on the legends of Rome while she was in Orario.

(Caster): "Master, will you be taking this [Magic Stones]?"

(Bell): "Yes, that would be one of the duties of [Supporters], but as we cannot have one per hour I will do that."

(Saber): "No Praetor, I do, after all it is very important that you strengthen yourself."

(Caster): "The Master wants to summon more |Servants|, doesn't he? The monsters here will not help much if we always help each other. The Master has to grow up to be able to support more |Servants|."

(Bell): "Okay" - he said feeling the greatest gratitude possible for both.

He untied the bag in which he kept the [Magic Stones] and handed it to Saber.

(Saber): "Very well, with strong opponents your growth will be greater isn't it Praetor? So let's keep going down"

(Bell): "But I haven't even finished the |Fifth Floor| yet."

(Caster): "It's okay, Master, as long as we're here, you won't die."

(Saber): "Umu! So let's go."

And going down is what they did. Saber and Caster stayed away while Bell fought the monsters they encountered. Although Bell has never had a problem fighting before, just having them watch him, has already made him more confident. Despite Eina always telling him to run if he was outnumbered. However, even facing six <Kobolds> at the same time, he managed to overcome this challenge.

He didn't always want to be the protégé, he wanted to be the protector. Someone worthy of the titles that the two |Servants| whoever made a contract they gave you.

But compared to Saber, the <Kobolds> were quite slow.

(Saber): "See Praetor, you can try yourself." - she said while taking the [Magic Stones].

(Bell): "Yes!"

(Caster): "It's time for us to come back, isn't it?"

(Bell): "What? But I can still go on." - he said a little disappointed, after all he felt he was at the peak.

(Saber): "We know Praetor. But we have that party to go, did you forget? Tomorrow we will sink deeper" - she said after getting up after finishing collecting the [Magic Stones] and some <Kobolds> dropped items along with [Magic Stones].

(Caster): "And we will also need to hire a [Support] to help us."

(Bell): "Alright"

(Saber): "Tomorrow, after our training, we will look for a [Support] and go deeper. But now there is the meeting of the Praetor with the one from Syr." - an irritated tone appeared in her voice in that last part.

(Bell): "It's not a date!" - Bell's face went as red as Saber's outfit.

(Caster): "Please Master, don't forget us just because of this meeting." - you could see tears in Caster's eyes.

(Bell): "It is not a date."

(Saber): "Praetor, we already accept the fact that it is impossible for you to be just a woman, so it is better to already accept the idea of ​​forming a harem." - she said while staring.

This only served to do the impossible, to make Bell's face even redder.

They left the |Dungeon| and went to exchange the [Magic Stones] and the items in the [Guild], didn't give as much money as the [Magic Stone] of <Minotaur>, but still gave more than Bell was able to collect in the last days. They went to the church with no problem on the way, when they arrived Hestia greeted them and took Saber and Caster to the back room. A few minutes, Hestia ran to Bell and started to see if he was hurt.

(Bell): "[Goddess] ?!" - he ended up screaming due to the surprise.

(Hestia): "Their status didn't go up one point so it means that you faced everyone alone, right?"

(Caster): "That was for the Master's sake, Lady Hestia."

(Saber): "Yes, with us the Praetor would not be in danger, besides ... if the Praetor dies in both of us we will disappear, so the best we can do is to make him stronger."

(Hestia): "Mumumu ..." - she puffed her cheeks angrily while looking at Saber and Caster.

(Bell): "[Goddess]"

(Hestia): "Okay! Let's see how much you have grown with their training."

She took Bell to the bedroom, made him take off his shirt, laid him on the bed, sat on him and started updating Bell's status by dropping a drop of blood on his back. After a few seconds, Hestia made an incomprehensible sound as she grabbed Bell's back, making him scream, and brought his face closer, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

(Saber): "Is there something wrong with the Praetor, Lady Hestia?" - Hestia's reactions were worrying both her and Caster.

Hestia took a parchment, put it on Bell's back, pushed the statuses, ran her finger and checked that everything was right before she left the Bell and handed him the parchment. Saber and Caster were on either side of the Bell so you can see what made Hestia so impressed.

/ ******************* /

Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength: I 77 -> G 230

Endurance: I 45 -> I 90

Dexterity: I 93 -> H 140

Agility: H 148 -> G 240

Magic: I 50 -> E 435

/ ******************* /

Bell can only look with his mouth open like a big O due to the massive increase in status.

(Saber): "Because of these reactions, this shouldn't be normal, should it? But if the defense stagnates like that it won't be good."

