When she got home, which was already very late, Saber and Caster were waiting for her.

(Hestia): "I'm back!"

(Saber & Caster): "Welcome back, Lady Hestia!"

(Caster): "How was it at the banquet?"

(Hestia): "It was kind of fun. I had to deal with Loki, but nothing to worry about. And I'm sorry Caster, I saw Take at the party but he was talking to Hermes at the time, so I decided to wait a while, and when I went to look for him he was already gone. " - she said with a sad expression on her face for not being able to fulfill her 'daughter's' wish.

(Caster): "It's okay, Lady Hestia, there will be another day."

(Saber): "Do you have a problem with Lord Hermes?" - she asked curiously

(Hestia): "It's more like not knowing how to deal. Sometimes I don't know what's on his mind, and I have the impression that he likes to cause confusion just to be entertained."

(Saber): "I see."

(Hestia): "So? Were you able to wake up 'Aestus Estus' from Bell?"

(Saber): "No, which is the strangest thing. I'm sure it's ready, but for some reason, she doesn't want to wake up."

(Caster): "Could it be that she is waiting for the Master to take the initiative?"

(Hestia): "Like, Bell go after it?"

(Caster): "Yes."

(Saber): "So, what the Praetor has is of a high level."

They were silent for a few minutes, without finding an answer.

(Hestia): "Well, I'm going to sleep, tomorrow we'll go to Monsterphila."

(Saber): "Okay. I'll see if I can think of something to help the Praetor"

(Caster): "Good night, Lady Hestia."

Hestia went to the back room, where Bell was sleeping on the couch as usual, changed clothes and went to sleep.

Somehow, Hestia even woke up early, not as early as Bell usually does, but it was before seven, so she already saw it as a victory. After getting ready she left the room, went up the stairs and went to the kitchen where her three 'children' were.

(Bell & Saber & Caster): "Good morning, Lady Hestia."

(Hestia): "Good morning guys."

Breakfast, which was made by Caster at Bell's request, was already on the table for her.

(Hestia): "Today we are going to enjoy the festival." - She said decidedly while eating.

(Bell): "You mean Monsterphila? Is everything really okay?" - he wanted to get more profit to help [Family], in addition to increasing his own strength.

(Hestia): "You haven't been here for a long time, so I'll tell you now, during the Monsterphila the [Guild] won't let anyone enter the |Dungeon|." - She said after finishing the coffee, that as always, she had to admit that Caster was a great cook for Far Eastern cuisine.

(Bell): "Really?" - he exclaimed in surprise, because he never thought that the [Guild] would close the |Dungeon| even for a day.

(Hestia): "It's kind of trying to make [Adventurers] relax, at least for a day."

(Saber): "In fact, this is important. If you just keep putting pressure on yourself or your group it could result in everyone's death." - she said that because she did something similar in the training of her army, and forced them to relax at least once a month.

(Bell): "I see." - he said while simply agreeing

(Caster): "So, Lady Hestia, what are Monsterphila's main events?"

(Hestia): "The main thing is in the arena where [Adventurers] who want to face the monsters that the [Ganesha Family] brings from |Dungeon|, do so with their life at risk. After the monsters are gone, although it is rare the monsters are gone, the people who were unable to fight the monsters can challenge someone who won, if someone kills with intent they will be penalized harshly, if they are among the winners they will be rewarded. "

(Saber): "I participated in something similar to where I came from." - She said with a face full of nostalgia.

(Hestia): "As Monsterphila is well known, so outsiders used to come on a large scale, so many traders form stalls on virtually every major street in Orario."

(Bell): "Saber, why don't you participate?" - he was very excited to see Saber fighting.

(Saber): "Umu! It'll be fun."

(Hestia): "So let's do it." - She said as she stood up excitedly and headed for the door.

The three looked at each other, smiled and followed their [Goddess].

Bell was really surprised, as he had never seen so many people in the streets of Orario, Caster was a little uncomfortable because he felt many looks on her and Saber felt again in Rome.

As they made their way to the arena, after passing the 'Hostess of Fertility', they heard a voice.

