Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1167: Wicked words

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"National affairs are your responsibility. Your business is my business. If you can't share your worries, how can I be your wife?" Shen Ning smiled softly at him and said softly, "Trust me, I will find The answer. "

She slowly released his hand and walked towards the box.


It was here that the window of the cabin suddenly pushed open, and Chu Shaoyang's figure appeared in their sight.

"Since it's here, why are you still rubbing outside, Emperor, you are visiting at night, could it be that the broken paper was stolen? Well, I might as well tell the Emperor that Chu Shaoyang sent me to steal it As for the drawings, I have already burned them, and they are completely clean! "

Chu Shaoyang looked coldly at Mochuan outside the window.

With only one glance, his face changed suddenly, and he stared at Shen Ning in the yard in disbelief. His eyes were unbelievable.

"Ning'er? I seem to have seen Ning'er? Did I see it wrong? Ning'er, are you really? Did you ... come to see me?"

He rubbed his eyes and muttered to himself.

He was standing quietly in the room just now. There was no one else in his head, only one she!

But he didn't expect that he would actually see her, is this not a dream?

He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, staring at her intently.

Shen Ning nodded to him: "It's me."

She reached out and pushed the door open, and she walked in without hesitation, then turned and closed the door.

Chu Shaoyang suddenly felt a heart jump up and down, his mouth dry, his eyes shining, he fixedly looked at her slender and long back, his hands hanging on both sides of the body clenched into fists.

She is coming!

She really came!

"Emperor, your queen's mother came to see Weichen. Why didn't you stand outside the window and not come in and sit down?"

He suddenly turned his head, his eyes squinted, his eyebrows lightly, and he looked at Mochuan provocatively.

"Aren't you afraid that lonely men and widows will be alone in the room, and will some bad words come out?"

Mo Chuan looked at him coldly without saying a word.

His eyes were as sharp as ice, and Chu Shaoyang only felt a cold back, forced by his seductive momentum, and the sneer in the corner of his mouth froze in his face.

"If the emperor doesn't come in, then the little minister will have to say a few words to the empress queen alone."

Chu Shaoyang's robe flicked, a strong wind flew out, and the two long windows closed with a snap, blocking Mo Chuan's sight from the outside.

Mo Chuan gritted his teeth, staring at the two figures reflected on the window paper.

He has a deep internal force, and no matter what changes occur in the room, he can't escape his ears. He is always vigilant. If Chu Shaoyang dares to have any changes, he will rush in without hesitation.

"Weichen to the queen's mother ... please."

Chu Shaoyang's voice rang, he deliberately prolonged his tone, not a little humility in the tone, but a deep satire.

"Weichen hasn't been blessed to the Queen Mother, congratulations, you finally fly to the branches and become the Queen Mother. The feeling of being a Queen Mother is more powerful than Princess Dingyuan? Unfortunately, even if you did the Queen Mother, how can you Can you hide the mouth of the people in the world? Now who knows no one in the world, the queen ’s empress is the princess of Dingyuan in Chu Shaoyang! What if he Chu Mochuan is even the emperor? He has not picked me up. The shoes Yang wore, the woman I slept with in Chu Shaoyang! Haha, hahaha! "

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