They didn't spend the night at the pub, they went back to the church when Bell was able to walk normally, after thanking Mrs. Mia and saying goodbye to everyone at the pub, especially Syr, who was still beaming with Bell's statement.

Once there, Hestia decided to update everyone, since they had fought a lot today, the one that went up the most was Bell.

/ ******************* /

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Level 1

Strength: I 0 -> I 4

Endurance: I 0 -> I 0

Dexterity: I 0 -> I 3

Agility: I 0 -> I 7

Magic: I 0 -> I 2

/ ******************* /

Tamamo no Mae

Strength: I 0 -> I 0

Endurance: I 0 -> I 0

Dexterity: I 0 -> I 3

Agility: I 0 -> I 3

Magic: I 0 -> I 4

/ ******************************* /

Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength: G 230 -> E 470

Endurance: I 90 -> F 306

Dexterity: H 140 -> E 415

Agility: G 240 -> D 578

Magic: E 435 -> C 654


Summoning |Servants|: Summons a [Heroic Spirit] from any of the |Servant Classes| It requires paying the price for physically maintaining them after invoking them. You cannot currently summon two servants of the same class.

(May silver and steel be the essence.

Let the stone and the archduke of the contracts be the basis.

Let red be the color I pay homage to.

Build a wall against the wind that will fall.

Let the three-fork road in the crown reach the Kingdom.

Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Allow it to be filled five times for each shift, simply breaking with each filling.

My dreams form the body

Your Spirit will show me the way while I bring it by my own power

And then I swear,

That I will be all good in the world

That I will defeat all the evil in the world.

You souls who reside in the destiny that I wish to reach

Oh guardian of the scale!)

Forgetfulness of Darkness: Transform darkness into the 'Forgetfulness of Darkness' sword, as well as turn the sword back into darkness. The sword's power increases as the strength increases.

Promise of Light: Transform light into the 'Promise of Light' sword, as well as make the sword light again. The sword's power increases as the strength increases.

AkdIGfa YD Gkmn

Ray of Light: Fast spell.

Ray of Darkness: Fast spell.

Ikng YD Gkmn





Saber - Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Caster - Tamamo no Mae

/ ******************************* /

Everyone was amazed at the status of Bell, what caught the most attention was the fact that some spells and the ability are not readable.

(Bell): "[Goddess], why are some spells and the ability not to be seen?" - He looked confused at Hestia.

(Hestia): "I don't know Bell."

Never before has anything like this happened, if you learned the skill or magic, it showed itself, with name, description or song in the case of magic. But it is as if the blessing failed to recognize those spells and the ability, just knew it was there.

(Hestia): "Well, since we don't know the reason for this, there is no point in worrying. Sometime it must reveal itself."

That was enough to convince everyone else, and for Saber and Caster to praise Bell.

(Saber): "Anyway, congratulations, Praetor, now you know what your swords are called, and it looks like they grow with you."

(Bell): "Doesn't your sword do that, Saber?"

(Saber): "No, I asked to forge 'Aestus Estus', but then for some reason I was able to summon it."

(Caster): "And the Master even learned two spells in the process. It looks like you really want to use light and darkness."

Bell could only scratch the back of his head with that comment. He was still remembering the statement he made to the two Bells while facing the <Silverback>. While Hestia could only think of how to explain to the other [Gods] why Bell has grown so fast.

(Hestia): "Well, we had a busy day, so we better go and rest."

(Saber): "Good idea, Praetor in tomorrow's training, do you want to use your swords or wooden ones?"

(Bell): "Mine."

(Saber): "Okay."

(Caster): "And I think it's time to get a decent suit of armor for the Master."

(Saber): "I agree after training, we go to the [Guild] to ask Miss Eina for a store that we can go to. I would also like to know how those monsters ran away."

(Hestia): "I'm going to ask Loki."

(Saber): "Are you sure?"

(Hestia): "I have, well, good night, people!"

(Bell): "Good night!"

Bell and Hestia said goodbye as they went to the bedroom, while Saber and Caster were wondering what to do for the rest of the night, and so another day of [Hestia Family] ended.

