Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1154: Suspicious person

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"Ah?" Shen Ning whispered, "And then?"

Mo Chuan frowned tightly, and said, "After the incident, the Beiqi messenger insisted that I sent someone to give them a scent, and then stolen the drawings, and let me hand over the drawings, otherwise it would never It ’s true that this thing happened in the post. If you ca n’t find the whereabouts of the drawings, I ca n’t explain the matter even if I cover my mouth. But the person who stole the drawings was caught by them on the spot, But he didn't have any drawings on his body, which is really amazing! "

Shen Ning pondered: "It's hard to guarantee that they didn't want to guard against self-theft. The thief called to catch the thief, so the doubts were laid out, otherwise how could the thief not find the stolen goods? Didn't he swallow the drawings into his stomach?

Mo Chuan said: "I also thought of this festival, but the messenger of the Northern Qi Dynasty opened his belly with a knife after the suicide of the man in black, and did not find a drawing, and the identity of the man in black is unknown. The only thing that can be determined is that he is indeed the Xichu people, so the messengers of the Northern Qi Dynasty will only bite the matter by Xichu. "

"Mochuan, there must be an envoy behind this incident, and the man in black is just a little **** who was used by others." Shen Ning said affirmatively, "He took the poison and committed suicide just to replace the envoy. The person conceals the truth. As soon as he dies, he wants to find the person whom the Lord made him.

"Yes, but even if you find the chief of this matter, can you find the drawings?" This is Mochuan's most worrying thing.

Shen Ning thought for a while: "How many people know that the messenger of the Northern Qi Dynasty wants to sell weapons drawings?"

Mo Chuan took a deep look at her and said, "Only Me and the Ministry of Defense Shang Shuli Zhixing know this. I am not very familiar with the drawing of the Wulian Crossbow. I once summoned Li Zhixing into the palace and showed him this drawing. He is proficient in it. After reading this drawing, he was very sure that the drawing was the forging drawing of the five-bolt crossbow. "

"So, the person who knows the value of this drawing the most is Li Zhixing?" Shen Ning thought deeply.

"He is really suspicious, but besides him, there is a suspicious person." Mo Chuan took a breath and said slowly.

"who is it?"

"According to the messenger of the Northern Qi Dynasty, he wanted to protect the drawings, lest there was anything wrong, so in the past three days, the door could not be closed, but on the next day, an unexpected visitor came to visit him. This person is ..." Mo Chuan said one by one: "Dingyuan King, Chu Shaoyang."

"Chu Shaoyang?" Shen Ning was taken aback and looked at Mo Chuan. "Why did he go to visit the Beiqi messenger? Did he and the Beiqi messenger know each other before?"

Mo Chuan slowly shook his head: "The messenger of the Northern Qi Dynasty said that he and Chu Shaoyang didn't know each other, but just heard that the other party's identity was King Dingyuan, and he was embarrassed to refuse the door. In the half daylight scene, he said nothing about the wind and moon, and then at noon, he had wanted to stay in Chu Shaoyang's meal, but Chu Shaoyang did not leave a meal, but left. I was wondering why the purpose of Chu Shaoyang's visit came, so when the drawings were stolen, the first person he suspected was Chu Shaoyang! "

Shen Ning bit his lower lip and said nothing.

If it were her, she would certainly regard Chu Shaoyang as the most suspected object.

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