Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1107: Big mouth small four

Biquge www.readwn.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Seeing the wind, the sweat on his forehead came out in a hurry, and he was busy blocking the door.

"I ... I do n’t mean to look down on Mr. Divine Doctor, I ... I mean, Mr. Divine Doctor, you only have one piece of linen, not enough to replace, so I want to add some more clothes for you, Mr. I despise what you mean, sir. Do n’t mention the thing back to the valley, sir. I and I will do the laundry here, and keep it clean, leaving no trace of ink. "

After he finished speaking, where did he dare to stay longer, carrying the tub and clothes, hurried out the door.

Afraid of being half a step late, the sackcloth boy did not know what tricks to come up with to call him.

But washing clothes?

He has never washed clothes in his life. Even his own shoes, socks and clothes were dirty, and they were all piled under the bed. It was really smelly before he took it out and thrown it away.

He also wanted to find someone to do laundry for himself!

Chasing the wind with a stomach full of grievances, squatted in the yard, holding a washboard, rubbing and washing clothes.

He was very hard to wash, but the ink spots on his clothes were very stubborn and could not be rubbed off.

"I like cleanliness, I don't like to wear clothes that leave stains on them." The voice of the linen boy sounded like a curse in his ear.

Chasing the wind began to hurt again.

What if this **** ink dot can't be washed off?

"Huh, chasing the wind, what are you doing here? Washing clothes? Hee hee, Missy, look at it. The slave-servant has never seen men wash clothes. Haha, it's really interesting."

Suddenly a crisp and playful voice rang.

You do n’t have to look back, and you know who the master of that voice is.

As small as!

God, why didn't a crack in the ground allow him to get in?

What a shame! He is a big man, especially he is still the most trusted dark guard next to the emperor. He actually squatted in the yard and washes clothes like others!

Such a shameful picture made Xiaoru that stupid girl see it.

and many more!


Do all the pictures of washing clothes for the **** doctor fall into the eyes of the empress queen?

Chasing the wind has the heart that wants to die this time.

His head was buried low, almost going down into the tub, and he thought: The queen's lady can't see me, the queen's lady can't see me ...

"Chasing the wind, why did you squat here to wash your clothes? Didn't your clothes get dirty and stinky and left under the bed?" Xiao Ru approached with a curious expression, his big eyes flickering towards his basin. Look at the clothes.

The wind chasing face changed from red to green.

Why is this little girl even aware of his privacy?

"How do you know?" He gritted his teeth.

"Hee hee, it was Xiao Si who told me!" Xiao Ru smiled.

Chasing the wind's face from green to black, clenching teeth.

The first thing after he returned to Kyoto was strangling the big four with a big mouth!

"Ah, this dress is not yours, it's Mr. Divine Doctor. It turns out that you are washing Mr. Divine Doctor!" Xiaoru called again.

Damn, should this stupid girl be so loud!

Called by Xiaoru, he only felt that everyone around him cast a strange eye on himself.

"Chasing the wind, are you doing laundry?"

Just as the wind was chasing and dying, a soft and quiet voice rang above his head.

It was like a thunderstorm, and the chasing wind was trembling.

This is really afraid of what comes.

When it was over, all the embarrassed samples were seen by the Queen Mother!

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