As always, Bell woke up early and bathed, when he left Caster had already made breakfast, after finishing his coffee and praising him, which made Caster very happy, he went to the backyard in the back of the church where Saber had 'Aestus Estus' in hand.

(Saber): "Good morning, Praetor!"

(Bell): "Good morning Saber!"

(Saber): "Ready to start?" she said as they entered the battle position.

Bell nodded, positioned himself in front of her, invoked his new swords and prepared himself. The two fought for about three hours, Bell managed to convince Saber to have so much training with the explanation of becoming as familiar with his new swords, in the end Bell was on the floor again, looking at the sky and panting with tiredness. He was sure he had some parts of his body purple from the blows, because Saber only hit him with the flat part of the sword.

(Saber): "You are improving Praetor!"

Bell had noticed that too, although in his opinion the progress was rather slow, but what surprised him most was the fact that he confirmed how natural the double grip was for him. As it was time to go and see Eina, they settled down and went into the church to call Caster. Hestia had already woken up and was having breakfast.

(Bell): "Good morning [Goddess]!"

(Saber): "Good morning Lady Hestia."

(Hestia): "Good morning, are you going to the [Guild] now?"

(Saber): "Yes, after all we have to buy armor from the Praetor."

(Hestia): "Very well, I am going to visit Loki after work, and see what she tells me about what happened yesterday." - she said that after finishing breakfast.

(Caster): "Very well then, let's go"

(Bell & Saber & Caster): "See you later!" - they said as they left the church.

(Hestia): "Until"

She waited a while before getting up and going on a new day.

The three followed the same path to the [Guild], passing by the 'Hostess of Fertility to greet Syr, and when they arrived there they went straight to the counter that Eina was at.

(Bell & Saber & Caster): "Good morning Miss Eina."

(Eina): "G-Good morning" - she said a little nervous while looking at Saber and Caster.

(Bell): "What is it?"

(Eina): "Er ... Miss Saber and Miss Caster, could you ask some questions?"

(Saber): "Sure."

(Eina): "The [Hestia Family] was the first [Family] you joined?"

(Caster): "Yes, why?"

(Eina): "How are you so strong if you are only Level 1?"

(Saber): "We had that strength before the blessing, of course."

(Eina): "How?" - that answer shocked Eina a lot.

(Saber): "Since I was little my uncle trained me, in some training I had to defeat some monsters without any weapon, only my hands."

(Caster): "And my family is of taiotistas, that for some reason we are more connected to nature and even without the blessing we could do magic with a certain help." - she had thought of a story in case they asked her past.

Eina didn't know what else to say, but that would explain everything. Even if a newborn and the said strongest man in the world received the blessing at the same time they would both be Level 1, except that the strength that the man already had would give him a certain advantage over the other Level 1.

(Eina): "I see, thanks for explaining me." - She said as if she were apologizing.

(Saber): "Why did you decide to ask now?" - she was very curious about it.

(Eina): "The [Loki Family] told me what you could do, only that I thought it was really weird since you haven't even started a week."

(Caster): "Okay, it shouldn't be everyone who trains before they become an [Adventurer], is it?"

This was true, many only started training even after receiving the blessings, and some did not even put in the effort, which resulted in the reason that many are still at Level 1 even when they have been [Adventurers] for years.

(Saber): "Well, I hope this has clarified everything."

(Eina): "Yes, thank you very much for explaining to me." - she was really grateful, because it hasn't left her mind since the [Loki Family] told her.

(Saber): "Miss Eina, do you know anything about yesterday's incident?"

(Eina): "No, the people who investigated only spoke to the [Loki Family]"

(Saber): "Then we'll talk to them later.

(Caster): "Good Miss Eina, do you have a store for newbie equipment? We need to buy a new suit of armor for the Master."

This was the first time Eina heard Caster calling Bell the Master, she looked at Bell confused, but he just gave her a "There's nothing to do" look.

(Eina): "Sure, follow me."

They went to exchange the [Silver Magic] of the <Silverback>, which earned a considerable amount of money, while Eina got a break from the superior, a fat [Elf], and guided the trio to |Tower of Babel|. Bell was very apprehensive, he didn't have that much money for that.

