The daily routine of [Hestia Family] took place without any changes for a week. They trained and then went to find Lili to go to |Dungeon| At the fountain in front of the entrance they found Lili and went down |Dungeon| The line-up was the same, Bell struggling with Caster helping him when he needed to, soon after Lili and finally in the queue to Saber. They made good progress and arrived at |Eighth Floor| quickly, but due to a monster that threw poison through its wings, they decided to end the day, as Lili had only one antidote with her, which was used at Bell after he was caught off guard, and Bell had none with him, and Caster's spells were more offensive, she had none to heal.

When they returned to the surface, the position the sun was in should have been around four o'clock in the afternoon.

(Lili): "Er ... Lili has a request ..." - she said very hesitantly.

(Bell): "What is it, Lili?"

(Lili): "Can I take a break tomorrow?"

(Saber): "Umu! Sure."

(Caster): "No problem."

(Bell): "Do you have any plans?"

(Lili): "There's a [Family] meeting and I can't miss it. I know it's a violation of our contract, so I can accept the punishment." - she said the second part while lowering her head.

(Bell): "Ah, don't worry. Anyway, I'm sorry, Lili." - he said a little embarrassed

Lili was surprised by these words, she had never heard them, especially from [Adventurers].

(Bell): "I hadn't thought of that kind of thing. Whenever you need a break you can talk." - he said that while smiling and Lili looked at him.

Lili really couldn't understand it. They went to the [Guild] where they let Lili change the [Magic Stones] and split it half and half, like yesterday. Lili was surprised that they did that kind of thing to her. They said goodbye, while saying that the meeting point was the same, and Lili decided to return home.

(Bell): "So, are we going to get some antidotes?" - he said after he could no longer see Lili's bag.

(Caster): "Yes, we will not want what happened today to repeat itself."

(Saber): "Do you happen to know any healer, Praetor?"

(Bell): "Yes, he is practically our neighbor. Come on."

He guided them both, they passed the church that stayed and arrived in a small shop with an emblem. Her condition was only slightly better than the church, but she was still in bad shape. The door was closed.

(Bell): "It is here. But it should be open."

He knocked on the door and waited. Saber and Caster were thinking the same thing, does a healer live here? And they were answered with the door opening and revealing a woman with brown hair, a glove on her right hand with a stoic expression that rivaled Ryuu and had dog ears. One [Chienthrope].

(Chienthrope): "Bell, long time no see."

(Bell): "It's good to see you again, Miss Naza."

Naza Ersuisu. The only member of the [Miach Family]. She was a little difficult to deal with, as if she tried to put a barrier around everyone, but Bell's personality helped to get around that punch.

(Naza): "Have you come to buy potions?"

(Bell): "Yes, preferably antidotes and mental recuperators. But if we can't, we can come back tomorrow."

(Naza): "No, you can come in."

The interior was in the same state as the exterior. There was a counter with a shelf behind, where there were some potions and a door that led to the back, possibly where Naza and [Deus] Miach slept.

(Naza): "How many potions do you need?"

(Saber): "As we are going, six antidotes and mental recuperators and eight normal potions."

Naza looked at her, at Caster and then at Bell and turned to pick up the potions.

(Naza): "Are these two from your [Family] Bell?" - she asked while placing the wells on the counter.

(Bell): "Yes, this is Saber and this is Caster. Girls, this is Miss Naza."

(Naza): "Nice to meet you."

(Saber & Caster): "P.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."

(Caster): "It may seem rude but ..." - she really didn't want to step on a mine like she stepped on Bell.

(Naza): "Yes?" - she waited for the question while finishing placing the wells on the counter.

(Caster): "How did a healer end up in these conditions?"

Naza was silent for a few seconds, which worried Caster because she thought she had taken another step.

(Naza): "My [Family], the [Miach Family], were a big [Family] in the medical field, but ... I blew it."

(Saber): "What do you mean?"

(Naza): "I used to go to |Dungeon| too, like you ... but I blew it ... I was defeated by a monster ... and my arm was devoured." - she said the last part, rolling up the sleeve of her blouse, to show a silver arm.

