Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1146: Think his face is not pretty

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Mo Chuan left Chu Shaobai's room holding Shen Ning and turned into another quiet room.

He covered the room, put her down, and stared at her quietly.

At this time, Tianguang Weixi, morning light dawned on the window paper, and a faint glow shone on her head and face. She was like a pearl and a jade. The whole person exuded a lustrous luster, so he could not move away eye.

But it has n’t been seen for more than ten days, but in these ten days, he was not thinking about it for a long time. Yun let her leave Beijing alone.

At this time, she was seen standing in front of herself unharmed. The waves of joy in his heart rolled over and over again, just want to hold her tightly in her arms, and talk to her about the pain of acacia.

But at the thought of the picture just now, the heat flow rushing to his chest suddenly stagnate, like being splashed with a pot of cold water, freezing all his enthusiasm.

"Master!" Her voice was crisp and delicate, and when those words were shouted, it was particularly nice, and only he was heart-wrenching.

But these two words are calling a young and unfamiliar man. The young man with no hair on his mouth is the magician she invited back this time?

She actually called his master intimately?

What happened between them in these ten days? Why would she call that man to be a master?

Mo Chuan only felt that a vinegar rushed up from the bottom of his heart, his passionate eyes turned deep into ink, and his emotions could not be seen.

"Mochuan, what happened? Your complexion is not good because you haven't slept all night?"

Shen Ning was originally blushed and heartbeat by Mo Chuan's hot eyes. He took her without a word and walked to a room where there was no one. She thought he would give her a warm kiss when he came up, but his His eyes gradually changed, from fiery to gloomy, his chest fell together, Qing Jun's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

She knew immediately that Mo Chuan was in a bad mood, very bad!

Mo Chuan didn't speak, but just looked at her steadily. He did not sleep all night, could he look good?

When she came back, she didn't care about him, but she still thought that his face was not good enough?

His face is not good-looking, what is the face of the ancient doctor called Gu?

Mo Chuan suffocated the fire in his stomach, coupled with the thorny event he encountered, he was upset. When he saw her, he was in a high mood, but he was immediately confused by the guy named Gu.

"Mochuan, are you angry?" Shen Ning looked at the flames emerging from the bottom of his eyes, thinking Mochuan has always been indifferent to emotions, which can make him move, and something very serious must have happened.

Of course angry, very angry!

Mo Chuan continued to stare at her, he wanted to ask her aloud, why didn't she break free when the old guy held her arm?

But because of the man's face, he couldn't ask.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Shen Ning looked at his black and black face, and he became more and more worried.

It was indeed a very important event, but in Mo Chuan's mind, nothing is more important than hers.

"You still have to ask me what you did?" He finally murmured in a low voice.

Shen Ning froze for a moment, and then carefully observed his face, his lips slightly pursed, and a smile in his eyes.

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