(Caster): "And keeping two |Servants| is making the Master's magic power soar. And I'm pretty sure that if we fight seriously, it will increase even more."

(Saber): "Let's wait, the Praetor is not ready for this yet."

(Hestia): "You are too calm. If the whole Level 1 grew so fast, the city would not be full of them." - She said while slapping the back of the Bell, to get him out of his trance.

Soon after, Hestia murmured something, no one heard what she said but Saber realized that he had something more than what the [Goddess] was telling, but she was quiet. If Hestia, who valued Bell so much, was keeping it a secret, she wouldn't ask.

(Hestia): "Anyway, Bell is growing at an accelerated rate for some reason. Maybe his connection with the two."

(Bell): "Yes" - he said to show that he had come out of the trance while putting the clothes back on.

(Hestia): "Well, let's celebrate the new members of our [Family] and the rapid growth of Bell." - she said that while pointing to the stairs.

[Hestia Family] made their way to the 'Hostess of Fertility' and entered the sound of cheerful voices and the smell of various foods. A tall, robust woman, who might have been the owner, was behind a bar that served customers in front of her, there were a couple of waitresses who were obviously [Cait Sith] who were running around serving customers at the table next to a stoic-looking green-haired elf. Then, a person they recognized came running up to them.

(Syr): "Bell, you came" - she said with a very bright smile.

(Bell): "Yes ... here we are ..." - Bell replied with a nervous smile, because when Syr arrived a snowstorm formed around him.

(Hestia): "Bell ... who is this?"

(Caster): "The reason for our 'reservation'" - she replied in a voice that would freeze someone more efficiently than her spells.

The three were sulking as Syr thanked Bell for coming and turned to the crowd.

(Syr): "Four seats! Do we have a free table or would you like to sit at the bar?" - She said while gesturing for them to follow.

(Bell): "Uh ... sure?"

The four sat at the bar in the following order Caster, Saber, Hestia, Bell. Bell stayed in the seat facing the owner.

(Owner): "So you are the guest of Syr, eh? Ah-ah you have a charming face for an [Adventurer]. Just say if you need anything! I heard you will be staying all night! I will keep the food coming, all you have to do is keep asking. "

(Bell): "T-Thank you ..." - he replied with a hard smile.

(Caster): "This place looks friendly, there are all kinds of [Adventurers] too. All kinds of people eating in one place with all kinds of things on the menu." - she said while looking around, which she regretted a little because she realized that many were looking at her, and looking at the menu.

(Saber): "At least we won't have to wait."

After that sentence from Saber, everyone made their orders, practically meat and drunk, except Bell who was underage. Hestia even drank a lot.

(Syr): "Are you enjoying it?" she asked as she returned the moment Bell was halfway through the order.

(Bell): "I think I exaggerated a little, this is my first time in a place like this, but ... everyone seems to like it." - that last part he said after looking at his [Family] appreciated his requests, and Hestia asking for more drink.

(Syr): "I see, it's good to hear that." she said as she untied her apron and hung it on a hook on the wall before sitting down next to Bell and starting to make small talk.

Beside him, Hestia, Saber and Caster were busy talking to each other.

(Saber): "Lady Hestia, stop hitting me while I'm eating." - she murmured

(Hestia): "Come on, you two, eat fast. We don't always have this type of meal." - Hestia's face was a little red from the drink.

(Caster): "Another reason to let us enjoy the food."

Hestia ordered another beer and took it in one gulp and decided to tease Bell who was having a pleasant conversation with Syr.

(Syr): "So Bell, which [Family] are you from?"

(Bell): "[Hestia Family] and this is our [Goddess]" - he said the first part with pride and the second while indicating the drunk [Goddess] beside him who chose this moment to pester him.

(Hestia): "Bell ~, stop flirting with other girls and flirt with me ~. Tomorrow I will have to attend the banquet of the [Gods] and I will be late ~" - she said this with a very drunk air.

Bell gave Syr an apologetic smile as she giggled, and in that moment Saber managed to get Hestia's attention.

(Saber): "Enough Lady Hestia, let the girl have her time with the Praetor. Caster and I will leave you with him when we get home."

(Hestia): "Which side are you on? I can't let her take the lead."

(Caster): "Lady Hestia just cooperate, each one will have their turn with the Master." - she said that but the tone of voice clearly indicated that she wanted to monopolize Bell.

(Owner): "HA-HA-HA-HA. It seems that you are very popular boy."

Bell gave a very nervous smile, because besides Syr's sulky face at his side, and the waitresses who insisted on looking as if this was all a show, Bell could feel the jealous looks of all the male [Adventurers] piercing it like arrows.