(Eina): "It's alright Bell" - she said after entering and guiding them through the corridors

(Bell): "Huh?"

(Eina): "You're thinking you don't have the money to buy something here, are you?"

(Bell): "Yes ..." - he said as they passed a store with equipment and weapons that exceeded 500,000 valis.

(Eina): "But that is not true." - She said standing in front of an elevator and pressing the button.

The elevator arrived and the four entered, then the elevator went down a few floors, which surprised the Bell, he didn't think it had underground floors. When the elevator stopped and opened the doors they faced a corridor with several stores but unlike the ones on the other floor, the items here were very cheap.

(Eina): "Many novice blacksmiths sell their work here, so they can be used and appreciated. And some are really good." - she said while looking at Bell over her shoulder.

And in fact, as they walked, the most expensive value Bell saw in the shop windows was 30,000 valis. So they went into a store. There were several weapons and armor, some were on shelves, others on mannequins, but most were in boxes.

(Eina): "I think that here you will find something you like."

(Saber): "Well let's go look. Could you help us, Miss Eina?"

(Eina): "Sure."

(Bell): "I'm going to see the funds."

Bell went straight to the back of the store while the three were looking for some good armor for him.

As he searched, his eyes fell on a box with armor that was shining a little, Bell thought that armor had been put up for sale recently. The armor was white with some red accents. The ensemble consisted of the c.h.e.s.t, arms, waist and legs. Bell took the c.h.e.s.t and realized it was light, something he liked, because he moved a lot while fighting with the knife, now with two swords and that he was going to move. He looked inside and saw a drawing of a rabbit under a name, possibly the blacksmith who forged it, 'Welf Crozzo'.

(Bell): "How much will it cost?" he said as he crouched down looking for the price tag.

Bell found the whole armor cost 9900 valis, a little salty but he could afford it.

(Saber): "Praetor, I found something good ..." - she started but she was interrupted by Bell.

(Bell): "Saber, I want to take this one."

(Saber): "Light armor, well, as a double-wielded user that would be appropriate."

(Bell): "So?"

(Saber): "Alright, let's tell the other two that they've found something good."

They met at the counter where Bell paid for the armor and were making their way out of the |Tower of Babel|, outside, which was already getting dark which surprised Bell to know that they stayed there so long, Eina decided to take a doubt.

(Eina): "Are you going to |Dungeon| tomorrow?"

(Bell): "Yes."

(Saber): "Since Miss Eina didn't know anything about the incident, we go to [Goddess] Loki's mansion to clear up any doubts."

(Eina): "Well with your group, I don't see what to worry about, but I think it would be useful to hire a [Support]."

(Bell): "I was thinking about doing that, I just think it will take a while to find it."

(Eina): "If you want I can find one."

(Caster): "This will help a lot."

(Bell): "Thank you."

(Eina): "I'll send a message when I find it. See you later."

(Bell & Saber & Caster): "See you later."

Eina went on her way to the [Guild], while the three decided what to do.

(Saber): "Are we going to the [Goddess] Loki's mansion?"

(Bell): "Are you going? So I will go home"

(Caster): "Why Master?"

(Bell): "Well, [Goddess] Loki will be waiting for you two, not me, I will go home and train, you can tell me what you found out later."

(Saber): "Are you going to be okay?" - she was a little afraid after the incident with the <Silverback>.

(Bell): "I will, you can go. If the [Goddess] is there you can come back together."

Bell followed the path to the church, Saber and Caster stood for a while and then went on to the Loki mansion, which they had to ask where it was since they didn't know.

As Bell went down the stairs of an alley he ran into someone who ended up falling with a squeak.

(Bell): "Are you okay?" - he approached while asking thinking that she, by the voice for him was a woman, had been hurt.

He saw that she was very small so he was sure she was a [Pallum] and she had brown hair, Bell did not know what her face was like because she was on the shore.

(????): "You will not run away!" - they heard this scream while [Pallum] was starting to get up and the scream stopped her.

Bell turned and saw a man a head taller than him, with black hair stuck in a red ponytail with a sword in his hand coming towards them.