(Caster): "A prosthesis ..." - she was really sad for Naza

(Naza): "Yes. After losing my arm, Lord Miach took me ... to the [Dian Cecht Family]. Lord Miach practically begged. In addition to medicines, they take orders from [Adventurers] and make special items for them . This airgetlám, or 'silver arm', is one of them. " - Her voice only carried frustration while telling the story.

(Bell): "That is why you don't have other members?"

When Bell asked that question, a voice behind them answered.

(????): "Yes."

[Familia Hestia] turned and found a man with long dark blue hair in worn out clothes.

(Bell & Naza): "Lord Miach!"

Saber and Caster analyzed the [God] who just arrived and realized that he had a presence similar to that of Hestia.

(Miach): "It is good to see that you are well Bell. And I see that you have got new members for your [Family]."

(Bell): "This is Saber and this is Caster."

(Saber & Caster): "Nice to meet you, Lord Miach."

(Miach): "Likewise."

(Saber): "About the previous topic ..." - she did not finish the sentence before Miach continued the subject.

(Miach): "I ended up with a debt for airgetlám. Dian Cecht and I were never like each other even at Tenkai, the situation only got worse when we became business competitors. But when I went to order airgetlám he charged an amount huge. The other members left after I got the debt. I didn't stop them, they had that right. Only Naza stayed. "

(Naza): "Me and a huge debt ... I can't even fight monsters anymore ... even after taking six years to reach Level 2 and get the skill |Synthetic Development|."

(Bell): "Are you at Level 2?! I didn't know ..." - he was very surprised by this information.

Saber and Caster were also surprised, but with the time it took her to reach Level 2. Now they understood why Hestia was so shocked by Bell's growth.

(Naza): "Like I said ... I can't fight so it's useless. Everything we had was s.u.c.k.e.d in by that idiot because of me ..."

(Miach): "Naza!"

Miach hated it when Naza scolded herself and silenced her with just saying her name. A heavy silence fell on the spot.

(Bell): "Didn't you register tasks at the [Guild] to help this situation?" - an idea had crossed Bell's mind.

(Saber): "Task?"

(Bell): "Some people, like store owners, or some [Families] who don't focus on exploration, record tasks to get some items from |Dungeon|."

(Miach): "Actually, we registered two tasks in the [Guild]."

(Bell): "So ... is it okay for us to do them?"

With this question the Miach and Naza were surprised. Saber and Caster already imagined that he would want to try to help and they would support him.

(Miach): "Bell ..." - he did not believe that Bell was offering himself for this.

It made him and Naza feel only gratitude for Bell at that moment.

(Miach): "Well ..." - he looked at Saber and Caster and after they confirmed with their heads that they would help he continued - "The first is simple, but the difficulty comes because you need to find a rare monster in |Seventh Floor|. "

(Caster): "Rare monster ... speak of <Blue Papilio>?" - he said remembering Lili talking about the monsters of the |Seventh Floor|.

(Miach): "Yes, we need an item that falls from it, [Blue Papilio's feather]. As much as you can."

(Bell): "Does it make sense ... what about the second one?"

(Miach): "... [Bloodsaurus eggs]."

(Saber): "Bloodsauros? Where can we find them? And how many eggs do you need?"

(Miach): "They have a nest in |Seoro Deep Forest| near |Alb Mountain| east of Orario. There must be some eggs. Again just what they can carry. And please don't kill them, it'll be nice to have a renewable source. "

(Bell): "Very well, we are going." - He said as he left and Saber and Caster followed.

(Miach): "Thanks again."

(Naza): "Good luck."

Outside they decided that he was going after what, and Saber went after the eggs and Bell and Caster went after the feathers.

Saber arrived in the forest in less than an hour running seriously, thanks to the training of her uncle, even when she was [Human], she managed to maintain the same speed for hours and she was even fast, after she became a [Spirit Heroic] a stamina increased and she was taking a lump to take the eggs she would find.

(Saber): "<Bloodsauros>, is it a dragon species?"

She left the stone at the entrance to the forest and went inside. She avoided as much as possible to fight the monsters she was not behind, but some simply attacked and she defeated them with her own hands, she wandered aimlessly when she found the nest.

Those monsters didn't look like dragons, the only similarity was that they were both reptiles, if you were to use a comparison the <Bloodsauros> would look like a T-Rex. And there were three of them.

