Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1147: Donkey face

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Shen Ning found that Mo Chuan was really angry now, but he looked awkward. He was clearly jealous!

As for the vinegar he eats, it is the lice on the top of the monk's head, and there is no one besides Gu Qingze.

But why did he eat Gu Qingze's vinegar? He didn't do anything to make him jealous?

Her eyes rolled round and she suddenly thought that the problem must be with her own "master".

"Mochuan, are you mad at me?" She stood in front of him and looked up at him with a low, soft voice, like a small brush, brushed across his heart, itchy, warm Warm.

Mo Chuan turned his head aside, not to look at her.

Shen Ning couldn't help but chuckle. He looks like a troubled little child, where there is still a little bit of a king.

Obviously jealous, losing his temper, but still pretending to be casual, letting him coax him.

She slowly approached him, leaning on his warm and solid chest, and a sweet smell belonging to her immediately filled his breath.

Although Mo Chuan didn't look at her, the vinegar and anger rising in her heart disappeared unconsciously.

He moved his right arm slightly and wanted to hug her slim waist, but he fell down beside him immediately.

Shen Ning chuckled slightly, raised his arm and turned his face to the side, facing him face to face.

"You are the king of a country, why are you so careful?" She whispered.

Mo Chuan immediately said: "I'm careful? Where did I take care? Obviously you ..." He stared at her bitterly, almost looking to eat her into his belly.

"What's wrong with me? I just called him a" master ", and the medical skills are so high, or the world's first magician. I can see that I want to accept me as a disciple. Ah, I can come to the door of the Divine Doctor, aren't you happy for me? Look at you, this face is long, it's almost the same as the donkey, isn't it careful what is it? "

Shen Ning flattened her mouth deliberately, pretending to be angry.

Mo Chuan was nearly broken by her words.

He stared at her angrily and hatefully, but she didn't see herself in the past few days. Your face is like a donkey face? That ancient face is not like a donkey face?

"Mochuan, the ancient magician's medical skills are really very clever. Yesterday you were not there. Zhang Taiyi and I also pursued the wind clearly. If they didn't try his best to save Shaobai, Shaobai will never So fast, did you know? Shaobai already has breathing and pulse, he has a fever and chills, and there have been countless changes overnight, but every time the ancient magician can find a way to cure his disease, He is really a wonderful doctor, I have never seen a doctor who is better than his doctor ... Um! "

Her words didn't finish, because Mo Chuan's head fell down and her fiery lips blocked the chattering words under her.

Don't want to listen! He didn't want to hear a word!

He didn't want to hear half of the words praising other men from her mouth, not to mention that she consistently praised so many sentences, every word said that man's good!

No matter how good that man is, is it okay to be yourself!

His face was getting more and more ugly, but she didn't even notice it, and she kept talking.

Mo Chuan knew that if she was allowed to continue talking, she must be angry with her, so he had to stop her from talking, and there was only one way to stop her mouth!

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