Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1186: With Yourong

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Shaobai, is he finally waking up?

Shen Ning only found it difficult to breathe, she burst into tears in her eyes and yelled softly, "Shao Bai!" Her voice choked.

Chu Shaobai's eyebrows slowly wrinkled, his face slightly painful, and he wanted to turn his head, but he couldn't move.

He opened his lips slightly and made a vague, painful whisper.

Seeing this situation, even if Shen Ning did not understand medical techniques, she knew that Chu Shaobai was about to wake up.

She was very happy and immediately wanted to call Gu Qingze.

But he turned around and found that Gu Qingze was looking up to the sky, with words in his eyes, knowing that he was thinking of a critical moment. If he interrupted his thinking at this time, he would probably give up his efforts.

"Xiao Ru, please go to Taizhang Zhang and say that Shaobai will wake up soon."

Shen Ning walked out of the room quickly, awakening Xiao Ru sitting in a daze sitting on the steps.

"Really?" Xiao Rumeng jumped up and shouted, "I'll go right away."

She quickly rushed into Zhang Taiyi's room.

"Zhang Taiyi, Zhang Taiyi, wake up quickly, my elder lady said, King Jing'an will wake up soon!"

Xiaoru shook Zhang Taiyi's shoulder hard and shouted loudly.

Zhang Taiyi slept in Zhengxiang, heard the words, and could n’t help raising his beard, he laughed and said, “This is an old man ’s dream? Seems like someone dreams that King Jing’an is awake, well, this dream is so good, the old man will continue Go on. "

He rolled over and continued to sleep.

Xiao Ru stomped his feet anxiously, grabbed his cocked beard, and shouted: "Mr. Zhang, you are not dreaming. It is King Jingan really waking up. My elder lady will let you go over and see immediately!"

"It hurts!" Zhang Taiyi only felt a sharp pain in his beard, and finally woke up from the dream. When he saw Xiaoru grabbing his beard, he was annoyed and said: "You little girl, why do you pull the beard of the old man while the old man is asleep?" , Do you know that the old man is just going to have this beard? If you pull off a few, you will have fewer, little girl, and next time you do n’t have to pull the old man ’s beard! "

Xiaoru threw out his tongue and smiled, "Why dare you pull your old man's beard again? It is King Jing'an who is about to wake up. My old lady invites you to come."

"Jing'an is about to wake up? So fast?"

Zhang Taiyi's eyebrows and beard moved greatly, and then he filled his face with joy, turned over from the bed, couldn't even wear shoes, and went straight to the room where Chu Shaofang was.

He came to the sick couch and saw Chu Shaobai's brows lying tight on his bed, his mouth twitching, some whispers, his expression pained, and he seemed to be struggling with something.

"Mr. Zhang, please look at it, Shao Bai ... Is he going to wake up?" Shen Ning's voice was full of joy. She covered her lips with her hands, and she was excited and excited, and her bright eyes were full. Tears.

Zhang Taiyi took a look at Chu Shaobai's pulse, smiled, and said to Shen Ning: "Yes, King Jing'an really seems to be waking up."

The joy he couldn't conceal was on his face. He couldn't even dream of it. He saved Chu Shaobai, who was still alive for more than ten days, but only a breath. It happened only one day and one night when the ancient magic doctor arrived Such a major improvement.

If Chu Shaobai can really wake up and regain his consciousness, this is a miracle he has never heard of in medical history!

And this miracle that could not have happened happened under his eyelids. Although he did not personally participate, he also assisted the ancient magician from the side and exerted a lot of energy.

He is also with Rong Yan!

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