(Saber): "Lord Miach doesn't want them dead, so I'll just have to knock them out."

The three met up at the Miach's store three hours after they left, the sky was already dark. Miach and Naza were still at the counter.

(Bell): "Lord Miach, we are back."

(Miach): "Bell, did you get the ingredients?"

(Bell): "Yes, here."

He left five feathers, while Saber and Caster carried a dozen eggs together.

(Naza): "How did you manage?"

(Caster): "Me and Master wait for four of them to appear and deal with them quickly." - in the same way that Eina, Miach and Naza looked at Bell for the way she referred to him, he gave the same 'There's nothing to do' look.

(Saber): "And I found some <Bloodsauros>, but I just knocked them out and picked up the eggs before they woke up."

(Miach): "Were you alone?"

(Saber): "Yes."

Miach could only imagine how a powerful person like her ended up in the Hestia [Family].

(Naza): "Anyway, thanks. With that we can make the new potion."

(Bell): "What kind of potion?"

(Miach): "One that heals the body and the mind. Let's do our best to finish this so spend tomorrow to get some as a reward."

(Caster): "A double potion of body and mind? It will certainly make money."

(Saber): "In fact, I thought they would make an advanced body or mind potion, but a pair yields a lot more."

(Naza): "It is for the debt so yes. And thanks to the three of you we have many ingredients."

(Miach): "Thank you very much."

(Bell): "Whatever you can do for a neighbor."

Miach looked at him a little startled and then smiled. Miach had said the same thing to Bell when he made him accept a potion, which happened to be the one he used in the <Minotaur> attack.

(Bell): "Well, let's go. Goodbye Lord Miach, goodbye Miss Naza."

(Saber & Caster): "Goodbye."

(Naza): "Come back again." - she said with a small smile.

As it was already late the three decided to return home, Hestia was already home.

(Bell & Saber & Caster): "We are back!"

(Hestia): "Welcome back. So where did you get?"

(Saber): "We went to |Eighth Floor|, but as there was a monster that caused poisoning and we didn't have many antidotes with us, so we decided to go back."

(Hestia): "So you came back early." - She said a little irritated because she thought they had a meeting with Bell in the meantime.

(Caster): "The Master took us to Lord Miach's store to buy antidotes and potions."

(Bell): "And in the process we did some tasks for them."

(Hestia): "I see, Miach really needed help. And I have something to talk to you ..." - her voice got tense with the last part.

(Bell): "What is it [Goddess]?"

(Hestia): "It's about your [Support] ..."

(Caster): "Lili?"

(Saber): "What happened?"

(Hestia): "I heard some things, and maybe you won't like it."

While Hestia was talking to her [Family], Lili was attacked by three [Adventurers], one was a [Raccoon], a man with raccoon ears and tail, and two [Humans]. They had a bag of money in hand, which was the money that Lili received today.

(Raccoon): "It's heavy today, isn't it? But it's not even close enough. Who is it that leaves a useless [Support] like you in joining [Soma Family]?" - he said the last part while placing his foot on her head.

(Lili): "You. The [Adventurers]."

(Raccoon): "Good that you know that. So work until you drop dead." - He said the last part while kicking her down the stairs.

The three laughed as she ran down the stairs and left.

When she reached the bottom she didn't even try to get up, she continued to lie on the floor looking at the sky. There was only anger inside her and just when she was about to curse all the [Adventurers], a group appeared in her mind. A [Human] with white hair, a [Human] in a red dress and a [Renard] in a blue kimono. They really were strangers. After a while she got up and went to the store where she was staying.

The next day [Hestia Family] decided not to go to the |Dungeon|, as Lili couldn't go, Bell was going to take the reward for yesterday's tasks and stay at the church training and make some preparations for what he had decided to do to deal with a problem that Hestia presented in yesterday's conversation, Hestia was going to work and Saber and Caster were going to Loki's mansion.

Saber and Caster had already decorated the path and arrived at the mansion in less than an hour. There the same guards from the last time were there and let her pass.

(Saber): "They got friendly, didn't they?"

(Caster): "Tiona came to see us and you held a punch from her, I think they are afraid."

