Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1168: Never let him get

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Chu Shaoyang laughed proudly and arrogantly, with tears flowing out of his smile.

All the anger in his chest burst out at this moment.

"Chu Shaoyang! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I'm welcome to you!" Mo Chuan heard his eyes split, and wished to rush in immediately to choke Chu Shaoyang's throat and stop his crazy laugh.

"Haha, are you polite to me? When have you been polite to me? Emperor, I am your nephew, how have you treated me over the years? You took my throne, and you took me back Woman, what else do you want to take from me? You come and take it! What throne and what Jue Hsien, you take it all! I Chu Shaoyang is not rare! Even if you want to take my life, I Will not frown! "

Chu Shaoyang laughed like a crazy tiger hissing. He smiled while staring at Shen Ning.

Tears poured into his eyes unconsciously.

No, he has nothing!

Even the girl he had loved for eight years had become someone else's bride!

He thought his heart was dead, but when he saw her, the dead heart regained its vitality, and he jumped wildly in his chest, almost jumping out of it.

She was still the familiar face in his memory, her skin was as thick as fat, her eyes were picturesque, and her face was slightly haggard, but her eyes were still as clear as before.

After listening to his sarcastic insults, her face was still calm and calm, just staring at him silently with those clear water eyes.

Chu Shaoyang suddenly felt ashamed, and could not help but bowed her head under her eyes, and all the dirty insults were swallowed back into his stomach.

Knowing that she no longer has herself in her heart, knowing that she has become someone else ’s wife, he clearly hated her, but when he saw her, Chu Shaoyang found that he hated her a little bit. Can't get up.

He still loves her so deeply and deeply!

It's so sad!

Chu Shaoyang took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked at Shen Ning's gaze, his beautiful lips slightly raised, revealing a smile that was enough to reverse all sentient beings.

At this moment, he seemed to be the proud and proud Dingyuan King again.

"I should say a congratulations to you, right? Queen Mother." He smiled.

Shen Ning looked at him for a while, and noticed that his eyebrows were raised upwards, which was a friendly signal, and he no longer held her hostility towards her.

She just stared at him and didn't speak.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Is your poison completely solved?" Chu Shaoyang spoke again. His words were gentle and not aggressive.

It's like caring greetings from ordinary friends.

Shen Ning nodded slowly: "Thank you for the thousand-year-old snow ginseng."

Hearing the words "Millennium Snow Ginseng", Chu Shaoyang's eyes flashed a complex color, and his eyes became sharp again.

He did not forget the scene in that dungeon, nor did she forget that she was blooming like a flower under him.

If it was not Chu Shaobai who rescued her, she already belonged to him! No one can take her away again!

But destiny is always right against him, Chu Shaoyang, never letting him get what he longs for most!

Chu Shaoyang clenched his hands into fists again, raised his chin, and squinted her with the corner of his eyes, like a hedgehog with thorns all over his body.

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