Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1174: Find out the truth

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"Xiao Ru, go and prepare two sets of eunuchs' clothes, and leave the palace with me in a small suit." Shen Ning said.

Xiaoru's eyes widened in surprise, and then his face was full of excitement.

"Okay, Miss, the slave-servant will go immediately. Are you going to take the slave-servant out of the palace to play?"

She was as excited as a child. As soon as she heard that she was out of the palace, she immediately thought of the lively streets, those countless delicious and fun.

Shen Ning smiled and pinched her small round face.

"Taking you out of the palace to do the right thing, is not fun."

"Are you going to Zhang Tai Medical House? Great, the slave-servant can see Primary Four again. He ignored me yesterday. I have a lot to say to him." Xiao Ruxing rushed out.

Shen Ning's mouth showed a wry smile.

Another fourth!

This girl's mouth is full of primary four, does she really like primary four?

She and Xiaoru put on **** uniforms, took out the palace token, and left the palace easily, without attracting anyone's attention and suspicion.

After going out of the palace, she inquired passers-by about the residence of Li Zhixing, and took Xiaorujing to Lifu.

"On the order of the emperor, come to see Master Li."

Coming to Li Mansion, Shen Ningang raised his chest, took out a token, and shook it in front of Li Man's gatekeeper.

The goalkeeper saw Huang Cancan's token, and saw that she and Xiaoru were indeed eunuchs who came out of the palace. Why dare to be indifferent, ask them to wait a while, and quickly go in and report their actions.

Not long after Li Zhixing was put back in his house, he was resting. Hearing that the palace sent people to come and the Yuci token, he was startled and hurried out to greet him.

When he came to the door, he found that they were just two young eunuchs wearing ordinary **** costumes, not the common faces around the emperor. A heart hanging in his throat fell, but his face was still smiling, facing Shen. Ning and Xiaoru are arching hands.

"The two father-in-laws came to see this official at the command of the emperor?"

Shen Ning raised his eyes and looked at him.

Li Zhixing was wearing a Zhengpin fuchsia robe, more than 40 years old, with a dignified appearance, and three black strands of beard under his chin.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and they were also looking at Shen Ning, murmured in his heart.

The tall **** looked familiar, as if he had seen it before, but he couldn't remember it.

"Yes, the emperor sent us to ask Master Li." Shen Ningqi said with pride, handing the token in his hand to Li Zhixing.

Li Zhixing naturally recognized that this was a gift from the imperial concubine, and he quickly said: "Two kilometers away, please let Xiaguan serve tea."

He personally led Shen Ning and Xiao Ru to the living room, and then served fragrant tea. After sitting in the seat, he did not rush to ask questions, but looked at Shen Ning with a smile.

With his many years of experience as an official, Shen Ning was the one who ordered the preacher since he saw it early in the morning.

As for Xiaoru, she lowered her head from beginning to end, and walked behind Shen Ning. She seemed to be a little **** who had never walked out of the palace gate and shrank, but it did not cause any doubt at all.

"Master Li, are you Gui Geng this year?" Shen Ning sat down in a big way and took a sip of tea before slowly speaking.

Li Zhixing was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Shen Ning's first question to be this.

But he quickly regained his ease and replied:

"Xiaguan is forty three this year."

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