They heard them clinking, weapons meeting, which meant that the [Loki Family] was training. Then they went around the mansion and found Tiona, Tione, and Lefyia, Riveria and a gray haired boy with wolf ears, a [Werewolf] and two [Humans], a boy and a girl training on a patio.

(Saber): "Tiona!"

When they heard that voice, everyone present turned and saw them.

(Tiona): "Saber!"

Tiona was already running to greet her, she was very excited about the reason for Saber's visit, and she was just waiting for her to say it was the training. The others approached, the [Werewolf] was looking at them with arrogance, after all he mocked everyone he considered weak.

(Werewolf): "What are you doing here? We don't have time to lose with weak people."

Saber and Caster could take a lot, and Saber even liked people who were proud of themselves, but even she had to recognize that there must be a limit.

(Saber): "So why are you here?" - she said with a cold smile.

It infuriated the [Werewolf] right away.

(Werewolf): "How is it ?!"

(Tione): "Be quiet Bete, you are no match for them, especially Saber in hand-to-hand combat."

It only served to increase his fury.

(Werewolf): "So let's test it."

(Riveria): "Bete!"

(Saber): "It's okay, Miss Riveria, this little dog here needs a training." - she said that as she walked to the center of the patio.

Beth's pride was practically weeping blood at these statements. When Saber stopped in the center of the patio, he went with all his strength and flew. Saber was only able to see an amateur movement, yes, it was fast, but trusting that no one would be able to accompany it was at least naive, and at most idiocy. Saber took a small turn and grabbed Bete's leg with both hands and made him a kind of sledgehammer, she lifted him up and hit him against the ground making a small crater. Everyone was a little amazed at that scene. [Loki Family] thought that Bete's speed would be a little bit of work, but it didn't even warm up.

(Riveria): "Uh ... Miss Saber ..."

(Saber): "Don't worry, I made sure he would make it out alive." - she said it with a smile.

And in fact, Bete was just unconscious with foam coming out of his mouth, but Saber's statement shocked them, if she wanted to, could she have killed him?

(Riveria): "I don't think this will help you much."

(Saber): "Being proud of yourself is a good thing, but this guy was going overboard, always a chance to find someone stronger than him who doesn't like attention, an error of judgment can be fatal, instead to make fun of those he thinks are weaker than him, he should be friendly, and if they are in fact weaker, give a certain form of advice. "

(Riveria): "I will pass on this message." - she understood what Saber was saying and what she wanted as a result, she just thought that the method that Saber used would not result in that.

(Lefyia): "So Saber, why did you and Caster come today?"

(Saber): "Me to help Tiona and Caster to demonstrate her magic."

That made Tiona and Riveria happy, Tiona really wanted that unbreakable weapon and Riveria wanted to see Caster's magic.

(Riveria): "Would you mind Caster demonstrating the magic first, I still have to go shopping for our stock."

(Caster): "Is it for the expedition?"

(Riveria): "Yes."

(Saber): "So it's okay, Tiona waits a little bit."

(Tiona): "Okay" - she said this while taking Bete's unconscious body from the middle of the courtyard.

Riveria took some targets, the same ones she used for Lefyia to use her magic and lined them up.

(Riveria): "Could you?"

Caster nodded and stood in front of the targets, there were five of them, so she decided to use three spells. The others were after her. Caster made a movement with his hand and three pieces of paper appeared, although Lefyia did not notice, Riveria realized that the papers were full of energy. Caster released them all at the same time and when the papers touched each one activated a different spell, one was fire, the other was ice, and the last was lightning. [Familia Loki] was surprised, especially Lefyia and Riveria, because besides Caster not reciting any spells she cast three different spells and the three were powerful.

(Lefyia): "Incredible Miss Caster."

(Riveria): "Would you mind explaining how it works?" - she was truly excited by the magic that Caster demonstrated.

And Bete chose that same moment to wake up and found Riveria asking for an explanation, much to his amazement.

(Caster): "What would you like to know first?"

(Riveria): "What are those pieces of paper? And why did they have your energy?"

(Caster): "Those are pieces of 'tao' paper, which was what my family, and everyone who practices taiotism, uses to cast the spells, we leave the enchantment already written, and when we need it just put mana equivalent to the written spell and cast it."

