Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1155: The ability to see through

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I never knew each other, visited the house, sat for half a day, and hurried away ...

This pile of pieces reveals unusual!

"What happened then?" Shen Ning looked up at Mo Chuan.

"Later, I sent troops to surround the post heavily, and no one was allowed to enter and leave at will. I still didn't believe that the drawing would fly away. The messenger of the Northern Qi Dynasty was aggressive and aggressive, forcing me to hand over the drawing. But the more he was like this, I The more I feel that this matter has something to do with him, it is most likely that he was the thief who called for the thief, but at the same time, both Li Zhixing and Chu Shaoyang were suspected of stealing the picture. "

Mo Chuan took a breath and said, raised his hand and rubbed his brow.

"Now I put Li Zhixing and Chu Shaoyang under house arrest, and questioned them rigorously, but neither of them admitted that the stolen drawings were related to them. Li Zhixing said that he was with his family that night, and his fifth room The concubine can testify for him, and Chu Shaoyang ... but refused to say where he was that night and what he did, so the person most suspected now is Chu Shaoyang! "

Shen Ning nodded and said, "Yes, indeed he is the most suspicious. How did he explain his visit to the North Qi Messenger?"

Mo Chuan said: "He said he didn't know any weapons drawings at all. He just heard that the North Qi sent an emissary and was bored in the house. He went to the North Qi messenger to talk about the Northern Qi's terroir and solve the boredom. This statement is simply There were so many flaws and there was no convincing power at all, but he had nothing to do with the stolen drawings. I sent people to search Li Zhixing and Chu Shaoyang's mansion separately, and found no clues about the drawings. This drawing was actually It disappeared out of thin air, and the person who stolen the drawings was still unable to determine which one of the two was responsible, or whether others were unknown. "

After he finished speaking, the frown that just spread was frowned again.

"Ning'er, you seem to have the ability to see through people's hearts. Whether the other person is lying or not, you can see it at a glance. This is the only thing you can help me, are you ... will you help me?"

He remembered that his eyes were sharp when he saw her for the first time, but he was blinded by the swindler who sold his father, but she punctured the swindler's scam without much effort.

It was for this reason that she attracted his attention.

The closer he gets to her, the more he finds that she has this strange ability. She has a lot of subtle thoughts hidden in her heart. Her eyes are like a perspective, so he can see him clearly.

So after this happened, the first thing he thought of was her.

It would be nice if she was there.

Shen Ning immediately understood Mo Chuan's meaning, and she nodded without hesitation.

"Of course I want, Mo Chuan. If someone lied, this person must be the emissary of the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Ministry of Defense Shang Shuli's trip, or one of Chu Shaoyang's three. The thing is to find the stolen drawings first! "

"Of course I want to find the drawings, but I have sent people to search the mansions of Chu Shaoyang and Li Zhixing, but this drawing has always been like a rock and the sea is missing, and the whereabouts are unknown. What I am most worried about now is that the thieves sent this drawing out of Kyoto, but that is also impossible, because when the drawing was found stolen, no one left the post at all, so this drawing is absolutely impossible to leave Kyoto. "

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