At that moment the front doors opened in a large group entered. This group consisted of a [Pallum], a [Dwarf], a [Werewolf], two [Elves], two [Amazoness], one [Human] and a redheaded [Goddess]. Even Bell, who was a newcomer in town, recognized them.

(Bell): "[Loki Family] ..."

(Syr): "Yes, Lady Loki likes to eat here."

Bell looked at Hestia and realized that she looked more sober and lucid than before. Saber and Caster stopped eating to see the newcomers.

(Caster): "Is this [Family] at the top of Orario?"

(Saber): "Except for [Human], [Pallum], [Dwarf] and [Elf] with green hair they are not that much." - she said this while returning to finish lunch.

Syr was taken aback by Saber's comment before being thoughtful again.

(Hestia): "Miss waitress, can we have the bill and something for the trip? I lost my appetite."

Syr looked confused for a moment before waving his hand and getting up to fetch it.

(Saber): "What is it? Feeling bad?" she asked as Bell wrote something on a scroll and she and Caster finished their food to listen.

(Hestia): "I can't stand Loki. I know it should be a party for everyone but ..." - she said this while hiding behind Bell.

(Caster): "Okay, nothing good will come if two hostile [Goddesses] meet, let's go"

Saber and Bell nodded and stood up, Saber way to stand between Hestia's and Loki's field of vision.

(Owner): "Are you going yet?" she asked as she brought the bill and a basket of food.

(Bell): "Sorry, but ..." - he pointed to Hestia and then to Loki and the owner nodded in understanding.

(Owner): "Alright, I'm sorry to see you go out like this." - she said this while Bell filled a purse with money from the account and handed over the parchment.

(Mia): "My name is Mia Grand. Will you be back when you get the chance to spend a lot?"

(Bell): "Of course, Mrs. Grand." - he said that while the four made their way to the exit.

(Mia): "Be careful."

When they were some distance from the pub.

(Hestia): "Sorry."

(Saber): "It was better that we left to be able to come back another day than to start a mess and not be able to come back."

(Bell): "Saber is right. We can continue the party at home."

(Hestia): "The probability of finding Loki right here" - she murmured before letting out an annoyed cry - "DAH! Nothing good would come to find her. Let's go home, eat, sleep and forget about that board-b.r.e.a.s.ted idiot. "

And with that said, Hestia walked the street into the night. Her three Family members shared a look before following her.

The next morning Bell felt refreshed and well fed thanks to last night's meal. Again the same scenario. Hestia sleeping in the only bed and the handmaids | nowhere where you could see and Bell sleeping on the couch.

Bell stretched his arms over his head before starting a new day. He left the room and went up the stairs to the main part of the church, arriving there he found Saber with some fabrics on his arm, some were white, others blue and others gold.

(Saber): "Good morning, Praetor, Caster said she will already have ter breakfast"

(Bell): "Good morning Saber, what are all these fabrics for?"

(Saber): "I'm going to make a dress for Lady Hestia to go to the banquet she commented on at the pub."

(Bell): "How did you get them? And can you finish by the night?"

(Saber): "Umu! The girl in the store gave me a little help when she said she wanted to help my [Goddess], and although it won't be the job I'm most proud of, I'm sure Lady Hestia will love it."

At that moment two things happened Hestia went up the stairs and Caster came from the kitchen with breakfast.

(Saber): "Good morning Lady Hestia."

(Caster): "Good morning Master, Good morning Lady Hestia, the coffee is ready."

(Hestia): "Good morning ... you always wake up early ..." - she said it a little sleepily.

(Bell): "It's late compared to normal ... it's almost eight o'clock already."

(Hestia): "It's still early. What are you doing, Saber?" - she asked seeing all those cloths with Saber.

(Saber): "Making a dress for you to wear at the banquet."

(Hestia): "Thank you so much, Saber. You are too good for me" - she said this while practically crying with emotion.

(Saber): "And Lady Hestia I would like to have a conversation with you later."

The night, two hours before the feast that [God] Ganesha, the dress was ready with the help of the three, with Bell and Caster just following Saber's orders. The end result was a long flowing white dress that carefully covered Hestia's body, exposing only her arms and a little of her shoulders with two long bands that fell over her arms. A long blue fabric also covered the waist, where several pieces of golden cloth wrapped it like a belt. She also had a long blue headdress on her head with a gold lining as well.

(Hestia): "H-How am I? Is it good?"

(Bell): "You look beautiful [Goddess], you are really a great artist Saber, if this is a job you are not so proud of." - he praises impressed.

(Saber): "I wish I had at least a whole day but that will do."

(Caster): "The only thing missing is jewelry but we don't have any."