(Riveria): "So you kind of get the spell ready, before a battle even starts?" - she was delighted with this method.

(Caster): "Yes. But as I said the training to do, to put the spell in the right way, and to put the mana made the practice very scarce."

(Riveria): "So if you cast the spell wrongly, won't the spell go out?"

(Caster): "It can even leave, but you have a risk of being weaker than you want, or end up hitting the caster with the same power or stronger, or perform another spell."

In fact, for something so useful it must be at great risk, but the benefits were really worth it.

(Lefyia): "Er... Miss Caster?"

(Caster): "Yes Lefyia?"

(Lefyia): "If you keep the spells on papers, where do you keep the papers?"

In fact, Caster didn't have any bags where he could keep the papers.

(Caster): "That was a surprise for me and my family, but I don't have to."

(Riveria): "What do you mean?"

(Caster): "I only think about the enchantment, I concentrate energy in my hand and the piece of 'tao' paper appears." - and to confirm her words she played a 'tao' role right away.

It was too useful.

(Riveria): "How many can you summon at once?"

(Caster): "From different spells, or from the same spell?"

(Riveria): "Both please."

(Caster): "If it's different spells, just one of each, but if it's the same spell, I've already got twelve."

(Lefyia): "Do you put them in any direction, focus everything in one point or overload the spells?"

(Caster): "You can do all this."

Riveria could only imagine why Caster's family did not go to some powerful [Family] with this kind of magic, but she realized that they could have been hunted in the past and decided to stay hidden. Even if you have talent one hour you will get tired and when that happens if your opponent is outnumbered you are gone.

(Riveria): "Thank you for lending some of your time."

(Caster): "Imagine, today we take the day off so we decided to keep our promises."

(Riveria): "Anyway, I'm going, sorry for the training that was interrupted Lefyia."

(Lefyia): "Okay."

(Riveria): "Well, see you later."

She turned and left where Saber and Caster came from and Bete followed without looking back. The two [Humans] also left leaving only the group of the plant monster incident, only Ais was missing for the group to be complete.

(Saber): "Well, since Caster has demonstrated its magic, let's try to wake up your 'soul weapon' Tiona."

(Tiona): "Right."

They trained until dark, but did not get the result they wanted, but it served for Saber to confirm that Tiona had one, and while the two were training Tione and Lefyia they talked to Caster.

When it was already night the two said goodbye, with Tiona making a point of meeting Bell, after Saber commented that he had woken his, to see if he got a tip on how to wake up, and Saber saying that she was going to see the that she could do.

When they got home Bell had already stopped training and was on the bench thoughtfully. The two were sure it was from yesterday's conversation, so they left him because he had already made up his mind. When Hestia arrived they brought things up to date, Bell told what he needed the girls to do, what shocked them by the audacity and what Bell would have to go through, ate and went to sleep.

The next day only Bell went to the meeting point, the others had a separate task to do, but Lili was not there, so he decided to wait, when he saw Lili being tormented by a [Raccoon], he went towards and they but a man stopped him, the same one who had attacked Lili in the alley.

(Bell): "You!"

Bell tried to avoid him going to help Lili but the man started to speak.

(Man): "You are with that girl, aren't you? Then you must know something." - he said while pointing to Lili.

(Bell): "About?" - he had a sense of what he meant but decided not to give his arm to cheer.

(Man): "Don't try to be smart. Help me. Let's arm her."

Bell was outraged by these words and the anger went up to his head.

(Man): "Don't look at me like that" - he said as he walked to Bell to stay on the shore in the direction that Lili was - "You want the money she saved, don't you?"

He came over and put his arm over Bell's left shoulder and spoke right into his ear.

(Man): "We are both [Adventurers]. Let's work together and get that idiot's money."

Bell was furious and hit him on the arm over his shoulder, making the man step back two steps.

(Bell): "Touch her hair, and you'll be sorry.

(Man): "Idiot. You won't have the [Elf] to save you." - he said as he walked away.

(Bell): "The one who was saved was you." he murmured angrily.

(????): "Master Bell ..."

Bell turned and found Lili a little unmotivated, which made the anger just now disappear.

(Bell): "Lili, are you okay?"