(Man): "Damn you [Pallum]!" - he said as he brandished the sword to the girl.

That scene revolted Bell for two reasons. One, this man's opponent clearly had no way to defend himself and second why the target was a girl. Bell's grandfather had put it in his head that, unless a girl is attacking you, the girls had to be protected, although Bell found some exceptions, a man's duty was to protect not to attack. He quickly invoked 'Forgetfulness of Darkness' and intercepted the man's attack, although the man who was just aiming at [Pallum] did not notice Bell invoking the sword, [Pallum] noticed and was shocked by it.

(Man): "Who are you? Are you with her?" he said as he stepped back and sheathed the sword in his back.

(Bell): "No, I never saw her."

(Man): "So why are you defending her?"

(Bell): "I don't like to see a coward attacking a person who is clearly weaker than him and cannot defend himself." - the angry tone in his voice was evident

(Man): "Don't be a kid!" he said, drawing his sword, clearly annoyed by Bell's response and Bell getting ready.

(????): "Stop."

The voice was not very loud but it had authority making them both look at the top of the stairs from which the voice came. There, Bell saw a familiar figure, a green-haired [Elf] in a green and white uniform, with an aura of power in and around her voice.

(Bell): "Miss Ryuu."

(Ryuu): "You shouldn't be dueling in the middle of the city."

(Man): "Stay out of this. Don't mess with your-" - he said clearly annoyed.

(Ryuu): "Shut up." - she said with her voice showing an irritated tone and her eyes going fierce making the man be quiet and Bell swear never to irritate her.

(Ryuu): "I don't want to be violent. I always end up overdoing it." - the tone of her voice got a little cold as she spoke.

The man froze for a second seeing that he shouldn't abuse his luck.

(Man): "Damn it!" - he said as he turned to the direction he came and walked away.

Bell breathed a sigh of relief, for not suffering anything and not having to do something unnecessary.

(Bell): "Thanks for the help, Miss Ryuu." - he said after Ryuu came down the stairs.

(Ryuu): "It was nothing. Sorry for getting involved." - She said in a normal tone what cheered Bell.

(Bell): "Really, the girl ..." - he said turning around, but he didn't find her.

(Bell): "Did she get scared and run?" - he was worried about her, if that guy attacked her again, things could end in an unpleasant way.

(Ryuu): "Mr Cranel, please be careful."

(Bell): "Huh" - he said while looking at Ryuu again.

(Ryuu): "If you get hurt, Syr will be sad."

(Bell): "R-Right."

(Ryuu): "Well, I'm going to go." - She said as she walked away.

(Bell): "Thank you very much." he said as he bowed in thanks.

After she was gone, Bell made 'Forgetfulness of Darkness' disappear into darkness, and head to the church, what he didn't know was that [Pallum] was still close and saw the sword scene.

While Bell saves [Pallum], Saber and Caster finally found Loki's mansion, after getting a little lost, which coincidentally was at the same time as Hestia.

(Saber & Caster): "Lady Hestia."

(Hestia): "Girls, you came to talk to Loki."

(Saber): "Yes, and you finished the job early."

(Hestia): "It was bothering me, so I managed to finish earlier, where was Bell?"

(Caster): "He went to train at home. He asked us to inform him when we meet."

(Hestia): "I wanted to see him, but it's better this way, I don't want Loki to try anything."

The three tried to enter but were barred.

(Guard): "What subject do you have here?" - the suspicious tone was evident by the fact that I had never seen any of them.

(Saber): "We would like to chat with Lady Loki."

(Another Guard): "Are you looking to join [Family]?" - a mocking tone appeared in his voice because he didn't think they could do it.

(Hestia): "They are in my [Family], I just want to clarify some things with Loki." - she was starting to get irritated.

(Guard): "Are you a [Goddess]?" - he didn't expect one [Goddess] to simply visit another.

(Hestia): "Yes."

(?????): "SABER!"

The scream surprised the five and when they looked at the source of the voice, Tiona Hiryute was running towards them.

(Tiona): "You came!" - only a deaf person could not hear her happiness.

