Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"But Bei Qi's method of forging the crossbow has always been secret. The East Qin and Nanyue used to spend a lot of money to seek it. What I did not expect was that this time the Beiqi Parliament suddenly sent messengers to Kyoto and offered to put the five crossbows. The weapon drawings were sold to Xichu, which is something I could never dream of. "

Shen Ning noticed that there was no joy on Mo Chuan's face, but instead frowned deeply, knowing that something must have changed.

"Later? What happened?" She asked softly.

Mo Chuan said in a deep voice: "I was shocked and happy at the time, and I felt that the matter was too abrupt. My Xi Chu and Bei Qi countries have always been well-watered, and the two countries have only been in close acquaintance. The great benefits were in my hands, and I could n’t help but wonder if they had any intentions, so I did n’t immediately agree to it. The messengers of the Northern Qi Dynasty hesitated when they saw me, and they took out their drawings of the crossbows very generously, and I looked carefully. I have seen that the drawings are indeed the forging method of the Wulian crossbow. As long as you follow the drawings, you can forge the Wulian crossbow that is as sharp as the Northern Qi State. "

"So I promised, and the Beiqi messenger made a price, which was not a huge price, but a very reasonable one. I was overjoyed, so I agreed to complete the transaction three days later, handing over the money and handing over the drawings. On the night of the third day, something changed suddenly, and someone even sneaked into the North Qi Yiguan and stole the blueprints of the weapon that made the Wulian Crossbow! "

Speaking of which, Mo Chuan clenched his fist in his right hand and waved hard, his eyes showing hate.

"Weapon drawings were stolen?" Shen Ning's first reaction was: "Will it be the North Qi Messenger who guarded against theft?"

Mo Chuan said: "You listen to me to continue to say that this drawing has been stolen. The first thing I thought of was exactly the same as you. It must be the messenger of the North Qi, who guarded against theft, he hid the drawings, but kept the dirty water Splashed on our Xichu's head. But I learned what happened, and found that it was not as I expected. That night, the messenger of the Northern Qi and the people in the entire posthouse got a strange fascination. , Sleepy, but there is an exception, there is a bodyguard because of a stomachache, it is convenient to go when the sky is dawning, and he does not get the fragrance, when he comes out conveniently, he finds a black masked ghost Sneaky came out of the room of the North Qi messenger, he rushed forward, knocked the black masked man from the back, and then found that the entire post was unconscious, and he was shocked and rushed in. The room went to wake up the messenger. When the messenger woke up, he immediately checked the box where the drawings were stored and found that everything was intact. Only the drawings inside the box were missing. "

"In this way, the thief who has stolen the drawings has been caught. As long as the black masked man is searched, he can get the drawings?" Shen Ning said.

Mo Chuan shook his head again: "It's so strange that everyone here believes that the black-masked man is a thief, and indeed found a fan from him, but everyone turned over all his clothes. The drawings were not found all over. The messenger of the Northern Qi Dynasty severely tortured the masked man in black, but the mouth of the man was very tightly closed, and he did not utter a word. In the end, he took the poison and killed himself! "

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