(Lili): "What were you talking to that [Adventurer]?" - Her voice was sad and unmotivated.

Bell's eyes were furious again as he looked at where the [Adventurer] had gone.

(Bell): "That guy was planning something against you. Anyway, are you okay, did that guy hurt you?"

(Lili): "No, just a member of my [Family] who came to talk to me. Where's Saber and Caster? "

(Bell): "The two had promised to do some things yesterday, and they couldn't come, will it be just the two of us today, is there a problem?"

(Lili): "No, let's go."

Lili was silent and led the way towards |Dungeon|. She already imagined something like that, but she was thinking that that scene that Bell was doing just now was part of the plan and decided that it was time to act, both went down the |Dungeon| on |Eighth Floor|, Lili came down to ask.

(Lili): "Master Bell, what happened to your crystal?"

(Bell): "After losing it a few days ago, the girls and I took it to a store and made it a necklace, but the rope broke this morning so I put it here." - He pointed to a small bag tied to his right t.h.i.g.h.

(Lili): "I see."

They managed to get to the |Tenth Floor|, the |Ninth Floor| caught them both a little by surprise, but they managed to survive in the |Tenth Floor| they were no longer in tunnels, they were in a wide area like a plateau with several dead trees, according to Lili they are called [Landform], but there was so much fog that the visibility was terrible, Bell was a little worried that some monster would appear out of nowhere and attack them.

(Bell): "What are the monsters here Lili?"

(Lili): "The most common is <Orc>, a huge pig headed monster that can reach three meters in height. It wears old hide at the waist like a skirt, and it has a lot of stamina. There are reports of <Imps> , which are small monsters with the appearance of demons and <Bad Bat, a dark bat monster that has sharp fangs and the ability to create sound waves that disrupt concentration. These monsters appear up to |Twelfth Floor| "

(Bell): "I see, let's go."

Bell went ahead with Lili going after, after a few steps, they found the first <Orc>, the monster stared at them and pulled out a [Landform] next to him that turned into a club. Bell summoned his two swords and went forward, the monster attacked with the club but Bell deflected by an inch and went with everything with 'Forgetfulness of Darkness' on his c.h.e.s.t. <Orc> immediately disintegrated.

(Bell): "That."

(Lili): "Master Bell, there's another one coming."

Bell looked around and saw another <Orc> approaching with a club in his hand, this time he decided not to let him get closer.

(Bell): "Ray of Light!"

He launched two 'Ray of Light'. The first hit the <Orc> in the c.h.e.s.t exposing his [Magic Stone] the second hit the [Magic Stone], making him have the same fate as the first <Orc>. If the wound is fatal, such as beheading or cutting the monster in half, or having the [Magic Stone] hit is instant death with no right for the body to continue.

(Bell): "I did it, Lili."

He turned to look for her, but he didn't find her. That was when a small ball fell close to him and then another ball. And Bell had recognized them.

(Bell): "These items are... to attract monsters!"

As soon as he said three other <Orcs> appeared.

(Bell): "Lili!" he shouted as he dodged the <Orc> attack.

But Lili was not close, soon after he felt a pull on his leg and just saw his leg bag flying up to the entrance and falling into Lili's hand.

(Bell): "Lili, what are you doing?" - he said while dodging the <Orcs>.

(Lili): "Sorry, Master Bell. This is the end."

Bell had to lower his head so she wouldn't be crushed and rolled away from the <Orcs>

(Lili): "That guy told you everything, didn't he? Just ... try to escape." - she said as she headed towards |Ninth Floor|.

(Bell): "LILI!" - he shouted while stabbing one of the <Orcs> in the c.h.e.s.t.

Lili didn't look back when she heard the scream and just continued, when she was in the middle of the |Ninth Floor| she took off her hood and undid the magic that made her look like a [Chienthrope] and revealed her appearance from [Pallum]. She was convincing herself that I did the right thing. That at some point, Bell would be like the other [Adventurers]. The [Adventurers] she hates so much.

(Lili): 'If I can find out what kind of crystal this is, I can sell it, after all, that [Elf] was very upset seeing her. That way I can leave [Familia Soma].

She continued on her way incapacitating all the monsters she encountered but when she went up |Seventh Floor| it fell due to a creep. When she heard the owner's voice she was amazed.

