Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1105: Full service

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"All right."

The maiden's technique is becoming more and more adept, making one faster than the other, and the last blade double reed shock absorber actually used only half a cup of tea to make it.

Four shining shock absorbers were placed in front of Zhuanfeng's eyes, and his chin fell off.

"Take it and try, this time there will definitely not be an accident like that just now."

The Maiden boy said lightly, without trace of the irony.

The face of chasing the wind is a difficult red, and he holds the shock absorber and installs it.

"Mr. Divine Doctor, you are tired, rest for a while." Shen Ning sees the young man in Mai, although his eyes are proud, he can't hide his tired look.

She knew that he spent a lot of energy to make these four shock absorbers, he would not martial arts, there is no strength to chase the wind, although with the aid of tools, but to make four shock absorbers in one breath, it is also very exhausting thing.

The linen boy was tired and didn't even want to say a word. He lay down on the couch and fell asleep again, ignoring the effect of attaching shock absorbers to the wind.

Because he is very confident in his craft.

The carriage started again.

When chasing the wind and chasing the car this time, I was extra cautious, fearing that there would be an accident of twisting and deformation of the shock absorber.

After the carriage drove up, he was startled again.

After these four shock absorbers were installed, the carriage was as smooth as if it were Mercedes-Benz on the grassland, and almost no bumps were felt. The effect is one day, one ground compared to the simple shock absorber he made.

When it was dark, chasing the wind and driving the carriage into a big town, voted for the largest and best inn in the local area, and asked the Maiden boy the biggest and best room.

He now invests in the five bodies of the Maiden boy worship, thinking that he must take good care of Mr. Shenji along the way and make him comfortable.

Who knows next, his good wishes were broken.

After the juvenile boy woke up, he became reluctant to leave again.

He turned the couch into a wheelchair again, sat in the chair, and asked the wind to move him with the chair off the carriage, and then sent him into the upper room on the second floor.

The chasing wind is strong, this weight is nothing to him at all.

He carelessly stretched out his arms, supporting the wheelchair without shaking at all, and took the linen boy to the second floor.

The only look at the shop Xiaoer and the guests were all speechless, and praised the thin young man's great strength!

After entering the upper room, the young man in linen told the second child of the shop to get some bath water. He wanted to wash off the ink and the dirt and dust on his body.

Dian Xiaoer had seen the power of Chasing Feng, and after seeing the respect of Chasing Feng on this sackcloth boy, he did not dare to neglect and quickly hit the water back.

"Follow the wind and help me shampoo."

"Chasing the wind, help me wipe my back."

"Chasing the wind, washing my feet."

The maiden boy began to evoke the chasing wind, and chasing the wind chasing like a gyro, he found out that this Mr. Divine Doctor was really lazy!

His lazy body was lying in the bath tub, and even a little finger was lazy, and he was responsible for the entire bathing process.

As a dark guard beside the emperor, Chasing Wind has never done such a job of serving others in his life.

He looked at the boy in sackcloth lying lazily in the bath tub, and then wiped the sweat beads dripping off his forehead. He really wanted to shout:

Lao Tzu is not your calling girl!

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