Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1138: Something big happened

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Seeing this, the Yuqian guards looked at Primary Four.

"Sixth brother, the queen mother made us catch the magician liar, but it seems that the magician is not a liar. Should we still act according to the queen mother's decency?" Someone asked.

Primary 4 scratched his head and he was confused.

Zhang Taiyi personally told him that the magician was a liar. Why did the liar become a magician again?

"You are waiting here, I will look in."

Primary Four walked in front of Chasing Wind and saw the other party blocking the door. He looked coldly at himself with a sullen face and said with a smile: "Chasing Wind, you let me go in and see, is the doctor a liar? "

Chasing the wind snorted: "Mr. Goddess was invited by the Queen Mother herself. Do you think the Queen Mother would invite a liar to come back to rescue King Jing'an? You are not disrespectful and disrespectful to Mr. Doctor. Go, do you bear the consequences? "

The fourth pupil made a sudden, probed the brain and looked behind the wind, only to see Zhang Taiyi changed the arrogant state before, Bi Bi stood respectfully beside Gu Qingze, that looked like a disciple facing a harsh teacher Respect, the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

If it was n’t seen with his own eyes, Primary Four would n’t believe it anyway.

At this point, he still dares to suspect that Gu Qingze is a liar!

"Brother Chasing the Wind, it's all bad for Primary Four. My lard was blinded, and I actually misunderstood the Divine Doctor. I ... I went in and blamed Mr. Divine Doctor on his head." He said in a panic.

"No more! Mr. Divine Doctor has a large number of adults and will not care about you, the little monkey. You still wait outside and don't disturb the Divine Doctor to save people."

Chasing the wind coldly, suddenly asked: "Why is the empress dowager sent someone? The emperor?"

Little Four swallowed a sip of water, rubbed his nose again, and whispered: "A big event happened in the palace. The emperor is busy dealing with it. I dare to alarm the emperor, so I went to report the queen mother."

"What happened?" The expression of chasing the wind could not help but tight.

Xiao Si was about to open his mouth, looked at the left and right, and closed his mouth again.

Chasing the wind immediately understood what he meant.

People are mixed!

It seems that what happened is not only a major event, but also a confidential event.

He immediately grabbed his heart, hoping to rush back to the palace immediately, and contribute to the emperor's worries.

But he looked back at the situation in the room, and the footsteps he just took out stopped again.

Gu Qingze has applied all over 700 acupuncture points to Chu Shaobai's body, including the 50 Jingwaiqi points, half of which are the methods he applied from Shen Ning to him. Learn from "Three Needles".

This door acupuncture method was even his first attempt. Where did Mr. Zhang see this? I was dazzled and shocked.

After applying the needle, Chu Shaobai not only recovered his breath, but his eyelids turned slightly, and he already showed signs of awakening.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Taiyi's eyeballs should all stand out, and the Taiji doctors outside the window all dropped their jaws.

God doctor, really doctor!

Everyone couldn't see their eyes.

When everyone thought that Chu Shaobai's life was saved, Chu Shaobai suddenly breathed quickly, his pale face turned red instantly, and it was almost red, and it was almost bleeding. Bo also became abnormal.

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