(????): "Hey! Wait, nya, white hair, I have a request, nya!"

The four turned, and saw one of [Caith Sith] who was a waitress in the pub, she had brown hair and a childish face.

(Caith Sith): "Oh, good morning, nya!" - She said while bowing the moment the three looked at her.

(Hestia family): "Good morning!" - they replied, with only Bell making the same gesture as the waitress.

(Hestia): "What request do you have for Bell?" - She said as the four approached the waitress.

At that moment, the waitress took a wallet from her apron pocket and handed it to Bell.

(Caith Sith): "I wanted you, nya, to take that wallet, nya, to the head of Syr's wind, nya."

(Bell): "Sorry, I don't know if I understand." - he said with an apologetic look. The rest of the group seemed to be struggling too.

At that moment the waitress [Elfa], with the same stoic expression as always, appeared with a bucket full of sheets, possibly the ones that were on the pub tables.

(Elf): "Anya, that explanation was not good, Mr Cranel and his [Family] are confused."

(Anya): "How silly you are, nya, Ryuu! Of course they understood, nya, that it is to take the wallet to Syr, nya, who left work to go to Monsterphila, nya."

(Ryuu): "And this is the situation."

(Bell): "I see" - he said thanking the appearance of Ryuu, to clarify things.

(Saber): "Did Syr have a cake at work?"

(Ryuu): "No, she took a vacation, but she must be in trouble without her wallet. Could you please take the wallet to her?"

(Anya): "Please, nya!"

(Bell): "Okay, do you know where she can be?" - he said.

(Ryuu): "She usually stays in the tents, only later she goes to the Arena."

(Bell): "Okay. Bye Miss Ryuu, Miss Anya." - he said as he walked away and waved his hand.

(Hestia & Saber & Caster): "Bye." - they said as they followed the Bell

(Ryuu): "See you next time." - She said before entering the pub.

(Anya): "Have fun nya!" - she said while waving her hand.

After leaving the pub, Bell turned to the women who accompanied him to see only cold looks.

(Bell): "W-What is it?"

(Hestia): "Do you want to add those two to your harem?" - she said in a voice as cold as her gaze.

(Bell): "W-W-Why are you saying that?" - Bell's face went red immediately.

(Saber): "Because is it a fact that, whether you likes it or not, the Praetor is going to have a harem." - Her voice was not as cold as Hestia's, but still, it moved Bell.

(Caster): "We are getting ready if the answer is yes." - she said in the same tone as Hestia.

Bell's face got even redder, in that same moment he felt several looks piercing him. These looks were naturally of men who heard the dialogue and were jealous, after all the words of those three beautiful women indicated that they already considered themselves Bell women, and would not prevent Bell from getting others, despite the tone of voice.

Bell saw that it was practically their statement, but the looks and nervousness were not helping him to reason.

(Bell): "We are going to talk about this when we get back, okay?" - He said that looking ahead and accelerating his step.

The three looked at him in surprise, they were waiting for Bell to get away from the issue, but not in a way that suggested that it would continue, it improved their spirits a little.

They strolled through the streets looking at the tents, and occasionally looking for Syr, but to no avail. They decided to go to the arena. There were two reasons for this, one, they wanted to see if they could get Saber to participate in the fights, two, as Syr was without a license, she went straight to see the fights.

Near the arena, Bell, Saber and Caster suddenly stopped with strange expressions on their faces, Caster's fox ears were moving as if he were straining to hear something.

(Hestia): "Guys? What is it?" - she said worried about the way they were acting.

(Bell): "... I think I heard a scream."

As if waiting for a cue, the moment Bell said that, many people started running and screaming.

(Random person): "MONSTER!"

At that moment, there was an accident when several stalls and crates were crushed, revealing a four-legged monster with huge antlers, sharp as blades.

(Another Random Person): "IT'S A <SWORD STAG>! FLEE!" - he certainly knew it due to the previous Monsterphila.

Saber didn't think twice and has already advanced against the monster.

(Bell): "Saber!?"