(Hestia): "You don't have to worry about that, the dress is already great. I want to hug you so much!"

(Saber): "Do it tomorrow, preferably when you don't have the dress on. And Lady Hestia I'll escort you there. There's something I'd like to talk about. in the morning?"

(Hestia): "Okay, but Caster comes along, I don't trust her alone with Bell."

(Caster): "When will it be my turn to flirt with Master?" - she asked a little sullen.

(Hestia): "That's what I'm talking about." - she replied angrily.

(Bell): "Okay, I'm going to practice with the wooden swords."

(Hestia): "I'll see if I can get you some food, Bell."

(Bell): "No need, just have fun." - he said as he went to the backyard behind the church.

(Saber): "Then let's get going." - she said while taking Hestia's right hand and accompanying her with Caster on Hestia's left side

Halfway there, Hestia decided to bring up the topic.

(Hestia): "What did you want to talk to me about, Saber?"

(Saber): "You were thinking of asking some [God] to make the Praetor's weapon, aren't you?"

Hestia was very surprised after all, she hadn't even mentioned anything about it, but decided to open the game with both of them.

(Hestia): "Yes, I was going to ask Hephaistos, who is a great friend, to make Bell's weapons."

(Caster): "This will definitely put you in a big debt. If the Master finds out he may have a problem."

(Hestia): "So I was going to keep the debt part a secret."

(Saber): "I only brought up this subject to say that it is unnecessary."

(Hestia & Caster): "Unnecessary?" - the tone of surprise was evident, after all, Saber commented several times about taking at least a pair of swords for Bell to fight really well.

(Saber): "During yesterday's training I just had a feeling, but today with the Praetor on our side I was sure. The Praetor has something similar to my 'Aestus Estus' dormant inside him."

(Hestia): "Really?"

(Caster): "This is incredible!"

(Saber): "Umu! It is, and it seems close to waking up, so we don't have to worry about the Praetor's weapons. Just the armor."

(Hestia): "Well, this is already a relief."

(Saber): "And there is something else I expected to discuss."

(Hestia): "What is it?"

(Saber): "The fact that the Praetor forms a harem in the future."

(Hestia): "I REFUSE!" - She screamed so loudly that several people stopped what they were doing to look at the three.

(Caster): "Lady Hestia, believe no one likes the idea, but with the Praetor's dream the number of girls around him will only increase, so it is better to ensure that we all participate, than he choosing only one and the others staying away. out." - she said it in a defeat voice.

Hestia knew they were right, Syr taking the initiative was proof of that, but she wanted to have Bell for herself, but there was a chance Bell would not choose her, she was almost sure to be asked to choose between one of three at the moment he would choose Saber.

(Hestia): "Did Bell agree with that?" - that phrase was the same as agreeing with the plan.

(Saber): "No, but I think we can change your mind."

When they arrived at [Ganesha Family]'s Mansion, they all stood and gasped when they saw the building in front of them. Among the lights of Orario stood out a huge statue of thirty meters in the shape of a man, with an elephant head sitting cross-legged in the middle of the city block ... with the entrance of a pair of double doors located directly on the crotch of the statue.

(Saber): "I ... am speechless ..." - she said this by making an oath to never meet Ganesha, although she didn't exactly hate the idea of ​​giant statues as a tribute, she had done it herself in her time like 'Beast', but that was too much, and the others agreed.

They were not the only ones. Everywhere, people were murmuring similar things and wondering if they were in the right place.

(Hestia): "W-Well ... I think I should go."

(Saber): "Have fun Lady Hestia."

(Caster): "Are we going back to the Master?" - she said that after Hestia passed through the gate.

(Saber): "Umu! Let's see if we can wake up the latent potential of the Praetor." - She said turning to go back to the church.

(Caster): "Good idea, but ..." - their eyes went back to the statue - "this is very weird isn't it?"

When Saber agreed, the [Ganesha Family] guard, who was close when Caster said that last part, gave a depressed sigh.

Hestia wandered around the banquet hall, not paying attention to Ganesha's welcome speech and also making sure that she didn't trip over the front of the dress.

(Hestia): "I'm glad that Saber doesn't make a dress that creeps on the floor." - she said this while trying to find friendly faces.

She found Takemikazuchi, but as he was with Hermes she decided to wait, at least until Hermes left, Hestia didn't like Hermes very much because she didn't really know what was going on in his head, there were times when he acted like everything was just a game. Seeing Take once she remembers Caster's promise to introduce her to him.

However, her goal was somewhat overlooked when she came across one of the huge buffet tables. Her body froze in place when the scent wafted over her and, as if mesmerized, she floated up to him.