The guards were amazed, Tiona was being friendly to one of them. When she was close enough, she punched with all her strength towards Saber who intercepted with just one hand without moving. This made the guards even more surprised, there weren't many even in the [Family] who could take a punch from her.

(Saber): "Umu! Nice punch."

(Tiona): "Come on, I used all my strength." - she was frustrated that her punch was stopped.

(Saber): "My uncle made me kill monsters with my own hands when I was around eight, nine years old, we end up generating strength with that."

This gave Tiona a head start on why Saber was strong even though she was a Level 1.

(Tiona): "Did you come to teach me that trick?"

(Saber): "Actually, it's about what happened yesterday."

(Tiona): "Ah, that's fine. I'll take you to Loki, come." - she said while gesturing for them to follow.

The guards didn't know how to react to what happened in front of them, so they just kept quiet. Tiona guided the three of them to Loki's office, which at the time had [Pallum], the green-haired [Elf] and [Dwarf] who had gone to the pub the first time they went to the 'Hostess of Fertility'.

(Tiona): "Loki! Saber, Caster and their [Goddess] are here."

(Loki): "Hi chibi."

(Hestia): "Hi." - she said in the least friendly tone possible.

(Pallum): "So you are Saber and Caster that the others keep talking about."

(Saber): "If for other than saying to Tiona, Tione, Lefyia, Ais and possibly Lady Loki, yes we are us."

(Pallum): "Nice to meet you, and nice to meet you too [Goddess] Hestia. I am the captain of the [Loki Family], Finn Deimne."

(Elf): "I am the vice-captain, Riveria Ljos Alf."

(Dwarf): "And I'm the third in charge, Gareth Landrock."

(Saber & Caster): "Nice to meet you."

(Loki): "Well, what brings you here today?"

(Saber): "We would like to know if you have any information about what happened on Monsterphila."

(Loki): "Yes, the [Guild] gave me a few things. What exactly do you want to know?"

(Finn): "Are you sure about this Loki?" - he was surprised that Loki wanted to pass on this type of information.

(Loki): "I do. Although I don't like it very much." - the second part was said while facing Hestia.

(Finn): "Very well, you can ask."

(Caster): "How were the monsters released?"

(Riveria): "How can you know they were released and didn't escape?" - she was surprised by the question, it was almost as if she knew it was orc.h.e.s.trated.

(Caster): "If it were so easy for so many monsters to escape, it would have happened before and this festival would not be happening."

(Gareth): "You noticed then," he said while laughing.

(Finn): "From what we received, the cages where the monsters were kept were examined. [Ganesha Family] believes that some kind of drug or something like that was used while the culprit opened the cages and released the monsters to cause terror. "

(Hestia): "Did the culprit leave anything?"

(Finn): "Only this cloth, but it is clean. We believe that someone cleaned it or left it to distract us." - he said while placing a cloth on the table.

When the cloth was placed on the table, Caster gasped in surprise, which was noticed by everyone present.

(Loki): "What is it?"

(Caster): "This ...." - she almost murmured but everyone heard it.

(Riveria): "Do you know anything?"

(Caster): "The culprit has some 'charm' magic."

(Finn): "Charm-type magic?"

(Caster): "Yes, my family hated spells that control the mind, consider them the most edionous type, so we practice to see if someone has suffered or used this type of magic."

(Gareth): "Are you from a family of wizards?"

(Caster): "From taiotist magicians."

(Riveria): "Taiotist magicians?" - she didn't know that kind of wizard.

(Caster): "No wonder you don't know, even in the Far East, I believe that my family is the only one who still practices it, it is a method of channeling energy, both yours and nature and putting them in a mantra. How to channel the energy of nature was and still is complicated the practice has been decreasing. "

(Loki): "Did you know magic before the blessing?" - the tone of surprise was evident, as well as the expression of the others present in the room, except Saber and Hestia.

(Caster): "Yes, but I never figured out why. I just did it."

(Riveria): "I would like to see it someday, if it is not to bother me. Lefyia and Ais talked about their magic but I want to see it myself." - she was really curious about this kind of magic.

(Caster): "Okay."

(Loki): "Gahh! You really hit the big jackpot." - After these words Hestia looked proud.