While running, she reached out and opened her hand, flames appeared in her palm and spread, after which Saber closed his hand and the flames became his 'Aestus Estus'. At a certain distance from the monster she jumped and flew in the face of the monster, with that she took impulse and jumped, and soon after she went down with all her head, decapitating the <Sword Stag> with just one movement. The body and head, which was in the air, became a black fog.

(Bell): "Wow ..." - he couldn't say anything else, just admired her while she rested her sword on her shoulder.

This made Bell's determination soar. He wanted to be useful to the woman in red in front of him and those around him, especially after what they said to him.

(White Bell & Black Bell): "The moment is at hand." - the voices of the Bells of your dream reached your ears and quickly fell silent, making Bell very surprised.

(Saber): "Praetor! It seems that more of them have escaped through the city, do you want me to go and help them?" - she caught Bell's attention with that.

(Bell): "Yes! And Caster you go with you, in case any monsters try to escape and Saber is busy, do you take care of them, all right?"

(Caster): "But what about you, Master?" - she was very worried that Bell would find one of these monsters while the two were away.

(Bell): "I'm going to take [Goddess] somewhere safe. We'll be fine." - He said it with a smile to try to calm Caster, and it worked a little.

(Saber): "Umu! Caster, let's go." - she called Caster while running down a street where the screams came with Caster right behind.

(Bell): "Come on [Goddess]" - he said as he took Hestia's hand and guided her in the opposite direction that Saber and Caster followed.

(Hestia): "Ah ~ Bell is holding my hand." - she said this happily while being guided.

(Bell): "This is no time for it."

At that moment another monster falls right in front of them. This one was much bigger and more bulky than the <Sword Stag> before. He stood on two legs, but used his huge arms to support his equally massive body.

(Another Random Person): "<SILVERBACK>!" he shouted as loudly as possible as he ran.

Many people were following his example.

(Hestia): "He's staring at me." she murmured.

This was not exactly true, the <Silverback> was actually staring at Bell, but there was no way the two could know. When Bell tried to get out of an alley to his left, the monster used the chains to attack right in front of him, he narrowly missed flying.

The <Silverback> was going to make another move, when Bell saw another alley and went with everything, still holding Hestia's hand, towards the alley to escape. He didn't look back as he ran, but he could hear the monster's roars, to know that he shouldn't stop.

While Bell ran to survive, Saber and Caster, went to help people take care of the monsters. Saber defeated everyone with just one move and those who were out of reach of her sword, Caster eliminated with his spells. After eliminating the monsters they would see if there was anyone who needed help. It was like that until they saw a group at a distance fighting several monsters, and what caught the most attention was the strange green monster that looked like a plant, the highlight was the girl with blond hair who fought against them.

(Saber): "Umu... this is ... the |Sword Princess|. Quick, so this is Level 5?" - she said kind of to herself, but Caster still said.

(Caster): "She would still lose to a Lancer or a Rider."

(Saber): "Obviously. We will help them."

As they approached, they saw beside |Princess of the Sword|, two girls with dark skin ... [Amazoness], and a girl with orange hair, who held a scepter, possibly the magician of the group. One of the [Amazoness] directly punched the plant monster with b.a.r.e hands, only to retreat by waving his hand, both |Servants| realized that they were more resilient than they looked. Suddenly the monster stared at the magician and soon after, another green monster appeared and hit it in the side of the body sending it flying.

Luckily for her, she was sent in the direction of Saber and Caster. Saber jumped up and took the girl who was having trouble keeping up with her swordless hand. She tried to fall in a way that does not worsen the condition of the girl who, looking closely, Saber realized that she was an [Elf].

(Saber): "Are you okay?" - she said with Caster appearing beside her.

(Amazoness 1): "Hey, who are you?"

The moment the [Amazon] said that, the ground shook when the monster's head opened, revealing a large flower with many teeth.

(Amazoness 2): "Bloomed?"

(Amazoness 1): "It was a plant and not a snake !? Hey you, get Lefiya out of here."

(Saber): "Caster!"

