Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1175: Tigers go down the mountain

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"I heard that there are a lot of beautiful concubines in Master Li's mansion. May I ask how many concubines are married?" Shen Ning asked again.

"Well ... Xiaguan has 13 concubines." Li Zhixing replied cautiously.

He stunned for a moment, thinking that he was finally here.

Next, he thought that Shen Ning must let himself call out the concubine of the fifth house to testify that night, and he was ready to tell the caller.

Unexpectedly, Shen Ning took another sip of tea, and turned the topic off.

"The emperor said that Master Li had forged weapons before, so I would like to ask what kind of weapon Master Li is good at building? Is it a long sword, a short sword, a spear gun, a crossbow, or some strange weapons?"

Li Zhixing was stunned again. He thought for a while and said: "When Xiaguan was young, he had learned some forging skills with a blacksmith master, and it was absolutely impossible to talk about mastery. Utensils, like weapons, will only create relatively simple daggers. "

"So, Master Li will not build bows or arrows, or crossbows?" Shen Ning asked again.

When Li Zhixing heard the word "crossbow", his eyebrows moved slightly, his eyes turned involuntarily to the upper right corner, then he shook his head and said, "No, but after the emperor has received emperor's grace, he has given the heavy responsibility of The forging drawings of the eighteen soldier blades have been studied. Although they will not be built, they can understand the principle of forging. "

Although Shen Ning's words were gentle and she did not question harshly, Li Zhixing's heart was involuntarily nervous.

He answered more cautiously.

Shen Ning nodded and turned around in the living room. When he saw a picture of a tiger descending from the mountain, he stood up and walked to the picture to appreciate it.

Li Zhixing also followed and smiled, "Father likes this painting?"

Shen Ning said: "I am a humble person. Where do I understand the picture, but I saw this tiger's majestic painting, but quite a bit like the king of the beast. This painting is so lifelike, I think it is from the Danqing national teacher Hand. "

Li Zhixing's eyes were slightly smug, and he smiled: "My father-in-law has praised me, this painting is not a master's work, it's a graffiti work of the imperial court."

Although he said it was a "work of graffiti" on his mouth, he couldn't conceal the smug expression on his face.

Because Shen Ning's words boasted to his heart, although he served as a book of military department, but he painted good Danqing, most proud of this picture of the tiger down the mountain.

"Oh, it turns out that Master Li is both civil and military, and is disrespectful and disrespectful."

Shen Ning's adoring face turned to Li Zhixing repeatedly.

"Unexpectedly, Master Li knows how to forge weapons, and paints such a good hand. If the emperor learns that Master Li has such talent, he will certainly be very happy, maybe he will appreciate Master Li more."

The smile on Li Zhixing's face was deeper. He felt a red seal from his sleeve and quietly tucked it in Shen Ning's hand.

"Also invite the father-in-law to make a few words of praise for the lower officials in front of the emperor."

Shen Ning closed the red in his sleeve and said with a smile: "A few words of beauty? This is easy to tighten. Master Li must have important things, I will say goodbye first, the emperor is still waiting for me to return to the palace Resurrection. "

"Xiaguan sent two father-in-laws."

Li Zhixing respectfully sent Shen Ning and Xiaoru out of the house, and the eyes of the two had disappeared into sight, before slowly turning back to the house.

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