(Finn): "Back to the topic, are you sure that someone used magic on the guards?"

(Caster): "Yes, and I had the scarf when I used the magic, but ..." - she hesitated in fear of what would happen if she said the next part

(Riveria): "But?"

(Caster): "This magic that is on the cloth, despite being weak, gives the same impression as when Lady Hestia updates the status of [Family]."

Everyone was a little confused, as they did not know what it should mean but Loki and Hestia face Caster right away.

(Hestia): "Caster, are you saying that a [God] or a [Goddess] cast the spell?"

(Caster): "If it wasn't, it was someone who emits the same energy as one."

The room seemed to have dropped a few degrees, none of the ideas were good, a [Goddess] causing this turmoil, or someone who had the same energy as a [Goddess].

(Finn): "Are you sure about this?"

(Caster): "Yes."

(Saber): "It helps us a little, how many [Goddesses] do you know that have 'charm' magic?"

(Caster): "Wouldn't normally be a [Goddess of Love]?"

(Loki): "That leaves some options in the city." - she said while reviewing.

The only ones who saw Loki's mind were Ishtar and Freya. And both would bet on Freya, possibly to get a child from another [Family].

(Loki): "If so, there is nothing we can do." - She said very frustrated.

(Saber): "Why not?"

(Loki): "The only suspicions I can think of have great power, one of them even controls a part of the city. And the only way to prove that I was a [Goddess] is the scarf that the [Guild] may not even consider, and even if they consider them they will be quiet, if going deep means fighting with one of them. " - She said in a voice full of defeat.

(Saber): "There is corruption here too ..." - she murmured so low that no one heard.

(Hestia): "Are you going to cancel the investigation?" - A worried tone appeared in her voice.

(Loki): "We are going to present what we have, let them see if they want to continue. Who was worried about the person they hate?" - the second part had a mocking tone in his voice.

(Hestia): "I don't hate you, I just can't stand you."

That statement surprised Loki a lot, but she also didn't hate Hestia, due to the respect that Uranos and Zeus had for her Loki had a twinge of admiration, something she would never say out loud. But that statement made Loki realize that one of Hestia's strengths was that she didn't mess up.

(Hestia): "Well, if you have anything you want to ask for, just talk."

(Loki): "Actually there is. Could any of the two come together on the expedition that we are going to do?"

That surprised all three.

(Saber): "Do you want us to participate?"

(Caster): "I thought that Level 1 could not participate in expeditions."

(Loki): "You two have the strength of a Level 5, of course we can make an exception."

They both looked at Hestia.

(Hestia): "If one of you wants to go, that's fine, but only one, Bell still needs help."

(Tiona): "So let's go to this Saber, so you teach me that trick."

Tiona had been silent, which was not much of her temper, with the conversation that they even forgot that she was there.

(Finn): "If I may ask, what is this trick that Tiona keeps talking about?" - she was very curious whenever the subject went to yesterday Tiona commented on the promise that Saber made to her.

(Saber): "That." - she said while invoking 'Aestus Estus', surprising Loki and the three at the top of the [Family].

(Riveria): "Did you cast a sword?"

(Saber): "Invoking is more accurate."

(Gareth): "And do you intend to teach that to Tiona?"

(Saber): "This is a 'soul weapon'. It will always accompany you, it can invoke whenever it wants and it is unbreakable."

(Finn): "This will really help." - he said extremely relieved, as well as the others, after all one of the biggest expenses they had were the swords that Tiona broke.

(Gareth): "Can't you teach this to others?"

(Saber): "It's not just anyone who has one."

(Riveria): "So it depends on luck."

(Saber): "Yes, and even those who have many times can not invoke, after all it is a 'soul weapon', something that depends on you to have shape and wake up. And I am sorry to inform you but none of the three has one."

That discouraged Finn and Gareth a little. Riveria already imagined then she did not even expect.

(Tiona): "So, mine can be different from the sword I usually use?"

(Saber): "It may not even be a sword. It will become what is really appropriate for you."

(Finn): "Like I use a spear, but a sword fits me better, so would my 'soul weapon' be a sword?"

(Saber): "Yes."