Caster understood right away, she took Lefiya and was taking her to a building far away, while Saber was going to help [Amazoness] against the plant. When Caster came close to the building, another plant monster appeared, at the same time, she threw her ice mantras at the monster's head, which proved to be very effective against this monster, as it froze at the time and shattered.

(????): "You are strong. Thank you for taking care of Lefyia."

Caster turned to see the |Sword Princess| looking at her.

(Lefyia): "Ais ..." - she just had the energy to say it

(Ais): "Please take care of Lefyia, until we're done with the other one."

(Caster): "This will not be necessary" - she said while pointing to something behind Ais.

When Ais turned around she saw the other monster immobile as it burned and the two [Amazonas] talking to Saber. Ais went to help a child who was nearby, while Caster helped Lefyia to stand on her shoulder, despite the wound, and approached the trio.

(Amazoness 1): "Incredible, how did you do that? Where did you get this sword? Can you get one for me? All of mine end up breaking."

(Amazoness 2): "Tiona, get control."

(Tiona): "Come on Tione, with one of these I feel like I can go with everything."

(Saber): "In fact it does not break, but it is not something that anyone can have, but ..." - she said putting her hand on the complaint and having a thoughtful expression.

(Tiona): "But?" - she was in the greatest excitement.

(Saber): "I'm not sure, so I may be wrong, but I think you can wake up one." - she said it with a smile.

At the same time Tiona started to celebrate right there, but then it hit the jackpot.

(Tiona): "Wake up?" - she was quite confused by that term.

(Saber): "Umu! Look." - she said this while making 'Aestus Estus' turn flames and disappear in front of them. Leaving all but Caster, surprises to say the least.

(Tiona): "WOW ... will I be able to do that too?" - she was very excited, despite not complaining about the weight of her sword it was still a discomfort to have to carry it, making it appear out of nowhere would be very convenient, and according to Saber she would be unbreakable.

(Saber): "I think so, but I'm not sure."

Tiona went back to celebrating as before. Even though it was not a guarantee, there was still a chance and Tiona intended to grab it at any cost.

(Tione): "I'm sorry for my sister's behavior."

(Saber): "Does she break many swords?"

It calmed Tiona right away and she, Tione and even Lefyia had a painful expression.

(Tiona): "Yes, I always get excited and end up breaking them." - she admitted a little embarrassed.

(Tione): "By any chance ..." - she asked a little hesitantly, but soon received a bucket of cold water.

(Saber): "Sorry, the only one I see that is capable is your sister." - she said with an apologetic smile

Tione understood, she just wasn't lucky enough to have one.

At that moment Ais approached the child, calmer thanks to her, at his side.

(Ais): "Lefyia, are you okay?"

(Lefyia): "Yes thanks to them."

(Caster): "Is everything really okay? I heard that [Elves] don't like to be touched by strangers." - she said ready to exchange with anyone to make [Elf] more relaxed.

(Lefyia): "It's not okay, I don't have that problem."

(????): "Ahh ... I ran all that for nothing."

They turned to find [Goddess] Loki leaning against the wall.

(Lefyia): "Loki."

(Loki): "Hi guys."

(Saber): "So you are from the [Loki Family]?"

(Tiona): "Yes."

(????): "Miss Saber, Miss Caster."

Saber and Caster looked around to see Eina running towards them.

(Eina): "What are you doing here? Oh, honey, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

The child shook his head and approached Caster, as the child was right behind her when Caster froze the plant monster.

(Loki): "It looks like you won a fan, [Renard]. Hey, Miss [Guild], you can keep an eye on the girl for a while, I want to talk to these two." - she said it in an animated tone while looking at the two.

(Eina): "Of course Lady Loki. Come on, I'll help you find your parents." - she said the second part while crouching next to the child.

After the child left, Loki decided to meet the two women in front of him.

(Loki): "It seems that you are incredible, what are your names and what [Family] are you from?"

(Saber): "You can call me Saber."

(Caster): "And me from Caster."

(Saber): "As for our [Family] ..." - she was not sure if she continued the sentence.

