Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Shen Ning's heart was even more excited and pounding, she stared at Chu Shaobai momentarily, silently meditating:

"Shaobai, God bless you, you must wake up, you must wake up!"

Zhang Taiyi was even more nervous. He kept checking the pulse for Chu Shaobai, and he was sweating constantly.

Xiao Ruze stood beside him with excitement, daring not to speak, let alone to ask.

But after a while, Chu Shaobai never opened his eyes, and his trembling eyelashes gradually calmed down, and he seemed to continue to fall asleep again.

"How could this be? He just woke up just now?"

Zhang Taiyi's face was full of disappointment, and a heart even mentioned his throat.

He knows that there are many patients who have been unconscious for many days. If there are signs of waking up, they will not succeed in waking up for the first time.

What he worried about was that this was also the case for Chu Shaobai.

"Zhang Taiyi, Shaobai ... what's wrong?" Shen Ning frowned, seeing Chu Shaobai's calm face, and felt faint.

Zhang Taiyi shook his head, not knowing whether to tell Shen Ning what he knew.

He was hesitating not knowing what to do, and suddenly heard a harsh voice behind him said:

"Why didn't you call me earlier and missed the easiest time for the patient to wake up!"

Gu Qingze strode over, pulled Zhang Taiyi aside, and put his finger on Chu Shaobai pulse.

"Shen girl, remember the prescription." Gu Qingze quickly let go of his hand, his face was still flat and smooth, making people see the depth.

Zhang Taiyi couldn't help but ask: "Ancient Divine Doctor, can King Jingan wake up?"

Gu Qingze gave him a white look and said angrily: "If the light stands there and exhales with two nostrils and does nothing, he won't wake up in his life!"

Zhang Taiyi's old face was blushed, but he didn't feel the guts of Gu Qingze at all. Instead, he was right.

I have been practicing medicine for decades. In this situation, I only know that I am standing in a daze, and I have not taken any rescue measures. In any case, I am not my own.

Gu Qingze quickly read a prescription, and Shen Ning took notes.

"Old man, quickly take out the decoction, and then send it over immediately, now I will help the patient with the needle, Shen Ya, you are watching carefully beside." Gu Qingze said.

Zhang Taiyi took the prescription from Shen Ning and immediately walked to the pharmacy next to it.

Although he was full of eagerness to stay and see Gu Qingze's acupuncture, because he could benefit him a lot, but he did not dare to violate Gu Qingze's instructions.

What's more, this decoction has nothing to do except for yourself.

Gu Qingze's recipes even decoctions are written in very detailed steps, which is very different from what he learned before. Zhang Taiyi knows that although he only stayed with Gu Qingze for two days and nights, he has already received many The benefits are not learned in his life.

He was very envious of Shen Ning. He had such good luck that he could be accepted as a disciple by Ancient God Doctor. He even lamented that he had been born for decades.

In the room, Gu Qingze began to apply needles to Chu Shaobai while telling Shen Ning the effect of each needle stabbing, the degree of force and the amount of meat penetration, and the method of applying needles was not secretly poured. To teach.

What he said is very detailed, but he only said it once, and will never repeat it.

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