(????): "What did you think about that? - the man Bell met before entering the |Dungeon|, he was approaching her.

When he was close enough he started kicking her.

(Man): "You gave me a good job, your thief."

After kicking it he grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up.

(Man): "I thought you would get rid of the boy. Setting the trap was easier because of that."

(Lili): "Trap?"

(Man): "This floor does not have many entrances, the other members of your [Family] are on the paths that are left, but imagine that you would come that way."

He took off Lili's robe, where she left the items and threw her on the floor, while examining what she had, the other three arrived, and the three were, for some reason, carrying bags and Lili was sure she saw them if move.

(Raccoon): "Having fun?"

(Man): "You were right, she was carrying only good stuff." - he said while showing a package that was Lili's magic weapon that she used in emergencies.

(Raccoon): "I understand, and would you mind leaving her things with us."

(Man): "What? It looks like." - he was sure they were playing, he had no chance of leaving those things.

The [Raccoon] opened his bag a little and a head came out, the head of a <Killer Ant> who was still alive.

(Man): "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"

(Human 1): "Yes, she will call her companions. Any adventurer knows that." - he said while he and the other [Human] took a <Killer Ant> from each bag they had.

(Man): "Are you crazy?" - he was terrified of those guys.

Lili was there too, she was sure she wouldn't come out alive. Even if she gave everything she had she would die.

(Lili): 'I think I deserve this, for doing what I did to Master Bell.'

Bell and his group had been kind to her, and they didn't mistreat her they saw her as part of the group, and she betrayed them without even looking back.

(Raccoon): "There is less that you want to be devoured by <Killer Ant> while fighting with us, you will leave."

(????): "He's not going anywhere until I deal with him."

An angry voice was heard by the five, and then a whirling sound and a shout.

(????):"RAY OF LIGHT!"

In place of two of the three <Killer Ant>, there was a white sword and a black sword and a lightning bolt hit the last. The five looked at the direction the voice came from and Lili's heart raced when she saw Bell with her right hand extended.

(Man): "You?!"

(Lili): "Master Bell?"

It just didn't go into her head, she left him to die, but he was helping her right now.

(Bell): "I told you. If you touched her hair you would be sorry."

(Raccoon): "It looks like you know magic, but without your swords it won't be much."

His voice was still calm, but he was furious the boy had just ruined everything. But then another idea came up, maybe [Pallum] will open her beak if the boy gets hurt. He pointed to the swords with his head and the [Humans] who accompanied him went to pull them, but they did not move.

(Human 1): "This sword does not move!"

(Human 2): "How did he launch them ?!"

Lili saw all that and was in doubt too. Bell shook them as if they weighed nothing, but those two didn't move an inch.

(Raccoon): "Boy, you know what will happen if we talk to the [Guild], don't you?"

He planned to run away and tell the [Guild] that the boy attacked him, so he went out in pine but he was amazed by Bell's smile and next words.

(Bell): "Yes, I know. You and your two friends are going to jail."

(Raccoon): "How is it?"

(Human 1): "Do you think you have the power for that?"

(Bell): "As a help from [Goddess] Loki and [God] Soma, yes."

That froze everyone present, the man who tripped Lili tried to sneak out, but stopped when Bell looked at him with a furious look.

(Raccoon): "What do you mean?"

(Bell): "I had seen one of you hanging around Lili, but when I heard a few things, yesterday as it was our break I decided to make some preparations. It was very lucky that I found Lady Loki and Miss Riveria and they gave me a little hand."

(Raccoon): "How did you get that?" - The calm voice disappeared at that time.

(Bell): "I don't have to tell you."

He held out both arms, calling for his swords. The two became clouds and flew to his hands and with a movement of both arms they solidified again. That left the four amazed.

(Bell): "Now you have a choice, whether to surrender or die. This is the first, the last and the only warning."

(Man): "Do you think you can kill us boy? Even if you have the skills, it won't help if you don't have the courage." - he was sure that Bell was just bluffing, he couldn't see in the boy in front of him someone capable of killing.

(Bell): "Do you want to try your luck?" - he said while pointing the 'Forgetfulness of Darkness' at him.

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