Seeing Saber excited and Caster looking away, a hypothesis came to Loki's head.

(Loki): "Don't tell me ... are you from the [Family] of the chibi?"

(Saber): "If you want to tell Lady Hestia, yes we are."

(Loki): "Gahh! The dummy has won big." - the tone was very irritated.

(Tiona): "I am Tiona Hiryute."

(Tione): "I am Tione Hiryute."

(Ais): "Ais Wallenstein."

(Lefyia): "I am Lefyia Veridis, thank you so much for saving me."

(Saber): "I wish it was before you got hurt." - she said that and by Caster's expression she shared the same opinion.

(Loki): "Don't worry, she will be fine after a rest. Since it looks like they were friends, they should go to the mansion one of these days.

(Saber): "We would have to ask Lady Hestia first."

(Loki): "By the way, have you caught them all?"

(Ais): "No, the <Silverback> is still to be found."

This made Saber and Caster uneasy.

(Caster): "We are going to look for him."

(Tione): "Alright then."

(Tiona): "Saber, then we'll do the business of waking up the sword."

(Saber): "I will help, but in the end it will depend on you."

(Saber & Caster): "We are going."

Saber and Caster ran out into the street in the direction they came hoping to find the <Silverback> before he found Bell, little did they know that this had already happened.

(Loki): "And there they go ..." - she said after the two disappeared from view.

At that moment Eina returned.

(Eina): "Have Miss Saber and Miss Caster gone?"

(Ais): "Yes they went after <Silverback>."

(Eina): "WHAT? How did you let them go after a <Silverback>?" - she cried out in panic.

(Tiona): "Why not? Saber defeated the monster that Tione and I were having a hard time with quickly." - she said very confused, with the strength of the two there was no sense in her panicking.

(Lefyia): "And Caster used only one spell, which incidentally was without enchantment, to defeat the other one that appeared." - Lefyia had the same line of reasoning as Tiona.

(Eina): "Impossible, they are two Level 1 that started in less than a week. They even showed me their status." - She said quickly remembering the record of the two. Right after finishing the form and before meeting with Bell, Saber and Caster showed their status, and they were only at Level 1 and had not received excellence and none.

(Loki Family): "WHAT?" - the astonishment was evident.

(Tiona): "It can't be, Saber can even summon a sword. And she said she was going to teach me that." - she couldn't believe that the two were at Level 1, if they raised the levels, no one in town would be a match for them.

(Loki): "Tomorrow, you talk to them, and check the status again." - Her tone was very serious.

(Eina): "Of course Lady Loki." - she walked away with big doubts in her head.

When Eina was out of sight, [Familia Loki] started talking.

(Tione): "Loki, how is this possible?"

(Loki): "No, if that girl saw their status then they really are Level 1. Besides, the chibi wouldn't do something like lying the Levels, not without having already been caught. And what did you mean by summon a sword Tiona? "

(Tiona): "Saber invoked a two-handed sword from a whirlwind of fire." - when she said that Loki's eyes widened.

(Lefyia): "And Caster did not recite an incantation in her spell."

Loki was thoughtful for a moment.

(Loki): "Girls, what did you see when you saw them?"

The four looked at each other before answering.

(Lefyia): "One [Human] and one [Rennard]? Who tried to help others?"

(Tiona): "Someone direct and someone who cares about others?"

(Tione): "Who are very open minded?"

(Ais): "And who are strong?"

(Loki): "Probably, but are you sure about the first part Lefyia?"

(Lefyia): "Eh? But ... what else could they be?"

(Loki): "In fact, what?" - she said it with a smile.

Bell was still running from the <Silverback>, when Saber and Caster defeated the plant monsters. He managed to hide Hestia and lured him to a dead end. He had taken some rocks that ended up hitting him from each step of the <Silverback>. Near the alley the monster jumped and attacked, but Bell managed to duck and narrowly dodge, but with that the monster was in front of him.