(Tiona): "Well, if it falls better it should be easier to use."

(Hestia): "Well, since you want to know, you can go, and when would this expedition be?"

(Finn): "In a few weeks."

(Saber): "Give me a call when it's time."

(Finn): "Of course, and we will pay, both for being part of the expedition and for Tiona's training."

(Saber): "Okay."

Saber, Caster and Hestia said goodbye to them and made their way through the gate. The guards simply bowed their heads and made no comment. When the three could no longer be seen through the window, the five began to talk.

(Loki): "So what do you think?"

(Finn): "About the discovery of the case, or about both?"

(Loki): "First the case."

(Riveria): "If what Caster said is true, the only suspicions are [Goddess] Freya and [Goddess] Ishtar."

(Gareth): "So we better stop, even we can't deal with them yet."

(Finn): "And if we take it to the [Guild], as you said, they will turn a blind eye."

(Loki): "It was what I imagined ... what about the two?"

(Tiona): "Saber said that her uncle made her kill monsters with her b.a.r.e hands when she was a child."

(Loki): "Was the chibi the first to give her a blessing?"

(Tiona): "From the impression she was giving when she spoke of the coach, yes [Goddess] Hestia was the first."

Did that surprise the four, making a child fight monsters without a blessing or a weapon? It was not for nothing that she was strong. This type of training was the extreme of the extreme.

(Loki): "What about Caster?"

(Riveria): "It didn't look like she was lying when she talked about her magic, which leads me to believe that at some point in her life or that of her ancestors, they may have been blessed by [Spirits]."

(Gareth): "Like the Crozzo?"

(Riveria): "Yes."

(Loki): "A training from hell, and a blessing from [Spirits], the chibi really got lucky."

The others agreed, those two would make [Familia Hestia] grow well.

(Tiona): "I wonder who this Bell is that [Goddess] Hestia commented." - she was already excited to meet him.

(Finn): "With those two as teachers, his future is great."

The five decided to end the conversation on these matters. Loki would inform the [Guild] about his findings, and Tiona went to talk to Tione, Ais and Lefyia about the news.

When the three arrived, it was dark, but Bell was still training with his swords.

(Saber): "Praetor, we have arrived."

Bell stopped training and went to receive them.

(Bell): "Welcome back. So, what did you find out?"

The three spoke all that was discussed at the Loki mansion.

(Bell): "So a [Goddess] did it all?"

(Caster): "I'm pretty sure of that."

(Saber): "Lady Hestia, did you have any disagreement with any [God] in Tenkai?"

(Hestia): "No, I didn't even have many friends, I can't imagine anyone coming after me."

(Saber): "Umu! Praetor you better go rest, tomorrow we will go to |Dungeon|."

(Bell): "Alright, good night!"

(Saber & Caster & Hestia): "Good night!"

When Bell came into the room, he washed, lay on the couch and slept at almost the same time, he had trained a lot with Saber and trained from the moment he returned to church until they arrived. After Bell entered the room, the three continued their conversation.

(Saber): "I don't think the monsters were after you Lady Hestia."

Hestia and Caster looked at her.

(Hestia): "What do you mean?"

(Saber): "If the monster was really after you, it wouldn't keep going after the Praetor would it?"

(Caster): "If the one who made the spell was a [Goddess] she could have canceled the spell after Lady Hestia was hidden by the Master."

(Saber): "Yes or to have the monsters go after the Praetor."

(Hestia): "Why would anyone go after Bell? He started almost three weeks ago, there is no way he could have pissed someone off."

(Saber): "Maybe they saw the Praetor's potential and was he trying to wake him up? Like I said, my uncle made me fight monsters when I was a kid."

That made the three of them stay silent and think, the scenario for Saber and Caster was possible, but with the growth of Bell, everyone's thinking was going to the first scenario.

(Hestia): "There is no use worrying, even if it is true we would not be able to fight back, not at the moment."

(Saber): "Umu! The Praetor will need to grow."

(Hestia): "Well then, let's finish for today. Good night!"

(Saber & Caster): "Good night, Lady Hestia!"

Hestia went to the same room as Bell, and so the other day ended.

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