Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1139: Want to die, send him a ride

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"Huh? How could this be?" Chasing the wind could not help but whisper.

This change made everyone's heart mention the throat.

Zhang Taiyi looked at Gu Qingze and moved his lips. He wanted to ask, and felt abrupt, so he had to look at Shen Ning.

"Master, Shaobai ... what's wrong with him?" Shen Ning stared at Chu Shaobai, her tears sighing in tears. She had just seen the hope of recovery from Chu Shaobai, who knew that her condition was suddenly changing Down.

Gu Qingze collected his hand from Chu Shaobai's wrist, and his expression was as smooth as ever.

"You can't think of anything like this at a young age?" He shook his head gently, his eyes showing a puzzled meaning.

"Master, what do you mean by that?" Shen Ning wiped away her tears and looked up at Gu Qingze.

Gu Qingze shook his head again: "He has regained consciousness, but his consciousness is resisting waking up. He has such a change because he does not want to live at all, in other words, he is looking for death himself!"

The people inside and outside the room changed color all at once.

Zhang Taiyi couldn't help but nod again and again, Gu Qingze's words were exactly the same as his previous judgment.

No matter how high the medical skills are, it is difficult to seek people who are determined to die.

The case of Chu Shaobai is the kind of patient who makes doctors have the most headaches and the most difficult to treat!

"Master ... Can you save him, right?" Shen Ning bit his lower lip hard, his face pale.

Why did Chu Shaobai feel ashamed and desperate, she knew better than anyone else.

No matter who he is, after betrayed and used by the person he loves and trusts most, he will be desperate like him, not to mention in his heart, there is still such a deep pain.

He really didn't want to wake up, he didn't want to wake up to face all this, he just wanted to hide in a world of ignorance, or, to leave this world forever ...

But no matter what, she can't let Shaobai die like this!

"of course!"

Gu Qingze's faint words once again lit up Shen Ning's eyes.

"With me, Gu Qingze, he wants to die, is it so easy?"

Gu Qingze mentioned another prescription and gave it to Zhang Taiyi.

"According to the prescription, the sooner the better!"

Zhang Taiyi's excited hands shook. He held the prescription, just like the baby who fell from the sky. He looked up and down several times, keeping the weight and usage of each medicine in mind.

Although there are still two flavors of the medicine in his prescription that it is impossible for him to take, he is meticulous, according to the weight of the medicine on the prescription, and then he takes it in.

"Master, Shaobai, he is hot all over, it should be a sign of high fever, but I see that the medicine in the prescription you just made has no antipyretic effect, but uses a lot of heat medicine, why?" Shen Ning Although I don't know doctors, I know the efficacy of each flavor.

Her question happened to be a question in the mind of Doctor Tai and all doctors.

If they were changed to let them prescribe this medicine, they must first prescribe a cold medicine to reduce fever, and they would definitely not do the opposite.

If you have a fever and use a lot of hot medicine, doesn't this mean adding oil to the fire?

But now everyone does not dare to question Gu Qingze's medical skills at all, but he is puzzled in his heart, and he hears Shen Ning asking, and all his ears are raised.

"Good question, doesn't he want to die? Then I will send him a ride." Gu Qingze said lightly.

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