Bell was afraid when he looked into <Silverback> eyes, he remembered the moment <Minotaur> attacked him, and this time Saber was on the other side of town, helping people, so he couldn't wait for any help. The monster seemed to sense his fear and howled so loudly that Bell had to change his position, placing both arms in an X-shaped manner between his c.h.e.s.t and face so as not to be carried away by the scream.

At that moment, Bell's mind was so agitated that time seemed to stop, when he took his eyes off the monster's eyes and lowered his head a little, the fear disappeared and only surprise and amazement remained, because in front of them both Bells, from your dream, were in front of you.

(White Bell & Black Bell): "The moment has come, which one will you choose?"

Bell did not know how to choose. He wanted to be a [Hero], but their question was what kind of [Hero]? He just wanted to help others, he wanted to make a world where everyone could live happily.

(White Bell): "But do you think you could do that?"

(Black Bell): "What if you encounter a monster with intelligence? Or have to face a 'person'? What are you going to do?"

Bell had never stopped to think about it, but when they spoke he realized it was true. His grandfather had commented that one day monsters would have intelligence like [Humans] and other races. And if he finds himself one of these monsters, would he be able to wield his weapon and fight? And if it were a'person' it wanted to hurt him or hurt those around him, what would he do?

At that time, he had an epiphany, he would be obscured by darkness to protect his light, he would use his light to motivate his darkness. An eternal circle where one feeds on the other. He would be a hypocrite. He knew he couldn't save someone without hurting another, he would refuse to kill but would be willing to fight. Perhaps he would never be able to achieve his dream, but he would continue in this struggle with the light and darkness at his side.

(Bell): "Why choose only one, if I can choose both?" he asked with a fearless smile on his face.

The two Bells were surprised, they would not imagine that he would choose such an answer.

(White Bell): "Is that your answer?"

(Black Bell): "Do you want to become a twilight?"

With that sentence, Bell's memory went back to the time he was with his grandfather, when he talked about the current [Heroes].

(Bell): "Grandpa, do you think I'll meet a [Hero], like in books?"

(Grandfather): "Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible, I believe that this will be an eternal twilight for [Heroes]. I don't think you'll find one." - His voice was heavy with the sadness of that fact.

Bell was also sad, that was one of the reasons for wanting to become a [Hero], if there were no more, it was just him becoming one.

(Bell): "No. I will not be a twilight ..." - he murmured but the Bells heard every word of him.

Bell did not realize that time was no longer in slow motion, and people were watching him from inside their homes.

(Bell): "I ..."

The monster was confused, he felt Bell's fear towards him, but from nowhere that fear was gone.

(Bell): "I ..."

People thought he was simply in shock and that it was only a matter of time before he died.

(Bell): "I WILL BE A DAWN FOR A NEW ERA OF [HEROES]!" - He shouted with everything he had while opening his hands.

(White Bell & Black Bell): "Very well said Bell Cranel!" - they said in a proud tone as they smiled and turned into a cloud.

The white cloud went to the left hand and the black cloud went to the right hand. The moment the clouds were within reach of Bell's hands they began to shine. Impressing the people who watched and scaring <Silverback> that even took a step back. Bell closed both hands, holding the clouds and when he swung his arms around the shape of X and each arm was on his side, Bell was holding two swords.

Bell took a quick look at both swords, but managed to get the details out of them. The sword in his right hand was completely black that went slightly to purple and some details in gray, except for a diamond on the wrist protection that was purple, the wrist protection composed of bat wings, the blade was hollow and had a current passing through the opening. The sword in the left hand was almost the identical twin of the first sword, except that instead of bat wings in the hilt guard they were angel wings, the diamond was yellow going to gold and the sword was totally white going to gold with some blue details and there was no chain in the opening of the blade.

(Bell): "This time, it will be for real." - he said in a defiant tone to the monster in front of him.