(Hestia): "When our [Family] grows up, we will organize parties like that." - she said this while filling the plate with food.

(?????): "Hestia, is it you?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Hestia turned and saw a [Goddess] with flaming red hair wearing a dark red dress behind her. On his thin face was an eye patch covering his right eye, one of the marks that made it recognizable to the eye.

(Hestia): "Hephaistos, it is so good to see you again!" she said cheerfully as she balanced the plate.

(Hephaistos): "It's good to see you again too. And it looks like you're doing very well." - the second part she said after looking at Hestia from head to toe.

Hestia placed the plate on the table and puffed out her c.h.e.s.t with pride.

(Hestia): "Yes! This dress was handmade by the three members of my [Family]."

(Hephaistos): "I see. It was really well done. And to think it's the hand. And three members in just two weeks ... you're really doing well."

(Hestia): "Honestly ... they are too good for me ..."

(Hephaistos): "You really are very lucky." - she said that, letting Hestia talk about her 'children' while remembering Hestia who was always crying because nobody wanted to join her [Family]

(Hestia): "And how are things in your [Family]? Monsterphila is tomorrow, isn't it?"

(Hephaistos): "Don't even tell me, it's a big rush because of that." - she said this while massaging her forehead.

(????): "Could I join this conversation?"

Another voice interrupted and the two friends turned to see another goddess coming out of the crowd towards them. Her silver hair matched the golden dress that was open at the front, which attracted the attention of all the men in the region.

(Hestia): "Oh it's Freya ..." - she said that with a sigh.

(Freya): "Ah, dear, am I bothering you Hestia?" she asked with a disappointed look.

(Hestia): "Not really, I just don't know how to deal with you."

(Freya): "Wow ... I love this about you. You must be the one who is really honest with me" - she said this while laughing

(Hestia): "If you want me to continue to be honest, I prefer you than other people ..."

A loud cry came from the white stairs located in the middle of the room, where a red-haired familiar [Goddess] was running.

(Loki): "Freya!" she called, wearing a long, low-cut black dress that exposed her shoulders. She stopped just behind Freya before saying to Hestia - "Yo chibi!"

(Hestia): "What do you want, Loki?"

(Loki): "What's up? Can't I just stop and say hi?"

(Hestia): "You never stop to say just hi. Besides, I don't want to talk to you when your [Family] a bunch of <Minotaurs> for the |Upper Floors| and almost kill my first child."

(Loki): "Hey, they are off when they are in |Dungeon|. Problems happen."

Hestia turned to the other two [Goddesses] with an expression 'See?' and that made them both laugh.

(Loki): "So, how much debt was there for that?"

(Hestia): "For your information, this was a gift from my 'children'! All handmade! Alias, the only dress to be laughed at is yours, your tailor must have been very confused by your order." - she said the second part while laughing and throwing her wide b.r.e.a.s.ts.

Loki's face lit up as brightly as her hair before he attacked Hestia with tears in her eyes, grabbing Hestia by the soft, fluffy cheeks as Hestia fluttered uselessly, her short arms unable to reach Loki.

(Hephaistos): "There we go again ..." - she sighed while Freya took a step back to enjoy the show.

After shaking Hestia (and her c.h.e.s.t) up, down, left, back and forth ... Loki cringed with tears streaming from her eyes, having done more harm to herself than Hestia, even though the latter's cheeks were quite swollen from the attack.

(Loki): "I'll catch you next time! Remember that!" she shouted over her shoulder.

(Hestia): "Don't show me those pathetic little things next time" - she said this while massaging her cheeks.

(Hephaistos): "Do you want me to get some ice?"

(Hestia): "You don't have to."

(Hephaistos): "But are Bell and you other children getting through |Dungeon|?"

(Hestia): "Yes"

Freya's ears shook for a moment before she looked away with a smile.

(Freya): "I'm sorry Hephaistos and Hestia. But I remembered that I have some business to do, so I'll go first."

(Hephaistos): "Didn't you want information about something?"

(Freya): "I already did it."

(Hestia): "She hasn't changed anything ... she must have set her eyes on another [God] 'son' again."

(Hephaistos): "It's possible, good tomorrow will be racing for me, so I'm going back too."

(Hestia): "We will meet for coffee sometime."

(Hephaistos): "Okay, even more, Hestia."

Hestia decided that she would also go home, but first she would talk to Take about Caster's request, but after some time she couldn't find him, possibly she had come home too while she was fighting with Loki. With that she decided to end the day and return home hoping that Saber and Caster hadn't done anything to Bell.

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