The monster seemed to understand, because at that very moment, he attacked with the chain, Bell deflected to the left and the chain destroyed the place he was in. In the next instant the monster made a movement for the chain to go to the Bell, but he just stood and put the white sword in front, the moment it touched the blade the chain broke. Seeing that he no longer had a weapon, the monster attacked with his right arm, Bell approached the monster, the moment the arm touched the ground Bell jumped, cutting that piece of metal around the monster's body and the mask he wore with the black sword. In the air he grabbed a rope with flags that was there due to the festival and got a boost, the moment the monster looked up it was that Bell went down as if he were in a slingshot, and as the monster's arms were drooping he was unable to defend from being beheaded by an arcing motion of the Bell's two swords.

Bell landed upright, and stayed that way for a while. When he fell on his knees, three things happened in the following order, the <Silverback>'s body dissolved in a fog leaving only one [Magic Stone] behind. Bell ended up dropping both swords and when they touched the ground they dissolved and he heard three voices calling him before he lost consciousness.

Saber managed to catch Bell before he fell, she was happy, proud, and apprehensive about her Master. Happy that he was fine, proud that, not only did he wake up his weapons, which were two more, he managed to defeat <Silverback> alone and apprehensive that he would pass out of nowhere. Caster and Hestia shared the same feelings as Saber. After all, they were able to hear Bell's cry of resolution.

At the church, Bell would not be able to rest then Saber and Caster will take him to the 'Hostess of Fertility', asking if he could use a room until the boy gets better. Mia left and thanks to Syr, who was at the pub when the three of them arrived, she didn't do anything, making the three very grateful to her.

While they waited they posted information about that incident.

(Hestia): "So what happened to you?"

(Saber): "Me and Caster were fighting monsters and helping him out there, but one in particular caught the eye, and Miss Eina hadn't commented on him, what I defeated dropped it."

The [Magic Stones] of the monsters are all purple, no matter which monster, but this [Magic Stone] was yellow.

(Caster): "Yes, it looked like a plant, it seemed resistant to physical attacks, but magic and cuts, not so much."

(Hestia): "We should talk to the [Guild] about it, I think we got involved in something dangerous. Anything else?"

(Saber): "Umu, Lady Loki invited us to her [Family] mansion to thank us."

(Hestia): "NO CHANCE!" - she shouted with indignation, only that cry woke Bell.

(Bell): "Er ... where am I?"

(Hestia): "Bell!"

(Saber): "Praetor!"

(Caster): "Master!"

(Bell): "I'm fine!" - he said while sitting on the bed, he really looked good, he must have passed out because of the mental fatigue of that fight.

(Saber): "Congratulations Pretor, you woke up, not just one but two 'soul weapons', this is something to be proud of."

(Bell): "Thank you."

(Hestia): "Never scare us like that again, understand?" - she was a little irritated because Bell attracted the monster and left her behind.

(Bell): "I'm not going."

(Caster): "We have another matter to discuss with you, Praetor."

(Bell): "What subject?"

(Caster): "That answer when we talk about you forming a harem."

Hestia and Saber sided with Caster at that time.

At that time he remembered one of his grandfather's lines, if a girl shows interest do not miss the chance. Bell simply thought it was too much of a burden for him, besides, he still didn't feel ready. Bell was innocent, sincere and kind, so much so that he was bad at lying, but he had a little pride and that pride said he would have to deserve them before he went to the next level.

(Bell): "One day, if you still want to, I-I-I..." - he was redder than a tomato.

The three were anxiously awaiting the answer.

(Bell): "I will have all three in my harem." - he almost muttered with embarrassment.

The three were delighted with this statement because it meant that he thought of them as love interest, although they felt a little sad because of the one day. "

(Saber): "Actually, Praetor, there are four." - She said as she walked to the door and opened it.

When the door opened a gray-haired girl fell into the room.

(Bell): "Syr!"

(Caster): "I think she has something to tell you, Master."

Syr got up and straightened up, she was red from what she was going to say, but since the three of them had already spoken, she couldn't stay any longer.

(Syr): "P-Please, let me into your harem too."

Since Bell had already gone that way, the least he could do and face, only the rest of him turned redder than hers.

(Bell): "Alright."

Syr was overjoyed, he was so happy that he jumped up and hugged Bell, causing the other three to complain to her. Bell could only imagine how things would be going forward.

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